
Worth The Risk? From PlayStation 3 To The Xbox One

One Hit Pixel: "Thank you Sony, the success of your PlayStation 3 has led me to the decision to buy (and keep) the Xbox One."

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GentlemenRUs3789d ago (Edited 3789d ago )

Currently it is a bad risk to take.

Why not just wait for PS4's to come back into stock? Better then shooting yourself in the foot I guess.

Mister_Dawg3789d ago

Bad risk?

And PS4 is the way to go? I hope you haven't based your argument on the PS4 launch titles, which show nothing of the supposed 50% power advantage!

MestreRothN4G3788d ago (Edited 3788d ago )

Yeah, because Forza's fake shadows and DR3's sub-30 fps doesn't say anything about the powah, right?

Omran3788d ago

the power of the cloud :)

JetsFool35003788d ago

You just answered your own argument its only launch we still have plenty of years to find out which console is truly more powerful

Prime1573788d ago

Some of us see the difference, obviously not you.

GrizzliS19873788d ago

how about the multiplats that all run 1080p on the ps4 and proven to be better looking? not even gonna mention a year and beyond from now, because it will be a slaughter.

MysticStrummer3788d ago

"I hope you haven't based your argument on the PS4 launch titles, which show nothing of the supposed 50% power advantage!"

He could easily base his argument on MS's past. Dropping XB1 (the first of it's name) support, starting strong with 360 then fading more and more into Kinectland toward the end, spending massive amounts of money on ads and timed exclusive content instead of more games, the attempted DRM policies so many people didn't like that it caused MS to drastically change their XB1 strategy (at least for now).

As for the power advantage, the differences in resolution on a multiplat like Call of Duty are a definite red flag. Last gen, 360 got the better of multiplats and much was made of small differences. So far this gen, the differences are bigger and they're in PS4's favor. PS4 is both more powerful and easier to develop for, so that trend will continue.

TomShoe3788d ago

It's pretty obvious which console you should get. The one which appeals to you more.

Launch titles are virtually meaningless when it comes to getting a console going forward. Look into 2014 and 2015 and decide which console has games that appeal to you more. Also keep in mind the advantages one has over the other. Do you have a diverse library of games and enjoy indie titles and JRPGs? Get a PS4. Are you a primarily FPS gamer and use your console for lots of media purposes? Get an X1.

If you can't decide for yourself, then just get what your friends get :P

thekhurg3788d ago

I see the difference.

Killzone looks better than anything on the Xbone.
BF4 runs at a higher resolution, and a more stable framerate.
CoD runs at a higher resolution.
AC4 runs at a higher resolution.
DR3 runs sub-30fps
Ryse runs below 30fps, often hitting below 20fps.

Launch titles alone are proving that the console, even in its very young age is already easier to take advantage of from a hardware standpoint. It's proving that Sony has built a far more powerful console for gaming.

On top of that, you have confirmed articles stating that even other functionality works better on the PS4. The browser is faster, game installations are faster, voice commands are more responsive, etc...

pyramidshead3788d ago

While that 50% is certainly subjective, the PS4 has already proved it is more capable at running game software games with the superior multiplatform games which seem to be dominating sales(on both consoles).

It's a no brainer. Exclusives and games in general will come down to personal taste. Only insecure fanboys like to list wars and say one console has no games. Especially when people seem to be buying the one with 'no games', right? Irony, ;).

lolCHILLbro3788d ago

Risk with Xbox One? its an amazing console and i have seen BF4 on ps4 and it doesnt look one bit different than on Xbox One, guys its a very capable gaming system

TheGreatAndPowerful3788d ago

Killzone, BF4, Infamous, Resogun, War Thunder... hell even COD:G(1080p/60fps+) shows off the raw power of the PS4, compare that to the weak sh*t that's the Xbone which maxes out at 720p.

mp12893788d ago

Article: Cloud=Cell Processor....?????

ZombieKiller3788d ago (Edited 3788d ago )

At least we can curse online.

Microsoft LITERALLY took away your freedom of speech, all while you pay for it and you defend that?!

If COD is 1080p on PS4 and 720p on xbox 720(p) and Activision and Microsoft have been in bed for the last 7 years, that has something to say in it's own. I think even Helen Keller can see that one.

Yourhead is "in the cloud" a bit too much.

