
Microsoft are in danger of becoming the friend that no one really likes

Sean @ FG: Microsoft and Xbox need to reign in their PR spin before they become the friend that no on really likes…

Every friend group has one. It’s that asshole friend who nobody really likes but still gets to hang around with you because everyone is too polite to tell them to jump off a cliff. They lie to try to impress you, they do dumb things that inconvenience everyone and they criticize others to make themselves look better. If you don’t think your friend group has one of these, you’re probably the friend.

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XiNatsuDragnel2534d ago (Edited 2534d ago )

Wow article that Basically sums up their management.

Death2534d ago

The article basically sums up your opinion of their management. I can easily substitute Ryan for Spencer and make an equally compelling case against Sony. It really depends on what you want to see.

4Sh0w2534d ago (Edited 2534d ago )


Why do most of your comments seem as if you read the headline and agree without any sort of free thinking or original opinion of your own?

Headline: "The Sky is falling"
XiNatsuDragnel: "The end is finally here"
Me: "Did you bother to look outside?...pffft, nevermind, that would require you to think for yourself."

OT, Microsoft has problems but the author is being overdramatic for hits. Phil is working hard for Xbox fans, of course he's a target of ps fanboys, thats par for the course.....nothing to see here.

-Foxtrot2534d ago


Phil makes his mouth go non stop for years bigging things up, failing to deliver and the like

Jim Ryan opens his fat mouth around gaming events such as E3 says some shit in the poorest way possible and suddenly they are exactly the same

No comparison...seriously

Death2534d ago


I wouldn't say they are the same way, I like Phil more. Ryan isn't a gamer, he's a finance guy for Sony. Ryan's opinions make this very clear. Phil is a gamer and has been part of Xbox in different capacities from the beginning. Phils mouth is supposed to be moving, he's literally in charge of Xbox. I would rather he participate and communicate with gamers than hide behind a desk and make the occasional out of touch comment about gaming.

Maybe it's me, but I could see sitting down and having a beer with Phil and talk about gaming since I'm sure after a hard day at work that's what he would want to do. I imagine Ryan would be more a gin and tonic guy that would rather talk about stocks and finance.

freshslicepizza2534d ago (Edited 2534d ago )

The whole E3 I agree with, Phil standing on stage with all this exclusivity mixed messaging. They are now also backtracking on what true 4K is. I will give the author that but for them to single out Minecraft as the reason Sony said no is poor journalism. This predates long before that with Nintendo of all companies willing to play with others and Sony giving a big cold shoulder then too. Nintendo just told the world, hey if people want to play together what's the problem? How does Sony control anything on the PC and manage those complaints? The PC is the least secure of them all but Sony is ok with that platform.

This whole generation is about making as much revenue as possible. Remove BC, remove the ability to play CD's so no PS1 game support either or listening to music. Push Playstation Now instead, then charge for online multiplayer and block EA Access in the process. Everything they have done is designed to keep people on Playstation while locking the door from others trying to get in. Can you blame them when they alsmost went bankrupt. Nintendo just surpassed Sony for capital worth as a company. Nintendo is worth more than Sony!

Sony has a history of creating very loyal fans who will fight for them all the way. It's sad really going from consumer to fanatic. What's funny is Microsoft used to be real assholes and now they have taken pages from Sony's playbook while it is Sony now being the dictator signing exclusive deals and not wanting to play with anyone.

JasonKCK2534d ago

4Sh0w because that's what XiNatsuDragnel actually does. He/she admitted it a while back.

ninsigma2534d ago

Agreed on Ryan but that's one person while everyone at MS talks BS. It's clear as day they're going out out their way to be deceiving to those who easily fall for such things.

_-EDMIX-_2534d ago

@4Show- well agreed and jason is correct, they stated a while back that they do that.

"Microsoft has problems but the author is being overdramatic for hits" Agreed.

"Phil is working hard for Xbox fans,"

I don't know if I can say all that. Phil is working hard for MS, they sign his checks. What ever is going on at MS, its clear they are not allowing certain things done, ie the making of AAA new IPs. We've seen least from MS now in that area then we ever have in the last 2 generations.

XB was all new IPs from them clearly being the first,

360, They may have lost Mass Effect, but MS still funded and invested in a new IP, Gears Of War too, they didn't own that IP at the time, but still invested in it, it shows intent.

I saw that with Scalebound, but with it getting canned, they went from very little, to very few, bringing games to PC went from some exclusives, to no more exclusives. Basically reasons to own a XONE have been shrinking every single year.

I think MS can do fine as they still have 3rd party support and they'll still make the classic Halo, Forza, Gears connection, but its clear that going PC, closing studios, cancelling games has deeply effected their brand in regards to XB.

It makes buying an XB very questionable to most gamers. I don't its as bad as the author states.

I'm not even sure I'd say some of those are "lies" 4K is a resolution, how you get to that resolution is a different story. I wouldn't really say that is a "lie".

The promises, I also can't say is a "lie", consider if things go bad with Phantom Dust, Fable 4, Fable Legends, Scalebound etc, they didn't plan it, but had to take action, maybe it was funding issues, they didn't like the direction, they wanted to focus on more MP, Co-op etc who knows, but what ever happened, I don't think they planned it from the start of those games development.

So I get it sucks, but I can't say its based on a "lie"

They have their terms in terms of "console exclusive" or what ever, but they are still a company lol

I don't like that they kept using those terms to mislead, but considering their situation, I get it.

Phill-Spencer2533d ago (Edited 2533d ago )

Lol @ moldy

"Sony has a history of creating very loyal fans who will fight for them all the way. It's sad really going from consumer to fanatic"

Isn't it more like ms has these fans with them but at a even more alarming rate?

Those who still clinched on to x1 even after the terrible past 3+ years. That shows really deep, deep loyalty
And also accepting and praising everthing phil says and does with the xbox brand, screams of loyalty. (Only multiplatform games, bc more important than new games, hardware more important than software)

Nightmar3Demom2533d ago

Ah, and there it is, the false equivalency argument

jrshankill2533d ago

@ -Foxtrot

Most folks just skip your comments now as you're a proven fanboy. When I see tails, I know its fails

CoinOrc2533d ago

How do you he is a gamer? Because he says he is? I don't really care whether or not he is a "gamer". I care about what he does, and so far, he hasn't delivered on his promises.

Goldby2533d ago

"Everything they have done is designed to keep people on Playstation while locking the door from others trying to get in"
They are still selling ps4s so i don't know what you are talking about. wanna play with ps4 players, either get a ps4 or hope the game is cross play on PC.

