
Sony Reacts to April NPD "Victory" for PS4; inFAMOUS: Second Son Best Selling Next-Gen Game

Sony Computer Entertainment commented on the latest North American NPD figures that saw the PS4 beat its rival, the Xbox One, for the fourth month in a row, saying that it "won" NPD and that infamous was the best selling next gen game of the month.

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MightyNoX3781d ago

Outselling the competition almost 2:1
Infamous outselling Titanfall.

I said, goddamn...that's brutal.

Congrats to Sucker Punch. Brilliant game and you deserve these sales.

corvusmd3781d ago ShowReplies(16)
imt5583781d ago (Edited 3781d ago )

Where did you get PS4 outsold Xbone 2 : 1?

Well, i know that on GAF are some news about.

Anyway, InFamous outsold Titanfall on Xbone is quite surprising.

JoGam3781d ago

He never said PS4 outsold Xbone 2 : 1. Reread slowly.

mikeslemonade3781d ago (Edited 3781d ago )

Worldwide it's almost 2:1. Since vgchartz updates the sales to more accurate numbers and then they deflate PS4 by around 100,000 units the PS4 should approaching 8 mil while the X1 is still at 4.6 mil and that's possiibly just shipped numbers.

Right now on vgcharts it's 7.6 mil and 4.6 mil. Don't give the BS about their not being not reliable. It's close and ball park. But you just have to consider they deflate the PS4 sales by about 100k and then you can forcast for PS4 today. So they should be at 7.9 mil today currently.

7.9 mil divided by 4.6 is 1.71:1 ratio. So essentially it's about to 2:1 eventually. Regardless the it's same story. PS4 is outselling and widening the gap of the X1, and the X1 will not even be competitive this generation in terms of sales. I don't care if you say PS4 has X amount of countries. That will matter very little because once PS4 launches in China they will buy the PS4 since they indentify with Sony more.

xHeavYx3781d ago

Not really that surprising. Most people got it for the 360, that's why the Xbox One's numbers haven't gone up

Gazondaily3781d ago

A single player game like Infamous outselling Titanfall is truly surprising. But the meagre sales of the X1, a mere 115k put things in perspective.

Why o why3781d ago

Can we please banish vg chartz from this site please. Real gamers and worthier gaming sites have been ban for less. Vg have been fudging numbers for yeeeeeears now. What do they have over n4g....id love to know

Triella3781d ago

Well it's almost 2:1 NPD numbers PS4=215K XBO=115K

GribbleGrunger3781d ago (Edited 3781d ago )

So ... can we now please stop calling Sony fans delusional when they question the American numbers on VGC. I'll repeat, for the '6TH' month running, they've been right. I do not expect anyone to question the validity of their doubt this month, which, by the way, is once again being overtracked for the XB1 and undertracked for the PS4.

The difference is almost 2:1 with the XB1 being 112k and the PS4 being 'almost double' so my guess would be 210k - 220k

GameNameFame3781d ago

Stop it guys. You guys gonna make georgenoob cry.

morganfell3781d ago (Edited 3781d ago )

Damn Triella, I was off by more than 10K in my prediction. Still a great deal more accurate than vgchartz.

@Why o why,

When you you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth So it has to be money. That's the only reason that fits. Payoff.

GameNameFame3781d ago


PS4 7 million sold to consumers
Xbox One 5 million sold to retailers. Count the fact that 1 million is sitting on shelves. This is number given off by MS themselves in Dec.

that is 7 vs 4 million.

Also, desperate fanboys need to drop the attach rate. Lol. they are near identical. PS4 gives out free games to every months and have F2P games.

NewMonday3781d ago

Axios2 has disappeared as predicted

@Why o why

mods told me they will not

Boody-Bandit3781d ago (Edited 3781d ago )

I have a feeling Sony will announce they are at or closing in on 9 million sold at E3. Sold to consumer and not sitting on retail shelves. Meanwhile MS will keep spinning their numbers as they did this month with software sales while combining the 360 with the X1. Funny how MS aren't talking about their worst April hardware figures in a decade. I wonder why they dropped Kinect and lowered the price to $399.99. /s

All the while not a word of how they are doing this generation vs Sony in both hardware and software sales. Spin away MS, spin away.

