
Resident Evil: Revelations: The Case for an Upgrade (and the Wii U)

Revelations is no longer a 3DS exclusive, negating some of that impetus for keeping the handheld, but the 3DS’s loss a definite gain for Playstation 3, Xbox 360, and – to a greater extent – Wii U owners. But should you upgrade if you have already played the game? And if you do, does the Wii U’s dual-screen gameplay recreate the 3DS experience enough to make it the version gamers should choose?

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-Mika-3991d ago

Wrong! The WiiU version is not the definitive version. It has several major issues. Here a quote from the eurogamaer technical review for RER. People seriously need to do research before they make articles like this.

"On the whole that is certainly the case in the HD edition of the game. For the most part we see a steady 30FPS across the 360 and PS3, with frame-rates only briefly dropping down to the mid-twenties during large boss battles that feature a larger number of enemies in screen. We see some small dips down to the high twenties on the PS3 from time to time, but this never stands out to us outside of like-for-like comparisons.

On the other hand, the Wii U version appears to be visibly less refined in this area, with small but frequent fluctuations in smoothness adding some noticeable stutter to the experience. Furthermore, frame-rates are hit harder when the engine is under load and this has a larger impact on the controls compared to on the 360 and PS3. Aiming and moving around in general feels heavier and less responsive in the Wii U - there appears to a much larger dead-zone that creates a delay between moving the analogue sticks and the action appearing on screen. Comparatively, we had no issues with button presses, so the way the controls have been programmed to the sticks seems to the the issue."


Brien3991d ago

I'd probably not call it the definitive version myself. But Nathan seems to think so... But he only had the Wii U version to compare to the 3DS original.

Brien3991d ago

You could let him know your thoughts on the site, I'm sure he'd welcome the information/debate.

mydyingparadiselost3990d ago (Edited 3990d ago )

I can't attest to which version controls better or has the better framerate but that wasn't the point of the article, the author is saying the touchscreen on the Wii U adds more to the gameplay by offering a 3DS styled two screen interface along with the single screen version offered on the PS3 and Xbox. I played the demo on the Wii U and had no framerate issues but can say the aim could have been slightly tighter, it didn't ruin the game though and the touchscreen does do a great job of working as a scanner and keeping screen clear while still giving easy access to any menu items.

LonDonE3990d ago

agreed, played the demo on wii u and the dead zone is terrible and makes aiming hard, this is becoming a common problem with wii u games using the game pad, assassins creed 3 also has very bad game pad dead zone issues, Nintendo needs to tell these developers how to program correctly for the game pad, black ops 2 also has dead zone problems, and in all the games when the pro controller is used these dead zone issues disappear, i for one enjoyed the demo allot more on my PS3, the control's were so much tighter, i hope these dead zone issues can be patched, and the developers can learn to code properly for the game pad to insure it is not a problem in the first place!

Realplaya3990d ago

It's funny I have not had as many deadzone issues as you. Also I have not seen review sites saying this was an issue in games.

LonDonE3989d ago (Edited 3989d ago )

go to any of the forums for the games i mentioned, u will c loads of people complaining and demanding a patch, the problem exists, and for multi console owners like me, its much more pronounced, the review sites barely even talk about the games and the flaws these days, go to sites like digital foundry for more technical break downs of games! ! or better yet, try the pro controller in the aforementioned games, and then switch back to the game pad after a few hours, you will notice it, if not then you may be that type of gamer who cant notice these things, like allot of people these days who swear that they cant see a difference between 30fps and 60fps, which is ludicrous, some times if its hard to see the difference, you most definitely will FEEL the difference, just like with the dead zone issues!

RAFFwaff3990d ago

no need to keep your 3ds because resi revelations is no longer an exclusive? you sir, are an idiot. how is this trash approved?

AdvanceWarsSgt3989d ago

Came here to make the same comment.

If Resident Evil is the only game the author finds a worthwhile reason to even own a 3DS, then he has very, very picky tastes.


