
New Star Wars Battlefront II Scandal: Poor Spelling

The English language claims another victim

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XiNatsuDragnel2395d ago

Dang battlefront 2 is a incomplete mess

Felsager2393d ago

XiNatsu, I'm glad that everybody took action singling out EA for their ill intentions and mishaps.

A possible great game got sunk on incompleteness and greed thanks to EA. EA tarnished DICE's reputation forever. Guess what will happen? They will probably close DICE's studio when they where the ones responsible for this debacle.

Shadow0fTheDog2393d ago (Edited 2393d ago )

Unfortunately it is also not a great game

Sgt_Slaughter2393d ago

Slightly related to this, you can bet they will stop doing early access pre-order bonuses because that absolutely killed the game. The outrage would have still occurred, but sales wouldn't have for a few days/weeks.

Tedakin2393d ago

OH yeah totally. If they hadn't put out that 80 dollar deluxe edition several days early, etc... people would have gone in blind. That won't happen again.

AnubisG2393d ago

Probably not, but people will never buy EA games on day 1 again. At least people who know about this BS EA created here. Everyone will wait and see what's going on in their games before buying.

I myself from now on will not buy games from EA, Ubisoft and Activision on day 1 ever again. I will wait until games from these publishers hit $20 or less.

meatnormous2393d ago

It killed andromeda as well.

Retard2393d ago

Absolutely salty about that.

ME:A; creative design mission task -
“How do we destroy miles of original content and shove pointless identity politics everywhere?”

Knightofelemia2393d ago (Edited 2393d ago )

I can understand other languages translated to English but wow. I wonder which game has had a shiitier launch Battlefront 2 or Mass Effect Andromeda. Either way EA buggered up and Disney should scrap the license with EA bypass Activision and give it to a developer like Capcom, SuckePunch, Sega, SquareEnix or even Naughty Dog hell Koei Tecmo all these developer can do better then making a trainwreck like EA.

TheColbertinator2393d ago

Mass Effect Andromeda easily since its a gaming franchise first unlike Star Wars which is based on the movies.

The Mass Effect franchise has gone dark and might not return after Andromeda

BenjaMan642393d ago

BF2 doesn't have as many problems as MEA did. I've played the game daily since tuesday, and so far I've not gotten glitches, multiplayer is fine, I've had just one single disconnect. Teamwork and coordination in my experience is more important than Star Cards when it comes to winning matches.

2393d ago
KickSpinFilter2392d ago (Edited 2392d ago )

Capcom!!!! LOL What... your looking for more of a mess!

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2392d ago
pingthing2393d ago

Poor Battlefront, will somebody please just take it out back and shoot it.

Chaosdreams2393d ago

For all the money they have you'd think the least they could do is ensure a few lines of grammar were done correctly.

Goldeneye0072393d ago

That's actually spelling, not grammar, but yes... you're right. Someone definitely dropped the ball on this one lol.

Chaosdreams2392d ago

Lol I knew I used the wrong word. Thank you though.

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anast177d ago

Game companies are not mature enough to handle this concept without turning it into a casino.

shadowknight203177d ago

The remakes of battlefront should have been more simular to the originals. CoD/battlefield reskinned as Star Wars was not the anwser.


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mastershredder221d ago

Remembering or celebrating? It's Halloween yo, that's what people are celebrating.

franwex219d ago

The first game was really fun. I remember being disappointed with this one when it first released.

I went back last month actually, and had more fun than when released-but I still think the first one is superior. Do like the soundtrack!

ThichQuangDuck481d ago

To think of all the characters we have been asked to kill since No Russian

480d ago