
Heaven's Hope preview (Hooked Gamers)

Hooked Gamers writes: "“Did it hurt?”
“Did what hurt?”
“When you fell from Heaven.”
I’ve never used that line, but that is in fact precisely what happened to Talorel, the main character of Heaven’s Hope, a 2.5D point and click adventure game from Mosaic Mask Studio. He is an angel in training, close to becoming the real thing. However, when he is struck by an unknown flying object while he is nearing the final exam in the stunt flying academy, he crashes onto 19th century Earth near the town of Heaven’s Hope. The game follows Talorel’s story as he attempts to return to Heaven in time for his final exam."

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Heaven's Hope review - ChristCenteredGamer

If you're hoping to have a little slice of Heaven with this game, prepare to be disappointed. It's a pretty-looking game, but that's about all it has going for it. Jerky animation, a tedious plot, and dull characters will make you want to leave the small English village almost as soon as you arrive.

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Alexious2975d ago

Looks pretty nice, though apparently it's not that good.


Interview: Heaven’s Hope Developers Mosaic Mask Studios

Tattered Media sat down with Mosaic Mask Studios in order to talk about their upcoming game Heaven's Hope

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Heaven's Hope Review - The Digital Fix

What is with adventure games and their obsession with lovable idiot Guybrush Threepwood-esque characters? Yes, Monkey Island is seen by many as the pinnacle of the genre, but that should not mean that every game must follow it down this over-beaten path. In Heaven’s Hope, an adventure game from German developers Mosaic Mask studios, you find yourself guiding fallen angel (more of a literal plummet than a biblical evil sense) Talorel back to heaven. Unfortunately in the fall his wings have been destroyed and his halo lost, making the task at hand that much more difficult.

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