
ONM preview: Sam & Max: Season One

Back in 1987, comic book writer Steve Purcell drew a dog and a rabbit. Well, it was more of a 'rabbity-type thing' than an actual rabbit. The cranial proportions were slightly off and it liked shooting things too much. Anyway, this dog and rabbit were best friends. Given their gun-toting sociopathic inclinations and the constant stream of sassy patter that bounced between them, they were pretty low on other friends. They worked as freelance gumshoes, solving crimes that took them across America, into freakshows, and, every now and then, to the moon.

Their first foray into videogames was way back in 1993, before most people in the world were even born. Sam & Max Hit The Road combined the fast-paced dialogue and whimsical satire of the comics into an epic adventure that melted PC owners' hearts and brains. And then... silence. 14 years of silence to be precise, during which time the genre they surfed - the comedy point and click adventure - went utterly out of fashion. Since then, point and clicks have been a trickle of navel-gazing mystery adventures that have never recaptured the glory days.

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Brutal Backlog - Sam and Max Episode 101: Culture Shock

Jiminy Christmas Eve in a padlocked sweatbox, Jump Dash Roll has dug up Sam and Max's first episodic adventure and given it the Brutal Backlog treatment! Is it worth jumping back into the Desoto for? Here's the review.

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5 franchises that should follow Pokemon Go into mobile AR

GameCrate: "Here are five series that we think should follow in the footsteps of Pokémon Go, while simultaneously carving out their own specific nooks in the AR gaming world."

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wheresmymonkey2889d ago

Yokai- watch would be perfect for it. fits with the game world and play of the normal game perfectly.

Leathersoup2886d ago

Ghostbusters. It doesn't have to be related to the movie. I just think having ghosts around town and fighting them in AR would be cool.


Interview with Joey Camen

Those of you who watch the credits on Sam & Max episodes will be familiar with the name of Joey Camen. The talented voice actor can be recognised in the games as the voice of Bosco and the Two-Teeth family, and has lent his voice to many different games and shows throughout the years.

Joey was kind enough to offer up his time to answer some questions in an exclusive interview for samandmax.co.uk

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