
Rumor: More DOA 5 Characters, PS4 Port, Team Ninja To Become PS4 Exclusive

A rumor was started by a Japanese website, Dengeki Online, about Dead or Alive and Team Ninja. The rumor says that there will be more DOA 5 characters, a PS4 port, and Team Ninja PlayStation exclusivity.

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Sharius3722d ago

it's...... happening.....?

AsimLeonheart3722d ago (Edited 3722d ago )

Probably. It would be really stupid for any developer to remain exclusive to Xbone because of the stellar PS4 sales unless MS pays for it. On the other hand, they would not lose much if they became exclusive to PS4 since majority of the next-gen gamers own a PS4.

Blaze9293722d ago

lol I love how you all talk as if 4 months of a new console generation, is 10 years of dominance.

creatchee3722d ago

You think that 4+ million potential customers wouldn't be much to lose? Especially with how genre-oriented Team Ninja's games are?

PrinceOfAllSaiyans3722d ago (Edited 3722d ago )

@Asim knowing MS they will pay. Just look at almost every single xbone exclusive they're all 3rd party. The only first party exclusive they have is Forza.

OT: I'm not a fan of DOA goes but it would be cool to have another exclusive even tho I won't play it. Maybe the can do a proper Ninja Gaiden or work alongside SSM to bring us Heavenly Sword 2 ?

morganfell3722d ago (Edited 3722d ago )

Those days of MS just paying are over. The only reason they got away with it to date is due to negotiations made prior to E3.

The division is under a massive amount of scrutiny and pressure. Kiss that moneyhatting goodbye because they do not have the upper hand in any area this gen.

abzdine3722d ago

"More DOA 5 Characters, PS4 Port, Team Ninja To Become PS4 Exclusive"

ALL i wanted to hear!
I love this studio and too bad Itagaki tried to sink them by going MS exclusive back in the days. they always deliver!!!

adorie3722d ago

The moneyhatting has to be selective now, instead of buying up everything in a rush to keep PS from content.

BitbyDeath3722d ago (Edited 3722d ago )

@creatchee, that's 3+ million not 4+.
3million eoy, 3.2 million end of jan, now maybe 3.4-3.5 million end of feb

Akuma073722d ago

A 3:1 sales ratio in the first 6 months is a very worrying sign.

Many PS4 buyers bought the console on the promise of the future, so why didn't people do that with the XB1?

XB1 need to pull out some REALLY big guns to close that gap.


Now they can make a game with the real potential of the PS4.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3721d ago
DCfan3722d ago

TN please do a next gen Ninja Gaiden game akin to the first Ninja Gaiden on Xbox.

Eyeco3722d ago

Ninja Gaiden Black is arguably the greatest action game ever made 10 years on and it hasn't aged one bit.

ABizzel13722d ago

NG Black (XB) and Sigma (PS3) are still the best 3D Ninja Gaiden games IMO.

I want to see some new IP from these guys. All they make is Ninja Gaiden and DOA. It's time to move on. Make 1 DOA early on, possibly another late in the generation and be done. Make 1 amazing Ninja Gaiden like Black / Sigma mid generation and be done. Focus the rest of the generation on New IP.

The only other names they have are Toukiden (An action based Monster Hunter clone) which could be a huge for Japan if taken seriously (open world PS4 monster-hunter with team ninja gameplay; yes), and Metroid other M.

So they only have 3 IP's to their name, so focus on new IP. But if the PS4 exclusivity rumor is true then I wouldn't mind them making my Heavenly Sword 2, Demon's Souls 2, or Destrega 2.

And Kojima / Konami needs to make a new Bloody Roar as well.

MasterCornholio3722d ago

" and Team Ninja PlayStation exclusivity."

Does this have anything to do with the PS4s huge lead in sales? Sounds like the PS2 era all over again.

Volkama3722d ago (Edited 3722d ago )

Not necessarily. If it were purely based on sales they'd surely stay multi-platform.

Itagaki was a 360 fan, the chap that followed him was a playstation fan. They seem to have quite some sway in what work they do (which isn't that common for a dev studio with a publisher).

The two were also quite hostile to each other. Itagaki openly laballed Ninja Gaiden Sigma "garbage", despite it being a pretty close port of his own game.

Now that Itagaki is out of the picture I can see this other chap going PS exclusive. He's yet to do anything good though, so in the end I'm not sure it's much of a victory.

hkgamer3722d ago

true, itagaki was favoured towards the MS consoles and the other dude that did the sigma series were obviously more involved with playstation consoles. So his previous experiences with Sony will probably turn team ninja to a Sony Exlusive.

