
Activision To Change Lead Platform For CoD to PS4

Frugal Gaming's Mark Kerry ponders on the shift in publishers allegiances between Microsoft and Sony?

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Neonridr3692d ago (Edited 3692d ago )

Makes sense. Always start with the most powerful hardware and work your way down. Not that the 360 was necessarily more powerful than the PS3. But it was easier to work on because of it's architecture.

However, now that the PS4 and XB1 are so similar to PC's with x86 architecture, you would think that PC's would become the lead platform and it would filter down.

Mikelarry3692d ago (Edited 3692d ago )

I just find it a bit weird now that MS has put all its billions to support TF is the time activision now wants to be chummy with sony. Personally forget COD ( no offense to the cod players)i hope ps4 is the lead platform for destiny

pedrof933692d ago


Actually its all about sales.

I have a feeling I'll go more mainstream this generation.

abzdine3692d ago

they already confirmed it some time ago.
PS4 lead platform it is!

thereapersson3692d ago

Wonder how many people who hated CoD before will change their tune? Me? I haven't enjoyed a Call of Duty game since Modern Warfare, so this news doesn't affect me any. Actually, I partially take that back, as World at War's zombie mode was pretty fun. I'd like to see another version of that, if anything.

IG-883692d ago

I think that the PS4 is the lead platform for destiny. I also believe that the PS4 is getting the DLC first as well.

MWong3692d ago

Yup PS4 is lead platform for Destiny. I think most of if not all the footage we have seen so far was from the PS4.

truefan13692d ago

Smart move by Activision, they know XB1 gamers aren't going back to COD from Titanfall. I wonder how COD will sell because of Destiny and potentially Halo 2. Hopefully Activision isn't too mad about MSFT backing EA and Titanfall, so it doesn't affect future games.

BlackTar1873692d ago



TF isn't going to stop more then a very small marginal % of people from playing COD.

nice try.

georgeenoob3692d ago (Edited 3692d ago )

Everyone with an X1 abandoned CoD after Titanfall. There's no way anyone can go back to that borefest after playing Titanfall. It makes you realize how the hell Activision got away with copy and pasting the same game for years since MW2.

If Titanfall 2 goes to PS4, that will be the end of the Call of Duty series, period. Just like Guitar Hero.


The only people that'll keep playing CoD are those who never played Titanfall or casual gamers oblivious to the game. So mostly PS4 gamers, considering TF sold 1 million copies on X1 alone excluding PC and 360 sales.

WickedLester3692d ago

Pretty sure PS4 is the lead platform for Destiny.

MysticStrummer3692d ago

@true and noob - Yeah we'll see you guys when the next CoD releases and check those numbers. You're talking about a game that sold like crazy every year despite being basically the same game as the previous edition. Many many people will be playing CoD on XB1, guaranteed.

calis3692d ago

It's wishful thinking to say that CoD will be abandoned because of Titanfall (or any game really).

Copen3692d ago

First off MS hasn't spent billions on TF okay millions yes billions no but they have sided with EA since the end of last gen. I think the former MS execs who are at EA have something to do with them being so chummy and giving MS preferential treatment when it comes to Sony vs MS but that's my opinion but i do feel it's a little more than a coincidence. Since MS has thrown their lot in with EA who is Activisions direct competitor they leave Activision little choice but to go with Sony and it makes sense on a few different levels. With the PS4 having the bigger install base thus far and looking like the clear cut winner out of the gate it is prudent on Activisions behalf to do what they can to make the most money in spite of all that has happened. We see Destiny has exclusive content for the PS4 and them switching the lead platform for COD to the PS4 and it's EA and Activision going at it tit for tat and if i had to choose out of those 2 publishers id probably take Activision because they put out quality games while EA has no problem taking our money and shoving unfinished work out the door leading to problematic releases.

kreate3692d ago (Edited 3692d ago )

I kinda think they should start w the weaker console (x1) and make their way up. Just like last gen.

But that's just a horrible way of making games as is gamer unfriendly.

And not making the best use of a console's capabilities. Good for x1 and Microsoft though, cuz the game would look and feel more identical.

Imagine if most games look better on ps4. X1 is doomed.


