
PS5 release date in 2019 at earliest, Sony won't counter Xbox Scorpio says analyst

From PlayStation Universe: "Analyst talks PS5 release date and Xbox Scorpio launch. Believes Ps5 will launch 2019 at earliest and Xbox Two in 2020."

Rimeskeem2663d ago

I'm hoping late 2020 (7 years). When the next system comes around I'll assume at least 8 teraflops since Cerney stated it was the necessary amount for native 4K for all games.

freshslicepizza2663d ago

yes, we should believe everything cerny says even though he was the one who would not allow the ps4 pro to be unlocked for months until the 4.5 patch. of course he is going to suggest scorpio isn't powerful enough yet for native 4k,

Rimeskeem2662d ago

I'd rather believe someone who has been in the business for decades than some random developer gamingbolt managed to interview with.

Liqu1d2662d ago

Considering the Scorpio will use checkerboard rendering as well then 6TF clearly isn't enough, but I'm sure you know more than Mark Cerny.

MyDietEqualsGames2662d ago

Moldy, feeling threatened by Knack.

DaGreatOne2661d ago

Coming from somebody who fervently supports a company that has pulled more 180s than the X games that's funny.

jukins2661d ago

Lol how can someone dedicate so much time to being a troll what do you really get out of it?

DillyDilly2661d ago

You guys believe Michael Patcher when he predicts nice things about Playstation

andrewsquall2661d ago (Edited 2661d ago )

@moldybread Haha even with Scorpio on the way can you still not just calm down? You still have to get immensely defensive anything Xbone hardware related (even though you claim to be a PC fan at your convenience)

YES, the same guy that said, this time 4 years ago, at the PS4 reveal that offloading CPU tasks to the GPU would be mighty beneficial to devs on its exclusive GDDR5 only architecture.
Guess what? Games like Killzone Shadow Fall, Infamous Second Son, The Order 1886, Ratchet and Clank 2016, Uncharted 4, Gravity Rush 2 (for those insane animations and physics of course and all at native 1080p too) and now Horizon Zero Dawn all prove that he was 100% correct.

As PS4 owners we suffer when we get awful under performing 3rd party games like AC Unity, Watch Dogs, Evolve, Homefront The Sequel, Just Cause 3, "Ghost Recon: Whatever Parity There is Going To Be For Yet Another Ubisoft Game Just Like For Honor and The Division and Rainbow Six Newest One". Wow that last game has a hell of a subtitle lol.
And yeah, I know games like this are Xboners' salvation but they aren't for all of us when we already have our own stunning exclusives. And these are a perfect example of just some of the games you will get to play at slightly better res and fps on Scorpio over base PS4 (that you aren't getting though since you are a massive PC fan anyway). Well done for you.

bouzebbal2661d ago

How is the fight fair against a console that doesn't have any exclusive ??

Mithan2661d ago (Edited 2661d ago )

It isn't. Look at the GPU's for PC's. 12TFLops barely does it and that is with today's graphics. Tomorrows games will be more intense on the GPU, and will need more power to get the same frame rate.

If a PS4 comes out in 2019, it will most likely have 10-12TFlops of GPU processing. One would suspect that it will use a modified Ryzen/Vega architecture, which will be 2 years old at that point. That would be a good bump and in-line with what to expect 2 years after a Scorpio release.

Sparta072661d ago

I'm pretty sure he knows more then you.
You're a fool.
You guys think Scorpio is going to be some super computer.
When in reality is not.
I bet you anything not all games first, second or 3rd rd party will be 4K native.

mikeslemonade2661d ago

PS5 should be 2018 if it was my choice. These systems keep falling behind PC specs is not good.

FinalFantasyFanatic2661d ago

@mikeslemonade Consoles are always behind PCs and they always will be. They don't compete in the same space because consoles are a cheap way to game for the next 5 or so years with little to no fuss. That's their appeal because people don't want to get into the nitty gritty of designing and upgrading their PCs (they probably don't care about performance to the same degree either.

rainslacker2661d ago

He was at least honest about it. Said it was because it wasn't reliable enough, so they throttled the GPU/CPU. At the time, I'd assume that was the case, and Sony now has a way to make it more reliable.

I'd trust Cerny a lot more than I'd trust you on any technical matter. You've time and again shown how you are clueless on anything technical.

I'd also trust the numerous PC gamers who have stated countless times that 6TF is the bare minimum, or just not enough for good 4K.

I'd trust MS if they weren't so prone to making claims which fail to live up to their promises. But on this, it'll be what MS says when pressed to be truthful. Some games will support it, some won't, and it'll depend on the developer and what they want to achieve.

Personally, I think 8TF is just barely above the minimum for decent 4K, and since you are so big on 60fps being the only way to play games, you'll be wanting to wait for 11-13TF.

