
Hold up, is Destiny 2 going to be funny?

If Bungie wants to improve Destiny's storytelling, injecting a bit of personality would be a great start. The first trailers show promise.

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chrisx2626d ago

A lil humor here and there won't do no harm

2625d ago Replies(3)
2625d ago
joab7772625d ago

It's actually great because it's based on the characters personality, not the game. When crafting a devastating story of loss and revenge, you need levity. It's how we deal with horrible shit.

bluefox7552625d ago

The trailer wasn't funny, but I do appreciate their attempt to add humor. Unless you are really terrible, humor is never a bad thing to strive for. Worst case scenario, it earns you sympathy points.

aaronaton2625d ago

Judging by the trailer, no. The script was horrendously unfunny.

Unoriginalplayer2625d ago

Gary! ...or Gil, Glen? I dunno, something with a G!!!

quent2625d ago

Seems very tryhard to me, because the 1st game hade no story but a serious space opera tone now they can pretend its borderlands in space and people will buy the latest version of this dlc simulator.

So they're self aware now at how poorly written(term used loosely) the story and characters Are so they try to spin it into some sort of self parody inside joke of a game

Oh and loot, because let's pretend there hasn't been a better loot shooter that came out back in 2012


Around and round we go

execution172625d ago

The game had a story and lore, it was just extremely dumb of them that you couldn't access the grimoire cards in-game

Goldby2624d ago

and they shouldn't lock the beta behind pre-orders to garner back trust from gamers who were deceived like myself.

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