LOL @ people thinking EA will or is already allying with MS... BF4 parity says a lot, no wait... Anyway, Titanfall was obviously a disappoint as far as EA is concerned (not that the game sold bad, EA expectations were unrealistic, they wanted COD numbers from the COD guys), just watch as the next Titanfall goes multiplatform.

And this isn't about they favoring PS4 or whichever is more powerful or easier to develop for... EA and Activision don't give a rat's ass, they'll just follow the money.

More people are buying PS4s and attach rate this time around is also better or equal on Sony's platform, so they'll focus a little more on it, but don't worry, it not like they would ignore the other fronts (we're talking about the whores of gaming industry, if you can make a toaster that run games, EA and Activision will support it).

Geoff9003692d ago


It's a little more than just sales, since right now these consoles are very early in their life cycle, it's now that's a deciding factor for companies.

After a decade or so, new hardware comes to bear fruition, new contracts are made, that's all that's happened, and since EA have gone with MS, Activision have gone with the later.

avengers19783691d ago

At noob and true fan, check your sales figures COD: ghost sold more than TitanFall on the XB1. I could see your point if TitanFall ends up selling better, but as of now it's about 1.5 million less than COD

QuickdrawMcgraw3691d ago

Now COD does not matter...Only here on N4Xbox...

noctis_lumia3691d ago

ps4 is the lead platform for destiny
all the exclu deals etc etc since it was announced make it so

+ Show (17) more repliesLast reply 3691d ago
christrules00413692d ago (Edited 3692d ago )

The less powerful hardware needs the most work because they have it optomize it more to squeeze every bit of power out of it. With the Xbox 360 you need to squeeze the most out of it to get it to look it's best. With the PS3 having the extra month is like a bonus because they can just focus on the ps3 version then. But since it was more powerful you don't need to squeeze everything out of it to get it to look as good or better then the xbox 360 version. Most likely the extra month was good for coding.

Then now with the ps4 developers only need to manage one pool of data and make sure the right data goes to the cpu or gpu. But now with the xbox one they have the ddr3 system ram and there is specific data that has to go through the system ram to get to the cpu. Then have to make sure the right data gets to the gpu or GDDR5 that is baked onto it.

Just ultilizing 1 pool of data is a heck a lot easier then utilizing 2 pools of data.

Neonridr3692d ago

agree with your PS4 comments, however I have to disagree with your PS3 remarks. Developers used the 360 as the lead because it was easier to code for. The Cell processor required extra optimization in order for it to truly shine. Developers like Bethesda were notorious for doing a terrible port job with their games, hence Skyrim being virtually unplayable on the PS3 at one point. However when utilized properly (GTA V), the PS3 version can truly shine.

christrules00413692d ago

That is why I said that the extra month was most likely used for coding. But to get it as good or better then the Xbox 360 version they didn't need to use all of the power of the ps3. Needs different coding but didn't use all of the power. Sonys first party studios definately did get close to maxing it out.

system223692d ago (Edited 3692d ago )

the power differences between the two consoles are for the most part negligible. again - the problem with x1's launch titles is simply that its a pain in the ass to squeeze the horsepower out of the x1 so early in the release because of its separated esram/ddr/architecture - similar to the ps3 on the last go. this is already changing with new sdk's etc. i think the motivation here right now is sales numbers. the ps4 is simply just selling more and is probably easier to get a good result out of. maybe they just like the console more and its as simple as that. something tells me that money/units is the driving factor here, just like how at launch the 360 was outselling the ps3 for a while - coincidence that it was the console of choice then?

Neonridr3692d ago

fair enough, but ease of development has to play a factor too. The Cell processor was sort of an enigma for developers for a long time, hence why a lot of games that were coded on the 360 didn't run or look as good on the PS3. Poor optimization on the developers part.

PS4 and XB1 are more similar now than ever, so porting shouldn't be too much of an issue. Dealing with a few of the XB1 limitations shouldn't require that much of a workaround.