"Can you blame them when they alsmost went bankrupt"
They didn't go bankrupt or nearly due to their gaming division. it was other products that they were creating that weren't selling. Hence why they sold off their computer division and no focus mainly on audio equiipment and cell phones through Sony and Playstation and its related products and service through SIE.

" Nintendo is worth more than Sony! "
and SIe is wirth more value than the xbox game division so what?

"What's funny is Microsoft used to be real assholes and now they have taken pages from Sony's playbook while it is Sony now being the dictator signing exclusive deals and not wanting to play with anyone."

no talk about your timed launch exclsuives? thats a shame moldy i thought you would have grown a spine and repeated what you did in a PM to me out in public.

yomfweeee2533d ago

Please compare Ryan to Spencer, I'll be waiting.

Spencer and Microsoft have consistently lied and blown smoke up our asses for years. Ryan says something we don't like about Sony's stance on cross-play.

How does that even begin to compare?

1Victor2533d ago

@ death that would be a interesting short read as long as it's based on reality

rainslacker2533d ago (Edited 2533d ago )

Ryan make a couple comments over the past few weeks which basically state that Sony isn't interested in something and you compare him to Spencer who has something to say almost every week and constantly back tracks on what he says because he only says what people want to hear for PR purposes rather than stating a position for the company?

Seems fair I guess.

As far as Phil being a gamer....so what? I know a lot of gamers who I consider a**hole friends that no one really likes. Ryan I have no feelings for whatsoever, because he is just a marketing guy who dispenses information where appropriate. Sometimes that information I don't like, and sometimes that information isn't said very well, but at least he's stating a position for Sony and not rambling on in every direction in an effort to make us like him and seem like one of us.

sampson31212533d ago (Edited 2533d ago )

" I can easily substitute Ryan for Spencer and make an equally compelling case against Sony."

ok, let's hear it

S2Killinit2533d ago

Its right on. That's exactely the vibe you get whenever MS opens its mouth. Its like they literally think you are an idiot.

XanderZane2533d ago

Pretty much. Ryan is a dick. Reminds me of Trenton. Only one I like at Sony is Yoshida. Ryan's explanation on why they don't want cross-play with Microsoft, Switch & PC was just lame.

I agree that Phil probably needs to stay off of social media for awhile and become quiet like Yoshida. Let Major Nelson talk and make a fool of himself for a little while. Phil really doesn't need to say much unless some major is about to happen. I know he likes speaking to the developers and doing interviews, but he should reign some of that in until the Fall.

I'll be interested to see with this guy has to say about Sony. He said he would do an article about them next.

joab7772533d ago

Maybe before you could. I liked Phil, but lately his comments have really worried me. It's as if MS has a vision and wants to take us somewhere we don't wanna go yet. I just don't understand why companies can't understand a simple edict. Software drives console sales! And while mp games and micros make a lot of money, often more than sp games, it is sp games that entice ppl to spend $400 in a console.

Right now, excluding PC, which is arguably the best platform to play on, Sony is doing what we want. They have been investing in games since the beginning of the generation. They ARE the must own console because of the simple numver of games that cannot be played elsewhere. MS will have a power advantage, but at what cost? It would be a no trainer if they also had 6-10 major AAA exclusive IPs. We would have to own both. As of now, it seems that Nintendo, despite selling a console on its previous consoles promises, is the clear 2nd console to own! Why? Because of its sp AAA games, that can't be played elsewhere.

It's a simple premises that MS perfected last gen...Well, until someone decides that Netflix was more important than games!

Skull5212533d ago

People are just salty because they're following the increase in power to its logical conclusion

PS4: 1.8TF
PS4 Pro: 4.2TF (2.3x increase)
PS5: 9.8TF (2.3x)

Xbox One: 1.3TF
XBOX: 6TF (4.6x increase)
XBox Next Gen: 27.6TF (4.6x)

The Sony fanboys are clearly seeing Sony going more in the direction of Nintendo and not caring about power anymore, and thus we end up with articles like this to bash Microsoft.

Realms2533d ago (Edited 2533d ago )

@Death and Moldy

Actions speak louder than words MS has made terrible decisions and mistakes again and again, and while they have corrected some it still doesn't change that their initial vision was garbage. Sony isn't perfect but they are industry leaders because they give gamers what they want GAMES. I find it utterly amazing how you two only see what you want to see as well. MS closed studios, MS canceled games, MS promised true 4K, that's their problem right there always promising the moon only to come up short. What vision did they have for the OG xbox one? Is that what gamers wanted? MS released a weaker system and over priced it to sell Kinect only to drop it, then said we know let's give them 4K UHD which gamers weren't asking for with the xbox S and yet again said you know what let's sell them on true 4K which we know now is BS. Without ever addressing the elephant is the room a more diverse GAMES library!! I do prefer PS but if MS made a compelling argument with their game line up me and many like me would consider buying an xbox as it stands MS is doing the same BS PR they have always done all while offering less variety and that's the reason they are losing.

2533d ago
its_JEFF2533d ago

TBH Ryan's only been saying dumb sh*t recently, he seemed fine up until this year. IDK maybe he's getting older and his filter is running thin? This opinion is on Ryan, only... Not Phil, wouldn't want to catch sh*t for saying anything bad about the guy.

Also, you don't know if Ryan is a gamer. You're judging him based on his title and the way he looks? What just cause he doesn't wear gaming t-shirts and spit PR statements at you? Don't get it twisted, these are President/Managers of corporations. They are in it for the money, they do as thy are told. You've never worked for Phil, Ryan, or even Shuhei... you don't really know what they're like. You see their public persona.

IGiveHugs2NakedWomen2533d ago

Microsoft's problem in a few words; Too much double talk and spin, not enough high quality exclusives.

+ Show (22) more repliesLast reply 2533d ago
Kribwalker2534d ago

What's funny is it seems Nintendo and Xbox are becoming great friends, based off of the cross play ability between the two, it seems PlayStation is the friend that's not joining the party

freshslicepizza2534d ago


One again Jim Sterling gets it. (starts at 3:08)

Eonjay2533d ago

It's not really that extreme. Remember they are all just companies.


The confusion is Sony talks crap behind everyone's back but reality is no one likes Sony amd think they're arrogant aholes whilst MS and Nintendo have had that step brother moment and realized they're best friends!

mochachino2533d ago (Edited 2533d ago )

In competition, people always gang up against the dominant person if you can't join them. It's a basic survival tactic.

rainslacker2533d ago

Has Nintendo really ever been contentious with any competition in the past 15 years? Since the PS2 days I think they just went and did their own thing.

