
BattleSouls Review - Hey Poor Player

HPP: BattleSouls is one of the simplest introductions to arena combat I’ve ever come across. Three short slides of explanation and you’re able to jump right in. Taking cues from shooters and MOBAs alike, the game is a free-to-play that exists as a more accessible option for those of us who aren’t multiplayer vets of either genre. While BattleSouls certainly gives that jumping off point, it doesn’t seem to strive to move beyond.

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Gaming Regulations To Be Set In China

China's new online gaming regulations set spending and playtime limits to curb excessive gaming and protect minors.

shinoff2183172d ago

Far as I've read they were relooking into some of that due to companies over there stocks plunging after the orginal announcement

FinalFantasyFanatic171d ago

Didn't they cause a 80% plunge in their gaming sector? Yeah, probably wasn't a good idea to go that hard.

Eonjay172d ago

China kinda has to be the world's online gaming regulator whether it wants to or not (spoiler: it does) because, as this article states. China is home to the biggest online gaming market of over 700 million online gamers.

TheColbertinator172d ago

All that potential in the Chinese game market is squandered by corporate greed and the Communist government.


Is Online Gaming Truly Better When it's Free To Play?

Free-to-play games offer gamers a very easy and cost-effective way to enjoy online multiplayer, but are these sorts of games themselves actually better than their predecessors?

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ApocalypseShadow869d ago (Edited 869d ago )

Depends. If it's F2P and you have to grind and grind and grind to get to level 1. Then grind and grind and grind to get a weapon. Then grind and grind and grind to get a hat for an unreasonable amount of time. And it's set up and marketed constantly that you can buy all that for $4.99 to shorten the pain but you barely get anything for the price. Then, HELL NO.

If it's a great F2P game, with a great play loop and it has reasonable level updating and weapons capable of being acquired WITHOUT endless grinding for hours upon hours without spending any money, even for special weapons. Then, F2P is okay.

F2P should be fun. Not a job of endless working. Or being pushed to pull out your wallet. But truthfully, I'd rather an online game with one price that gives you a deep online experience. Not monthly cost or yearly cost or pay for passes.

onewingnut868d ago

This is all by design. How else are they going to make that money and keep you engaged? I miss the times when it was about a great story and experience and not just trying to activate my dopamine centers and cause addiction.....

SDuck868d ago

fuck no. I play Rocket League and the amount of trolls, match throwers and toxic players doesn't decrease because even if we successfully report them, they can just make a new account and keep on being douches.

Knightofelemia868d ago

No because free to play comes with a price look at GTA as an example it's the perfect model. Rockstar drops an update a new business, a few new cars, new weapons, clothes, and tattoos. That stuff is super expensive in the world of Los Santos meaning you either have to grind the shit out of the game or you have to buy shark cards. Those shark cards are what unlocks that new car or business so people can try them out. Even free to play on cellphone comes with a price because they know people will pay to have a new character skin, weapon skin or even unlock a new weapon.

CoNn3rB868d ago (Edited 868d ago )

Right now I think F2P comes with too many strings attached. If it isn't a grindy expedience that tries to lure you into the store to bypass the full time job that is the game, it's the trolls, the smurfs and the hackers with throw away accounts, or the ever frustrating battlepasses that these games tack on with 2/3 items that are actually worth the effort and then 97/98 garbage teir unlocks that would have been free bonuses in a full priced game.

F2P is a lot like Steam Greenlight or Early Access, it's a good idea on paper but the system is so open to abuse that for every good example there's about 10 other games that take the piss.


China Restricts Online Gaming Play for Minors to 1 Hour on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays

China has updated its online gaming play restrictions for minors, and they're now much harsher: only one hour and on specific days.

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ToddlerBrain1022d ago

All of these publishers bent backwards to get into the Chinese market only for China to completely destroy it.

1022d ago Replies(5)
Magog1022d ago

To be fair adults are the biggest video game players these days.