BIGBOSS082661d ago

Microsoft are the kings of doing 180s. They'll backtrack on the true 4k guaranteed.

Skillz12152661d ago

yo get the f---k off Playstation forums. All you ever do is come on Playstation articles and talk smack. You have nerve when your console doesn't even have exclusive titles. Your Xbox must be getting real moldy due to the lack of games there buddy

Skillz12152661d ago

and NO scorpio is not powerful enough to run all games at 4k 60fps my PC isnt even powerful enough for that

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 2661d ago
MyDietEqualsGames2662d ago

2020 of Fall sounds fantastic. and 8 TF? Nah. I would bet on 10-12 with PC hitting around 20 or close to it. I'm just guessing though, or counter guessing.

Rimeskeem2661d ago

It's all about pricing the console. If they can hit 10-12 TF at a 400-500 range then that's what they will do.


I think we are going to start hearing about it in 2018. Maybe mid to late 2018. This cycle will be a bit shorter than last. The last one was super long. Don't expect it to go that long. You have to remember the 18-month rule with game dev for launch title ports. If they want Xmas 19 they will need to have games starting in mid to 2018. If they want early 2020 then late 2018.

PS5 is probably in some form of production right now if they are aiming for 19/20, Early stages.

FinalFantasyFanatic2661d ago

Personally I think your numbers are a little high, but it's hard to predict technology in the next few years, especially when we're having a few leaps this year and the next few years.

pleasuretokill2662d ago (Edited 2662d ago )

Not 4k/60fps it won't be. Not at 8TF, especially by then. I'm guessing approx 12-16TF will be needed by 2020 for games to run at 4k/60fps. (every year games get more and more demanding to run at the same res/fps) If you're going for 4k/30fps (yuck) then, I guess so... good luck with that. 60fps should be an industry standard FIRST before resolution is all cases, in every game.

starchild2661d ago

Even on next gen consoles I do not think that 4k/60fps will be the standard. Gamers expect there to be a huge jump in graphics between generations and you're not going to get that if you spend most of your performance budget on 4k resolution and 60fps.

4k checkerboard at 30fps and a big jump in visual quality is more likely what we'll get.

FinalFantasyFanatic2661d ago (Edited 2661d ago )

I'm going to get alot of disagrees for this too, but I think 1440p or a bit higher at 60fps upscaled to 4K is a more realistic target for next gen consoles. PCs are only just dipping their feet into 4K waters as it is, most people are still happily gaming at full HD which is fine on smaller TVs and monitors. Personally I struggle with playing consoles on bigger full HD tvs, not enough detail to read text and spot enemies.

WickedLester2662d ago (Edited 2662d ago )

I'm not sure if Sony will wait quite that long. I'm thinking fall of 2019.

rainslacker2661d ago

Will probably depend on how well Pro and Scorpio does. If MS manages to achieve high number with Scorpio, I think PS5 will come out earlier. No doubt, Sony already has it's plans in place for what they want from the machine, so it's just a matter of getting the hardware designed.

But if Sony is doing well with PS4, then there is no real reason for them to rush it until games start getting to the point that developers start to struggle to achieve more with the hardware.

boomtube19872661d ago (Edited 2661d ago )

i hope next gen we are able to get 60fps...i know 4k gaming will be the norm but i prefer 1080p min and 60fps min

Tech52661d ago

I would predict every 3 years for sony. the upgrade was debatable and yet the push was within 3 years. which was a first. it would seem that these pushes (while not necessary or debatable) could be made in order to move the mass market. it's well within the possibility.

Fist4achin2661d ago

It seems pretty early to be talking about the next generation. I feel like the developers are just now starting to test the capabilities of where they can go with this generations software.

S2Killinit2661d ago

I'll have the PS4Pro for now, and that will keep me until PS5 arrives.

2661d ago
+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 2661d ago
GNCFLYER2662d ago

2020 or whenever newer less expensive tech mandates it.

2661d ago
AzubuEntus2661d ago

PS5 already? It feels like as though it was year when Sony revealed news of the PS4.

FinalFantasyFanatic2661d ago

^ This, unfortunately most people don't seem to get this line of thinking. I don't think we can expect 4K 30/60fps consoles by that time frame though due to costings. This gen and last gen already proved where the sweet spot cost wise is if you look at the PS3/360 and PS4/Xone.

GNCFLYER2661d ago (Edited 2661d ago )

I'm in no hurry. Not with the amount of content and games coming at us. We are in the prime of this gen now.

Everyone's on board and working on and putting iut new IP and games. Graphics look great, everything's rolling.

Sony did a nice job on the Pro. Hardware enabled Checkerboard rendering is sweet, even PC guys are saying it looks 4k, and that for 399 it's a value. HZD running 4k (CB) is amazing as its such a big open world beautiful game. Let's get some more like this.

So im fine until the next jump, true 4k @60 for everything minimum.