I wouldn't say they're great friends yet. One feature doesn't really mean that. But I doubt any of these companies hold any animosity towards the other.

indysurfn2533d ago

PS4 Pro, and SWITCH for me are the top systems (yeah I own xbox one). People forgot that when Microsoft was in the lead back in the 360 days they refused cross play. Why? Because they was in the lead(in the USA) and it would help the competition! Now that they are behind again they want cross play. And Sony is returning the favore to Microsoft. Microsoft is NOT closer to Nintendo then Sony is.

sampson31212533d ago

sony's party is the biggest in town. why would they need to join other more smaller parties"

S2Killinit2533d ago

You mean MS paid Nintendo to share their instal base so xbox multiplayer games wouldnt be devoid of players.

IGiveHugs2NakedWomen2532d ago (Edited 2532d ago )

You must be one of these folks who actually believes that these companies are on your side...

You and others, such as Moldy and Death, refuse to accept the reality of this situation;

Microsoft, Nintendo, and Sony only see you as a dollar sign.

I have no idea why Xbox fans are trying so hard to save face, while trying to defend and justify the decisions Phil Spencer and Microsoft have made over the last 3.5 years.

If you still think Microsoft is on your side and they are the good guys, think back to E3 and how they intentionally and repeatedly tried to mislead people buy announcing timed exclusives as "EXCLUSIVE."

Gullible until the very end.

Kribwalker2532d ago

Well that was a reach. I've stated multiple times before that all these companies care about is profits. Pulling all of that out of a simple statement is stretching pretty far

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2532d ago
mark_parch2534d ago

yep i can see why people would hate microsoft after giving xbox owners the chance to use ea access, giving xbox owners the chance to use the game preview program, letting gamers get both xbox and pc versions of a game for the price of one, letting xbox players play with other platforms, letting xbox owners play there old 360 and og xbox games for free. they are so evil

Condemnedman2533d ago

truth. these articles are appearing now because of the launch of the X and the fanboys can't stand that there will be better versions of games on a console they don't own.

CoinOrc2533d ago

Those are good features but none of those features you mention involve making more games. At the end of the day, features are good but you need compelling games to sell your console.

EatCrow2533d ago


But it doesnt automatically turn them into assholes how does it. In fact you can argue the opposite is true. Even their exclusives are being spread to PC therefore allowing others more access to them.

Nothing asshole about that.

rainslacker2533d ago

I'm all for the features being added and what not. But the a**hole friend part comes from their attitudes towards the competition, and the way they market their system by just saying what they think people want to hear, sometimes without any actual implementation, or their penchant for changing their stance on things down the line.

However, at this point, I don't think MS is in danger of becoming that kind of friend. As it is, people either like them, hate them, or don't care either way. They're becoming more annoying as they seem almost desperate for attention at times, but they have a console to market, so it's just a matter of focusing more on what they can deliver, and not worrying so much about trying to seem better than everyone else as if they're constantly trying to validate their own reason for being part of the group.....to extend the analogy of the article title at least.

Scatpants2533d ago

I don't hate them I just feel they don't make enough games and I already have 2 machines that play multiplats.

mark_parch2533d ago

@CoinOrc The point I'm trying to make is sony doesn't offer any of those free features but I don't see any articles calling sony an asshole friend. With regards to games the first half of this year has been very disappointing for xbox but there are plenty of great games on the horizon like motorsport 7, ori and the will of the wisp, state of decay 2, sea of thieves, cuphead and some great timed exclusives like player unknowns battlegrounds, below, ashen and the last night to name a few. I'm not saying ps4 is bad I have a ps4 pro which I also really enjoy but all this hate towards xbox has to stop

Rippcity2533d ago (Edited 2533d ago )

Yep Xbox is the devil for doling out features left and right, oh and to top it off they are all FREE! I'm not going to try and sugarcoat the fact that MS exclusives are dwindling but these Sony kids are acting like there are literally 0 games on the Xbox. Horizon, Persona and Bloodborne are the only exclusive titles I've played on my PS4, while on my Xbox I've played Halo 5, Sunset Overdrive and Forza Horizon 2. No more and no less for each system. Not all exclusives appeal to everyone. Each system has a decent amount of games. Xbox is the one giving us free features for nothing. I mean shit Sony still refuses to give Psp owners the ability to use it as a mirrored screen to use a Ds4 with (yes I know there is a workaround). Sony has done nothing but hold features back for their supporters while Xbox is handing them out like hotcakes.

indysurfn2533d ago (Edited 2533d ago )

I can see why people hate Microsoft seeing how they tried to stop people from trading in their own games. (which Microsoft is actually doing in CHINA to this very day)

I can see why people hate Micorosft seeing how they tried to limit people to sharing their game a maximum of10 times and pass it off as better then infinite (which Microsoft is doing right now in CHINA).

I can see why people hate Microsoft seeing how they tried to make people sign in 24 hours just to play a game offline(which, you guessed it, they are doing RIGHT NOW in CHINA).

Their fixed it for you.

indysurfn2533d ago (Edited 2533d ago )

I can see why people hate microsoft after they got us to buy a xbox one while promising 1st party exclusives.
Only to make their top exclusives on a system they already owned. I gaming PC!

I can see why people hate Microsoft seeing how they are saying stand alone hard core games not their future.

I can see why people hate Microsoft seeing how they are promoting DLC, and Micro transactions as also the future.

Their fixed it again for you.

CoinOrc2533d ago

Then why do I care whether or not they are "assholes"? If you make good quality games and sell them at a reasonable price, then I am going to buy them. I don't really care what they say to some interviewer about backwards compatibility or cross play. Judging by sales, most people don't either. The only thing I care about is games, not what some PR person said in some interview.

CoinOrc2533d ago

I've seen plenty of articles criticizing sony's stance on backwards compatibility and cross play so the hate goes both ways. Why should criticism towards Microsoft "need to stop"? I haven't turned on my Xbox One since I played quantum break last year. I will stop criticizing them when they pump out games of the same quality and quantity as the competition.