Ju3788d ago (Edited 3788d ago )

"Launch line up"...that's why Xboxers bring up Titanfall in ever of those discussions, right?

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 3788d ago
JackISbacK3788d ago

sorry you are very wrong ,it must be decided on games ,there is no doubt for now MS is having better games and their future anouncced games are more than waht sony has announced ,yeah at e3 sony will reveal more but MS will also do it they will also reveal more gams and there is no doubt sony is having 14 studios and MS is having 24 studios which all are working on new projects for xb1 ,but most of them are new but it is only just a step ,when games will come out i believe they will be great becasue of people working there and MS is recruiting more and more people evry day ,yes there is alsomost 10 more job places announced from MS studios ,they also needs more games and they are on their way as for sony they were always great and will be great but games and amazing games will be on both ,if people cant buy both at once ,i will recoomend them to buy at once and then other and now its all on them to waht they buy first ,i will recoment waht they like more ps4 or xb1 , by any one of them and then switch to other next year.i buied both buy pre order ,i cant miss halo 5 ,uncharted,quntum break, infamous ss,order 1886 ,titanfall,sunset overdrive,fables ,project spark and many more .thats why i buied both.

Prime1573788d ago

It's YOUR opinion that ms has better games.

It's MY opinion that Sony has better games.

eliasg3788d ago

and the XBOX ONE controller is years ahead of the DS3.

pyramidshead3788d ago

Ah, stealth trolling again ;).
"there is no doubt for now MS is having better games"

You tried your best, son!

FriedGoat3788d ago

@Elias, it might be ahead of the DS3, but a shame its years behind the DS4.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3788d ago
bornsinner3788d ago

ps3 was trash, hard to develop on, crappy games & a really poor user interface.

this gen xbone is hard to develop on but it's not as bad as the cell.

Incipio3788d ago

PS3 had crappy games? What in the actual F is wrong with you?

pyramidshead3788d ago

Definitely not as bad, but the Cell was powerful, the XB1 architecture holds no held back power that the Cell kept locked up for devs to finally work out.

Rageanitus3788d ago

how is it a bad risk? I have a ps4, but I am all out of games to play with.

At the moment the xbox has a bit more going for it but less future potential.

MestreRothN4G3788d ago

PSN, please.

Are you already done with Resogun? Ac4? Trine 2? BF4? Warframe?

Have you even tried they?

Mister_Dawg3788d ago (Edited 3788d ago )

I'm bored of this idea that the xb1 has less potential. Everything about the xb1 shouts of variety. Variety in the way it can be used and interfaced with. Variety in the media it will be able to play. Variety in the games, much more than with the 360 where I agree fps and driving games were more prevalent.

MS is really going hard for games this generation by building up loads more studios dedicated to games.

Just because the PS4 is more powerful doesn't make its future brighter. Many of my pc gaming friends have way more powerful rigs than me, yet I can still play the same games they can. On the odd game, like metro or crysis3, I have to drop some AA but so what, the gameplay experience is still king and the game still looks totally amazing.
XB1 games will look fantastic and so what if they have to drop a little resolution to achieve a playable frame rate. So what!

MestreRothN4G3788d ago

Stopped reading at Crysis 3.

Rageanitus3788d ago (Edited 3788d ago )

@ Mestre
I play alot more games not just on PS4 ( I do not keep my gaming experience isolated to single platforms)
Resogun is an ok game that feels more for the VITA
AC4 and BF4 are MULTIPLATFORM and are better on PC IMO
Warframe blech!

Plus trine 2 has been out on PC and now is 4$ on steam.

MestreRothN4G3788d ago (Edited 3788d ago )

After plating Resogun, I can say that only Trine 2 stands on its quality level: Very very close to flawless.

I have played almost all new gen titles and am still having a blast with it. (Exceptions: Knack, CoD and NBA)

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3788d ago
christocolus3788d ago

Someone picks an xbx one over ps4 and your comment is that its a bad risk? But i guess to you choosing the ps4 over the xbx one isnt a bad risk too? Right? Cant people just be open minded and accept others choices?..if you want a ps4 go for it and if you want an xbx one pls go for it..its every gamers damn choice and everyone has their preferences ...damn.

d0nni33788d ago

Neither purchase is a risk at all, games will come for both systems with something significant that will make it stand apart from it's competition.

To say Xbone won't shine in it's way is mindless and quite frankly pathetic.

