
Of Course Dragon Age: Inquisition has Microtransactions

CCC Says: "The internet is in an uproar. The ramble rousing has commenced. Can you hear the people sing? Sorry, they aren't singing. Rather, they're tweeting in frustration over Dragon Age: Inquisition. Apparently, people forgot that, despite being developed by BioWare, Dragon Age: Inquisition is an EA game. And EA, being ever so money hungry, likes to shove microtransactions into every possible game. See where I'm going with this?"

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DualWielding3539d ago

Amazingly EA ends up looking better than Ubisoft because they did not put microtransactions onto single player

anticlimax3539d ago

Well story is important in Bioware games, and nothing breaks immersion in a story like the notion of actual money in-game.

Dark113539d ago

Good thing i only want to play the SP.

Omnisonne3539d ago

Yh idontknow why they even bothered putting in a MP mode, wish they just spent it on additional content like side quests, areas etc

shammgod3539d ago

yeah, the move to add the MP is just baffling.
SP only for me

700p3539d ago

Same here. I dont get how everytime something good is coming out or something good happens in general on here, SOMEONE always has to be negative and post articles like this lol

sjaakiejj3539d ago

Aren't these microtransactions completely optional like they were in Mass Effect 3? Why do people even care about it if that's the case? No-one's forcing you to buy anything. All I see are options in case you're lazy.

Perjoss3539d ago

"All I see are options in case you're lazy."

Or have a job but want to keep up with your unemployed friends.

creeping judas3539d ago (Edited 3539d ago )

I have a job, a family, a social life. But yet I never use microtransactions? Why, because I don't feel the need to keep up with my friends!

So I agree with the original poster.

No one is forcing you to buy them. Now it would be a different story, if let's say that you cannot defeat a certain boss unless you buy a certain weapon with real cash. Then and only then would MT's be despicable!


Sorry, I lied. I once purchased the Ford Pinto in Forza 4, because I wanted to see if it would blow up when rear ended on the first corner of any track.

Neixus3539d ago

because some people get annoyed by it and looks at it like it's a cashcrab. A lot of microtransactions are excactly cashgrabs, but not everything.

Take for example the Battlefield games, you can unlock all weapons for a price, which already can be unlocked for free, but not everyone has hours to spend.

Omnisonne3539d ago (Edited 3539d ago )

I never understood those shortcuts in BF.. isnt the entire point of a game to be played? By buying one of those shortcuts it feels like you just robbed yourself of gameplay hours (even if you dont have much time)

Einhert3539d ago

The problem is the game design is done in such a way that the developers make it such a grind to get anywhere (building weapons in deadspace 3) that it tests your patience against your wallet.

You should read the psychology of free to play games as it is applicable with micro transactions.


Wouldn't it be nice if you could play the game sparingly you know how like we used to.....and still keep up with our friends because progression and unlocks are not a tedious grind testing our wallets and making us spend extra of our hard earned cash on a game $60 or £40 has already gone towards.

sjaakiejj3539d ago

Multiplayer has always been a grind though, even before Microtransactions.

It comes down to asking yourself how important the game is for you. If you're pushing money into microtransactions after buying the game, you must feel that it is worth the money, otherwise you wouldn't do it in the first place.

I've never felt the urge to pay for things using optional (or compulsory) microtransactions because I don't really care about getting the best gear. I play games because they're fun to play with friends.

As long as they're optional, I really don't see a problem with them. They're a way for impatient or lazy people, as well as people who don't have enough time and want to keep up with their friends to get better gear.

But if we're being completely honest, if there weren't any microtransactions, you wouldn't be keeping up with your friends at all anyway, so I don't see how that's suddenly a problem.

P.s. This is a generalized reply to you and some other people who responded to my comment, so not everything is directed at you.

TheTowelBoy3539d ago

Most people who are buying it day one are buying it for the story/ single player... So idk why everyone is bitching like little school girls. And it's not like the multiplayer transactions are anything but unlocks lol ITS NOT COMPETITIVE MULTIPLAYER ITS COOP get over it. Micro transactions are here to stay, dont buy them if you don't want to. You have that option....

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3539d ago
badz1493539d ago

prior to 7th Gen: Of course "insert any game here" will have unlockables!

7th Gen: Of course "insert any game here" will have DLC!

8th Gen: Of course "insert any game here" will have microtransactions!

I wonder what will be next! and that's just talking about the money grabbing. shipping broken games is a whole of another matter too.

Drithe3539d ago

Who cares about all that? Dragon Age has a fully gay character in it! Yaaaaay!!

End of line.

TheTowelBoy3539d ago

If they had a complete idiot who was bigoted in wanting to see just an all male cast dude-bro through the inquisition would that make you happy? Lol end of line would mean you won't be part of the community I take it, thank the maker you aren't a true fan then. Keep the hate coming though, someone's got to play the role.

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Profchaos921d ago

The quality of these free games has been awesome. Before anyone says they are not free I was already giving Amazon $6 a month for prime shipping and video this isn't why I pay for my subscription

Teflon02921d ago

Still technically paying for it, even if it wasn't your intent. They've been giving out games with Twitch prime, they just changed the name. It's the same sub as that was. If you weren't aware, great. But you're paying for it.

That being said, I don't personally care. For me as long as you're willing to pay that for 1 service and get more. I personally take it as free. Like prime video, music though the prime version is trash, and all the Twitch benefits are all free to me because I didn't care about those when I got it. Just comes with it.

Only noted because that's technically wrong as a defense to that argument, whether I'm on yourside with the initial statement lol

mkis007921d ago

It's free to anyone who has already been paying. IDK why people need to split hairs.

TinkerNation921d ago

How does Prime Gaming work? Do you keep the games, or is it only as long as you have Prime?

Germaximus921d ago

lol Nice distraction from how they're now charging people to increase viewership. It's "just an option." /wink lol