People haven't caught up yet. There is probably 4% market penetration for 4k sets right now. Prices are falling. They just aren't in people's home yet. Direct tv or no cable companies aren't broadcasting yet in 4k. Its gonna be a while yet.

Chriscrinkle182661d ago

GNCFLYER here in the U.K. The two biggest companies in the TV market are broadcasting in 4K. Live sport and Films with more on the way so I think it's further along then you believe.

WeAreLegion2662d ago

No reason to counter Scorpio. What are people even going to play on it?

2662d ago Replies(7)
ItMatters2661d ago (Edited 2661d ago )

halo 6
Gears of war 5
Crackdown 3
Star Wars battlefront 2
Red dead redemption 2
Forza 7
Ori and the blind Forrest 2
Sea of theives
State of decay 2
Call of duty
Grand theft auto 6
I'll be playing lots of games on Scorpio, especially considering I hate playing on PC.
Every single multiplayer game Will look better on Scorpio then The ps4 pro.

OB1Biker2661d ago

I think the point is theres no reason to release a PS5 if theres no new gen games to back it up.
Its a new generation of games that will need to be supported by a new gen console. Not the other way round for Sony.
Ms have a different approach atm possibly because they want more power to support VR

GNCFLYER2661d ago

"Every single multilayer game will look better on Scorpio then the ps4 pro"

Which sadly is the only thing most xbox one gamers have cared about since 2014. Not games, just pixels.

Look at the difference in PS4 and xbox one library, its huge. Not to mention what's coming.

Also, graphics are so good now that without a leap to 8k it isnt gonna matter. This isn't 1080 vs 720 anymore where it's extremely noticeable.

ItMatters2661d ago

@gnc PlayStation guys have been tearing Xbox apart over pixels for the last few years, not the other way around.

DillyDilly2661d ago

All those games on PC can be played with an XBOX One Controller

NotanotherReboot2661d ago

Fable? you do realize that got cancelled and the studio shut down?

FinalFantasyFanatic2661d ago

@ItMatters There's not a significant difference between the PS4 and Xone spec-wise this gen. Unless we start looking at the Pro vs Scorpio. The PS4 just has a significantly better library of games this gen (then again Playstation always has a strong library of games at some point in each gen).

King_Lothric2661d ago

I still remember when people like you said :

"resolution doesn't matter. Gameplay over resolution. I play games, no resolutions"

Raiden2660d ago (Edited 2660d ago )


Nice list, but what got me lol, is the 44 DISAGREES you have received its funny to me that these people don't expect games to look and run better on the Scorpio, the X1 can't run games better than the PS4, why because it's more powerful, this is the statement of developers and gamers, now the Scorpio will be more powerful and yet you can't believe that its games will look better.
Sony has been building a library since the 360, these games where in development and the public never new about, the character in Horizon look like the same character from heavenly sword, my point none of there games started in the last 2-3 but way before, MS don't have that, not yet anyway, so Sony will remain on top until they do.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 2660d ago
OB1Biker2661d ago

I think its not even up to Sony to decide but to the developers to bring up a reason for a new gen to exist. Considering the different approach Sony have from Ms i.e. a new gen console has got to mean a new generation of games justifying it

jznrpg2661d ago

Sony has enough studios to kick things off and can let other studios know in advance when their machine is coming out, like every other gen.

GNCFLYER2661d ago

@it matters

I havent. But the reason for that is what happened last gen. 360 guys tore us up as long as they could. Reviewers tore us up because of extra lighting or other effect, anything small.

If you were around last gen neogaf was pro xbox everything. PS guys took a beating at every corner, truth..

But seriously, that's good MS is taking care of you guys on the hardware front. What they really need to do is secure games, put studios together, develop. They need to flood you with games.

I can say with my pro and the amount of content coming out I am a happy guy until PS5 comes out. Even if that's 4 years. At the end of PS3 life cycle I was worried there wouldn't b3 anything to play on PS4 because of everything still on PS3. That wasnt the case. Now over the last year and into the future the floodgates are really opening.

What they really need to do is flood you guys with content.

FinalFantasyFanatic2661d ago (Edited 2661d ago )

Plus people get bored of their old consoles too, hence another reason we have generations.


I don't even the the time and money for these games, now that Asia-English ports are becoming more common (great for the Japanese games we don't normally get localized), I just have too much choice in games to play.

pleasuretokill2662d ago (Edited 2662d ago )

Truthfully, they don't need to. Both the PS4 Pro and Xbox Scorpio will be fully capable machines for the next few years, console wise. I am mainly a PC gamer, but the PS4 Pro is a great performer for $399. PC gaming is not without it's hiccups and problems. If you don't want to deal with them (I'm getting rid of SLI as soon as the 1080TI comes out....) then both of these systems will provide enough base level power and a good entry price point.

2662d ago
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