I am a gamer but even I am shocked Infamous (an SP game) has outsold TitanFall (a multiplayer game geared for the xbox crowd) on the X1 for the month of April. Boy I bet EA is dying for a mulligan. It's odd we are not seeing articles talking about how poorly EA miscalculated backing the wrong horse entering this generation.

Than again is it odd or telling?

DragonKnight3781d ago

I'm waiting for MS to post the following types of numbers.

"In the month of April, Xbox One gamers shot down 300 million Titans and parkoured their way atop building 587 million times."

You know, because that's pertinent information we all need to know.

morganfell3781d ago

New Monday - vgchartz is mobbed up. Its the only upside of protection money.

Charybdis3780d ago (Edited 3780d ago )

Microsoft seems to be happy with their software sales but are trying to put spin on xb 1 sales comparing it only the x360 sales in same period of time. With Sony selling twice as many consoles it however is surprising to see the xb1 doing so well. Sony should be selling twice as many games as xb1 if they have same game attachment rate.


Triella3780d ago

Actually PS4 did not sell 215K which was an estimate from a GAF insider, calculated from the revenue figures published by NPD, but 199K.

Darkstares3780d ago

Many of you seem to forget how Sony used to spin the numbers last generation or refused to comment at all. So it's not an uncommon practice. Nintendo does the same thing regarding Wii U sales. I wish Sony would give exact figures for PS4 sales but the good news is it's becoming quite easy to find them for sale.

3780d ago
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Whiskeyjacked873781d ago

@Georgeenoob you are all bass ackwards! Sony alwayd releases milestone figures. Last I can recall from MS was 3.9 million shipped.

Farmassy3781d ago

I don't think infamous outsold titanfall. It outsold titanfall that month.

Titanfall was released March 11th and infamous was released at the end of march. No wonder it won april

medman3781d ago

The excuses roll right off the tongues of these Microslop bozos, don't they? LOLOLOLOLOL!!! Arses kicked, yet again!!!! Beaten soundly in hardware and software, yet again!!! This is getting embarrassing for dat der bone...game over son, game over!!!!

Chevalier3780d ago

A multiplayer game that is heavily advertised should not drop of within a month and lose to a single player game. Titanfall should have expected groups of people buying it continually for at least 3-4 months.

kenshiro1003780d ago

Oh c'mon...that's not a very good argument.

Eonjay3781d ago (Edited 3781d ago )

But Titanfall on Xbox was supposed to have legs.
Where is you know who...
VgChartz failure is complete.

Ck1x3780d ago

Titanfall is currently outselling Infamous SS each week. The sales for that game have dropped way off, even Pokemon X/Y Are Tracking Higher Than Infamous at the moment.

LackTrue4K3781d ago

@ corvusmd & GREENSHIT/georgeenoob


TitanFall got its a55 handed to you/them....

i agree 100% with Lukas_Japonicus

coming here with there crap...

Chevalier3780d ago

Corvusmd has the gall to claim he has a PS4, but, won't list a PSN name. What a joke.

dale_denton3781d ago

Where's all the bots at? Crying somewhere i guess.

Haki11123780d ago

Maybe playing games? Also before anyone spout some Fanboy shit Look me up Hakirshiro PSN name I have a PS4 and Xbox one Goku Ruk XBL

Ashlen3781d ago (Edited 3781d ago )


It's so true.

I really hope people start calling this type of stuff out for what it is.

You can add Metacritic to the list of questionable sites as well. They are cherry picking reviews to give almost every single Xbox One multiplat a 1 to 2 point higher meta score even when the the game has higher frame rates and resolution on PS4.

GribbleGrunger3780d ago

Don't get me started on Metacritic. I've been keeping a close eye on how they distribute reviews between the consoles and it's starting to look a little suspicious. It's gotten a lot worse since Amazon announced they'd be including Metacritic scores with their game sales. Make of that what you will.

