
Battle Chef Brigade is a Sizzling Twist on RPGs

Marcus Estrada writes: "Cooking is a pretty magical affair for those who can barely even make toast. But what if cooking really did utilize magical abilities? It would be downright awesome, and that's the kind of world that Battle Chef Brigade inhabits. In Trinket Studios' proposed game, you'll compete in a tournament to create the tastiest of dishes for judges. However, chefs must explore and hunt for ingredients before transmuting them via magic."


Great Games Of 2018 You May Have Missed

2018 has been such a great year for games that there's plenty of low profile releases that have likely flown under your radar. These are some of the best.

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Battle Chef Brigade Deluxe Review (TSA)

TSA writes: "In the event you haven’t heard of Battle Chef Brigade, let me fill you in. It is a side-scrolling action game mixed with a puzzle game, a dash of story, glazed with of delightful visuals and sprinkled with some entertaining and charming characters. This is the Deluxe version that is being released for the first time on Playstation 4. Surely this is going to be the ultimate dessert and a great opportunity to see how many food references I make before I get so hungry I have to stop writing!"

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Discover a few PSN hidden gems - Overlooked PS4 Games 2018

"There are loads of games constantly being released for PlayStation 4 so here are a handful that you may have missed." - A.J. Maciejewski from Video Chums

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