
240 Upcoming Wii U Indie Games (updated with 100+ new titles)


Back in February, we put together a massive feature detailing over 120 upcoming indie games for Nintendo’s Wii U platform. Today we have updated that list to double that number – 240 titles. The flood of Indie content to the Wii U is rapidly approaching.

In our original article we mentioned Nintendo’s HTML5 Web Framework and their support of the Unity game engine as key elements that leant themselves to the massive number of indie titles heading to the system. Today we also count Impact JS and Construct 2 to the growing library of game engines that support indie efforts on the Wii U.

For a deeper look at the business behind this indie revolution we suggest you read the original article by Nintendo Enthusiast founder Menashe.

So, without further ado, check out our thirteen lists of 240 Upcoming Wii U Indie Games.

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randomass1713669d ago

Dang. That's a lot of games...

Retroman3668d ago

glad Nintendo wii-u busting out with games.
at one point i was about to end gaming. to saturated with variety of open world fps gaming.
that burnt me out now new hope in gaming is back.

randomass1713669d ago

Oh of course. The dozens upon dozens of games the Wii U has gotten since launch or completely nonexistent. NO games whatsoever! *coughMarioKartandindiescough*

colonel1793669d ago

I don't count indies. I can get those on my iPhone. I respect people who like them though, so good for them that they get this many.

Metallox3669d ago

Why do many people call indies "phone" games? Because many of them aren't that and their 7.99-14.99 prices are justified.

Venoxn4g3668d ago

many of those indie games are much better than some great AAA titles...

Trine 1 & 2, Journey, Outland, Bit.trip games and many more

Axonometri3669d ago

This scares me actually. A lot of fluff or is there any meat on these bones? If a mass majority of these are garbage, I fear it will not help the Wii U positively. Maybe short lived boost, but in the end this could walk the same path the Wii did in the end.

The WiiU needs more meaty big seller titles. There are some great games coming soon, but past those few titles, as for now, it's a mass of possibly forgettable fluff.

Metallox3669d ago

I think the Wii U needs more and BETTER marketing rather than more games, I mean, yeah, it needs a lot of games but for now a good marketing would be better for the console, I think it wouldn't be selling like it's doing right now and at least it would have a better reputation. Like many people say, there are still persons that think the Wii U Gamepad it's an add-on for the Wii. That's not good.

So yeah, it needs games but it has already got a bunch of very good games as well.

randomass1713669d ago

^This. Better marketing would be a huge plus. Nintendo is just not advertising Wii U properly.

jhoward5853669d ago

I give Nintendo credit for at least trying. I look forward to seeing more indies games for the Wii u. keep up the good work Nintendo.

randomass1713669d ago

They've clearly setup a solid framework for indies to build upon. Right now they need to encouragement as much Wii U development as possible while releasing more first party stuff for the system. And market the dang thing better.

jhoward5853669d ago (Edited 3669d ago )

Yes, Nintendo has certainly done a great job setting up a solid framework for indies.
Oh,Since Nintendo has finally opened up their door to any dev(including indies) who's want to make game using ther AAA franchise was smart. So, I guess we expect a jaw dropping 2-d metroid game developed by one of those indies. As for 1st party games I'm sure Nintendo have some in the works. They'd be crazy to show up at E3 with a bunch of indies game and very little 1st party games. I can't wait for E3 to come because I have faith that Nintendo will do their best to turn things around.

OtakuDJK1NG-Rory3668d ago

Nintendo is basically trying to make Indie Devs their next big third parties.

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Zelda Replay: Majora's Mask

VGChartz's Evan Norris: "Is Ocarina of Time as legendary as I remembered it? For the most part, yes. In spite of a handful of missteps — a few obtuse puzzles, some tedious backtracking, and a clunky stealth sequence — I don't believe the last 23 years have been unkind to it. Ocarina remains a brilliant example of the medium, a landmark game that shaped the future of its own franchise and 3D gaming in general. After more than two decades it retains its inventive dungeon design, challenging puzzles, dynamic combat, wistful storyline, unforgettable music, and empowering open-air freedom. I feel confident calling it one of the greatest games of the fifth generation, even if I'm no longer prepared to list it among the five best games ever made."

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Crows905d ago

Pure unadulterated fun. They don't make them like this anymore...especially not the triple A industry.

FinalFantasyFanatic4d ago

Back when video rental was a thing, I rented out Majoria's Mask, I never finished it though. I did buy the 3DS version before the eshop shutdown, so maybe one day I'll finally play through the whole thing, it's amazing how well these games hold up though. I briefly played Ocarina of Time for a while and it was really fun.


Wii U games that still haven't been ported to Switch

The Nintendo Switch is potentially nearing its lifespan, and several Wii U games haven't found their way over as ports yet.

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Vits13d ago

I think it's better to leave games like AC: Amiibo Festival and Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash forgotten on the Wii U. Best case, they are mediocre games; worse case, they are very bad. It was a dark time for the Wii U, and the first only exists to sell Amiibo cards, whereas the second was put together in a couple of months with a shoestring budget, and it shows.

The rest of the list does have some really cool games, though. I would love to see a remake of Star Fox Zero with decent controls, and Xenoblade X doesn't require that much modification to work.

Z50112d ago

How would XCX work without dual screens functionality?

Cacabunga12d ago

Same as Paper Mario color splash. One of the best wiiu games and getting even better with dual screen. Same reason why i prefer Splatoon 1

Profchaos12d ago

This article leaves out Nintendo's most controversial game to date devils Third.
I personally found the cover system really fun in that one compared to at the time most fps games completely lacking one.

Stevonidas12d ago

Devil's Third is HIGHLY underrated.

repsahj12d ago

They should remake Starfox to the switch 2. Very beautiful game during gamecube days.

Chocoburger12d ago

Kirby is always ignored or forgotten by people, so good to see it mentioned here.
Play Kirby Canvas Curse on DS, and then play Rainbow Curse on Wii U, they're really fun and unique 'platformers' without any actual jumping.

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Nintendo's Massacre Of The 3DS And Wii U Is Finally Complete, Regrettably

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