
DmC: Devil May Cry Ultimate Coming to PS4, Xbox One?

Due to negative fan reception and middling sales, it seemed unclear if we'd ever see more of Ninja Theory's interpretation of the hit series. However, it seems DmC might be receiving a remake.

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ValKilmer3592d ago

Wow, that would be so awesome. The first is one of my favorite games -- I hope Ninja Theory keeps on helming the series.

ValKilmer3592d ago

Totally serious. That game is awesome and people just hate it because they changed Dante.

Ninja Theory makes the best hack n slash games period. Enslaved, DmC and Heavenly Sword are all some of the best action games last gen.

levian3592d ago (Edited 3592d ago )

DnC: Do Not Care

Blacktric3592d ago

"and people just hate it because they changed Dante."

Find the nearest window and throw yourself out of it. It's been 2 years of this debate and you're still regurgitating the same shitty; "your're are're hatingz it cause his hair is white!" fallacy.

Dudebro903592d ago (Edited 3592d ago )


if you think DMC was a good hack and slash you really need to play better games. Pick up Bayonetta or DMC3 or DMC4. THe combat is so much better and requires much more skill and has a greater reward.

The character changes were just the start of the problems with that game.

They took a game that required real skill to beat and dumbed it down far too much. Even the hardest mode was far too easy.

DmC was the prime example of developers trying to take a franchise and get new fans by dumbing everything down so anyone could pick it up and play. That is not a good strategy at all because you are going to create so much hate and bad press that not even the hardcore fans of the series would touch it.

-Foxtrot3592d ago


Was just going to say that

When the game was shown off for the first time it was about the hair (and the design) but as they revealed more and we even saw gameplay the problems piled onto one another

The hair is the tip of the iceberg.

XisThatKid3592d ago

The hate is so strong, I'm so glad if this is true I'll buy this day 1.

bouzebbal3592d ago

Despite the shit look of the new Dante, i invite everyone to play DmC it's a very good surprise!

pootymcpoockle3592d ago

@ValKilmer Really? *cough* Platinum *cough cough* Metal Gear Rising Revengeance *COUGH* Bayonetta

ABizzel13592d ago (Edited 3592d ago )


I was with you about DmC being a good game, and people overly hating it. It wasn't the best to me, but it was enjoyable (8/10 range).

But you lost me with the Ninja Theory making the best hack n slash comment.

Those honors belong to Platinum and Sony Santa Monica (Team Ninja has jumped off a cliff). I will say that overall production such as Story, Characters, graphics, gameplay, etc... that Ninja Theory is pretty much up there with those 2, but they're still not on their level.

Gameplay Platinum takes the cake, Everything else goes to SSM hands down (Presentation, Characters, Graphics, Story, etc...).

UltimateMaster3592d ago

Kill it! Kill it with Fire!

UltimateMaster3592d ago


You must not play hack n slash games a lot.
DMC is a blunt down copy and paste game mechanics from previous Devil May Cry games, except the others were much better in every conceivable way except 2.

Dante is a complete douche. No Bad-ass to be found
Vergil is a sadistic psychopath. No Honor what-so-ever
Combo mechanics are extremely basic. Seems like DMC 2 all over again, until you get a few redeeming extras.
Complete fuck you in the face of all true Devil May Cry fans with in-game mockery of the old Dante.

Everything about the game is a colossal disappointment.

Then Capcom is wondering why the hell they are going bankrupt?
Easy, supply/demand, there's no demand for abysmal games like DMC.
Your job, as a game maker, is to make games gamers want. If they don't want it, they won't buy it and you fail as a company.

DragonKnight3592d ago

God I hope not. This game is a cancerous tumor on the Devil May Cry franchise and needs to be chemo'ed out immediately.

Given the fan reaction, which hasn't changed, and the poor sales this game received, I would think Capcom wouldn't be stupid enough to remake a game from a developer they kind of insulted after the game's poor performance. They can't expect that it would do any better than it already hasn't done.

This game needs to fade into obscurity so that it can never taint the good name of Devil May Cry ever again. This game makes DMC2 look good.

abstractel3592d ago

@Valkilmer I agree with you and so did the critics. Very good scores and really fun game, certainly on par with the other DMCs. The battle mechanics were fantastic. People really did get hung up on the looks of the new Dante, some of which I agreed with but I still enjoyed the game quite a bit.

UltraNova3592d ago

Havent played this yet. I wasnt going to nor will I play it if they still release a pretty version of what I like to call as the DMC of sissies!

Yeah I said it, I bought DMC games to play them in Nightmare Mode. The latest was a Japanese hack and slash made for Westerners who love kill-streaks in COD.

Better fix the gameplay make it true to formula and then we talk Ninja Theory.

crxss3592d ago

People need to stop saying capcom is going bankrupt. If you did any worthwhile research you would see they have plenty of money.

