
LEGO Batman– PLAY have a chat with Traveler's Tales

Some would say that the Lego franchise has already reached the ceiling. How did you go about changing the established formula?

For us as a developer it's incredibly important that we ensure no one could accuse us of simply re-skinning the LEGO Star Wars game with 'another major movie license'. We make every effort to ensure that within the gameplay experience we're capturing the essence, in a LEGO form, of the character that we're creating the game around. There are elements that work really well in all of our games that we wouldn't change, such as two player drop in/drop out or the accessible controls. However, we hope that when you play either Indy or Batman you get a real sense that you are the LEGO version of that character. Indy is much more about exploration, so there's quite a puzzle element to the game. Batman and Robin are trained martial artists so the game has a lot more action and a lot of enemies to scrap against.

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The Humble WB Batman Collection Bundle packs eight games for just $10

Humble Bundle has just released its new bundle that brings together eight popular Batman games. With every purchase of this bundle, you will be supporting the charity of your choice.

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Garethvk928d ago

I wonder how many already have them.

gamefreaks365928d ago

Yeah, that's a good point. Still, if anyone missed out on them, this is a great deal.

Jeriphro928d ago

Wow. That is so cheap, but I know I personally already have all the games in the list. haha. I guess I should have waited.


Batman Day: The five best Batman games ever released

App Trigger: "In celebration of Batman Day and 80 years of the world's best detective, here are the five best video games starring the Guardian of Gotham himself!"

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1730d ago Replies(1)
1730d ago
Lilrizky1730d ago

without reading it more than half will be arkham games with at least two making the top 3 and 1 definitely taking the no. 1 spot lol

toxic-inferno1729d ago

Only one Arkham game in the list actually - Arkham City at number 1.

And no mention of the Telltale series.

Lilrizky1729d ago

damn, close!

thanks for clearing that up

1730d ago Replies(1)
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Humble Bundle has a LEGO games bundle starting at $1

The Humble LEGO Games Bundle is now live. It features games like LEGO Batman: The Video Game, LEGO City Undercover, LEGO Worlds, and more.

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SegaGamer1875d ago

I only need 3 from that list, so I'm not sure if I will bother buying this bundle. I may have a look on Steam Trades and see if anybody is trading the 3 I need.

RealOldGamer1874d ago

Good deal for Lego games. These rarely go on sale. Plus Steam!