
Sony's virtual reality

Though Sony acknowledges Morpheus will eventually branch out beyond gaming, for now its efforts are focused squarely on the PlayStation 4.

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UltimateMaster3753d ago

There's already a bunch of games are in development and PS Move implementation.

thorstein3753d ago

Imagine No Man's Sky with this thing on!

Yaay4me3753d ago

Oh man cant wait. I bet people at E3 are having a blast with Morpheus as we speak in the E3 booths.

wastedcells3753d ago

i played it twice, once was a crapy tech demo but the second time was eve valkarie and that was amazing!! sad to say but in all honestly oculus rift was just slightly better but maybe only because Morpheus is not as finished as oculus seemed to be. there were tooo many adjustments needed to get morpheus to not look blurry.

starchild3752d ago

Well, Oculus Rift has had dev kits out for almost two years and they are probably going to release the consumer Rift before Sony's headset comes out. In all likelihood the Rift will probably have the better specs, but I'm still excited for Morpheus too.

wastedcells3752d ago

I love how people disagree and i played it and they probably havent lol

mrpsychoticstalker3753d ago

I don't have a lot of confidence in this type of technology.

GameDev13753d ago

hahahaha Well Project Morpheus isn't based on your confidence, rather actual gamers.

You literally stalk most Sony articles

3753d ago
MRMagoo1233753d ago

I dont think Sony is concerned with xbone fanboys confidence in the product, its for people that like having the best.

SpideySpeakz3753d ago

I hope Sony's head is in the right place this time around.
VR technology could bring forward something that could revolutionize the electronics business.
Here's my opinion on the future of VR:

1. Morpheus needs to be it's own 'thing', and not an accessory for consoles or PC. It's needs to have a backbone, and it's own brand.

2. I believe VR tech needs to expand beyond just video games. It should act as your own personal device just like your smartphone to surf the web, have it's own UI software, applications, network digital distribution service.

3. A VR device that goes everywhere with you, and doesn't have to be plugged into your PC or console to play video games. Streaming capabilities for movies, or games directly on your VR headset.. or just download them directly to your VR headset. Or, even software applications where you can virtually take a tour through homes you're maybe looking to buy. OR, even using the VR device as navigation when walking or driving. The roads or streets you're driving on will highlight to your destination in realtime.

4. Voice controlled UI, make personal calls through your VR headset, built-in WiFi, built-in 1080p camera for taking pictures and video, or using the camera to just walk around with your VR headset on.

5. As for video games, VR exclusive titles on the VR network.

Also, it's needs to be slimmer, less hulky.

If Sony or Facebook pull this off correctly as listed, with a $299-499 price tag, everyone and their mother is gonna want one, and not just hardcore gamers. The possibilities are just endless with VR.

MultiConsoleGamer3753d ago

Tried it.

Doesn't hold a candle to Oculus Rift.

Will be still born and lose a lot of money.

3753d ago
Utalkin2me3753d ago

Why doesnt it hold a candle to Oculus rift? What did you play and did you use move also with it?

wastedcells3753d ago

he is right but exaggerating big time. Oculus was better but not by much. Morpheus needs a re design because it has too many moving parts to get it focused.

Utalkin2me3753d ago

Again, kids with nothing to back up their comments. Just spouting trash and think they mean something.

Clover9043753d ago

Both Sony and Oculus said that their respective VR headsets are not competing against one another. Please stop the whole Rift vs Morpheus thing.

MultiConsoleGamer3753d ago

But the comparisons are completely valid. Both are used for gaming.

During E3 Sony would give out numbered tickets to try the Morpheus demo. You stepped into one of several different stalls. You stood in front of the PS Eye Camera and put on the Morpheus. Then the Sony rep handed you the two Move controllers. The whole set up is needlessly complicated. And the final product isn't even in the same league as the Oculus Rift.

The only reason Sony is saying their product isn't competing is because they know it's an inferior piece of tech.

Utalkin2me3753d ago


Roflamo, kid you're something special. Again you did nothing to add or back up what you said.

I want to know in detail why there is such a big difference between the 2. I can make the same assumptions from watching a video, such as you did.

BitbyDeath3753d ago

It was a typo, was meant to say 'trolled it'

MRMagoo1233753d ago

pretty much everyone that has tried it have said they want one and its gonna be a game changer, they have also said that is is better than oculus rift , yet here you are the contrary fairy.

AgentSmithPS43753d ago

Thankfully Sony will do just fine without you. Captain Obvious wonders why you'd compare a console product to a PC product. I doubt you can get either of them.

DigitalRaptor3753d ago

God what an undercover troll you are.

Sureeee you tried it. I watched a video @ GDC showing actual developers who confirmed that both are close and both dev kits have areas that they individually excel in.

You are such an undercover Sony detractor.

MultiConsoleGamer3753d ago

You watched a video, I tried it in person.

I have facts, you have personal insults and straw man attacks.

See kid, anyone who was actually at the Expo knows I'm telling the truth. Deal with it. The two products aren't even in the same league.

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Dragon Age: The Veilguard Preview BioWare's Back, Baby | CGM

CGM got a very extended hands-on look at Dragon Age: The Veilguard, and it looks like BioWare has made good use of the last ten years.

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Juvia4h ago

It looks awful. RIP Bioware.

jznrpg4h ago(Edited 4h ago)

Graphically it could look better as I’m not a big fan of the WoW color palette but the gameplay and rpg elements look good. The graphics are decent enough that I can look past them if the gameplay makes up for it. In no way do I think it looks awful just not my kind of art style

SimpleSlave3h ago

Looks fine to me. Not super Current Gen graphically, but that's fine. Well, except for that hair physics. That's actually pretty current gen. But as long as it has a good main story, plenty of choices for the player to make and it's not bloated with crappy fetch quests like the third one, this should be good to go.

SimpleSlave3h ago(Edited 3h ago)

The reality is that aside from MAYBE Dragon's Age Origins, this series has never been that good. Fun, sure, but great? Far from it. So they certainly have their work cut out for them. And I get it. This is certainly not the old OLD - pre Knights even- Bioware we're talking about here and they sure are hell ain't Larian Studios. But if they can get close enough to Baldur's Gate 3 or at the very least Origins, then that's a win right there.

At least, when it comes to the Art Direction, this is certainly the most appealing Dragon's Age. With the second one coming a close second, character wise at least, but falling WAY short on account of being a half baked game in every respect. The first one being an abhorrent looking abomination, even when it came out, and the Third one being Good Looking but generic as fuck.

So we'll see.

Zombieburger6381h ago

Can’t wait for all the game “journalists” to start singing praises for this game only for gamers to find it sucks.


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LightofDarkness6h ago

They’re taking them all offline and replacing them with UT99 servers for the foreseeable future.