
Don't Expect a Quick Reply from Sony on PS4 and Xbox One's Cross-Network Gameplay

A few days ago, Microsoft opened to the possibility of cross-network gameplay between Xbox Live and other consoles and PC networks, extending an open invitation to other manufacturers to jump on the bandwagon. Of course, this immediately prompted many to expect a quick response from Sony Computer Entertainment on that possibility.

That's most probably not going to happen.

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johndoe112113216d ago (Edited 3216d ago )

"Because PC is an open platform it’s much more straightforward. Connecting two different closed networks is much more complicated so we have to work with developers and publishers to understand what it is they are trying to accomplish.

We also have to look at the technical aspect – and the technical aspect could be the easiest. We also have to look at policy issues and business issues as well."

Abriael, please explain to me what is vague about that answer? Every single thing he stated is factually correct. That is the BEST possible response that anyone can give at this time. I'm sorry if he's not a phil spencer that would just blurt out anything that comes to his head in order to gain points with the public. That answer is as straight forward and precise as you can get. The man even said they will work with developers to understand what they would like to do. That statement clearly states their intentions while showing that it's not something that will happen soon due to the technical and legal implications. What more do people want?

Abriael3216d ago (Edited 3216d ago )

Correct and Precise are two very different things.

In no place the article mentions that what Yoshida-san said is incorrect. As a matter of fact, he said all he could given the circumstances.

It's vague because it does not effectively provide a yes or no response, which he couldn't, and that's exactly the point. We won't get a yes or no response any time soon.

"Every single thing he stated is factually correct. That is the BEST possible response that anyone can give at this time."

If you read the article carefully, you'll notice that it says exactly the same thing.

johndoe112113216d ago (Edited 3216d ago )

My point is that this answer is not "vague" or "iffy" as you stated in your article or "evasive" as a certain known diehard microsoft supporter stated in this comment section. "vague" and "iffy" are terms used by gaming writers that are trying to draw views to their site with clickbait articles to cast doubt on sony's response. He said they will need to talk to developers to see how it can be done and he stated the obstacles they would need to overcome. how in the name of all that is holy is that response vague?

If you want a vague response let me show you what he could have said that can be described as vague:

"We understand the interest by gamers for this feature and we commend microsft for their openness to the idea. At this time it would be difficult to say how or if this can be done and right now sony is dedicated to giving their customers the best gaming experience possible. It is definitely something we may consider in the future".

THAT, my friend, is vague, iffy and evasive.

Abriael3216d ago (Edited 3216d ago )

The answer is vague. It doesn't include a yes or no. That's the definition of vague. "vague" isn't necessarily positive or negative in this context. It just is.

The article states that the answers were "saw by some" as iffy. Not that they are iffy. The article actually criticizes those who interpreted the answer as iffy.

As for evasive. It's not mentioned even once.

johndoe112113216d ago

"or "evasive" as a certain known diehard microsoft supporter stated in this comment section", at no point did i say evasive was mentioned in your article.


adjective, vaguer, vaguest.
not clearly or explicitly stated or expressed:
vague promises.
indefinite or indistinct in nature or character, as ideas or feelings:
a vague premonition of disaster.
not clear or distinct to the sight or any other sense; perceptible or recognizable only in an indefinite way:
vague shapes in the dark; vague murmurs behind a door.
not definitely established, determined, confirmed, or known; uncertain:
a vague rumor; The date of his birth is vague.
(of persons) not clear or definite in thought, understanding, or expression:
vague about his motives; a vague person.
(of the eyes, expression, etc.) showing lack of clear perception or understanding:

The man clearly stated they would work with developers on it and that they would have to look at the technical and business implications. There is nothing vague about that statement. What you wanted for him to say in order for you to be happy with the answer was "yes, we are gonna do it and it will be ready on the 17 of November 2017". His response shows that they are open to the idea and that they will have to work with developers to accommodate it. what exactly is vague about that other than the fact he didn't say yes and gave a date? you don't have to say yes or no in order to be clear. If you ask me to lend you $100 dollars and I say "i'm gonna have to go to the bank and see if my account has money in it" my answer wasn't vague, it was bloody clear as day. I didn't say yes or no but what i said implied that once certain conditions were met I would lend you the hundred. If you go through life expecting every answer to be yes or no in order for you to move forward then you are in for a lot of frustration.