Steam Uproar as Capcom Slips In Restrictive DRM Software

From Xfire: "Steam users and the larger PC gaming community are lashing out at Capcom over a streak of sneaky DRM updates as the Japanese gaming giant continues to flirt with controversy"

LordoftheCritics105d ago


Capcom turning into Ubisoft.

Well success can have that effect.

just_looken105d ago

Yep this shows how bad a digital world is now well for the old titles new games disc or not the drm is there but you can get the old games on dvd then try to monkey the last pre drm update onto the game files.

I love GOG for this reason i saw that skyrim bs update so i know not to run that version as gog you can select what patch to download/install with capcom hopefully we get a list of the update numbers that add this horrific drm.

With denuvo as a alder lake pc user it still has issues with E cores and i remember when the servers were taken offline forcing hundreds of games to be paperweights.


FinalFantasyFanatic105d ago

It's also really annoying how they can cut or change content later, like the Skull Girls controversy, a decade later after the game came out, they decide to censor it. The game is a decade old, if it's not broken, leave it, adding DRM back into older games is BS.

just_looken105d ago


Good point even major sp games got the cut after the fact be it last of us with maps/art or gta 5 removing stuff in the world.

Cyberpunk ps4 day one disc copy the sept build still has stuff the other versions no longer have.

With the gta 6 controversy right now i think back to the days of saints row creating a character beating up cops with a dildo bat and now we have elon crying over gta 6 guns killing cops i bet you if they made saints row 2 hd they would half to cut half the games content or go to jail lol also sad.

Was watching avatar last airbender 13yr old ang kissing katar again can not have that in a kids show or game now.

PRIMORDUS105d ago (Edited 105d ago )

Do they want more of their games to be torrented? Seems like it, I don't mind 🤣 Just ripped them a new asshole on Twitter, as I do not care what I say or post on there LOL.

banger88105d ago

Let me guess, you have a vpn enabled. For your sake I hope it's not in any 5 Eyes territories.


I have ExpressVPN but on Twitter I don't use it lol. For other things I use it :D

Barlos105d ago

Nice. I got a lifetime ban on Twitter back in 2020 for speaking my mind. Don't care tbh, I'm not really into social media. I don't even have a Facebook account.


I'm still trying to get banned to lol I'll keep at it 🤣 I have FB but maybe log in once a month but yeah always speak your mind no matter how bad the words come out, do not hold back online or IRL. Fuck them shit bags lol.

got_dam105d ago

This is classic Capcom. They everything they go on a hot streak and win back some consumer good will they have to turn around and burn it to the ground and have to start the whole process again.

Chocoburger105d ago (Edited 105d ago )

Additional DRM just pushes people to pirate more. These ignorant executives just don't get it. Only the legitimate customer is affected by DRM. 😕

Darkegg105d ago

Drm punishes legit customers and encourage hackers. It’s the wrong way to go about it.

Darkegg105d ago

Drm punishes legit customers and encourages hackers. It’s the wrong approach.

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It's Time For Resident Evil's Most Unique Mode to Make a Comeback

With series staple Mercenaries Mode returning to the Resident Evil 4 Remake, it’s time to remind fans of another mostly forgotten mode from the RE series. Reaching the second chapter in the 2012 3DS game Resident Evil: Revelations unlocked something called Raid Mode for players to enjoy. Unlike Mercenaries, Raid Mode is not a time-attack mode and instead operates as a more RPG-lite version of the main game. While players are expected to try and hammer down on a handful of levels in Mercenaries, Raid Mode gives players a much more expansive game type to play around with.

This mode was included in ports released on the seventh and eighth generations of consoles and was part of Resident Evil: Revelations 2, which was released in 2015. However, the Revelations duology is the only time that Raid Mode has existed in the massive Resident Evil franchise, and that should change in some future release.

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ZeekQuattro395d ago

I'd like to raid mode make a return in the future. When Capcom was hacked there was a as of yet announced RE game in there that I was hoping might turn into Revelations 3. There were also reports that whatever that RE game was scrapped and cancelled.


Best Switch Horror Games For Halloween

We dive into the best Switch horror games for the Halloween season for both kids and adults.

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