Mbofa6om2533d ago

Hey dude don't blame them. They still can play ps3 ans ps2 games via ps now and/or remasters on their own ps4. But they have to pay, they like to pay money for sony because sony has fears of her babies don't know how to spent money, so sony protects them from many bad things.
Sony deserve their money because their brain stopped working, to protect them, people and country. think about a person if he had an old version of a game on his old console, then he wants to play it again and bought a remastered version, you think he can think well? I mean did he has a brain? Because old game gives him 600p and the remastered version worked on 1080p and wants to collect the trophies. I'm sure their brains has a very long holiday.
Don't think a lot. There are so many people thinks that destiny is an exclusive game. Standard ps4 can run the games on 1080/60, etc.
Sony has the full right to abrsorb their money to protect us.

kingjames182533d ago

All we have to do is look at your downvotes and know we have a lot of salty sony fans on this website.

kingjames182533d ago

INDYMAN77 - You do know that your 4 post rant had a common denominator. ""CHINA"" what does ""CHINA"" have a big problem with? Oh thats right they like to create cheap versions of everything and steal intellectual property as well as pirate(more than anyone else). So don't you think MS would want to make sure their system is as "Secure" as possible in a country where things aren't very secure? So in other words I don't think anyone gives a flying F if MS decided to keep those restrictions in China, except you.

indyman77772533d ago

@kingsman thats a funny excuse for Microsoft doing evil. Last time I checked Sony and Nintendo are not having to do that.

+ Show (14) more repliesLast reply 2533d ago
XStation4pio_Pro2533d ago (Edited 2533d ago )

I'm wondering at what point your comments will actually be objective to the larger picture. right now at least to me, i don't really respect your opinion because your opinion is just whatever is pro sony and anti ms - even to the point of being completely wrong on some things and other things clearly demonstrating complete naivety. thats unfortunate. we don't have to agree. there are plenty of people on here that i disagree with, but i still respect them because they have valid points or i can at least understand where they are coming from. i haven't seen that from you.

DivoJones2533d ago

Wow reply that basically sums up this website.

2533d ago
2533d ago
+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2532d ago
2534d ago Replies(2)
EddieNX 2534d ago

Can we have more titles like this! Even if don't agree lol

PhoenixUp2534d ago


I'm pretty sure they've become that for a lot of people, especially in the global market

Gazondaily2534d ago

N4G is not the global market 🤣

DragonDDark2534d ago

Their sales outside the US & UK are poor. What more do you need to know?

2533d ago
BiggerBoss2533d ago

What's your point? Surely you don't think Xbox is doing well in the global market?

Dark_Knightmare22533d ago

Where in his comment did he say n4g was the global market.

GamingCentaur2533d ago

You think all N4G users are from the USA? Lol

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2533d ago
PhoenixUp2533d ago

@ Septic

N4G isn't the reason that Microsoft's Xbox brand has always performes abysmally in Asia and RoW territories. 😑

Gazondaily2533d ago (Edited 2533d ago )

That's entirely different to what the article is saying though. Poor performance is one thing. That "asshole friend that no one likes"...that makes little sense.

Saigon2533d ago (Edited 2533d ago )


Maybe they should have said the friend that people tolerate but secretly do not like. You know the friend that gets on everyone nerves, leaches, steals, never reliable, always changing their story...you know that friend; but somehow they are still your friend.

2533d ago

I don't know what this crazy clickbait is but I'll tell you straight up I'm a PC guy and on Console I'm a Sony guy what Sony is starting to not be for the gamer in my opinion they don't want to do the multi-platform play options that Microsoft and Sony are willing to do. They still haven't given backwards compatibility with the PS2 or PS3 that's absolutely crazy how could you run the PlayStation Store still to this day sell PS3 games and cut it there give the owners of these games no way to play them in the future they no longer support the PS3 system as in produce it it's a dead system that they're making money on it still a cash cow but they don't want me to play my games on my PS4. It's a bit of a rant but I will make a promise if I can't play my PS4 games on my PS 5 I will never own a PS5 I am not spending thousands of dollars per generation and then losing the games as a PC Gamer I find that absolutely ludicrous. Xbox knows where it's at letting you play all of your previous games at least the ones that are supported and more getting supported all the time Sony take a page from their book let me play my games

Xx_Pistol_xX2534d ago

So Sony isn't gamer friendly because they don't Microsoft's Cross Network Play which puts Xbox Live on PS4 & Backwards compatibility. And that's your opinion and right to think that. But Honestly I don't think that majority of gamers that buy the platform care about that.

Princess_Pilfer2534d ago

Reasons Sony isn't player friendly.
1: The are deliberately refusing to include general backwards compatability (even though the PS4 is more than capable of emulating at least the PS1 and PS2) so they can re-sell you games you already own (or worse, sell you a subscription service, PS Now, that will let you play them only if you continue to pay.)

2: Charging for online even though you already pay for your internet and the developers pay for any relevant servers.

3: Refusing to allow cross play when even the notoriously restrictive Nintendo is allowing it.

4: Paying for 3rd party exclusives that deny people the ability to play good games.

Need I go on?

Don't get me wrong, MS, espeically with Windows 10 and XBL, is more than guilty of a whole lot of anti-consumer BS, but lets not pretend Sony is some bastion of pro-consumer practices. What they're doing is riding the good will they earned after the Xbone 1 trainwreck they called a reveal and using that to get away with a whole lot of BS, where MS has been in damage control mode and actually trying to earn back customer trust (with wildy varying degrees of success.)

OMGitzThatGuy2533d ago

Not really "Xbox Live" on PS4 when the reasoning is having purchases carry over to other platforms. Why does Sony allow EA to make users make accounts or Ubisoft? Sony specifically stated that they refused because they are #4TheStateholders. They refused Rocket League, a game that launched on PS4 first and that has no server ties to MS. Sony fanboys heard about the Xbox Live account and, wanting to give Sony the benefit of the doubt, automatically assumed that it was the reason. Even tho Jim told you the reason.

thatguyhayat2533d ago

I dont care for BC i still got my old consoles, its more nostalgic playing on them

Xx_Pistol_xX2533d ago

1.Backwards compatibility has been known to take a lot of time any money. Microsoft talked about this when realeasing BC. And must be harder for Sony since the PS3 the cell architecture. Sony decided to invest into new studios and games instead of backwards compatibility that most don't even use.

2.Charging for online in the console space was introduced by Microsoft. And Sony figured out a way to at least give gamers monthly games for 3 of their platforms. To compete against Live they had to do so. They were bleeding money from giving PSN for free. And honestly they have more game features on PSN like streaming to more services, Shareplay and Sharefactory. While PSn still needs work it;s very feature rich.

3.Paying for third party exclusives what games are you talking about???And while same people feel up or down about the subject Sony is making sure that it's fans are getting the content first. I'm sure there some Nintendo fans that wish Nintendo would do the same for them.

