
Pictures and Video of the Amazing Titanfall Xbox One Shared by Respawn; it Sounds like a Titan

Remember the special edition Titanfall Xbox One leaked a while ago and that apparently was canned because of the cost of the project?

Apparently there are quite a lot of them, and they’re being given to Respawn employees as thanks for making the game. Today they shared a few more pictures on it, and a video of it in action.

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crxss3709d ago (Edited 3709d ago )

I always preferred Xbox machine startup sounds over ps machines

nerdman673709d ago

I will always have the special place in my heart for the PS1 startup sound. Both of them
But yeah, Xbox machines sound badass

elmaton983708d ago

Well, in my case, I always prefered the playstion but ill admit; microsoft has always delivered some truly great custom bundles for most of their important games and titanfall(which I enjoyed playing the beta on pc since I dont own a xbone) is no exception.

lolCHILLbro3709d ago

im sorry PS fans but this beast is nicer than any PS4 could ever be

NeoTribe3708d ago

Its still a 80s vcr with a new paintjob. Still overly huge and underpowered. Ps4 is the slickest looking machine ever made. Smaller, twice the power, power brick inside. Enough said.

BOLO3708d ago

@NeoTribe The Xbox One is an all in one "watercooler" based, DRM reversed, "cumulonimbus" weather enhanced, secret sauce shootin, super DirectX 12 charged gaming/media/tv remote based console...Oh and it also has an alarm clock /s... http://img.gawkerassets.com...

elmaton983708d ago

Bolo. you are right man(besides the exaggeration I guess) but, well, if the new sku update is gonna make the xbox one better, then kudos to the fellas who bought the xbone but im still enjoying my ps4(and no amount of fanboyism or peole interference).

Joey_Leone3708d ago Show
metalsonar7133709d ago

did you here the startup sound... dam

oODEADPOOLOo3709d ago (Edited 3709d ago )

looks really cool, but its pretty lame that MS cheaped out at the end, MS only one of the big three that does customized consoles like this. It would have helped push sales atleast. Much better of a bundle then the cheap digital code and box cover art with basic console. Its kind of ironic that the limiting factor was cost when they spend shit-tons (yes i just invented that metric) on promotions, and still have cash to spare. MS is just half assing their sales pitches.

theWB273709d ago

"Much better of a bundle then the cheap digital code and box cover art with basic console."

Are you saying you'd rather get a cover than a free game? That giving out said 65 dollar game for free is cheap?

oODEADPOOLOo3709d ago (Edited 3709d ago )

I'm saying a customized,controller and console was better than having a plain ass one, with a bundle graphic around it. As for the free game, digital code still sucks, would take forever to download. If I had an xbone I would have bought the game separately. Just the controller alone costs as much as game, but the controller doesn't depreciate in value as much.

Chevalier3709d ago

It's free, but, only for 1 month then you have to buy Live so yeah it still cost you money in the end. It would be better to get Forza or Dead Rising instead then even if your live expired it can still be played.

theWB273709d ago

"As for the free game, digital code still sucks, would take forever to download."

Even if you bought the disc, you still have to save all X1 games to the HDD so the only thing you're really saving is bandwidth.

"Just the controller alone costs as much as game, but the controller doesn't depreciate in value as much."

What does that mean really? Spend the 65 it takes to get the game on the controller. You're still saving 65 bucks. Not wanting a free game for an aesthetic seems a little weird to me.

oODEADPOOLOo3709d ago (Edited 3709d ago )

"What does that mean really? Spend the 65 it takes to get the game on the controller. You're still saving 65 bucks. Not wanting a free game for an aesthetic seems a little weird to me."

The people who are interested in the game would buy it regardless. A customized console and controller offers something unique. And as for the controller, yes it would be a better deal to have the controller over the game for the reasons above.

And because generally controllers do not depreciate over time as much as games do. So after a few months the game might drop to half off from $60 to $30, 1-2 years later it could drop more meanwhile the controller prob only depreciated by $10-20 off its $65 original price in that same time span. So if you wanted to sell it for something else later you would have more trade-in value. And that's all if you have a physical copy, a digital copy is completely worthless and offers no outside value.

BlackOni3708d ago

Sony made a Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes themed PS4, available for purchase. This is only made for the developers at Respawn.

s8anicslayer3708d ago

People complain about the current $499 price tag of a standard One, They would have to charge more money for that custom paint and thus people would still complain. I would pay the extra loot for the branding but not everyone feels the same.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3708d ago
rbailey3709d ago

This is the Titanfall bundle Microsoft should have released in the first place. Those sounds and that design blows the other bundle out the water.

OwnageDC6503709d ago

Nice! Why not sell this to the public?

Regis3709d ago

It cost to much to produced they said and then sell it for a profit. For the U.S it may have costed about a thousand dollars to buy one though. anyways I would still get one.

3709d ago
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15 Underrated FPS Games You May Want to Try

Popularized by Doom in 1993 and still making video game haters gnash their teeth today, first-person shooter games are the best thing to happen to gamers since pizza rolls. So here are 15 underrated first-person shooter games you may have missed.

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Jiub602d ago

Although the late 2000s Turok wasn't my favorite, I would love a new entry. Open world survival with shotguns and dinosaurs. Not sure how we'd get the fusion cannon, but that would be pretty sweet too.

MadLad602d ago


All of these games are pretty much universally praised. Outside of Timeshift I literally own all of these.

Venoxn4g602d ago (Edited 602d ago )

XIII, The Darkness 2, Far Cry: Blood Dragon, Timesplitters: future perfect, Bulletstorm are awesome games

gurp2d ago

I played them all, they are all good in their own way
I used to be obsessed with FPS games


An ode to Titanfall: The last twitch shooter I'll probably ever enjoy

Windows Central: "Titanfall 1 is being sunset, taken off storefronts by EA. While the servers remain live for now, one has to wonder just how much time it has left. I look back and pay tribute to the last "twitch"-styled shooter I ever truly loved."

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Respawn Entertainment is Discontinuing Sales of Original Titanfall

Sales for the original Titanfall are being discontinued.
It will be pulled from subscription services on March 1, 2022.

Ethereal883d ago

Physical media. Unfortunately the way games are going these days game servers will eventually be shut down and you can stare at the menu and wish you could play the game again.

littletad882d ago

This is why reading is so important. Nothing to do with digital or physical media. The game, which is online only, is being delisted because of DDOS and other hacker attacks. The case got so bad that only six players in the world log on. For PC. Rather than fix it, they continued to sell the game, broken as it is, and only now just decided to call it quits. But please, go on thinking what you will.

Ethereal881d ago

I'm aware of the DDOS attacks and that this case is not typical. This game would eventually have it's servers shutdown regardless of the current situation so that is a moot point. My comment was in a general sense and that there are instances in which games can be preserved physically when official support ends.

Let's recap your first sentence. I said, "the way GAMES are going these days" indicating a broader stroke than just this game. I agree, reading IS important. I was simply stating the obvious downsides of the digital marketplaces and online only trends in games these days. I could even make the argument that the online only offering which has allowed hacker manipulation has impacted the preservation of this great game. My comment is valid in the general sense and thank you for your permission to continue to think what I will.