
Herocraft Celebrating Thanksgiving With Sales

Triverse writes, "Herocraft have announced their Thanksgiving sale for this holiday shopping season, both Scrubs (multiple platforms) and Majesty: The Fantasy Kingdom Sim (multiple platforms) are going on sale for $0.99 each. Links below:"

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Scrubs Review by Gaming on Batteries

Gehennakat writes, "Scrubs is one of my all time favorite sitcoms. The show follows a group of medical students, interns, and Dr.’s at Sacred Heart Hospital as they go about their lives and jobs. Hilarity ensues. ABC Studios and Herocraft have now come together to create a “find it” game in the same vein as “Where’s Waldo” or “Little Things” with a Scrubs heartbeat to it."

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Conzul4218d ago

How does a requiem review of a TV show make a gaming website? Now THAT'S News I wish I hadn't missed :/

triverse4216d ago

There is a game that was reviewed based on that show. The reviewer just made a point of declaring that they were a fan of the show, justifying their position for reviewing the game.

majiebeast4218d ago (Edited 4218d ago )

-Arrested development

3 amazing shows that didnt/dont get the viewer numbers they deserve cause people rather watch mediocre laugh track comedies.

BitbyDeath4218d ago

Modern Family is a good non laugh track comedy.
Malcom in the middle will always be one of my favourites though.

Also didn't notice til the other week that 'How i met your mother' is a laugh track comedy. Still a good show anyways. But yea i usually tend to avoid them as well.

caseh4218d ago

I tried with Scrubs, really did but it seriously isn't funny. Its too stupid to be funny.

NeverEnding19894218d ago

Scrubs is the greatest show of all time. I don't like Arrested Development and haven't yet watched Community (going to soon!)

Scrubs FTMFW!

iamnsuperman4218d ago

To be fair they screwed scrubs with the last series. It ended so perfectly as well. I love community as well but as with Scrubs good things have to come to an end


FrostyZipper4217d ago

Unfortunately true. Don't understand how people can think crap like the Big Bang Theory is even remotely funny while blowing off a show like Scrubs after only watching a 5 minute segment of Season 9. Granted it didn't leave the best impressions but it's hardly a reason to condemn the rest of the series :/

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4217d ago
J86blum4218d ago

Season 9 should not of happend. a TV movie or special would of been better,(Just jump into the future show what they are up to now.) instead season 9...meh..

My favorites in no order.
That 70's Show


Hit TV Show, Scrubs Enters Operating Room of Comedy on iOS

Triverse writes, "Scrubs is one of those shows that is irreverent but still funny and interesting thanks to the myriad of characters involved which draw in viewers, even in re-runs. Herocraft, indie game developer responsible for hits like Tiny Bang Story, Bombergeddon and The Enchanted Kingdom just to name a few, are behind this multi genre romp through Sacred Heart Hospital solving the mytery besetting the staff."

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To Scrub in or not to Scrub in, that is the question

MWEB GameZone takes a look at Scrubs the game from mobile game developer, HeroCraft.

Featuring all your favourite characters and a brand new storyline, this puzzle-based game will put you, a new intern, firmly mixed up in the macabre world of Sacred Heart, battling the Janitor and trying not to incur the wrath of Dr Cox.

DesVader4225d ago

LOL! No way, its one of my favourite TV series turned into a game. Oh, please, I hope they dont screw up many hours of happy memories.

Snookies124225d ago

Scrubs was amazing... Though it should have stopped at the REAL ending of... Season 8 I believe it was? Then they started introducing those new characters and it just bombed at that point for me. It's just not the same without JD, Turk, Dr. Cox, etc.

majiebeast4224d ago

There was a season 9? I never knew.

Jinkies4224d ago

That b**** Lucy was horrible as the new JD it was cringe worthy.

Why pick a girl to replace JD, they should of just continued in Sacred Heart but with Turk instead and the surgery.

HanCilliers4224d ago

The first few seasons were epic, then it just fell flat :(

Choc_Salties4225d ago

I enjoyed the show, not sure how it would translate into a game; I'm hoping it doesnt turn into a face-desk..

Series_IIa4224d ago

Sarah Chalke: Strip Poker.


hazelamy4224d ago

on the one hand, i think that's totally sexist, on the other, i'd love to play it. ^_^

only, i'm not that good at poker. :(

hazelamy4224d ago

if they got somebody like Telltale games to make it, it could be good, but as it is, it sounds like a collection of minigames, and everybody knows how much fun they are. o_O