I;m not saying that Sony is all about the consumer. no company is. But think about what would have happened if they didn't take a stand against Microsoft and it's used game policy with always online. They could have went with it since getting rid of the used games market would only benefit them more. I think they have earned the trust of the consumer. And it shows in the sales of the platform.

Why o why2533d ago (Edited 2533d ago )

Yo. . Supporting the current platform is more gamer friendly for me. I didn't buy my console for last gens games. Good feature but somehow this and cross play have been elevated above the importance of exclusive support and those championing this movement aren't nowhere near as passionate against ms for their weak ass support and broken promises.

If it's all about options. . Where's their vr option. I hear vr getting downplayed by those who show enthusiasm towards ar and holo lens🤔

Not going to lie, both features are good options but in regards to bc, that's just getting pushed harder because they ain't doing much this gen and we've all seen the usage stats. . The cross play thing is new for ms and we'll see how it turns out. That can happen without Sony so I don't know what the fuss is about. Nobody cared this much about sharing networks last gen and now people are acting like it's not point scoring by many. Ms said no before for whatever reasons and that being ignored now. Despite my take on this Sony should play ball or at least have someone legit explain why they won't jump in if they don't jump in. That Ryan speak was just bull. I wish he'd shut the ef up right about now.

Princess_Pilfer2533d ago

1: Where did I mention PS3 emulation? PS2 and PS1 emulation aren't that hard. There are half a dozen working emulators for each, and if randoms an the internet can do it then so can Sonys paid software engineers.

2: That doesn't somehow excuse Sony for doing it. It's still anti consumer. And no, they weren't bleeding money before it (else how would Steam and GOG stay afloat?) it's almost pure profit. It also doesn't matter what it does or does not have in terms of features, it's mandatory just so they can price gouge you, and it's BS.

3: The PS4 exclusive Destiny stuff? The timed exclusive Call of Duty thing? Disgia 5 timed exclusivity? Broken Age timed exclusivity? Firewatch timed exclusivity? Yeah, paying off developers/publishers specifically to screw customers of other platforms out of the opportunity to play games is anti-consumer as hell. You can try to frame it as "making sure PS4 owners get content first" all you like, but it's shitty framing that deliberately ignores that Sony isn't moving up the release for their system, they're pushing it back for everybody who doesn't own their system.

Xx_Pistol_xX2533d ago

1.Just an example of BC
2.Steam takes 30 percent of the overall sale while console only take 7 percent. So they are taking more from the dev in order to give the service for free. Also steam rarely develops games. The money they continue to get goes to the bank while there fans have been asking for half life and left for dead for years now.
3.You do know they don't make contracts with all exclusive ps4 games right. Some devs come because of hardware choices like not wanting to devlop on lower platform specs and some come because PS4 has the biggest user base on the console. Cliff Blizinski just talked about how and why they choose PS you should give it a read. Not all devs have money to make a version for every platform. And if you don't have the money which system are you going to choose. And like I said before it might be anti consummer for non PS fans but PS fans are getting the red carpet treatment which isn't anti consumer.


Xx_Pistol_xX2533d ago

If getting exclusive 3rd party games or exclusive content is anti consumer then exclusives in general would also be anti consumer. Sony, Nintendo,PC, Mobile and Xbox should make their games for all platforms then.

EatCrow2533d ago

Give me a list of all those games forcing xbox live on other platforms.

Phoenix762533d ago (Edited 2533d ago )


You go on about Sony get exclusives, yet seem to have forgotten how it was last gen. Cod had timed exclusive dlc on Xbox. EA's Mass effect 1 held back to be PC and Xbox exclusive for a very long time. The new re-release of elite dangerous, again, held Beck by MS for almost 2 years.
Times have changed and tables have turned.
Personally think it's time for everyone to accept how things are and just get on with it

Princess_Pilfer2533d ago

1: That's a dodge. There is NO reason except simple greed for them to not have PS1 and PS2 emulation. It would in no way be expensive, but they'd rather re-sell you games you already own and so don't allow it.

2: I don't know where you get your 7% number, but I don't believe you. Source please. Further, even if it was true, the Playstation division of Sony last gen was one of the only areas of the company that continued to remain profitable, so in no way was not making paid online mandatory having them "bleed mondy."
Also, wether or not Sony/Valve develops games is *literally* irrelevant. They make back their investment in those games *on* those games.

3: Yes, I'm aware some devs use the money from selling the game on one platform to get the money to do proper ports to others. Again, that has *literally* no bearing on Sony paying for timed exclusives.

Also, you're a moron. It's *always* anti consumer to pull shit like that, wether you're the one being screwed or not. Not only that, it's bad for the games themselves and the discussion about said games. A real "red carpet" treatment would be better performance, better visuals, a discount, that sort of thing, not deliberately screwing over everybody else. Red Carpet treatment is "here is something special for coming to our show because you're important" not "we've closed the theater for 6 months so you're the only one allowed to see the show."

CoinOrc2533d ago

I don't get why you make such a big deal about the lack of backwards compatibility and exclusive content being "anti-consumer". You don't have to buy those PS1 and PS2 games. You don't have to buy PS Now. I do agree with you that those PS1 and PS2 games are expensive. That's why I haven't bought a single one. Sony offered a product at a certain price. You can choose whether or not to buy it. How is that anti-consumer? As far as paying for exclusive content, everyone does it. Microsoft did it with Titanfall, Tomb Raider timed exclusivity, and Dead Rising. Sony did it Destiny exclusive content, and CoD timed exclusive map packs. How is making exclusive deals "anti-consumer"? Again, you don't have to buy it. If you don't like it, then don't buy it or wait until the game comes out on your platform of choice. None of your rights as a consumer is being taken. "Anti-consumer" would be things like DRM, online checks, blocking used games, etc. Those things are anti-consumer, because they take away my rights as a consumer. Lack of backwards compatibility and exclusives are not anti-consumer. If you like backwards compatibility so much, then great, get an Xbox One and use it to your heart's content. Vote with your wallet and stop calling everything "anti-consumer".

Princess_Pilfer2533d ago

Them selling the PS1 and PS2 games and offering PS now isn't anti consumer. Them not allowing any form of backwards compatability when their system is *more than capable* of running the software necessary to play PS1 and PS2 games is. There is a difference.
One is "you can play all your old games but if you don't have them or never got around to them then here is another way to play them"
One is "you can't play any of your old games and if you want to play any old games, even if you already own them you have to pay us to play them."
One offers choice, one is exploitative and greedy.