SurgicalMenace1021d ago

Like it or hate it, let's look at the fact that China houses some of the brightest minds in the world. Is it a surprise that they're not wanting their kids to be in a thoughtless, zombie like, state? Look at their IQs compared to the nation housing the ones judging. How many things in your house are MADE IN CHINA?🤷🏾‍♂️

blacktiger1021d ago

MADE in China doesn't mean anything. It could've hade in Africa had it political differences such making business decisions. Now you going to see other made in because currency rises.

DoubleTTB221021d ago

You do realise that so much is made in China because of cheap sweatshop labor. Not because of intelligence.

And IQ isn't that valuable of a way to measure intelligence in the first place. There is no catch all for all different types of intelligences that accurately tells you anything. Having a high IQ and just being smart all the time in every context only happens in comic books.

Livingthedream1021d ago

I agree these gaming habits start at an early age, and become an addiction with many individuals. It’s not necessarily bad to restrict things as these kids will likely have the capacity to learn more productive things, if they make good use of the free time. Gotta love our freedom of choice here though.

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gamer78041022d ago (Edited 1022d ago )

i tried finding this news on fanbyte, but oddly no article yet, i'm sure they are working on it, lol

Imalwaysright1022d ago

Is there any communist government that didn't end up in a dictatorship?

TheDoomedGuy1022d ago (Edited 1022d ago )

Communism paves the 2ay for dictatorship. It's the only way communism works to begin with.

Well it doesn't work but ywah

kryteris1022d ago

Dictator Trump be jealous.

specialguest1022d ago (Edited 1022d ago )

When I read the article title I thought to myself, what's surprising about this? It's China. They've had several basic human rights taken away decades ago. This 1 hr gaming restriction is literally NOTHING compared to the more important things

Unknown_Gamer57941022d ago

That’s a dictatorship for you. Communism is when everyone is on equal ground. The second someone is above the system, usually to enforce it, it’s no longer communism. Of course, there’s no real world data as of yet of any attempt at communism not devolving into a dictatorship (and I don’t think China’s system was ever meant to be anything but a dictatorship).

Magog1022d ago

Hunter gatherers were successfully communist for hundreds of thousands of years.

Popsicle1022d ago

@Magog Homosapiens/hunter gatherers have always been territorial. Ask the Neanderthals how willing they/we were willing to spread the territory/wealth equally and fairly while controlling the means of production.

vfl5231022d ago

And communism will never work. Like you said that is where everyone is on equal ground. It's the unequal ground or drive to better oneself is what leads to innovation and advancement. Why would anyone go through everything it takes to be a doctor, scientist, or an engineer, when they get the same benefits as someone working at McDonald's. Sure maybe a few would, but more often than not not enough would. Would Steve Jobs have founded Apple if he couldn't rep the rewards for his work?

NeoGamer2321022d ago (Edited 1022d ago )

Whether it is communism or free capitalism.

The solution is not one or the other. The solution is in the middle.

While I would agree that regulating gaming time is ridiculous, there are some things in communism that are working better then capitalism. For example gangs, drugs, and guns are out of control in highly capitalistic countries such as the USA. Also, the USA is morallly void. Meaning that it doesn't matter what you do as long as you follow the rules and even bend them into your favor, no matter who it hurts or unjust it really is.

The problem is the USA and China/Russia are the leaders of the two sides and neither thinks anything the other one is doing is right, so no matter what topic it is, the countries take it to the extrreme. At this point the world is laughing at all three of USA, China, and Russia. I am more fearful visiting the USA then I am China. Simply because I could get gunned down crossing the streets. I went on a USA trip just before the pandemic and the driver side window of my rental car was shot through while I was in a store. Had I been in the driver's seat I would've been dead. At least in Russia and China, I just know that I have to behave a certain way and not get involved in any political discussions. Frankly, all three USA, China, and Russia are all broken messes.

