
Samurai Gunn Hands-On: The Return of Local Multiplayer | Game Front

Game Front: "Samurai Gunn is the best multiplayer game you will never play online."

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Face to Face: Why I Prefer Local Multiplayer

Gaming with your friends is far superior to gaming over the Internet, and local multi-player games are something we should all appreciate.

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Let's Play - Samurai Gunn

Geoff, Ryan, Michael, and Gavin are back playing "Samurai Gunn."

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PPR Presents Versus; an opinion editorial:Samurai Gunn VS. Towerfall

"We’ve talked about the renaissance of local couch play and its recent comeback thanks in large, to the efforts of passionate independent developers—and one particular pair of games that have raised the bar. Matt Thorson’s Towerfall has breached into new territories on the PS4, and has pushed the bar even further, but Teknopants to the frenetic kill-or-be-killed sensibilities to a whole new level; well, at least that’s what Andrew thinks, because George thinks he’s full of shit.

Welcome to the newest edition of VS, there are no friendships, no feelings, and no mercy—only compelling discourse that will determine a winner or accomplish nothing more than a bunch of entitled white dudes arguing over nebulous horseshit. So here's Andrew to lead things off."


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