
For Honor PS4 download size revealed

The download size has been revealed for the PlayStation 4 version of For Honor.

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Tallpine2669d ago

"the action game will take up 31.74 GB of free space on the hard disk drive of the home console."

2669d ago
alfcrippinjr2668d ago (Edited 2668d ago )

yeah 31.74 GB
but what about the update for all the release day one of bugs in the game add also 20GB lol

oh no wait the total amount for the hard drive will be 70gb

IamTylerDurden12669d ago

Not bad, but it would've been nice if Ubi used that impressive engine to make a more meaningful sp campaign.

Bolts2669d ago

Agreed. This brilliant combat system could be the next Dark Souls, but nope. Ubisoft must turn this into another action MOBA. It's like they work shoped this in some sort of focus group. Let's see now, what's hot these days...MOBA like minions and control zones, checked. Overwatch style 4 vs 4 gameplay for maximum eSport appeal, checked. CoD's peer to peer network so Ubisoft can save money and screw over gamers, checked.

Oh wait, there's more! Why not add a premium subscription that is not even included in the season pass? Genius!

BQ322669d ago

Not every game needs to be made for you single player only crybabies. This game was meant as primarily a competitive online multiplayer title from it's announcement more akin to a fighting game than a hack and slash. Grow a pair and play competitively or get off the porch and find a different game. There is an excellent title in Nioh that just dropped which is more what your looking for so go get excited about that game instead of bashing a different game that was never meant to be anything like that because it is not what you PERSONALLY want.

alfcrippinjr2668d ago

Oh wait, there's more! Why not add a premium subscription that is not even included in the season pass?Genius!

hmm bolts
can i stick two squirrels down your pants
dont give them ideas

whoops to late going to happen its called the screw me over subscription for the full experience of a short game

IamTylerDurden12667d ago


The game looks chaotic and messy as a mp game, it just doesn't look that good. A sp game with this setting and that engine would've been intriguing, and then tack on the mp if u want. If u prefer mindless, chaotic mp that is just the same redundant thing over n over good for u, but i don't. Let's see if it sells huge numbers, i personally don't think it will. I haven't heard anybody rave about this game. I think it would've done better with a focus on sp.

joab7772669d ago

Yeah. Coulda been pretty killer. But it's fun! I just don't have time for these types of games anymore.

alfcrippinjr2668d ago

this game will be a forgetting one very quickly with no offline play at all.

your do the campaign once that is over your go online then about two hours your think holly shit this is so boring
and i rather put a squirrel down my pants for fun

alfcrippinjr2668d ago

ok im going to put down two squirrels down my pants stop downing my votes animal lovers lol


For Honor Year 8, Forged in War Sets March 14th Date

Time for battle. Today, For Honor announced that its Year 8, Forged in War, starts on March 14 with the first of four new seasons. Each season will tell standalone stories focused on special weapons unique to one of For Honor’s factions.


For Honor Celebrates 35 Million Players With A Viking Hero

This is a great achievement. Today, For Honor celebrated reaching 35 million players and announced that its first fully armored Viking Hero, the Varangian Guard, will join the game on February 1.

ThinkThink130d ago

Wow, this game is still going! Have not played it yet but wondering if it's worth jumping into


I played it when it first came out and it's pretty solid though I did moved on from the MP fairly quick... I did enjoy the campaign and I see the game on sale for a few dollars so I do recommend picking it up on sale.

Garethvk130d ago

It has plenty of action and updates.

Garethvk130d ago

They have had many good updates along the way. There was a great one where you had to defend an attack and you could use hot oil and all kinds of things to defend.


For Honor: Year 7 Season 3 Ghost Trailer

This looks like some Spooky fun.For Honor’s new season, Deceit, is coming on September 14, and the atmosphere is about to get otherworldly. Year 7 Season 3’s story opens with the Ghost Festival, a Wu Lin celebration to honor the dead with offerings and performances, running from September 14 to October 5.

Eidolon270d ago

7 years already, jesus. People play it still. It was fun but not the sticking around years kinda fun.

Garethvk270d ago

Just shows that some games have a real core.