
The Late Night Gamer: I Want to Live a Sheltered Life

The Late Night Gamer: What do I love most about the 50s? I’m a big fan of The Twilight Zone but the cars they had back then were pretty great too. I think if I had to choose a favorite feature of the decade it would be the looming threat of nuclear annihilation. It looks like Unicube agrees with me, because their upcoming game Sheltered takes that concept and runs with it into an underground bunker.

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Sheltered (Nintendo Switch) Review | GamePitt

Shaun writes: I’ll start by saying I’m a terrible father. That’s how Sheltered made me feel. On starting the game you’re given the choice on the make up of your family and I decided to pretty much base it on my own, though I did gift myself an extra child, a son called Isaac.

I thought creating and naming the family after my own would give me extra incentive to succeed, but boy did I fail epically hard!

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Sheltered Nintendo Switch Review | The Indie Game Website

The Indie Game Website writes: "Sheltered has been out for a couple of years on PC and is now gracing the Switch with its desolate, stressful presence. Set in the wake of a post-apocalyptic disaster, you have one goal: try and keep your family alive. The entire world has fallen into ruin, so rather than working towards the greater good, you just have to keep your loved ones alive for as long as you can."

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The post-apocalyptic disaster management game “Sheltered” is out now for the Nintendo Switch

Team17, a global games label, creative partner and developer of independent, premium video games in partnership with Unicube announced that Sheltered is out now on Nintendo Switch™.