
The Good and Bad of Uncharted 4’s Survival Mode

Just a few days ago, Naughty Dog finally released the long-anticipated Survival co-op mode for Uncharted 4, giving fans who didn’t care for competitive multiplayer an alternate option for playing with friends, ranking up, and unlocking new rewards.

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UCForce2721d ago

I agree with that article. It's much more enjoyable and challenging. Also, you get relic about from 10 to 55. But with daily challenges, you earn faster than ever.

2721d ago
corroios2721d ago

I wanted the classic survival from uc2 and uc3 there should be that option.

Flare1492721d ago

I like the new version and appreciate them making it fresh, but I also wish the classic survival mode was an option, especially in regards to waves and time commitment. In the original one I felt like it could take an hour to get through, which was fair. In this one it took two random players and myself 20 minutes to get through one map stage. It was fun, but if I want to play through all 10 stages consecutively and see all the content it appears I'd need to set aside 3+ hours. Typing it out I suppose that's not that much different from Destiny Raid's at initial release, but it still feels like a lot of time to be playing a wave based game type.

UCForce2721d ago

There is Harcore mode is coming soon.

Stogz2721d ago

So far I've been really impressed with this mode. The constantly changing levels and objectives keeps it fresher for me at least than gears Horde mode. I know many prefer gears but for me it becomes a little too repetitive after a while, while this one seems to keep things fresh. However, I would love it if they added another more classic co op mode like they used to have in uncharted 2 and 3.

TheGamez1002721d ago

I like it and its enjoyable. Just hope they keep supporting it by adding new modes, increase level cap, new content, etc. Playing the same maps with the same objectives is a bit repetitive. Would be nice if we can just play random maps with random objectives


Uncharted Unreal Engine 5 Imagining From MachineGames-Indiana Jones Designer is a Sight to Behold

A stunning Uncharted Unreal Engine 5 imagining has been released, featuring cutscenes, platforming, combat, stealth, and vehicles.

Created by Daniel Arriaga, a level designer at MachineGames on the upcoming Indiana Jones game, this fan concept is a solo developer project.

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RaidenBlack102d ago

to reiterate, this is just a hobby project by a single developer

isarai102d ago

As a one man project this is awesome as hell!

102d ago
lellkay102d ago

Impressive considering its a one man effort!

Nacho_Z102d ago

Nate looks like he's been charting the lost city of Marijuana.

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Uncharted Love: How Nate & Elena Found Their Happily Ever After

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Celebrating 10 Years of PS4 with Our Favourite Games

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Crows90204d ago (Edited 204d ago )

The best games of their generation too. Its incredible how great most if not all of playstations games are. Whether you like the stories or not you cant deny the quality of each title.

Hated tlou part 2. But im going to buy it when it is cheap enough because i want to play the remastered content for $10 extra dollars. Theyre adding a roguelike mode...thats going to be fun!

204d ago