Abriael3216d ago (Edited 3216d ago )

Vague = not clear.

A clear answer to a question that is answered with yes or no, is "yes" or "no."

Yoshida-san did not say "if certain conditions are met, we'll do it." he said "if certain conditions are met, we'll see."

It's funny that you're in full defense mode in an article that doesn't require any defense, because there's no attack.

johndoe112113215d ago

This has nothing to do with defense mode. Your article headline, like most gaming websites headlines these days, is clickbait nonsense that is calling a statement vague that was simply meant to show the steps and obstacles that would need to be considered when doing cross platform. We both know that by saying his statement was vague you will stimulate more discussion and debate and draw more clicks to your site. Here's a headline that would have been 100% more accurate to what he said: "Yoshida talks possibility and hurdles of cross platform play". But hey, that's no way near clickbaity enough right?

freshslicepizza3215d ago (Edited 3215d ago )

"Vague = not clear.

A clear answer to a question that is answered with yes or no, is "yes" or "no."

Yoshida-san did not say "if certain conditions are met, we'll do it." he said "if certain conditions are met, we'll see."

perfectly said. vague does mean not clear. sony's answers were not clear and still left loopholes in place.

Sonty's response,
"We also have to look at the technical aspect – and the technical aspect could be the easiest. We also have to look at policy issues and business issues as well."

that sounds like a loophole and this is why the answer is vague. they should have been more pumped about the idea. after all they went on stage at e3 to announce their deal with valve. why not say 'hey if we can make it work we will, we are after all here for the customers'.

"If you ask me to lend you $100 dollars and I say "i'm gonna have to go to the bank and see if my account has money in it" my answer wasn't vague, it was bloody clear as day. I didn't say yes or no but what i said implied that once certain conditions were met I would lend you the hundred. If you go through life expecting every answer to be yes or no in order for you to move forward then you are in for a lot of frustration."

going to the bank first is a reasonable response. it is logical and easy to know where you are coming from. you either have the money or you don't. sony to respind with from a business point and policy issue is not in the same category. sorry to burst your bubble.

why is this brought up when microsoft already opened up the DIRECT invitation? if anything the burden should be on microsoft to deliver on their word and sony should have put all the emphasis back onto them. they didn't. instead they said they already support cross-play with the pc. that does not answer the xbox one possibility. they should have said they would love to do it if it's possible. that's it. no political vagueness about policies and business.

DragonKnight3215d ago

""vague" and "iffy" are terms used by gaming writers that are trying to draw views to their site with clickbait articles to cast doubt on sony's response."

DING DING DING!!! You hit the nail on the head.

Yoshida did not provide a vague response.

Question: Will Sony allow cross network gameplay.

Answer: We'll need to work with the devs on that one.

That's a direct answer. The only thing vague about that answer is that it is essentially a "yes, when we can get it to work" answer. But it's pretty direct for a PR response.

Abriael is just inventing and inviting controversy. Placing the ball in Sony's court to give a definitive answer when NO COMPANY EVER would ever outright make such a committed response to any question. A "yes" or a "no" in the business world can easily be turned into a lawsuit.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3215d ago
freshslicepizza3215d ago

it is quite vague because not once did they even hint at the possibility of working with microsoft's xbox one. instead they alluded to the pc and left it up to the publisher to decide. which is fair enough until you get to the last part,

"We also have to look at policy issues and business issues as well."

that to me sounds like a backdoor, a way to get out of it of they choose to do so.

this needs to happen one way or another. gamers would live it mostly because of the rivalry but more importantly to keep the numbers up to sustain the community for longer. we all know online games live or die based on the community. having nintendo, microsoft, sony and the pc all working together should be possible in such a global connection we posses.

isn't there a game that will work with nintendo and sony? what sony needs to do is highlight why it will take longer to answer with microsoft than it did with steam and nintendo. we all know the main rivalries out there is playstation and xbox fans. so wouldn't it make the most sense to collaborate to get those two parties to play online?

micrsooft purposely worded their new direction moving forward, they named other consoles, they names other online services. sony on the other hand will not directly name other direct competitors, only the pc which micrsooft has already made games cross play with before as well.

jb2273215d ago

"that to me sounds like a backdoor, a way to get out of it of they choose to do so"

Considering the news came out of the clear blue sky for Yoshida, is it smart for him to commit to something that he has no real details on? If he came right out & said "absolutely we are in", only to read MS' fine print & realize that their offer may make for an poorer experience for Sony gamers, Yoshida would have to go back on his word in order to do the right thing for his fans, which would be a bad situation & one that would be pointless to put yourself in w/ a kneejerk reaction.

"micrsooft purposely worded their new direction moving forward, they named other consoles, they names other online services."

Did you read the statement? The only platform they mentioned by name was PC, then the vague idea of "other networks"...they never once mentioned Sony directly by name.

Sounds to me like this was a situation where MS decided to finally start allowing cross plat play for Xbox & PC as that makes sense for their new focus moving forward, and they used the opportunity to put Sony in a tricky spot by basically calling them out w/o actually calling them out. Without seeing where it leads or what the details behind it are, you can't say right now that it could only lead to great things.

End of the day it makes obvious business sense for MS to do this, not out of sheer good will, but as a way to keep consumers from picking the PS4 over the XBO because all of their friends are on the former. It's not some white knight move to unite platforms, it is just a way to gain more market share, pure & simple.

freshslicepizza3215d ago (Edited 3215d ago )

a direct question was asked phil spencer


Josh Luck ‏@JoshLuck1995 Mar 14
@XboxP3 do you seriously see there being MP between @PlayStation and @Xbox ? I would love to see it but just can't see it happening?

Phil SpencerVerified account
@JoshLuck1995 @PlayStation @Xbox For developers, more MP players means opportunity for games to stay relevant longer, good for all.

do you not think this is a good move, yes or no?

BEASELY3215d ago

You two should examine this argument from an exterior perspective and realize just how petty it is. You're getting down to granial levels of technicality over nothing. Just relax.

freshslicepizza3215d ago

we will relax once it becomes a reality.

ApocalypseShadow3215d ago (Edited 3215d ago )

What's hilarious moldy is that you took what Microsoft said as direct when that's not what they said. They said " we are open to other networks."This is Charla:

*Cross-Network Play
First, in addition to natively supporting cross-platform play between Xbox One and Windows 10 games that use Xbox Live, we’re enabling developers to support cross-network play as well. This means players on Xbox One and Windows 10 using Xbox Live will be able to play with players on different online multiplayer networks – including other console and PC networks.

Of course, it’s up to game developers to support this feature, and Xbox Live players will always have the option of choosing to play only with other Xbox Live players. We’re thrilled to confirm that Psyonix’s Rocket League will be one of the first games to take advantage of this new capability by enabling cross-network play between Xbox One and PC players, with an open invitation for other networks to participate as well.*

Did he have to directly say "we are open to PlayStation and the PSN network for crossplay of games? No he didn't. You used your brain to come to the conclusion that he spoke about Steam, Nintendo and Sony being included in what he's saying.

So why does Sony have to directly state " YES, we are working with Microsoft to make this happen?" They stated the same thing Microsoft said. It's up to third parties but there are legal and technical issues to get past. And being that Sony has already done cross play way more than Microsoft, I doubt they are not willing to try. It was Microsoft time and time again saying no to developers to not include cross play with Sony.

Johndoe has been destroying you guys with reason and logic. And he right about Abriel and the click bait title.

freshslicepizza3215d ago

they said other online networks and other console. why would they directly name the ps4 when it means any console? they don't even know the actual name of nintendo's new system, nx is just a placeholder and sony will make a ps5. this is why it isn't specific to just saying ps4 or wii u.

that to me is a lot more clear than some vague response that sony gave and they never said we will have to look at our business model and policy issues first. for far too long microsoft has been sectioning itself off in their own walled garden, that has changed now. so there should be nothing to prevent xbox, playastion and nintendo fans from playing together. and we should not allow some vague response of policy issues and business plans to keep it from happening. if it doesn't happen then the media should be all over sony or microsoft for making it difficult moving forward.

and let's not ignore another elephant in the room, ea access. if sony can just mandate without even giving ps4 the option what does that tell you?

ApocalypseShadow3215d ago (Edited 3215d ago )

EA access has nothing to do with the topic. And two, it's just EA's way of undercutting used games and wanting to make a profit on old games. That's why they supported Microsoft on DRM, always online check ins and lack of game ownership. You should be aware by now of EA's tactics. No one has to tell you.

*On topic*

Sony has never had anything against it as most of the games like FF, rocket league, street fighter, DC online,etc are cross play. Microsoft denied it every time. Being open about it doesn't change the fact Sony was already fine with it. This is not on Sony. It's on Microsoft and their controlling behavior they always had. Sony doesn't need to be direct because through ACTION, we already know their answer.

I don't know how they or john can be any clearer to you guys.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3215d ago
GamingIVfun3215d ago

People forget that it is not completely up to Sony or Microsoft, it's up to the developers and publishers ultimately, Sony can offer to allow it it but unless the developer/publishers want to do it, it doesn't matter. First party exclusives can't have cross platform play with other consoles.

Sony mentioned being open to cross platform console play a couple of years ago. Nothing was ever said or done to support it. I think the same thing will happen since Microsoft has said they are open to it.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3215d ago
stuna13216d ago

Truthfully I think this is Microsoft trying to push Azure Cloud servers. It just seems premeditated! Sony has always been pretty open to cross platform play, it has always been Microsoft against it. Now all of a sudden their for it!? Why? Because with their Azure Cloud service they stand to benefit greatly as well dictate the rules.

This is possibly one of many reasons Sony hasn't given a definite answer, because it'll cost them as well as put them at a disadvantage.

DragonbornZ3216d ago

That's possible, but the first game they proposed uses Psyonix's servers right?

stuna13216d ago

Yes, but I think that will change as time goes on and it becomes more accepted.

DragonbornZ3216d ago

Maybe. I feel like it's something they'd push for at the start with the first game, establishing a basis for the future.
It could be as you say, as what you said does make sense tho.
I guess we'll see.

Aloy-Boyfriend3216d ago

Great comment @stuna. I think what you say is on point with their sudden cross platform play change

Aenea3215d ago

See my post below, has nothing to do with Azure servers...

DashArrivals3216d ago

Sony have other fish to fry at the moment. There is no rush on this, but I still believe it will happen eventually. It doesn't really bother me though because everyone I know plays on PS4. But I do realise the great potential of this move.

Free_Fro3216d ago (Edited 3216d ago )

They're being evasive. .

at least the option is there...


johndoe112113216d ago

There is absolutely nothing evasive about his answer but i really didn't expect you to say anything different.

bleedsoe9mm3215d ago

it was an answer designed to sound like its for the players without being committal with doing anything that is actually for the player

vanity293215d ago

At least they made a statement. MS turned down Cross play on ffxiv but the ones who brought it to light were square enix. MS said nothing about how they turned it down.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3215d ago
-Foxtrot3215d ago

I don't get why people think Microsoft are the ones to ask Sony first on this, pretty sure Sony have been quite open for this for a while

DragonbornZ3215d ago

Its because they sent them an invitation for rocket league cross network play.

joeorc3215d ago (Edited 3215d ago )

@Foxtrot + 12m ago
"I don't get why people think Microsoft are the ones to ask Sony first on this, pretty sure Sony have been quite open for this for a while"

Exactly 100%

I mean you can look back at games released on Sony and see they are in fact open to the idea, but again when you have two closed networks its exactly like you, johndoe, stuna1 all stated.. Its clear why and exactly how these problems are with two closed platform networks.

Its done on a game by game basis.. Many certain gamers want All games right now to be that way, and that's Like asking one of the companies be that Microsoft or be that Sony to basically give up control for their closed network in order for the good of the consumer...

Well its just not going to happen would Microsoft give up network control after all the billions they spent invested into networks, or Sony to give up all the hundreds of millions they have invested into their online structure to just give in..

The Answer Is of course no...
It seems if this was really about doing what's right, why not all last generation with the xbox360 was in the lead, why not was this Question asked to Microsoft than? Repeatedly like its being asked of Sony this time around.

Its pretty ironic, out of the two
Sony has always had an open opportunity to allow PC & Playstation
IP's to play together if the developer or publisher wanted to..they have been open to do such..but Microsoft has not..but ironic thing is now Microsoft is treating PC & Xbox as a single platform not only for windows 10 but also the online store front software & Services..you know Xbox live gold & Silver.

That also means more & more 1st party games released for windows 10 OS is designed from the get go to put the gamer onto Xbox & windows 10 software & services and that means also windows 10 users onto Xbox live be that siver or gold subscription. They are merging the store front. And since windows 7/8.1 & Vista are not the target for the future of the Windows 10 Eco system that means even PC under Windows 10 is no longer open its now also closed if you want to talk about opening up the networks for good of all gamers..

With windows 7/8.1 & Vista that's still the case , but in the case of windows 10 & Xbox no its not so simple in working out a deal.

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Ys Memoire: The Oath In Felghana - Guilen Boss Guide

Here's how to exhaust the flames of Guilen, the Fire Eater, within the Zone of Lava in Ys Memoire: The Oath in Felghana!

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What to Expect From Fable 4 in 2025

While few specifics are known about its gameplay, story, and release date, Playground Games' Fable reboot is nonetheless expected to arrive in 2025.

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VenomUK10h ago

What to expect from Fable: A PS5 release.

Like if you agree. 👍🏼

Dislike if you think it will release 2026. 👎🏼

IAMRealHooman10h ago

Is this Playground Games first non car game?

Tacoboto6h ago

Yep, they've only developed Forza Horizon since their founding in 2009, and the studio developing Fable is a separate team/studio within Playground dedicated to Fable - it's not their Horizon team.

Based on Wiki, they're all still in the same region or city in the UK, but different offices and people. Yet they're still using ForzaTech from Turn10.

When this is all done, maybe it'll be a disaster, or maybe Microsoft will finally have its own internal non-Bethesda, non-id Engine as robust as Decima. After how Motorsport turned out though, I'm more concerned about the tech side being able to handle a character-based action RPG than the newness or quality of the actual dev team...

Brazz8h ago

It's coming 2026, perhaps 2027 for Playstation.

Lightning778h ago

It's stated for this year but we'll see.

Lightning778h ago

Downvote for not giving any input and insight to the article at hand.

anast10h ago

If they are asking for money, it should be a top-shelf experience.

vTuro249h ago

My current expectation is that it will be the Veilguard of 2025.

Demetrius7h ago

Fable 4, hopefully it's worth the purchase


Gran Turismo developers to create sound for Sony and Honda’s production Afeela 1 car

The Japanese joint venture’s real-world electric car will include an interior sound created by Polyphony Digital. Deliveries of the production car (which is in Gran Turismo 7 already) will arrive in 2026, starting in California.

vTuro2410h ago(Edited 10h ago)

I had no idea Sony created a whole car brand with Honda. I thought that car they showed off years ago was some one time tech demo to then sell electronics to manufacturers. This is kinda cool. I'm curious to see how it will turn out.

edit: Actually nevermind. Apparently this thing will have a subscription plan. Bruh fuck that wtf.

Junryain887h ago(Edited 7h ago)

That's alright, I'm sure it'll sound like a vacuum (GT criticism for ages) anyways..

Hypertension1403h ago(Edited 2h ago)


Your comment makes it appear that you haven't played or seen a GT game since GT5.

GT Sport and GT7 have not only surpass modern Forza in sound, there some of the the best sounding racing games on the market.

MrNinosan6h ago

Most Electric Cars have optional subscription plans, just like Afeela