
How Microsoft Can "Steal" the Show at E3 2018


Every conference this year has some type of expectation heading into the LA Convention Center this June except for Microsoft. We could be getting a first look at Halo 6. Maybe, like I said before, Scalebound miraculously returns from the grave. Or maybe they mess it all up by announcing yet another version of the Xbox One.

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DarkVoyager2197d ago

“How Microsoft Can Steal the Show at E3 2018“

We hear the same thing ever E3. I’m positive Sony will win E3 as usual.

JaguarEvolved2197d ago

The only way is to record the whole show at e3 and actually steal the recording without asking permission to take it

Skull5212196d ago

Now is the time for the Steam App, e3 would be a perfect time to showcase it

morganfell2196d ago (Edited 2196d ago )

Exactly. No thinking, reasoning individual would allow MS to steal anything with a press conference. The intelligent person would force Redmond to actually deliver on their promises.

But PT Barnum's favorite people, the MS enablers, will be on game sites before Phil is through and they will be proclaiming the second coming of gaming.

When are gamers going to stop being sheep and wake up. You are hurting all of us. It doesn't matter what a company promises or shows, especially in a damn press conference. What matters is that which they actually deliver. Wake up..

mkis0072196d ago

skull...so now all ms games on Steam? that would bypass their store...

thenerdstash2197d ago

Like I said in the piece, Sony is stacked for sure (Hopefully we get a gameplay trailer at E3 for Death Stranding). I just thought Microsoft is the wild card and has a chance to shock some people

DarkVoyager2197d ago

“I just thought Microsoft is the wild card and has a chance to shock some people“

Haven’t they been the wild card since 2013?

I don’t care about 4K, timed exclusives, and backwards compatibility. They need to show new compelling games.

firelogic2197d ago (Edited 2197d ago )

They're doing an in-depth look at Death Stranding, Last of Us 2, Ghost of Tsushima, and Spider-man which means gameplay demos for sure. We've already seen Spidey in action but it'll be the first time we see the other 3. I think Sony wins E3 with those 3 first-looks by themselves.

trooper_2197d ago

They had their chance last year and the years before that. You can't be a wild card and not do anything praiseworthy or impressive.

FinalFantasyFanatic2196d ago

I really can't see how Microsoft would shock me at this point, they have almost nothing for me this late into the gen.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2196d ago
thenerdstash2197d ago

100% can't agree more with you on 4K, timed exclusives, and backwards compatibility. They've been using that as a featured aspect of their conference for years. They have to walk in there Sunday with AAA quality games

morganfell2196d ago

Actually they need to show up later with games that make it to store shelves. Otherwise its the same as usual. They will say and do anything - except be honest - in order to make a splash.

2197d ago Replies(9)
Godmars2902197d ago

Thought Devolver Digital won the last one?

Aceman182197d ago

They can show me games that I'm actually interesting in instead of the usual gears, forza, halo. Crackdown, fable will not be enough for me.

Show me something amazing MS

mkis0072196d ago

Lets see, this wouldn't steal it, but what if Kingdom hearts was fully released on xb1.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2195d ago
Rimeskeem2197d ago

Ill likely just take a shot every time I hear "native 4K" cause that will be the key phrase I assume

DarkVoyager2197d ago (Edited 2197d ago )

That and “Xbox One Launch Exclusive” over and over and over...

shinoff21832197d ago

I always thought that was funny

Launch exclusive lol

Chevalier2197d ago

Even better yet. Premier launch trailers!

showtimefolks2196d ago

What does launch exclusive mean though

FinalFantasyFanatic2196d ago

The words "launch exclusive" only became a thing this gen.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2196d ago
thenerdstash2197d ago

"Backwards Compatibility" is up there too

Gaming_Cousin2196d ago

Introducing, just for E3 THIRTY MORE BACKWARDS COMPAIBILITY TITLES FOR YOUR XBOX ONE! These amazing games will be at your disposal RIGHT! NOW!!

Lighter92197d ago

Let's not forget "World Premiere."

RpgSama2197d ago

The World Premiere exclusives are the best! Hahahaha.

Silly Mammo2196d ago

Yeah I hope Sony announces more of those. /s

KickSpinFilter2197d ago

You must have alcohol poisoning then if your doing the same thing on here!

trooper_2197d ago

-tosses a rose-

rip Rimeskeem.

Tazzy2196d ago

Native 4k but with older games for the original Xbox and Xbox 360 Microsoft is going to end up being the next SEGA.

rainslacker2196d ago

I hope they come up with some new term. Ms is good at coining new things.

Something like, "really true natural 4k multisourcing interleave technology". Which will of course be better than 4k, even though it's what devs are already doing.

2196d ago
+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2196d ago
ApocalypseShadow2197d ago

How does one come back from being totally dominated in hardware sales,software sales, market share, mindshare,award-winning-highly -rated games and an add on platform like vr by the competition? You don't. So, how does one steal the show?