Not-A-Cat3781d ago (Edited 3781d ago )

I only come here for georgenoob comments


Where is truefan1?

dantesparda3780d ago

Or Axios with his constant spamming of "Titanfall still selling" crap.

ovnipc3781d ago

Im guilty for one of does ps4 and infamous ss. Infamous ss great mage finished it in 3 days as an infamous. Being the good guy in that game kind of boring being an infamous way funner.

scootscottskeet933781d ago ShowReplies(1)
Flames763781d ago

PS4 numbers wasnt even posted by the npd.This is the second month in a row they havnt showed the PS4 numbers.The reason is the X1 outsold the PS4 in march and april.As far as second son it sold 1.1 million and titanfall sold 1.7 million.So not sure how infamous is the number 1 selling next gen game?

strickers3781d ago

You really don't know how any of this works, do you?

aceitman3780d ago (Edited 3780d ago )

@flames sony sold 375,000 in march and ms sold 311,000 and as far as sales wise titanfall didn't sell a million on its own yet that 1.6 million is sold total with bundles and retail copies ms has not stated it has passed a million and has yet to mention what the ratio of the 2 are how many sold with bundles how many sold separate it is rumored that only 900,000 has sold to retail copies infamous has sold on its own not free 1.6 million copies 1.2 to retail and 4 mill on digital. and as far as april it looks like the numbers are out and sony sold a little over 200,000 in us compared to 115,000 x1

KinjoTakemura3780d ago (Edited 3780d ago )

@The reason is the X1 outsold the PS4 in march and April.

You made that up didn't you?

@As far as second son it sold 1.1 million and titanfall sold 1.7 million.So not sure how infamous is the number 1 selling next gen game?

Titanfall is on 3 platforms. Infamous is on one. Titanfall's 1.7 million number is for all platforms.

No_Limit3781d ago (Edited 3781d ago )

Man, those are terrible numbers for XB1. No wonder MS announced the Stand alone bundle 2 days before NPD. I think initially they were going to save that announcement for E3 but with number like 115k, I think they have to announce it ASAP to gain some some excitement for the console. I expect the PS4 to continue to lead in sales every month this year unless Halo 5 make it in November this year.

jnemesh3780d ago

They just announced Halo 5 for "Fall 2015". Why didn't they wait until E3 to announce this? Desperation. They want to give people SOME reason to buy an underpowered console...even if they have to wait 1 1/2 years for it's release!

xer03781d ago

I'm not shouting for a medal or cookie but i bought 3 copies of this game. The other 2 were for some really close friends.

Well deserved!

dantesparda3780d ago

Can I be your friend? Btw, my birthday is coming up buddy. Lol

MasterCornholio3780d ago

Infamous outselling Titanfall is what surprised me the most. The PS4 outselling the Xbox One didn't really surprise me because the Xbox One didn't outsell the PS4 in the month that Titanfall came out. So what game in April would boost Xbox One sales?

Anyways after reading several articles I just realized that VG charts bias towards the Xbox One is a lot worse than I thought.

WilDRangeRrfc3780d ago

Well it shouldn't X1 user base 4 million PS4 nearly 8 Titanfall on X1 has over a million sales on X1 alone so I don't know where you PSN4G fanboys get your logic from,TF over 75 awards and counting highest metacritic next gen game so far,attach rate on X1 is 1 in 3 Infamous 1 in 7 so please enlighten me fanboys how TF flopped and ISS is a success,oh I have both consoles and both games nearly completed ISS on both Karmas then it will be traded,just bought season pass on TF the greatest MP game I have ever played,I will play it til TF2 so which game is better and has most value and replayability??? Jealousy me thinks Titanfall is a gem dealwitit

cfir3780d ago

There are at least 6 games on ps4 with the same or better metacritic score than Titanfall.

Glad you like Titanfall. Personally I got tired of it after a couple of weeks. Never was a big fan of the twitch shooter.

Gamer19823780d ago

But VGchartz said Xbox One has been clearly winning all month!

Kidmyst3780d ago

Sucker Punch deserves it, great game Infamous SS was. Hopefully they walk away with some awards this year.

