
Gamer's Intuition: I Love Beauty - Hollywood Makeover Review

From the review: "I Love Beauty: Hollywood Makeover (actually, I tend to say that as I Heart Beauty, since there is a big heart where the word "love" should have been) is a game based on makeup and makeovers. In it, you play as one of the three pre-set avatar girls, right away my first "issue" with the game. Why not allow the player to create someone to their likeness, seeing as there are so many options for hair styles, colors and so on within the game? You don't even get to name the girl; just take one of the three that are already made.

As a teenager recently arrived to Hollywood, you are fascinated by the glamour and the stars. Fictitious stars, that is. Don't expect to be doing Penelope Cruz's hair or Jessica Biel's makeup here. Still, this girl is determined to do her best at her aunt's beauty salon."

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FragMnTagM5436d ago

What the hell is up with developers these days?

Where is my blow dart game, shooting lizards and squirrels and stuff? Where is my kid with a magnifying glass frying small animals and various other objects?


Nintendojo Review -I Love Beauty: Hollywood Makeover


"Sometimes, parents just want a game that will keep little Michael busy for awhile. Maybe something so you can cook dinner in peace, or something to toss in the backseat on those long road trips. But with more and more girls becoming gamers, particularly casual gamers, it's now little Emily that needs something to do."

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