
Aliens: Colonial Marines Review - BootHammer

"Aliens: Colonial Marines certainly had a lot of hype to live up to. Has Gearbox succeeded in creating a FPS Aliens title with all the atmosphere, tension and feel of the iconic films? Read on to find out what the highlights are and also what went wrong with this latest entry in the Aliens universe." - BootHammer

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Cursinguser4101d ago

I've been reading and hearing some pretty nasty stuff about Gearbox's development process for Aliens. Most of it is probably rumor, but I think it's safe to say this game was an afterthought, with all their other projects.

R_aVe_N4101d ago

Honestly I don't think the game would of sold well either way. Aliens is a very nich market. Even if the game was a well polished gem it still would have solid poorly.


Great! Follow the bandwagon of reviews just to fit in. Doesn't anyone have the ability to form their own opinions today?

The game isn't that bad and anyone who says so needs to speak to me. Chances are they never played it. There seems to be a serious disconnect between the people currently playing it and those that form opinions based on what other people say.

Word of advice: Play the game first. Install the trophy/achievement set, post a link to your ID, and then make an opinion. Otherwise I have no choice but to assume bandwagon assumptions.

BootHammer4101d ago

I'm guessing you didn't read any of the review. I certainly did play through it and enjoyed many parts of it. I pointed out the flaws as well as its strong points and scored it accordingly to my opinion.

"While the graphics and AI obviously needed more polish, this doesn’t mean you can’t have fun shooting your way through the campaign and jumping online for the exciting Escape and Survival modes. I honestly believe this game has been over analyzed due to the high anticipation and development time. This isn’t an excuse for the game’s shortcomings, rather a message to gamers who are fans of the films that there are still good times to be had in Colonial Marines."

MysticStrummer4101d ago

I agree. I posted on another article that people's expectations ruined the game for them. I bought it based on the two hour IGN live stream that was about a week before launch. I knew exactly what I was buying and I wasn't letdown. A patch or two might bump my score up as high as 8 but right now it's a 7. Love playing as a xeno online, but also love being the marine and using the tracker.

Heisenburger4101d ago

In the immortal words of Dr. House:

Ah snap.

Well played, and very respectful response.

EbeneezerGoode4101d ago

Agreed ACEMANWISE - I played it before i read ANY bad reviews, and I had no expectations other than a decent aliens atmosphere and it delivers that in spades!

I have very few complaints, it's solid and does the job. It's technically just above average to me but the aliens deal seals it. The closest I've felt to being in Hadley's Hope and for that I thank gearbox, politics aside.

BootHammer4101d ago

Our thoughts exactly. We wanted to wait and weigh in on the game once we got it in and not buy in to the "hate wagon" that was in full effect. As we suspected, it wasn't nearly as bad as some sites would make you believe. It's pretty simple to sum up, the game has its obvious faults but fans of the films will still have a good Aliens game that they'll enjoy.

Cursinguser4101d ago

Only review I've flat out felt was unethical was GamingBolts. There's no way in holy hell this game deserves an 8.5. Argue it till you're blue in the face, but aliens simply can't contend with all the quality content that comes out. 6 seems like a fair score.

Iceman X4101d ago

I got the game and love it, EVERY game has flaws this doesn't have any more or less than any other game. Play it for yourself. I give it 7/10. There are MANY other game rated high and more popular that's ALOT worst than this game.

EbeneezerGoode4101d ago

Yup, same here - PS3 version is smooth as silk and mega atmospheric. Love it. Not bad for a 7/10 game (my score).

I would take this game over at least 10 over-hyped 9/10 games from the past year (that just annoy me with silly controls, bad gameplay and poor graphics) - this game is far from the worst offender. Honestly do not know what the reviewers have been drinking.

MysticStrummer4101d ago

I agree completely. 7 is my score as well. I still haven't found the willpower to finish Bulletstorm but I'm on my third playthrough of the Aliens campaign.

EbeneezerGoode4101d ago

It really does feel replayable, solid and a bit of a funride! Super atmospheric too. That is more than enough to pleasantly surprise me. I couldn't believe when all the negative reviews started kicking in, and I know for a fact that negative reviews affect those yet to play, either they write it off without playing or go looking for faults mentioned in the overly critical reviews!

I *ALWAYS* judge games for myself and find I often disagree with 'pro' reviews both of highly rated games and average rated games. Some of the low low scores this game is getting are almost bordering on a witch hunt. Obviously gearbox has upset a few people but anyone avoiding this game (who loves aliens as I do) is really missing out.

The fact is there IS no better aliens game out there, yet, and this is more than good enough until a better game comes along on new tech in future years. Don't judge it for what it isn't but for what it is.

It was way more fun to me than Dead Space 3 AND sorry but I do believe it has better graphics too (overall design). Especially if you play with 3D glasses on (force it on your TV on PS3 version) - STUNNING!

BootHammer4101d ago

Well it looks like many of us agree in that its around a 6-7 in overall score. The 2 and 3 out of 10's that many sites have handed out were really harsh. I would give that to a game that was basically broken and unplayable which this one is not. I've enjoyed it and other than being disappointed with dated graphics and buggy AI, it's a fun game. I'm a huge Aliens fan as well though so I might be a bit biased IMO =)

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JonTheGod980d ago (Edited 980d ago )

The Saboteur - criminally underrated and a fantastic mechanic of bringing colour back to Nazi-occupied Paris.

The article lists Bulletstorm, Sleeping Dogs, and Aliens: Colonial Marines.


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SpamnJam1558d ago

Can't argue with any of those really, but I would add Resident Evil Operation Racoon City and Metal Gear Survive to that list. Both terrible games from good franchises.

AK911558d ago

Bulletstorm, I actually liked the gameplay but the atrocious writing and characters made me despise the game by the end of it.


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FTLmaster1626d ago

I still play AvP on PS3 to this day. That game had fun multiplayer too.