I'm not making a big deal about exclusive content being anti-consumer. I'm making a big deal about paid for timed exclusivity being anti-consumer. Who benefits from timed exclusivity? Not fans on other platforms, they get screwed. Not Sony customers, they get the same thing they would have at the same time they would have. Just Sony, who want you to buy the product on their platform so they get a cut of the profits. The fact that it comes at the expense of consumers while providing little/no benefit to consumers is the *definition* of anti-consumer.

CoinOrc2533d ago

"Them selling the PS1 and PS2 games and offering PS now isn't anti consumer. Them not allowing any form of backwards compatability when their system is *more than capable* of running the software necessary to play PS1 and PS2 games is. There is a difference."
I don't see the difference. How are they "not allowing" backwards compatibility? They aren't obligated to put backwards compatibility into the PS4. They didn't not put backwards compatibility and then force you to buy PS1 and PS2 games. You don't have to buy them. If you like backwards compatibility so much, then buy an Xbox One and play old games on it. Maybe if Sony see how popular backwards compatibility is, they will put it on the PS4.
"I'm not making a big deal about exclusive content being anti-consumer. I'm making a big deal about paid for timed exclusivity being anti-consumer."
Again, I don't see much of a difference. Was Microsoft anti-consumer when they bought Tomb Raider timed exclusivity? Every company does it. Paying for timed exclusivity is nothing new. They do it because they want you to buy their products. Is it greedy? Yes, of course. Every company is greedy. Sony is greedy. Microsoft is greedy. Nintendo is greedy. If you don't like it, then don't buy it or wait until the game comes to your platform of choice. Companies being greedy is not anti-consumer. At the end of day, companies and consumers are engaged in voluntary transactions. They offer certain products at certain price points. In this case, they offer a certain game before it arrives on other platforms. You can choose to buy it, not buy it, or wait until it comes to your platform of choice. Business practices only become anti-consumer when consumer's rights are being taken. For example, online check is anti-consumer. I already bought a copy of the game. I have the right to play it whenever I want. I shouldn't need to check in online every 24 hrs to get permission to play it. I guess we will just have to agree to disagree on this one.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 2533d ago
_-EDMIX-_2534d ago (Edited 2534d ago )

" I will make a promise if I can't play my PS4 games on my PS 5 I will never own a PS5 "


Why are you buying a PS5, to play PS4 games?

Keep your PS4 if you want to play PS4 games......

"as a PC Gamer I find that absolutely ludicrous"

I own a gaming PC too and I don't.

PC is modular, they can have BC for pretty much most games (depending on set up and OS)

Consoles are not.

XONE is losing because gamers are not buying a XONE SOLELY to play 360 games, it doesn't even SUPPORT ALL 360 games.

" I am not spending thousands of dollars per generation "

PER? WTF? How much did you buy your PS4 for? How are you "losing the games"? What exactly is happening to your PS4 when PS5 comes?

I think its cool MS has a set up like that, but you can easily solve that problem for about $60


"let me play my games" No one is stopping you from playing your PS3 games buddy, I'd say you are stopping you more so by not actually just buying a PS3. You don't want it enough to buy it, you don't want it that bad then.

You are basically begging for a system so you don't pay.

Well....get a better job. That might make more sense.

The VAST majority that are looking to buy a PS5, are likely looking to buy it for PS5 games, I'd assume they already own a PS4.

Who justifies spending money on a new system, to play OLD GAMES? LMFAO! WTF? smh, you seriously need to get your money situation fixed. I keep all my systems and I own a gaming PC. Even if PS5 has BC, I'm still keeping my PS4.

I'm not so poor that spending $400 or $500 every 6 years is going to bring me to the poor house LMFAO! If a used PS3 or 360 cost about $60 to $70, how on earth are you actually buying PS4 or XONE games? 1 game literally cost about how much a used older system cost. You choose to not buy it , no one is FORCING YOU to not buy it if you REALLY want to play a 360 or PS3 game, its a non-issue and just sounds like stupidness. You want it, but for free, but really want it, but won't pay for, but its a DEAL BREAKER IF NOT IN PS5, but won't keep your PS4? WTF? No bud, it just reeks of stupidity and cheapness.

Get a better job, this isn't really a thing that sounds like a real "problem"

conanlifts2533d ago

I still haven't purchased another ps4 yet, but i know if they announce ps5 as backwards compatible then i don't need to. Instead i will order a ps5 day 1. Otherwise at some point i have to buy a ps4 pro for TLOU 2, God of war and Horizon etc. I have played all the previous exclusives though so i am going to build up a big list before rebuying one.


There's no reason to not want to carry your game library without having to have multiple consoles set up underneath your TV. The benefits to running older games on a more powerful console could be better frame rates or higher resolutions. You as a supposed PC Gamer should know this but you're just coming here to try to tell me to get a job don't even know anything about me except the fact that want to be able to play my old games on my new system you're being a pompous douchebag.

2533d ago
pyroxxx2533d ago

I will be pissed also,.. since I spend aprox 200EUR a month on PlayStation games,.. Of course I want PS5 to be backwards compatible.

rainslacker2533d ago (Edited 2533d ago )


No harm in asking. But some people think they are entitled to it. Ironically, Something that was probably mostly made into an expectation by Sony itself.

Maybe I've just been around for a while, but half my life BC was never something even considered as being mandatory.

Not having BC is not anti-consumer. At no point did Sony deceive people about BC and if it would be available. They didn't charge for it, nor did they present the expectation that it would be available on PS3. I'd say given that they removed it for cost purposes last gen, it should have been a good indicator that it's inclusion this gen was in jeopardy, and people maybe should have considered this when making their purchases. Acting like they've lost their entire library because the PS4 doesn't include it is just entitlement bordering on the illogical. At the start of this gen, and even until today, and into the future, if people wanted to play their old games, they should have a means to do so if they didn't remove the only thing that Sony promised they could play it on....which would be the PS3(or older systems depending on the situation).

_-EDMIX-_2533d ago (Edited 2533d ago )

@SD11- "I still haven't purchased another ps4 yet, but i know if they announce ps5 as backwards compatible then i don't need to"


but you are talking about "another" PS4 vs a PS5. If you already own a PS4 and PS5 is announced, I don't see the reason to spend money on.....another PS4 ie PS4 Pro, I'd rather just buy PS5.

Consider if you haven't got PS4 Pro yet, I don't think you want it THAT badly and trading in your current PS4 for Pro makes more sense.

You may not get PS5 day 1, but I don't see the point of getting PS5 day 1, to play PS4 games.....

I'm getting PS5 day 1 for titles ONLY FOUND on PS5.