CptDville1021d ago

What a piece of crap opinion. There is no defense on loosing you free will.

NeoGamer2321021d ago

So when a person of freewill murders someone that is ok? Steals things from others? Recruits a 12 year old into a gang? Bullies a person to the point their self worth is so low they commit suicide? Does a person of freewill have the right to smoke in the same room as their kids, who may be allergic to cigarettes' smoke making them constantly sick? Do they have the right to pollute the environment and ruin it for others? Cut down trees wherever they want? Put graffiti on private property? Get COVID-19 and spread it to someone who is immune compromised so that they die? Tell someone else which religion is the "right" religion? Say that all people of a certain color/race are creating all the bad in their world? Make business deals that deprive seniors of their pensions that they worked literally decades to build? Deny someone who does not have a lot of money healthcare? Decide which people live or die? Decide which people get fed/unfed? Is it OK not to pay your bills and make your service providers suffer financially?

Freewill has consequences and boundaries too. Nobody lives in total freewill.

Magog1022d ago

Actually, no. That's authoritarianism. Communism has nothing to do with this decision. China isn't even communist they are a capitalist society consumed with creating wealth.

Popsicle1022d ago

In the context of what you are replying to I agree with your assertion that it is authoritarianism and not communism. However, I would ask the co-founder of Alibaba Holdings Jack Ma if he agrees that China is a true capitalist economy after the Chinese government placed him under “supervision” (jail) as he and his company gained “to much” success.

I would likewise ask the CEO of Didi Global if they feel that China’s system is true capitalism when they sent police officials to their office after they very recently defied Xi Jinping when being told to delay their listing on the NYSE. Soon after the Chinese government announced that they will penalize Didi Global and are threatening a forced de-listing.

Given these examples it is obvious that the Chinese government do not take kindly to companies in their country that may become successful enough to threaten their power. They make it clear to the most successful businesses over there who is really in control of the means of production.

Rimeskeem1022d ago

I don't think that is strictly communism. Sounds more like China being dickheads to minors and not understanding psychology at all.

LightofDarkness1021d ago

China hasn't been a communist nation since the 70s, when Deng Xiaoping took over. People would do well to understand history a bit better instead of regurgitating nonsense.

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MWH1022d ago

For parents this is a good move.

InUrFoxHole1022d ago

Try spending time with your children.

LostinthePANIC1022d ago

This is only a "good move" for communism.

EvertonFC1022d ago

Lose plenty of money in 1 hour gambling, just saying

Ninver1022d ago

Everton sucks. Sorry couldn't resist.

CptDville1021d ago

You can loose it on drugs, market, buying a Ferrari and crashing it without insurance.
Next idiotic comment please.

RaiderNation1022d ago

Yes, if you want the government raising your kids. No thanks! I'd rather the government stay the hell out of my life and let me make my own decisions as to what my kids can and can't do.

Sayai jin1022d ago

The government already regulates in many ways how we raise our children.

blackblades1022d ago (Edited 1022d ago )

American government dont care about our kids they dont wont them to wear mask and now the kids getting covid. Even the parent dont wont there kids wearing mask. Sometimes both are sh... but yeah government should stay out away unless the parent is abusive pr whatever.

NeoGamer2321022d ago

The problem is not gaming time.

People like to blame gaming, but the problem is more how the kids are being raised and the values being instilled upon them by their parents.

I have two kids. One kid games a lot. Today, she has a job as a nurse, is fit, travels the world, and volunteers in many different things. I couldn't ask anything more of her. Gaming has not affected her contribution to society or her mental state. It is her hobby.

SurgicalMenace1021d ago

Or a parent that doesn't want the game to do the parenting for them.

CptDville1021d ago

Yeah, parents should give their sons to the government. They know better what to do!

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TeamIcoFan1022d ago

We can't let gaming get in the way of their propoganda- I mean, "education", now can we?

1022d ago Replies(16)
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