
Will Short Games Spell Doom For PSVR?

Like it or not, size does matter. And so far, the PSVR's lineup has been a frustrating case of style over substance. Can Sony turn things around and make the hardware a success?

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derkasan2784d ago

I think the shorter length of some of these games might suit the platform well.

dead_pixels2784d ago

So long as the price of the software reflects as much. Crytek slapping a $60 price tag on Robinson, a three hour game, could set a lousy precedent. Still, at least Amazon has it priced $20 cheaper ahead of release.

2784d ago
Utalkin2me2784d ago

I totally agree. You can have a great experience with a 3 hour VR game. But the price will have to reflect that.

morganfell2784d ago

I don't think short games spell doom. It is consumer acceptance related. But if PSVR doesn't make it then all of VR dies.

Petebloodyonion2784d ago

In my opinion the PSVr should put the Focus on game like Until Dawn, rail shooters, Arcade racers and similar light games with prices tags around 20$.
The share the experience with your friends could spark interest for VR and would separate the type of game of PS4 from PSVR giving it a distinctive personality.

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EverydayJoe2783d ago (Edited 2783d ago )

A lot of reviews gave Arkham a hard time for being a short experience, but to be honest, after playing thru it twice, and then jumping around grabbing all the riddles, I certainly felt like I got my moneys worth out of it.

With Robinson being 3-5 hours even if that is doing all that can be done is ok by me (got in on the amazon pricing with prime at $31 and change). The way I see it, paying ten dollars per hour to be entertained is totally acceptable. Most Blu-ray movies are $24 bucks and up for a 2-3 hours I don't see much difference between the two forms of entertainment in terms of price per hour.

Eonjay2784d ago

Short games spells short games.... doom is spelled D O O M.

Goldby2784d ago


just because you finished school and aced spelling bee doesn't mean you can go and prance around bragging about it.

i learnted to reed from Sea same stret, don't see me bragging about it /s

uth112784d ago

If short games were a problem, the videogame industry would never have gotten off the ground in the 70s and 80s.

dead_pixels2784d ago (Edited 2784d ago )

Sure, but by that same token we've come to expect games where our characters are comprised of more than five pixels moving to the sound of a garbage disposal on the fritz.

As technology improves, so do does the expectation that the games we experience evolving accordingly. And when we're spending more for a peripheral than a console retails for, it's not unfair to expect lasting gaming experiences that stay with the player for longer than it takes to push out last night's bad burrito.

uth112784d ago

It's not about tech, it's about appeal. Fact is short but fun & replayable games have wider appeal than long games with 30, 40, 50 hour campaigns. VR needs both audiences to suceed

Death2784d ago


"Short games" in the 70's and 80's were the norm. The same can't be said of games today. We do have arcade and indie games that are much shorter than their traditional console counter parts, but the MSRP reflects this. If PSVR games are priced like indies, maybe it's not an issue. If the games are priced the same as a much longer console game, less people may be interested. That is where the problems are. It's ok if you don't mind paying $60 for a couple hours of enjoyment, but if the majority don't share your enthusiasm support will die very quickly.

uth112784d ago

There are still plenty of short games being made,. Only we've labelled them "casual" now. But that's the thing. Long games have limited appeal to only core gamers. Many people don't have the time to invest in them. Short games with high-replayability are the best things for VR' right now if it's to have wide appeal

Death2784d ago

"Short" games may have their place, but gamers investing $400 for PS4/Pro and an additional $400-$500 on PSVR may want to get a little more for their investment. Rigs is a great example of a short game with high replay value, but shouldn't be the only thing we see with VR.

I've never seen a short game referred to as casual though. Most just say it's a rip off unless it is really cheap. I think if you are willing to pay upwards of $60 for a couple hour game that makes you pretty hardcore.

dead_pixels2784d ago (Edited 2784d ago )

Well said, Death. I agree with you wholeheartedly.

Plunking down 4-500 dollars for a platform that only offers the kinds of games you can finish in one sitting just doesn't seem like a great investment, and it's not hard to imagine that kind of brevity will be a huge turnoff for many gamers.

Petebloodyonion2784d ago

The problem isn't the length of the game, it's the price you are being charge for the experience.
Probably no one would have complained about No man Sky if the game was released at a 20$ tag like similar indy games. But at 60$ then the game is lacking.

My favorite PSVR game is Rush of Blood at 20$ you do get a great value.

Goldby2783d ago

Mine is driveclub at 20

subtenko2784d ago

Pong woulda sealed gamings fate.

lastking952784d ago

Highly false top rated games are longer than 3 hours.

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trooper_2784d ago

Uh...no. Next lame article.

stloony2784d ago (Edited 2784d ago )

I dont see why they cannot pull new games out of the tv and be able to play them while looking at the game world in a box-like area in VR.

The box view would move when the camera changes, but the user would be able to put their head into the box and to look around. It would be in 3d and very immersive. And this could be done with any game.

I get wanting to create games for VR from scratch, but they should really try to get games already in development into a VR mode just like any game could be created to have a 3d mode. I do not need to be inside the game as a character. I am fine being on the outside looking in, if you get what I mean.

jholden32492784d ago

Totally agree.

Super Stardust Ultra (the modes which feature the normal game in VR), Volume, that Robot Rescue platformer from the VR Playroom, along with Allumette, and to an extent even DriveClub with its optional 3rd person perspective, has proven normal games can thrive in VR.

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