3780d ago
XiSasukeUchiha3780d ago


Agreed and Congrats Sucker Punch for outselling Titanfall!

nowitzki20043780d ago

Georgenoob really must not have any games to play on his x1 considering he only has 1 bubble but still manages to post more than anyone on n4gs ps4 section.

nosferatuzodd3780d ago

lol I don't usually do this but you sir or an idiot

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majiebeast3781d ago (Edited 3781d ago )

Titanfell, so much hype but no legs. Yet people wonder why EA doesn't want to give any numbers, here is your answer.

DVS-Zev3781d ago

EA must hate themselves right now lol.They decided to back xbox as it turns into a sinking ship and Sony/ubi/acti are all best friends lol

majiebeast3781d ago

Yeah funny to see it backfire.

Bonkerz3781d ago

Umm, Ubi, and activision are multiplat devs so it doesnt matter whose friends with who lol. In the end Titanfall was exclusive to MS and Sony lost an amazing MP title.

iamnsuperman3781d ago

I think EA really needs to take more risks. EA has effectively given Titanfall a false start. They clearly didn't want to pump too much money into it and so looked for exclusivity dealings (Microsoft stepped up and funded a good portion of that game) and by doing this limited the impact Titanfall could have had.

OrangePowerz3781d ago (Edited 3781d ago )


I'm sure they expected originally that the Xbox would be the leading console. Many expected that MS have a much better start, until they revealed the console. I don't think that MS paid them enough money for the exclusivity of TF and PvZ to cover the lost sales.


Ubi does have a better track record with Sony given that games are mostly shown at the Sony conference and the extra DLC. Activision is currently playing both sides with CoD stuff for the Xbox and Destiny stuff for the PS.

I played Titanfall, it's extremely overrated. It's a decent and ok MP shooter that got a lot of hype because of who developed it.

Farmassy3781d ago

I honestly don't think its because it was on xbox that it hasn't done as well as expected. I think it is because it wasn't the game everyone thought it would be. I really enjoyed it but it got old fairly quickly. There just wasn't enough content to make me play it more than a couple of weeks.

Insanely fun but gets old fast

hellzsupernova3781d ago

I am enjoying it to be honest. EA have done some very bad things for us the consumer and I refuse to buy there games now.

BG115793781d ago

It's well served for EA. They made really a bad choice with that one.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3781d ago
TheNotoriousNiceGuy3781d ago (Edited 3781d ago )

Is you still playing infamous ?

Bruce_Wayne3781d ago

Yeah, got to get past evil story and platinum it. School keeps me busy, you know?

Clunkyd3781d ago

Fuuny how I put in more hours on infamous than TitanFall which is Multiplayer only.
TitanFall was just plain Overrated.

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ape0073781d ago

don't celebrate yet, titanfall will boost sales after the system became 399$

they should diskinect before titanfall launch though

Bruce_Wayne3781d ago (Edited 3781d ago )

That's a harsh statement. Have to wait until E3, because if Sony announces more attractive games, people might hold off on Xbone.

Halo only sells within people who already have an Xbox One. And you can't speculate based off of sales from last gen. So your sales argument is dismissed. How many Xbox supporters said "When has Infamous sold a lot?" And look at it now. First week sales were greaer than the combined sales of Infamous 1 and 2, during their first week, let alone the fact that PS3 had a way larger fanbase. And I think GT is a better-selling franchise than Halo. GT7 probably won't release this year, for you brought up the sales argument, and you brought me to it.

ape0073781d ago (Edited 3781d ago )

^^^^^^ everyone wants halo, more than any other sony game can do

i hate the fanboy war but u brought me to it , there u go

come on people disagree with facts :)

GrandpaSnake3781d ago

@ape what if they announce metal gear solid phantom pain as a ps4 exclusive? you never know how well destiny will be, or even how much halo wont really help if its being outsold by a great margin.

fenome3781d ago (Edited 3781d ago )


I don't want Halo. Why don't you try speaking for yourself instead of 'everyone'?

I'm way more interested in Destiny, that's just me though.

ape0073781d ago


we were talking about sales bud

AceBlazer133781d ago

WTF are you talkin about ape? Gran Turismo is a better selling franchise than Halo. A quick google search can do wonders. You played the fanboy game and lost.

OT. inFamous is Outselling XB1 version of Titanfall. Funny thing is VgChartz had XB1 version top of the charts entire month.

Sony Nation Domination.

S2Killinit3781d ago (Edited 3781d ago )

They already had xbone for 449.99 including kinect and titanfall i think. That didnt help them outsell PS4. Now they will have no kinect, and 399.99 plus 69.99 for titanfall, that's 469.98(without kinect)

HappyWithOneBubble3781d ago

@ape007 "everyone wants halo, more than any other sony game can do"

That's a lie buddy. I never wanted Halo. Don't care for it at all.

Inception3781d ago

"everyone wants halo, more than any other sony game can do"

Speak for yourself. I finished Halo: Combat Evolved on PC. It's a good game but it's not a system seller for me. I prefer Wild Arms, Gravity Rush, or Freedom Wars. Heck, i even much prefer nintendo games like Metroid, Zelda, or X over Halo.

DragonKnight3781d ago

@ape007: Gran Turismo says hi.

aceitman3780d ago

don't think to big on halo , remember the original halo guys bungie will take a piece of that pie some people feel that they are making a true halo continuation with destiny(without masterchief and stuff from halo)but it will have that halo feel. they are the original halo makers and will have there followers. so it will be another dumb move if ms launches halo 5 this fall.

jnemesh3780d ago

"The ESRAM will save the XB1, oh wait, I mean DX12...no, the power of the cloud will save it! Oh, I mean Titanfall. Oh wait, I mean a price drop. No, I mean a price drop with a system sold without the Kinect! Oh just wait until Halo 5 comes out, THEN the XB1 will ROCK!"

Do you guys even know how foolish you sound? Admit it already! XB1 is a failure!

kenshiro1003780d ago

So Halo will save the XB1? What happened to Titanfall?


+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 3780d ago
shammgod3781d ago

Well said my friend. Ron Swanson's voice reasonated in my head when I read that quote

memots3781d ago

i don't understand all this obsession over TF ,

Its a multi plat game that is playable on PC and Ms console. There is so many Multi plat on PS/Pc only and no one mention those and surely don't count and are being treated as exclusive somehow.

DynDasE3780d ago

But, TF is a flagship title for Xbox 180 right from the start. Multiplat PS4/PC are not Sony exclusive. Sony can differentiate that real "exclusive" will be only on console. Unfortunately, the fact that Xbox One allows multiplats in the beginning means that MS already lose faith on Titalfall.

VforVideogames3781d ago (Edited 3781d ago )

don't worry about TITANFELL , INFAMOUSE will sink faster than the titanic.

5eriously3781d ago

But SS wont sink as fast as Titanfail (wink)

MysticStrummer3780d ago

So, you think a game on three platforms will sell more than a game on one platform…

Look out Pachter, there's a new sheriff in town!

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3780d ago
ape0073781d ago

so glad seeing SP games sell well

Kayant3781d ago (Edited 3781d ago )

Damn was not expecting that since it dropped out of the top 10 but against all the multiplats and X360 install base that would be a difficult fate.

Well deserved and quite surprising. In UK it's the opposite because TF bundles are counted in the charts.

kneon3781d ago

It's too close to e3, I expect they want to stay quiet until then so that they have a new big number to announce.

Brazz3781d ago

hey! This realy make sense!

Anon19743781d ago

They just gave us numbers. They announced they surpassed 7 million sold through as of April 6th. Usually we get updates every quarter. That's how it's been for years with Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo (although there have been quarters where MS skipped 360 updates in the past).

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Unique PlayStation Games Where You Sweep Through Enemies Like They're Nothing

Huzaifah from eXputer writes, "My favorite type of genre in games is when enemies are merely animal fodder in the eyes of the protagonist's sheer power."


inFamous 3: Is PlayStation Working On A Second Son Sequel?

Fans of the action-adventure franchise have been eagerly awaiting news of a potential sequel to one of the best games on the PS4.