Their current franchises haven't made a dent. Uncancelling scalebound won't even raise Sony's eyebrow. Adding MR to Xbox one x would be nice. But again, too late to matter. Play anywhere only gives reason not to buy or play on the main hardware. And, how many gamers really think developers want to give away a free pc version? Lol! Not likely without a fat check. And game pass? Just kills the trade in value of 1st party games in my opinion in favor of service fees to MS. Still trying to kill used games.

All MS can do is just slow the bleeding. The damage is done. Their strategy to screw gamers at launch destroyed most of their reputation. Their lack of investment in 1st party can't be spun. There's no comeback. They **HAD** to 180 or risk leaving the console industry. Not wanting to try to make a BR game is the same lack of risk taking MS is known for.

Even if they throw money around and announce they bought up companies to develop games,the fruit still won't bare until next Gen at the earliest. They are beaten this Gen. Going head to head against Sony at launch showed they have no clue how to beat a multi time market leader. No show stealing will happen. Too many self inflicted wounds.

thenerdstash2197d ago

Scalebound is mainly used here as an example for new IPs for the company. I, like many Xbox players, love Gears and Halo but there is only so many times I can spend $60 on those franchises.

Totally disagree with you on the "Not Wanting to try to make a BR game is the same lack of risk taking MS is known for". Even though the genre is thriving now, the whole thing can implode at any second due to copycat games, law-suits, lack of "innovation" in the genre, etc. Look at the fan uproar on CoD and Radical Heights.

Microsoft shouldn't just develop one just because everyone else is. Totally agree with your point that their current first-party franchises haven't come close to the other platforms though.

Godmars2902197d ago

Given that we're only talking about E3, realistically, all they have to do is make a major announcement with concept trailers and footage. That's how they took one E3 with Kinect, and again when introducing cloud distribution. They don't actually have to deliver anything, just generate hype.

What do or could they do the genuinely to turn things around? Announce a AAA title, show live footage on stage, announcing availability that day. Announce other titles with specific release dates.

Less seriously, announce they're dropping physical consoles and going 3rd party, walking out on Sony's stage to show off Halo and Gears on the PS4.

rainslacker2196d ago

I dunno. I think a lot of people are beyond being patient with me. Spencer had already indicated it'll take time, and that only settled well with the x box devout.

However, given the current climate, I wouldn't be surprised if they backpeddle on announcing games close to release.

morganfell2196d ago

This what I was stating above. They do not have to deliver, just show something flashy and their acolytes will.do the rest.

And Rain, they will backpeddle discreetly. They'll announce games with dates they already know they can't hit but they will do so to make a splash at E3. The unthinking supporters will be running up and down every forum telling gamers how MS kept all these super secret projects with mystery Dev teams under wraps.

Then later with no trade show around things are quietly delayed while Phil tells everyone he was just there with the team and had a blast playing the latest build. And again the xboxers will fawn and cheer.

shinoff21832197d ago

That's how they got even close to sony last gen was by releasing way before them. PS3 at 600 surely didn't help

KickSpinFilter2197d ago

Plus RROD also added to the numbers.

FinalFantasyFanatic2196d ago

The ps3 made quite a few mistakes, pricing, the cell processor... It really gave the edge to Microsoft that gen.

MuddyWaters2197d ago (Edited 2197d ago )

This is about this years E3, not your PTSD. They still hold your interest otherwise you would not be talking about them so much.

All they need to do is announce some major titles and hope Sony is just going to show already announced games and have Nintendo not have any big surprises. That's it, not too complicated. Sony never stole the show last year and neither did Microsoft, so it's entirely possible Microsoft can if you can see the shows with an open mind.

FinalFantasyFanatic2196d ago

Everyone did terriblely last E3, I'd still be shocked if Microsoft did anything worthwhile this E3, we can already make a good guess about Sony and to a lesser extent Nintendo.

2197d ago Replies(7)
Tazzy2196d ago

Nintendo did it but they have exclusives to help them out Microsoft they have the exclusives but they're not great exclusives Nintendo and Sony have the exclusive power.

rainslacker2196d ago

Ms isn't trying to win this gen anymore. They're trying to save face long enough until they can announce their next console and distract people from their software line up like they did with the x1x.

They'll have a couple big games for the launch, and possibly adopt a cross gen paradigm built into the mid gen model, making it like they still.care about the x1. But ms being who they are will likely drop the older hardware after a year.

If be surprised if they even have any more big aaa games other than forza this gen, given that they said all their 1st party games will be on game pass.

MuddyWaters2196d ago

"If be surprised if they even have any more big aaa games other than forza this gen, given that they said all their 1st party games will be on game pass."

The next Halo is coming this generation and there will be more AAA games as well. I understand it's the cool thing to do and crap all over anything they do or say but to suggest they only have smaller games in the pipe like State of Decay 2 until the next Xbox is ridiculous. What kind of community do we have here that actually believes this nonsense? There won't be another Xbox for likely at least 2 more years and to Microsoft the typical generation as we know it is changing, so it's not like they need to hold games back for 2 or 3 years so they can save it for Xbox Two or whatever terrible name they give it.

Z5012196d ago

Crazy when you think about it.
They tried to screw gamers at launch. Barely any 1st party aaa exclusives. Currently.
Why would/should anyone support a company who does that?

