
Borderlands – First 10 Minutes

Take a peek of the first 10 minutes of the most anticipated FPS-RPG title, Borderlands, for the XBOX 360 and PlayStation 3.

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TheXgamerLive5353d ago

just go to justin.tv and then to gaming, there's 2 guys been playing it since wednesday.

MNicholas5353d ago (Edited 5353d ago )

One of the few examples on PS3 and 360 of genuinely clever art direction despite what appears to be a rather unimpressive engine. Great use of sound to set the mood.

Too bad about the voice work.

rbluetank5353d ago

i need to see a little bit more of this game becasue the AI stinks by what i seen so far....

DelbertGrady5353d ago

You usually don't get to see the most advanced enemy AI at the very beginning of a game.

rdgneoz35352d ago

If you read about the game, on their forums, they mentioned that the starting area is a starting area. The enemies aren't gonna destroy you right as you step into the game. But over time, they'll use tactics and flank you, so you won't be just able to run and gun / button mash / roll your face on the keyboard the whole time and win.

Also, don't see why people disagreed with Soda above, that's true for most games. The enemy starts off easy and gets harder the further you get in. (Though in the case of games like Demon's Souls, your ass can be handed to you by any mob you see...)

Immigrant5353d ago

u guys know these are pirated copies right?

Serial_EDX5353d ago

The audio is a tad off, I was going to watch some of the gameplay but after that its kinda hard to.

jjesso19935353d ago

I downloaded the game over night really good game. I dont understand how people afford all these good games

Serial_EDX5353d ago

Multi jobs.

Or really good friends. XD

Vecta5353d ago

By having a half decent job. Its not exactly hard.

maawdawg5353d ago

MS confirms people pirating copies are getting banned for playing Forza and Borderlands early.


Good. If you can't afford the game at retail then don't play it. Stealing copies that developers put hard work into deserves some kind of action. It is good to see MS do something about it.

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DC Heroes United and Borderlands Comes To SDCC

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Chriswheeler22492d ago

The Pursuer from Dark Spuls 2 was great, I think the author just sucks at games.

philm87492d ago

The Godskin Duo is a great fight


Borderlands' Opening Scene Is Still An All-Time Great

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