
Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus R on Vita in April

Arc System Works tweeted in an unorthodox fashion that Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus R will be coming to Vita in April.

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TongkatAli4072d ago

Nice, sprites look the best on the Vita.

porkChop4072d ago

How many times is Guilty Gear going to be ported before they make a new game?

Simon_Brezhnev4072d ago

They probably wont. They said they making a new franchise for PS4.

porkChop4072d ago

Then why keep re-releasing the same game? Usually re-releases/ports are to test or stir up interest in a franchise.

The game has had 6 versions across 7 different platforms. The milking is getting ridiculous now.

DivineAssault 4072d ago (Edited 4072d ago )

ill be getting this.. I have the PSP guilty gear on my vita but the definitive version will replace it.. Still i would LOVE to see a sequel to this.. I love blaze blu but this one is where i fell in love with the fighting engine

Simon_Brezhnev4072d ago

Blazblue actually made me like fighting games more. I love Arcs style. Just about every fighting game they touch or create i try to get them.

Hicken4072d ago

I've always been into rather niche fighting games. Rival Schools, Evil Zone, Ehrgeiz. I thought Guilty Gear was interesting the... one time I played it back in high school.

Then came BlazBlue.

I own every iteration that's released. And I'll keep buying, cuz they're that awesome. Can't wait for Chrono Phantasma.

GenericNameHere4072d ago

I'm sorry that I'm going to talk about something unrelated to this game, but how do I reset my Vita? I've had it for over a year now, and there were a lot of times in that year where it froze, so I had to hard reset my Vita. Today, I found out update 2.10 just got released, so I decided to download it. I do, but it was stuck at 100%. Angry that it was stuck at that screen, I just pressed cancel and selected no, and my Vita turned off. I tried hard resetting, and now I only have TWO options! The first one to reset my Vita, and the last one, which is to update my Vita. I haven't tried updating using my PS3 or a PC, but when I tried to update with my memory card, it said I needed a card that has a 2.06 file... What does that mean? I've already download 2.06 last month, and 2.10 just released today. Anyone can help? I tried searching why I only had two options from the Safe Mode, but all I got was "rebuild my database" or "format memory card", which I can't since my Safe Mode WON'T let me access them :(

I really love my Vita, and I'd hate to have it break on me.... I would buy another one, but I don't have money to burn on a Vita right away.

DivineAssault 4072d ago

call customer service man.. I dont have the number on hand but im sure sonys website does.. I thought holding the PS + Power button for 30 seconds would reset it but im not too sure about what your experiencing..


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