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2194d ago
ArchangelMike2197d ago

Even if. Even if Ms somehow work a miracle and win E3, they've still lost this gen. They need to start building 1st party studios, like - yesterday. Even if they announce new 1st party studios, the games won't be ready until next gen. But here's the thing, MS are going full blown GAAS. That's what you'll see at E3, and it won't win them anything.

thenerdstash2197d ago

If the service included better first party IP's would it be worth it in your opinion? Just curious. I have Game Pass and personally, think it's been worth the price so far

ArchangelMike2197d ago

Well that's great for you, enjoy your games. I have no issues if you think you're getting value for money. The issue here is if Ms can "steal the show at E3". I'm curious to know if you think then they can, and especially if you think GAAS will win them E3 - even if they throw in single player games into the mix

KickSpinFilter2197d ago

"Xbox fans can easily play this game for $10 on Xbox GamePass or buy it for $30 it's no fuss or big deal"
Quote from DA-ROOSTER (a very "hardcore" XB1 fanboy)

Exactly what MS wanted from Xbox gamers "no fuss or big deal It's only $30 or $10!"

It's exactly what I fear about Game Pass just lowers gamers expectations about the games they are getting, and will this spread across whole industry. As a gamer it seems like a really great deal. As for what it does to the industry? Could be terrible.

thenerdstash2197d ago

I was just curious on your thoughts man. No worries. Yeah, I think that it is possible but if they start talking about "Native 4K", new consoles, or the Kinect 3.0 then they have no shot to walk out of E3 looking good.

Sony is stacked without any surprises in their conference (and there will be a few for sure). Ubisoft has Beyond Good & Evil 2 and AC: Odyssey. Nintendo has Smash Bros. which will always be a win. EA has Battlefield V and Anthem. We have no idea what Square Enix is going to be doing there but Tomb Raider is a lock to be featured.

Microsoft has little to no confirmations heading into E3. I think the game pass service can definitely be accepted by gamers if they had more high-quality titles available for it.

ArchangelMike2197d ago

The problem I have is that I really don't think GAAS is consumer friendly in the long run. I could be wrong, but already the lack of AAA exclusives and the lack of single player games generally, seem to be the fruit of GAAs. That will only get worse whereby the only type of games that really work for GAAS are multiplayer, microtransaction and DLC heavy games. That's why MS are pushing this fake narrative that downplays singleplayer games - even though Sony and Nintendo are demonstrating the success of single player games. They want the gamer to believe that GAAS is a good thing, when in reality it's a way to lock the gamer into a perpetual money sink without them even owning the content.

thenerdstash2197d ago

You may be right that game pass may not be consumer friendly in the long run. It really depends on the content inside it. If we keep getting duds like Sea of Thieves then it'll definitely fail but if they can put out some new, quality IPs for game pass along with Halo 6, Gears 5, etc. they should be fine

Disagree about MS pushing a fake narrative that downplays single player though. In my opinion, MS is attempting to be more multiplayer heavy due to Sony and Nintendo's success with these single player games.

FinalFantasyFanatic2196d ago

I don't really care for Square-Enix, they've been mostly a disappointment for me the last decade plus, at least I got World Of Final Fantasy.

ArchangelMike2197d ago

Games as a Service, i.e. your online only multiplayer games that offer you paid content updates over a period of time. Microsoft want to be the Netflix of gaming, but I'm not convinced that the way gamers consume games is the same way as people consume movies.

Jinger2197d ago (Edited 2197d ago )


What about all these super successful MP games that people buy battle passes, seasons, DLC, MT packs etc etc.

Just take a look at the majority of the most popular games right now. Hell, look at the PC market with paid subscriptions to MMO's. Gamers will absolutely accept GaaS if the game is compelling and fun and there is enough content released to make it worth buying the new packs and content.

dumahim2196d ago

"What about all these super successful MP games that people buy battle passes, seasons, DLC, MT packs etc etc."

That's all well and good, and there's certainly money to be made there, but there's a limit to how many of these kinds of games can be supported. A few will thrive and many are going to crash and burn hard. MS seems to want to go all in on this, even to the point of excluding the traditional game model that has worked for decades and seems to be working well for Sony and Nintendo.

shinoff21832194d ago

I got down voted fir asking a question?
Thanks arch for answering

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2194d ago
Jinger2197d ago

"The problem I have is that I really don't think GAAS is consumer friendly in the long run. I could be wrong, but already the lack of AAA exclusives and the lack of single player games generally, seem to be the fruit of GAAs. That will only get worse whereby the only type of games that really work for GAAS are multiplayer."

You know that all MS games will be on GamePass as well, right? I wouldn't really call SoD2, Ori 2, Halo, Gears, Forza, Crackdown 3 GaaS titles. Just because they have a MP mode, doesn't mean that it is GaaS. All those games I listed have SP modes.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2194d ago
Godmars2902197d ago

Kind of funny how so much is repeatedly put on E3 when it really has little to no substance. A new game shown could take years, a decade, to come out or be canceled as soon or even before everything is over.

Z5012196d ago

If people don't think that statement is true. Let me point you towards MILO & Cirque Du Soleil

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