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-Foxtrot64d ago

They really need to

Go off the evil ending off Second Son

Delsin absorbs all those powers

Revealed he’s the real Beast and John in Infamous 2 was just an anomaly created by timelines being messed with by Kessler.

Cole vs the Real Beast

gold_drake64d ago

quite honestly, i dont remember a whole lot about 2 amymore, but i absolutely hated the guy in second son haha.

chicken_in_the_corn63d ago

It would make more sense to go off the evil ending of 2 and the good ending g of SS where Cole is The Beast.

Cacabunga62d ago

Doesnt make any sense calling second son 2 as infamous 3..

OtterX63d ago

Ha, yea Delsin was obnoxious.

I wouldn't mind another new character, but somehow bring Cole into the story.

We can just pretend like Delsin never existed. :)

thejigisup63d ago

Everyone that age is obnoxious. It's been years and is like to think delsin has grown

neutralgamer199263d ago

Until we wait for a potential new entry it would awesome to have infamous collection for PS5

RaidenBlack63d ago

Umm ... how about this?
First we get the Tushima sequel(coz its most rumored)
Then a new Resistance (need new PS SP FPS)
Then a totally new IP (new IPs are always interesting)
And then a new inFamous?

Pepsi_Man300063d ago

resistance is insomniac I think

xHeavYx63d ago

Can we also get a complete remaster of InFamous 1 and 2?

fr0sty62d ago

Gimme a new Warhawk and MAG while we're at it.

DivineHand12563d ago

I had a great time with the second son. Never got to play the originals and hope they get remastered one day.

DazaMc63d ago

The graphics were amazing, I got the platinum on that one. Very good.

ChasterMies63d ago (Edited 63d ago )

If I had a choice between another Infamous game and another Spider-Man game, I choose Spider-Man. Sony should spend its resources on its winners.

Tacoboto63d ago (Edited 63d ago )

Infamous was such a winner its studio was given the freedom (after 3 titles + their expansions) to do a new IP with GoT, just like with Sly Cooper before infamous.

I'd welcome a 4th title even more than another Spider-Man, it'd be exciting what they could do with new powers fit for the hardware outside the limits of a licensed superhero game.

jznrpg62d ago

Spider-Man is guaranteed and is made by Insomniac so why not both as Sucker Punch would make Infamous.

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How Does inFAMOUS Second Son Hold up 10 Years Later?

inFAMOUS Second Son was one of PS4's best exclusives, but does it hold up a decade later?

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Deeeeznuuuts252d ago

100%, locked 60fps and still look great all these years later, same with the expansion, definitely worth a look if people haven't played it yet, not the best games ever made but a good experience, hopefully a new infamous gets released

KwietStorm_BLM252d ago

Never was my favorite infamous, but it was definitely a graphics showcase early on PS4. Still plays well with the unlocked frame rate.

SDuck252d ago

Still remember getting hyped about this game nearing release. Funny because I never even got a PS4. Jumped from PS3 to PC so I never played it ahahaha

OmegaSoldati251d ago

Its a good game. But thats it. Congratulations you made the best choice. I dream to have a great PC one day.

jznrpg62d ago

@OmegaSoldati I’ve had a few of the highest end PC’s and they’re cool for about a year then they aren’t the highest end PC anymore and not as cool. It’s way overrated imo.

Profchaos252d ago (Edited 252d ago )

Graphically It's a absolutely stunning game that still holds up today.

Didn't have all that much depth to it forcing you to play though twice for a platinum trophy a good and bad run it was a little disappointing how similar those were Delsin would be like I'm not doing that for you in a cutscene but the cutscene would play out and force you to do it anyway just as you would of in a good run

I did like the story however it got a lot of complaints back in the day people hated playing as Delsin instead of cole despite Coles story being wrapped up.

Overall though the map wasn't overly saturated with useless points of interest there was some collectibles and things to find but nothing compared to a Ubisoft game.

I think it was a good game if a little hollow I've played it through around 4 times now since it's so short.

Also it's DLC was great a full story expansion

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