I liked DMC3 the best but DmC wasn't bad at all. I'd get this game just for the console 60 fps experience. Hope it's cheap though, wouldn't get it for $60

DragonKnight3592d ago

@crxss: "If you did any worthwhile research you would see they have plenty of money."

No they don't. They have about $150 million.


pick a site, they all say the same thing.

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 3592d ago
Dudebro903592d ago

I really hope you are joking. DMC was a decent game with a terrible story.

Legacy2123592d ago

Loved it. It was my favorite hack and slash of the gen.

Dan_scruggs3592d ago

Wait. Which Devil May Cry game had a good story?

crxss3592d ago

No dmc game has had a good story. It's known for it's gameplay. Ninja theory's attempt is probably the most worthwhile but still not that great.

randomass1713592d ago

Devil May Cry 3 and 4 at least had characters that were likable. The characters in DmC were just complete A-holes. It was like their idea of cool was taking a baby's candy and then smacking them in the face with it. Not my cup of tea and I hope this news is false.

SaturdayNightBeaver3592d ago

story was 50/50 for me, but gameplay and feel was a big step back from dmc4. only japan can make a worthy dmc game.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3592d ago
Lightning Mr Bubbles3592d ago

By far the best in the series, and also the most hated. Weird, it's like they took a very average franchise and made it interesting and everyone hates them for it. But I guess I have different taste than most people.

Information Minister3592d ago (Edited 3592d ago )

Yeah, that's why it is the worst seller in the franchise, because it's just THAT much better than the previous games... /s

Get a grip, the game is hated for a reason. DmC is the textbook definition of a mediocre title that got a free pass because the media is just in love with the developer.

I am curious though, as to what exactly was DmC's contribution to make the franchise interesting. Was it the unresponsive controls, the atrocious art direction or the lame dialog with more f-bombs per minute than a Martin Scorsese movie?

DragonKnight3592d ago

"By far the best in the series."

These few words alone smack of more ignorance than I've ever seen in my life.

Ultimax3592d ago (Edited 3592d ago )

"By far the best in the series"
Better Than DMC3 !????????
Are you freaking Kidding me sir ᕙ(ಠ益ಠ)ᕗ
You have 0% sense of nostalgia , your taste is awful just smh at your logic

DanteVFenris6663592d ago

No the problem is that they took a really great franchise and made it average. The only new thing they did was rework the controls. How could you think it was better when there was no style system(ext trickster, gunslinger)?

Abilities were worst, gameplay was worst. Story was worse(that's sad). They turned good characters and made them all complete dushes and dull. Like Dante was so badass before, the new one he was just a cocky punk. Main villain was crap, like oh I'm so scared, your idea of evil is turning the world into debt.

MasterCornholio3592d ago

Trust me DMC3 was much better.

eXclurel3592d ago

Best in the series?

did you play DMC3? If "making it interesting" means "making gameplay so easier even a baby would beat Vergil on the first try" then you are right.

ThanatosDMC3592d ago

Casuals love shitty games and tout that they played what was suppose to be a hardcore game so they can brag about it. The whole game was on Easy Automatic. If you dont know what "easy automatic" means then you are part of the problem that's kiling my favorite franchise.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3592d ago
HacSawJimThugin3592d ago

While I do like Ninja Theory, I have to say Platinum Games makes the best hack and slash. Bayonetta IMHO still has the best combat in that arena.

DCfan3592d ago

None of these 2 studios combined can do what Itagaki did with the Ninja Gaiden series (NG3 was a good game, but nothing near NG2)

HacSawJimThugin3592d ago

@DCfan I can't argue with you there. While I'm more partial to Bayonetta, I have nothing but the utmost respect for the brutal savageness of Mr. Ryu Hayabusa.

Sevir3592d ago (Edited 3592d ago )

I'm right there with you Valkilmer. I'm in the minority who actually LOVED the game and its Cohesive if not straight forward story , which was more than we can say for all the DMC games in that's.

granted I still think DMC3 was the best in the franchise on pure game play alone, BUT, I LOVE DmC and I'm praying to God that Capcom and NT are slaving away at this for PS4. I wonder what extras are coming to it. Virgil's DF was pretty good, and the Main game is stellar. Please be real please be real please be REAL.

360ICE3592d ago

Agree! Loved that game, and I really like the old ones too. To be fair, people do hate it for more reasons than the new Dante, though. Lower fps on consoles and entirely different dialogue and overall feel being some of the reason.

ShiftyLookingCow3592d ago

Imagine if Itagaki took over Uncharted.

Did you really imagine that? Good, now you know why not many want DmC from western studios again. It is meaningless.

Azzanation3592d ago

Just get it on PC, looks amazing and its cheaper.

showtimefolks3592d ago

this game is awesome which was hated by a lot of butt hurt DMC fanboys. The only thing this game was missing was the 60FPS(hopefully next gen version will be 60FPS)

a lot of these butt hurt fanboys never got over the fact that the developers change the look of dante,

NT went to capcom with similar look for this reboot and capcom denied it asking for a new look. So don't blame NT, it was capcom's choice

but please keep saying negative things about it, y'all are missing out on a great DMC game

DanteVFenris6663592d ago (Edited 3592d ago )

It's not just the look dude. Its about talking the most baddass character and turning him into a pussy. The souls of dmc isn't their. It's like if they did a remake of Star Wars and making luke a sith, and then having him talk about how big his dick is the entire time and turning him into a sex addict

And then they made darth vader not his father but his brother. And darth vader had a meth addiction. And instead of enemies he is actually allied with luke.

Would you like that? Even if you would imagine the outrage. Not hard to imagine that one.

eXclurel3592d ago

It wasn't just changing the look. It's that the new look of Dante screamed "we will dumb the game down so much you will beat Vergil with just mashing buttons".

Blacktric3592d ago

"a lot of these butt hurt fanboys never got over the fact that the developers change the look of dante"

It's 2014 and we still have people like this commenting as if they're on YouTube. Keep calling people who don't like a mediocre game that shat on the Devil May Cry's legacy "butthurt". You're proving everyone, who thinks that people who like DmC are edgy kids, right.

ZombieKiller3592d ago

....and it will still be 30FPS. Lol no thanks.

geddesmond3592d ago

You serious?

DMC used to be great and it wasn't because they changed dantes appearance that made the reboot suck. It was the story, repetitiveness and crappy combat compared to the other games in the series.

I understand the Tombraider remaster. I understand TLOU remaster, I really want a GTA5 remastered which is coming yay. But a remaster of the new DMC ROFLMAO and after the ultimate version we will probably see an ultimate, hyper and remix version from crapcom lol.

ZombieKiller3591d ago (Edited 3591d ago )

That's the thing.... people that haven't played the originals seem to be the ones that say this game is cool.
This game is FAR from anything good compared to the old ones and anything remotely cool about this game straight up stole it from the old series. The Rainstorm, Arial Rave, Double Down, Helm Breaker....etc etc. The only thing I can think of giving NT credit for are the Demon Pull and tether (which was the "snatch" from DMC4) Since they focused on traversial gameplay I'll give em' credit for that. Nothing new and exciting though.
We sacrificed 60FPS and a whole lot more than "white hair"
I played it, beat the game, shook my head and deleted it. That was the free PS+ copy too. Call me a fanboy, I could care less. This isn't about me, but rather the fact that Devil May Cry (not DmC) was amongst my favorite new IP's on the PS2 since the demo of DMC1, and now it's not even worth 5.5GB on my PS HDD as I don't want to even waste the space. White hair or not.

HumanatPlay3592d ago

Its awesome to play a game and have it stashed alongside your other good time memories. This game was not able to do that for me. Sure it was very accessible and not at all frustrating though it wasn't the Devil May Cry fans of the franchise where looking for. I think Capcom undid a great deal of its success by trying to expand their market audience beyond DMCs loyal fan base with "new-age-pop-angsty" characters like Nero, the new Dante and worst of all Virgil. It wasn't necessary just like a remastered version of the recent DMC.

1Victor3591d ago

Is it April fools already ? What fool thought that a game that fail last gen (due to the radical changes to a stablished IP and the we make it you like it mentality of the developers) would sale in the next gen .

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 3591d ago
kingtroy3592d ago (Edited 3592d ago )

So many ports and remakes. But i rather them do a sequel instead

Majin-vegeta3592d ago

Lol please no.This game is garbage.

crazysammy3592d ago

If you don't like the game thats valid, but to say its "garbage" is inaccurate. It may not have been as good as it could have been, or what you would have liked it to be, but many people worked really hard on the game and its very playable and very fun. Not garbage by any stretch.

showtimefolks3592d ago


i don't think you know what a garbage game looks/plays like. if you don't like it its fine but to say this game isn't excellent is nothing but being a negative troll

the only thing this game was missing was the 60FPS, which this next gen version will most likely achieve

lelo3592d ago (Edited 3592d ago )

"DmC: Devil May Cry Ultimate Coming to PS4, Xbox One?"

This gen is remake after remake. So many remakes... another one wouldn't surprise me.

As for DmC, it's a good game. I normally like Ninja Theory's games.

MrSwankSinatra3592d ago (Edited 3592d ago )

Why do you care? You're not forced to buy any of them.

SpiralTear3592d ago

But we're forced to see them on store shelves while playing two consoles that don't have backwards compatibility with the same games we've already bought.

Sevir3592d ago

correction games you've already bought! some of us actually skipped or missed out on them for reasons of our own and seeing them running at higher resolutions and double the frame rate with all the past content is fine. its easier to take PC code and port it to next gen consoles and pad out their fiscal year catalogs until their fully next gen developed new ip games and engines take center stage.

I'm fine with it.

I passed on Tomb Raider on PS3 and totally LOVED TR::DE on PS4.. I passed on Metro 2033 and Last light and I'm diving into Metro:Redux on PS4. AND I Played and LOVED TLOU on PS3 but i'm totally jumping back in on the PS4 Remaster in 18 days. GTAV I could careless for since I never played it on PS3 and I'm not a fan of GTA games.

Nothing wrong with rereleases not everyone has played them and with the Paltry first year offerings for both Next gen consoles, these are a welcome. :)

DmC at 60fps and 1080p and 4x the texture quality and better AA. Count me in.

DragonKnight3592d ago

"Why do you care? You're not forced to buy any of them."

This is literally a non-argument parroted by gullible gamers with more money than sense.

showtimefolks3592d ago


get use to it man, gamers now a days do nothing but complain.


so what if its on store shelf, is someone forcing you to buy the damn game?

TXIDarkAvenger3592d ago

Yeah but its a waste of dev time. They could be coming up with something new rather than remaking games that aren't even that old.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3592d ago
-Foxtrot3592d ago (Edited 3592d ago )

Hopefully not

The people who, with one game, put the final coffin in DMC

They have no respect for the franchise and are such arrogant arseholes with their take on it.

I still can't believe it got good reviews when the game was a downgrade in everyway. When a game has something to live up to and fails to do that then it dosen't deserve good scores...I'm sorry but it dosen't. Your awarding failure.

To this day I still believe something went on behind closed doors (grabs tin foil hat) because it's strange how sites never defended the game for the 2 years it was ripped to bits while in development then all of a sudden a month before it came out (December) we got a shit load of defence articles on the game, some which basically said the exact same things with different wording. Even the reviews when it came out said similar things, it's the only time I've seen such similarities in tons of reviews from the big sites.

Blank3592d ago

I totally agree about the whole similar review point you I honestly thought my tinfoil was getting too tight for my head. But it was so weird how major sites came out in full defense for this game while smaller less known sites rated for what it was. Lastly its refreshing how you brought the points on the downgrades from the character attitudes to the simplified combat rating system the new gamers like it because of the accessibilty no wonder they bag on the old games saying it was "cheezy" well DmC was straight up immature and trying to be cool.

wheresmymonkey3592d ago

It got good reviews, because it was good. Capcom had already destroyed the franchise with DMC4 which, as so many fans seem to conveniently forget, was complete and utter garbage. not quite as bad as two, but balls compared to 1 or 3.

If you want a new DMC in the old mold go and get Bayonetta 2 when it hits. That's the reason DmC is so different. Platinum did such a great job that Cpacom saw that it would be bloody idiotic to even try and create a game in the same mold. Thus the reboot.

NovusTerminus3592d ago

Bayo doesn't play like DMC, similar but not quite.

DMC4 had the best game play, most hated the recycled areas and bosses, but loved the game play.

DmC was supposed to be more mature and darker, but came off as juvenile and immature. Game play was choppy and not as smooth, difficulty was nonexistent.

Sevir3592d ago

DMC4 wasn't garbage. It reviewed just as well as DmC actually, which is saying something. what was bad about DMC4 wasn't its game play, but that fans HATED Nero, They HATED the backtracking and they HATED the story and refighting the bosses with Dante...

with the exception of the Devil Bringer... DMC4 was a complete carbon copy of DMC3. what got DMC4 to be well received critically was its gameplay. DmC reviewed well because it was solid and similar and its Story was BETTER than the past.

If NT and Capcom do a DmC2 and I pray that they do, then they outta tighten up the core mechanics and pull it closer to DMC3/4. I cant wait.

SaturdayNightBeaver3592d ago

They rebooted it , like Square did with TR , in order to appeal to wider audience, thats what destroyed most of games. They don't seem to realize you can't please everyone, sequels should be made with existing fans in mind and not completely destroyed to appeal to every kid in the world , because "fuck the fans, we need more money".

-Foxtrot3592d ago

The sad thing about this is sometimes these reboots work and are crtically acclaimed despite the franchise loosing touch with what the franchise is about

Take the Tomb Raider reboot. Review it as a Tomb Raider game and it wouldn't get good marks. If you play the old games and then think of the reboot you'll feel so disappointed to see whats happened to the franchise. From a well thought out, difficult puzzle game with third person shooter elements to an over the top third person shooter game.

Those sales and reviews mean they'll never learn. Don't get me wrong as a game they are good but when you have something to live up to, the franchises name, then you have to review it on that aswell.

As for dmc, it was a total step back.

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