Copen3692d ago

The differences are definitely NOT negligible and you're outright false for saying so. The difference's like 30 fps vs 60 fps is a HUGE difference in the games where that gap is. The other issue of 1080p vs 900p and 720p is more of a sliding scale as far as differences go i personally don't think 1080p vs 900p is a huge difference BUT MS is peddling a 500 machine that can't do most games in 1080p/60fps in 2014 and that is because of the limited hardware. Sure you can chalk some of the issues to optimization and matured tools BUT while the X1 will get better it'll never be on par with the PS4 and their tools and optimizations will improve as well which common sense says will maintain or widen the gap we already have. Microsoft is limited by their hardware choice that's something they absolutely cannot change and for that reason alone no matter what they spin or what they say or what people like you try to mislead people to believe the Xbox One will NEVER be on a level playing field with the PS4.

raistra3692d ago

They want the system where the most money is to be made to be the best. There is barely any money to be made for them on the PC because the demographic of CoD isn't a big part of the PC demographic. That's why it isn't the lead platform.

Neonridr3692d ago

yet Ubisoft builds games like Watch Dogs and The Division on PC and ports down to the consoles.

DanteVFenris6663691d ago

All games are built from PC. This is bull if they say otherwise. I code and have used unity. Your making the game on the computer first because that's your only option to make it on. Then you port it and I'm no PC fan. This is just how it's done. You also test the results of new material on your PC. Or else you'd have to port it to a disk(loading time) and set everything up to test every simple thing you made. Bigger companies probably have more efficient methods but nothings better then testing it right within your game engine

fr0sty3692d ago (Edited 3692d ago )

Neon - They can never target max PC specs though, that is one thing many PC gamers seem to overlook. They have to make their game able to run on the majority of PC's that came out within the last 3-4 years or so, in order to be able to generate enough sales to make the PC port worthwhile. Only a small fraction of the total number of PC gamers have a rig that will still be more powerful than PS4 is after you factor in DirectX and windows overhead (yes, you, PC gamer reading this, are a small fraction of the whole of the PC market). So, It makes sense to target the most powerful closed architecture instead.

lfc_4eva3692d ago (Edited 3692d ago )

The PC usually is. They can render at highest possible for pc, then reduce the assets to suit ps4 and xb1.

You need to take into account that the software tools are on pc!

Geoff9003692d ago

Activision go where the money is, and since EA and MS have partnered this time, Activision has gone with the other company 'Sony'.

This always happens every generation, if EA does a deal with Sony, Activision go with MS and vice versa.

shivvy243691d ago

Wasnt sony partnering with ea for bf3 or moh at one point against cod and ms

troylazlow3691d ago

Activision still hasn't come out and stated this as fact. Just speculation until confirmation. Please report facts not feelings

Azzanation3691d ago

PC will have the lead platform. All COD games offer the best experience on PC. History will repeat it self again because the PC will again have the superior looking version and controls regardless if Activision say they change lead platform to PS4. Also I doubt the PS4 will control better then XB1 because most COD fans would be used to the 360 controller and the XB1 is similar in design and improved on all fronts.

For me, the next COD game will belong again on my PC where Key/Mouse setup with enhanced visuals is the way to go.

imuze3691d ago

too much piracy will make it hard for pc market to become more profitable than console.

tiremfej3691d ago


I have a X1 I abandoned Call of Duty after MW3. I didn't purchase TF. But hey it's usually safe to stereotype and make generalizations about people.

shivvy243691d ago

Dude mw3 was garbage, was glad I borrowed it from a friend.

TheXgamerLive3691d ago

The article is from a butthurt fanboy. No need to lie. If this happens then it happens everybody will still play the same game so no problem. Fyi lead platform would mean nothing regarding who gets DLC first. MS could still do with another agreement. TitanFall could of brought some jealousy and that could cause a change.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 3691d ago
PridedLlama3692d ago

As you say in the article it all comes down money but not necessarily the way you think it will. All though Microsofts long term deal ran out in 2012 they have gone year by year since then I believe. If Microsoft continue to throw more money at Activision than Sony will for call of duty it's gonna stay the same as it is now. Regardless of which platform is lead it still sells shit loads on the other platforms regardless so it's about who will offer them the most money.

mark3214uk3692d ago (Edited 3692d ago )

be good,i hated it when i had to wait for new maps when id payed the same price as xbox users

although sometimes i think ms release these articles so we get our hopes up then at e3 they announce they have parntered again with ms

ms then think we wil lsell our ps3/ps4 and buy a xbox lol

bit like the gears of war rumour

NegativeCreep4273692d ago (Edited 3692d ago )

From the article:. "Also, Microsoft and Activision’s Contract is up, the contract which named Microsoft as lead console and scored priority DLC, actually expired end of 2012"

End if 2012? So why did Ghosts' dlc come first on Xbox One?