Godmars2903722d ago

And Ninja Gaiden still was still released as an Xbox exclusive. DOA also jumped ship. Despite the PS2's popularity over the first Xbox.

Not going to say such isn't impossible, Sony might be working out a deal and using their lead as example, but it sounds unlikely.

Akuma073722d ago

New IP's are sometimes not related to a consoles popularity. It is about who can shell out the most cash to help that new IP develop.

Same thing happened with Titanfall, the ONLY reason why the first Titanfall is exclusive is because it was a new and unproven IP, so Activision NEEDED a guarantee that it would at least make it's money back. Microsoft's very large cheque guarantee's that.

WeAreLegion3722d ago

That would be incredibly surprising. I've never been a huge fan of Team Ninja, but many gamers love them. Itagaki had a huge ego, but I think they made better games under his direction.

Captain Qwark 93722d ago

i didnt much care for the man either but since he has been gone, their game havent even been worth playing. even the updated NG3 was mediocre at best

Volkama3722d ago

I quite liked DOA5, the DOA games are my kind of fighter. But 5 wasn't any real improvement over DOA4 imo.

None-the-less, if this team makes a DOA6 that is basically the same core game, but with a worthwhile visual + spectacle upgrade I'd probably buy it.

I will hope they don't try to moneygrab as hard as post-release DOA5 though.

Blaze9293722d ago

Eh, ninja gaiden 3 was garbage and DoA is running it's course. Need new IPs showing they're ok without Itigaki otherwise, meh.

DCfan3722d ago

NG3RE was ehh...
but cmon, DOA5 was pretty damn good.

Blaze9293722d ago (Edited 3722d ago )

didn't say it wasn't? Just running it's course. 14 DoA series games since 1996, lol I mean damn. And this is coming from someone who absolutely LOVED DoA4.

nunley333722d ago

Capcom would say that isn't enough DOA and they should be doing more re-releases.

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Didn’t Expect To See You Here: 5 Influential Fighting Game Guest Characters

Trevor Walker said: Fighting games have always been able to simultaneously experiment and innovate while staying true to their roots in the best of ways. Mechanics change, crossovers take place, and evolution occurs. One of the best examples of all three can be seen in the coveted guest character.

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Team Ninja Doesn't Get Enough Credit For Its Stories

Saad from eXputer: "Team Ninja's stories may not appeal to everyone due to their barebones nature but they deserve credit for being fun."

mastershredder51d ago (Edited 51d ago )

Exputer dude says Team Ninja needs more credit for their stories (what their known for) and credit for being fun (also known for challenging and fun gameplay). Team Ninja gets a LOT of credit. That's why they keep making games. You just can't expect everyone to award them the attention-level and regard that you think they deserve.

"I’m aware that some things are often not for everyone. Not because someone is actively gatekeeping but due to the product or premise failing to appeal to the masses" - Hmmm l dunno, sounds kinda like we are about to go for a cruise down gatekeeper blvd to me.

Takeaway, Exputer as a pimple gaming journal site that should not be concerned about the recognition standards of a studio they have zero involvement in. You perspective is outsider and totally disconnected from reality as far as how the industry sees them.

Takeaway 2, Exputer is only in about a generation deep into Team Ninja. Posers. Take your gate keepy BS and shove it. We know what makes team ninja great and they are doing just fine doing what THEY do.

Knightofelemia51d ago

Every branch under Koei Tecmo is talented I am a big fan of theirs no matter what the game is or who makes it.

GoodGuy0951d ago (Edited 51d ago )

I thought Nioh 1+2's stories were fine, nothing amazing but they kept me interested. William and the Protag in 2 were pretty cool. Wo Long was ok I guess but it just felt like another retelling of the three kingdoms again which we've seen told so much in video games and especially dynasty warriors.

ROCKY2851d ago

Where is a new DEAD OR ALIVE !!!!
That is the only game we care about from Team Ninja 😂


Team Ninja say Rise of the Ronin will have multiple difficulty options

Rise of the Ronin's difficulty options include Narrative, Intermediate and Hard. As the name suggests, Narrative mode is for players who just want to experience the story without any serious combat. Intermediate is your standard medium difficulty that will provide some challenge while Hard is in line with Team Ninja's previous games like Nioh and Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty.