
7 Great Cyberpunk Games like Technobabylon

Moe Long writes: "Technobabylon belongs to the breed of dystopian, cyberpunk, retro awesomeness. It’s part of a lovely renaissance, where classic titles are revived directly, or in the form of spiritual successors. While Technobabylon stands alone, it’s definitely reminiscent of several classics. I highly enjoyed playing Wadjet Eye Games’ latest title, partly because it’s a great game, and also because I kept having flashbacks to previous cyberpunk titles. Technobablyon manages to remain unique, but it definitely embodies its genre of choice. Check out these games which Technobabylon channels."


Nightdive would "love to remaster Deus Ex"

Nightdive would "love to remaster" Deus Ex, among a few other games. How can we make this happen.

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Deus Ex Deserves Better Than Being A Scapegoat For Embracer's Screw-Ups

Hanzala from eXputer says, "After multiple delays, cancellations, and ownership changes, the misfortune of Deus Ex continues; this gem of a series deserves better."

maelstromb222d ago (Edited 222d ago )

One can only hope at this point Embracer will need to generate an influx of cash flow, and what better way to do so than to sell off some of its IPs... namely Deus Ex, to a competent and talented studio capable of delivering a game noteworthy of the name in future. And thinking about it further, I don't know why Embracer would sit on the IP vs sell it if it means staying in business or not.


Five Annoying Video Game Openings in Otherwise Classic Titles

Some games endure despite the average player wishing they could skip that first hour - here are five annoying video game openings in otherwise classic titles.

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Yi-Long409d ago

I liked the Red Dead 2 opening, certainly didn’t feel like a slog to me, but I enjoyed that whole game so for those who were just expecting ‘GTA but with cowboys’, that was probably not the opening they expected, and Red Dead 2 wasn’t the game they were hoping for …

First game that came to mind when I read the title, was Watch Dogs 2, because you’re expecting an open world sandbox game in sunny colorful San Francisco, and instead that opening has you crawling and sneaking around an incredibly boring office building …

PrimeVinister409d ago

Watch Dogs 2 is a decent game but not really a classic. The opening is awful though. You got that right.

I loved the RDR 2 opening hours the first time but going back to restart it is where the rub lies for me.

Yi-Long409d ago

Yeah, I agree it’s not a classic, but it was the first game I thought of where I really thought; Why would you make that design choice!? If you’re gonna do a thing like that in order to teach the player some basic sneaking controls, at least make the location a bit more interesting, like an abandoned theme park or gorgeous temple or whatever, but now the gameplay was restrictive and boring, but also the location itself.

PrimeVinister409d ago

@Yi-Long Definitely true re the worst possible choices being made for the opener of Watch Dogs 2. I did enjoy WD2 overall but that intro is baffling :-D

shammgod409d ago

Red Dead 2 opening was trash