Edit: I understand what you're saying, but that sounds like an even more ridiculous and counter-productive reason. Even without the great console sales gap between the ps4 and the xbox one in ps4's favor it sounds ridiculous. Because it makes it sound like activision made PlayStation gamers wait...just for the sake of making them wait.

Omar913692d ago

sales were probably expect to be better on xbox then ps so therefore they would give the dlc to the horse they been betting on for years already

GoogleYourMama3692d ago

I think the contract was up but why would Activision change there contract when the larger demographic of households have an Xbox 360, for which Ghosts was actually made for and then ported on to XB1 etc.
Therefore DLC is easier to port on to XB1. not to mention it still probably has sold more copies of the game collectively through Microsoft (that is not a fact i have researched). As i state in the article, its all about the money.

Geoff9003692d ago

Most likely an extended contract, or depending on when the game was made it still may have the contract(s) remaining for the Xbox.

UglyGeezer3692d ago

I think EA already realise their mistake on this. They fully expected the Xbox One to be the market leader, these allegiances will change again in a year or so I would imagine.

Geoff9003692d ago

Six months in, and you have already declared a winner...

Sorry but businesses don't work that way, they do long term contracts, which are decided based on a lot of various factors.

Yes the Xbox One isn't doing that well, AT THE MOMENT, however much the like the PS3 it had a lot of negative press when it launched and like everything things change come 2-3 years the Xbox might have a lot of amazing title.s

UglyGeezer3691d ago

I haven't called a winner at all, that's not what I said.
Business in conducted on forecasts and projections, I was saying that ES's projections were probably off the mark.

BG115793691d ago

It seems that for the moment being, EA has already declared a winner, again.

ASTS_19923692d ago

If this is true i hope people know this only means ps4 will get early DLC. It doesn't mean that MLG and UGC will have CoD tournaments on ps4 instead of xbox one.

shivvy243691d ago

I honestly dont get the point of timed dlc's for new maps like in cod or bf , imsure most of us can wait like 2 weeks

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Activision Blizzard Faces $23.4M Fine for Patent Infringement

Activision Blizzard ordered to pay $23.4M for patent infringement involving popular games.

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Skuletor1d 7h ago

Another L for Xbox, when are they going to have good news?

MrDead1d 6h ago

I would read the article but the giant pop-ups from the top and bottom of the screen made me close it.

Without reading $23.4 million isn't a deterrent for a company that size.

peppeaccardo1d 5h ago

Boss: Let's fire a few people to recoup on that loss.
Slave: Cortana has decided to get rid of Arkane Austin and Tango Gameworks.
Boss: Let's get those Firing Letters "Copilot Approved" and send them through the power of the cloud.
Slave: Long Live Phil !!!
ALL in the room: LONG LIVE PHIL !!!!

rlow123h ago

Well another troll company with a patent trying to extort money out of companies. Seems like they’re going to try and sue everyone.


Not enough drain them for more, fuck Blizzard POS company.


Judge Delays Ruling on FTC's Attempt to Exclude Evidence in Microsoft's Favor in Activision Case

The legal battle for the acquisition of Activision Blizzard continues, with Microsoft countering one of the FTC's latest moves and the Judge delaying a relevant ruling.

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thesoftware73083d ago

Look, to be honest the FTC should just stop.

MS has A/B and nothing has really changed yet...if you are worried about 5-10 years from now...just drop it cause the future is unpredictable.

Take this week's news, that 4 Xbox exclusive are going Multiplatform.


FTC and "Gamers' Lawsuit" Lawyers Denounce Microsoft's Layoffs in Activision Blizzard Legal Battle

The FTC and the lawyers behind the "Gamers' lawsuit" against Microsoft over the acquisition of Activision Blizzard are denouncing the recent layoffs within the respective legal battles.

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Abriael93d ago

It's like watching a bad legal drama.

XiNatsuDragnel93d ago

Best part there's no dramazation lol