@ARE- "You as a supposed PC Gamer should know this but you're just coming here to try to tell me to get a job don't even know anything about me except the fact that want to be able to play my old games on my new system"

Not "supposed" PC gamer, Edmix_the_Shogun is my Steam ID, followed by EDMIX. Just because I don't agree with you, doesn't mean I don't game on PC, it simply means I don't agree with you, get out of your feelings. Not all PC gamers are a like, did you think ti was some sort of cult?

You "want" to play your old games on your new system, you don't need to. Its optional. Being emotional and calling names isn't going to help your point. You are asking for something that is of a choice, is of a option and can be solved by simply buying a PS4 or keeping it when PS5 comes out.

I don't really see that as a huge issue. You want something you already have? Ummmm oooook pal.

"more powerful console could be better frame rates or higher resolutions" PS4 Pro exist......

The vast majority don't care. I didn't buy a PS4 to play PS3 games, I still actually play PS3 games CAUSE I VALUE MY PS3 COLLECTION, THUS DIDN'T GET RID OF IT!

You have a non-issue. Can be solved by $60 used off Amazon. That isn't anything worth crying over.

Can you solve the issue of no new IPs by $60? If you own a PS4, can you play a PS5 game on it for $60? Sooooooo those are real issues that can't be solved by $60....your issue is.

Get over it. Keep your old system if you love it that much, I did. Thats why I'm not BEGGING for BC, I can afford to keep the things I value in the first place. Nothing to do with console vs PC, put that BS to rest, I own a gaming PC too.

I want PS5 to be BC, I don't NEED PS5 to be BC. It would be nice, it would not be a REQUIREMENT.

conanlifts2533d ago (Edited 2533d ago )

I don't currently own a ps4, I sold mine before ps4 pro was released ( I should have added that to my comment below). I will buy ps5 day 1 anyway. The only difference is that if it were backwards compatible i wouldn't rebuy a ps4.

conanlifts2533d ago

"Consider if you haven't got PS4 Pro yet, I don't think you want it THAT badly "

Yes you are correct. As i said i have played most of the previous exclusives. I want to build up a big list of exclusive games that i want to play before rebuying one. So far there are 3 games on my list . God of war, days gone and TLOU 2 are others that will be on my list as well.

_-EDMIX-_2533d ago

@SD- awwwww I understand now.

I take back my comment.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2533d ago
BlackWolf122534d ago

If you're a PC gamer then why do you give two shits about PS2 or PS3 games?

The vast majority of the best games from those platforms have been re-released with HD versions that are better to play ANYWAY.

I really honestly don't care at all about cross-platform play.

ARESWARLORD2533d ago (Edited 2533d ago )

I care because I have a ton of games that I would like to play I love fat Princess I love Disgaea there's Call of Duty Black Ops 1 and 2 not all of those games of made it over to remix and I'm not a huge fan of repaying for a game I already own. You say that I'm a PC Gamer so why would I want to play the older games I can still play a game on NES and have a lot of fun. I'm old school been playing games since the ColecoVision I can play them from 8-bit up till whatever new game I can Max out on my GTX 980ti. I don't know if you're young or just not hardcore or what but graphics dont make the game son. The reason I want my old games is due tothe fact that I paid for these games and I don't have access to them unless if I setup my PS3 is crazy this is 2017 when you buy a game digitally the game should be yours to keep to use.

yeahright22533d ago

@ares, I would agree but both Sony and MS were very clear at the start of the generation that there wasn't going to be any backwards compatibility. So anyone making an informed decision and wanting to keep playing their old games would have kept their old consoles. I know I did. As far as paying for games you already own, that's based on a misconception that xbox pounced on if you're referring to PS Now. PS Now was never intended to be an answer for BC. Sony went out of their way to say this, but people kept saying it was. If you're referring to the PS2 classics on PS4, then you have a stronger case, but they should still charge something. Those games aren't just being emulated. They look better, run better, have added trophy support, so I feel it's only fair they charge for them, my issue comes with the amount being charged. Ionly buy them when they're on sale for $10 or less.

_-EDMIX-_2533d ago

"If you're a PC gamer then why do you give two shits about PS2 or PS3 games?"

Because being a PC gamer doesn't mean you exclusively only game on PC, simply means you also game on PC.....its not a exclusive thing lol

"I really honestly don't care at all about cross-platform play."

Me neither. I don't really even notice it on the games that do support it. I don't play as much MP titles as I did last gen either so.

@ARE- "I care because I have a ton of games that I would like to play I love fat Princess I love Disgaea there's Call of Duty Black Ops 1 and 2 not all of those games of made it over to remix and I'm not a huge fan of repaying for a game I already own"

Then keep your system. Problem solved. You don't "love" them that much if you sold it, choose not to buy it etc. That doesn't sound like you care about those games all that much bud, consider you are begging for something for free, you can obtain for $60.......

" when you buy a game digitally the game should be yours to keep to use"

Yes....on the system that the license is actually for. Have you not read your EULA?

"The reason I want my old games is due tothe fact that I paid for these games and I don't have access to them unless if I setup my PS3 is crazy this is 2017"


They are PS3 games, made for PS3...

No where in 2006 when PS3 released, did Sony say PS3 games were to be supported on all PS platforms going forward.

So you are in tears because you need a PS3, to play the PS3 games you "love"? Are you serious?

THIS is a problem for you?

Do you not see just how stupid that "issue" really is?

POOOOOOR YOU! Having to hook up a system to play games, I just don't know what Sony is going to do without you bud /s

nicsaysdie2533d ago

So being a "pc guy", you don't understand how ps3 games can't be emulated on a ps4? I mean I totally agree with you, Sony should totally be able to run cel processor based games on console with an x86 based architecture without including the cel processor in the console, no problem. /s
Wasn't the reason the later ps3 models had a lack of ps2 BC because they removed the ps2 processor from the console? I mean the ps4 doesn't have a cel, and thusly should have no problem playing ps3 games. /s again

Every ps3 however is capable of playing ps1 games, so I don't know why they aren't including at least that option in the ps4 as it seems pretty low impact. But, it might be that their just isn't a lot of demand. I mean I, myself, only have about 4 or 5 ps1 games I'd really play if given the option, so I'm okay without that feature. Plus, I still have my old ps2, and a fat and slim ps3, and a pc, if I really want to dust off a classic. Also, the argument that people should be able to play their old games during the consoles early stages due to game drought doesn't hold water at this point. And finally, if their was anyone who sold their ps1 or ps2 to get money to buy a ps4 they probably did so because they were living in some kind of apocalypse bunker for the entire life of the ps3 and aren't really missing that level of games since they have been thrust into the future upon returning to reality and realizing that the world is not an irradiated wasteland.

