
World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth | GameRVW

Showcase: Our showcases give you all the information you need about an upcoming game or expansion. This time, join your allies and champion your faction’s cause in Battle for Azeroth, the seventh expansion for the legendary World of Warcraft.


Was World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth that Bad?

Jacob S. from Link Cable Gaming writes: "When looking back on World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth and its two-year campaign, there are very few positives to be found on the surface. Its lackluster story, use of main characters and just an overall lack of enthusiasm had World of Warcraft’s seventh expansion be far more of a disappointment to most fans and it may very well go down as the worst entry to the franchise. While several points can be made to justify that recent statement, some good features came out of BFA that may have been overlooked which may help argue the fact that World of Warcraft’s latest expansion wasn’t a total bust."

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Fresh 120's Guide to Rep Farming

Norberto Fleites: An efficient guide for fresh 120's wanting to farm reputations for mounts, tabards, pets, gear, pathfinder, and allied races before Shadowlands hits live servers.

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