As a pc gamer primarily, you of all people should remember that you, being a pc gamer, have the ability to use an emulator to play ps1, 2 and 3 games directly from your computer which can be connected to a TV so as to still have the feeling of gaming on a console, and for added flare you can even Bluetooth a ds3 or ds4 controller to your magnificent pc, and it feels even more like a console. Being a pc guy you have your pick of hundreds of emulators for playing old games from dead systems that aren't supported anymore. I mean I don't remember when the last time I heard of a new genesis game being released. But you can play em right there on your magnificent pc.

It's a little bit of a rant but, I'll just say this, if Sony doesn't let me play old 32x games by putting a cartridge slot into the ps5, I'll never buy another Sony system. /s

In short I think your comment is ridiculous.

ARESWARLORD2533d ago (Edited 2533d ago )

I would think the PS4 would be powerful enough to emulate the cell. At the very least the PS4 Pro should be able to. I'm glad that you play your PS3 games on your PC but I have to tell you buddy I'm not a pirate I pay for my games and that's why I would like to continue being able to use them because I paid real money I didn't pirate them like you do or at least you're telling me to Pirate them so I assume you're a pirate. And just an FYI son they're still making Genesis games as well as Dreamcast check out pier sonar you can get that on PS4 that's a Genesis game. Got some pretty fantastic games coming out this year for the old Sega Genesis as well will say you know how to Google enough to be a pirate maybe Google to see what's coming oh that you can buy with real money and support a developer with.

It's crazy you're saying my rant is ridiculous but your answer to no backwards compatibility is the screw it and pirate the games.

2533d ago
rainslacker2533d ago (Edited 2533d ago )


The PS4 can emulate the CELL. Just not at the same speed that the CELL runs. The powerPC core is fine except for the clock speed which actually runs faster than the PS4 x86, but the SPE part of the CELL runs at speeds faster than modern day GPU's. Not just from the clock speed, but also in how they process the data, which requires quite a lot of complex tasks in CISC based chips like x86. Those SPEs could process and spit out information at a much higher rate than the most powerful consumer level PC nowadays. They were small bits of data, but when you compile tons of them onto an x86 it just won't work with modern CPU's, much less the Jaguar within the PS4.

The RSX(GPU in PS3) also handles process data differently than modern day GPU's, although I'm going to assume it's fairly easy to emulate that since a lot of those type of processes are common place in modern GPU's. But the catch is is that the RSX relied heavily on the SPE's, which the GPU and CPU in the new consoles can't match in terms of speed.

That's the reason it's not emulated, assuming Sony had an interest at all. Sony went very custom with CELL, and very new, and the process tasks which exist within the CELL do not have easy process conversions like you'd see with a standard RISC to CISC based emulation.

There are some efforts to make a working PS3 emulator on PC, but they require a pretty beefy set up right now, and it's emulation, while working in some places is not as fast as the PS3 itself.

Your rant is maybe not rediculous, just based on an uninformed logic.

tee_bag2422533d ago (Edited 2533d ago )

I'm with you on that. Shame there's no objectivity on this site anymore. Just Sony fanboys. Ultimately it comes back to bite the consumer since fanboys are too shortsighted to call a scam a scam. You bet PS5 we're going to see fanboys lining up to buy their PS4 library again.

2533d ago Replies(1)
DoubleM702533d ago

Why all the down votes for you giving you options to play your games FREE. Something wrong with people today. Are they down voting you because it's a good thing and the competing company is not make that available to their customers. People on here are really cultist fanboys.

nicsaysdie2532d ago (Edited 2532d ago )

Playing games you own on an emulator is not piracy. I never said go get illegal iso files to play on an emulator. I said get an emulator, and play your disc based games on it. Way different. Maybe you missed the point.

About pier sonar. That game is amazing. But it was created by an independent developer who coded it to work on genesis and dreamcast. They did so, because the love and respect retro gaming. Something I am not sure you do. Did Sega have any hand in the creation or release of said game? No? Do you know why? Because the Genesis and dreamcast are "dead" and do not receive first party support any more. That doesn't mean a third party can't release a game on said system. It just means Sega isn't going to. Sounds a lot like sony's current stance on the ps3, which you were whining about. This happens because console manufacturers eventually move on to new consoles. I bet you were super pissed when Nintendo didn't announce a NES version of breath of the wild and Sega didn't release alien isolation on the Genesis.
Back to your piracy comments, it is not piracy if you own the product and make a copy for yourself as a backup. That's why it's not illegal to copy cds to your computer if you have purchased them. I have stacks upon stacks of NES, SNES, genesis, Sega cd, gamecube, Xbox, 360, PS1, 2, and 3 games. And for most of them I have a rom or iso file which I created to be able to play easily on various emulators. But I also still have all of the respective systems to play them on too. Because like you said, why would I want to throw away or sell something that I spent to much money on? And plus playing on an actual Nintendo has a way better feel than on an emulator. There's just no substitute.
I am not your buddy. Based on your uninformed comments and general disregard for logic and critical thinking as well as a lack of reading comprehension, I feel that if I knew you in real life, I would loathe you. So let me give you some advice son. Know who you're talking to before you start spouting nonsense. Also, maybe actually read and comprehend someone else's comment before replying to it with a complete lack of understanding of what the aforementioned person was saying. And finally, I honestly hope that Sony doesn't include bc in the ps5 framework, because that way I won't have to worry about there being any chance of running into you on some multi-player lobby because you won't buy it because it has no backward compatibility. Just kidding, I would love bc, it's just not a deal breaker. And, unlike you, I hold on to my consoles, not just my games. And at the very least I have enough intelligence to know the difference between using an emulator to play illegally obtained copies of games, and using an emulator to play my own legally purchased disc based games.
One last thing, I felt like that other guy was being a jerk by telling you to get a better job, and actually felt bad that it seemed like you were unaware that being a pc gamer you could easily play all of those ps1, 2, and 3 games legally on your computer with the help of an emulator. But after reading your reply to me, it is clear you are the jerk. Do me two favors. One, go and research the amount of resources and overhead it takes to emulate a ps3 on a pc then compare that to what the ps4 and pro have under the hood. And two, don't breed, because we need less people like you in the world, not more. That way I can rest assured that when you die, I won't have to worry about further generations of dum dums ruining our society. I bet you think pretzels are chips. Thanks for reading. Smiley face.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2532d ago
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