The PS4 will have it's quality and anyone saying other wise is deluded

I'm with you, we need to learn to respect each others choices but it's not going to happen. For some reason the internet decends into bitching and complaining where everyone seems to have to justify there life choices by trashing the opposing view.

I love my PS4, it's awesome. I don't own an Xbox one and my justification is my friends are playstation owners so to enjoy games with them i have to play on playstion and i'm happy with that. When the games come for the Xbox One i want i will buy one and get the same amount of enjoyment as i do from my playstation.

when it comes down to it, we are all pretty much getting the exact same experiance but we still insist on slinging mud, it's world we get when we don't have to be held accountable from what we say, this is an almost anonymous platform, if we were all stood face to face i'm sure a lot of people would change there tone and would be a lot more acceptable and the ones that weren't would be kicked to the corner to have there little war amoungst themselves.

joab7773788d ago

First off...stop with the launch title absurdity. As if Forza Microtransaction 5 or more zombies is a reason for me to buy a console. I did pre order an xbox one and if I hadn't got the last ps4 at walmart, I wouldn't hav cancelled it, and I would hav been happy. But, not b/c of xbone's launch games. Yes, I got a ps4 and I am buried in games right now...and I tried dcuo and its amazing on next gen. No, I would have been content with an xbone b/c I like the tech and I plan on buying one eventually. The prices r not bad compared to last gen and xbone does have some good exclusives launching in 2014. So, while its always a risk, especially if ur friends r on psn, u can b happy. And save up and when u can, grab a ps4. At least right now u can play all the multiplat games in glorious fashion (though ac4 on ps4 is stunning). And if u love zombies and ancient rome, u will have something to playwhile u wait for titanfall.

hazardman3788d ago

Alot of game seem to have microtransactions not only Forza. There is always a risk when buying any product.

xboner3788d ago ShowReplies(2)
hazardman3788d ago

How is it a bad risk? Explain and please come up with something more than its $100 more expensive and inferior hardware!!

NeoTribe3788d ago

Better to wait for ps4. Better hardware, software, games, price.

hazardman3788d ago

Im sorry Sony will never have better software than MS, one of the biggest and best software companies on earth!! Nice try tho!

nosferatuzodd3788d ago

Just looking at this I can tell this is a Xbox fanboy rant someone who never own a ps3 just
Naming games he never played are know nothing about to get some hits pathetic ..

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 3788d ago
Death3789d ago

Read the article. The author returned a PS4 for the Xbox One.

LeCreuset3788d ago

Just goes to show what poor judgment he has—and that's not even talking console preference. Why would you return a PS4 when you can resell it for more and use the profits to buy extra stuff for your new system? It doesn't make much sense, much like the logical leaps he takes in the article.


Thats what I did, I sold my ps4 for one hell of a profit. Basically got my xb1 for $300. I will get another ps4 when there are more next gen games available.

fishy13788d ago

used ps4 sells for considerably less. Who wants a system already registered to someone else, and lose system warranty.

LeCreuset3788d ago


You won't lose the warranty. The system is still under warranty. I find it hard to believe you couldn't get at least $500 on a PS4 that has been used for less than a week. I mean, we have people buying photos of consoles off of ebay for that price.

DigitalRaptor3786d ago

LOL. Goddamn.

"But I will see you again in a couple of years, when hopefully the PS4 also heads into Uncharted waters."

He says he's waiting for the next Uncharted. Common sense and logic points to a November 2014 release for that. So that's not a couple of years. That's less than one. Why would anyone have such lack of foresight?

fullmetal2973789d ago

Certainly think so with both consoles. The sales are decent and Microsoft will not give up support, you will get to play all the latest games. Xbox Live is still a breeze to use so you be disappointed.

TrueJerseyDevil3788d ago

Not a bad choice at launch because the Xbox One's launch lineup is a little better, but in the Long run Q3/4 and 2014 will be a better sony exclusive year in my opinion

wolfsaviorzx3788d ago

Depends honestly both look pretty weak. Depends if Microsoft ups their game. First 3/4 years of 360 made the PS3 look like shit than they just give up while Sony was pumping titles all over the place.

MethCupcakes3788d ago

I thought I would never be able to see It before I died.. Someone actually to use "Than" incorrectly. Thank you sweet prince I can now rest easy.


I wish people would stop trying to drag the xb1 games in with the ps4 lacking exclusives. Just because the ps4 doesn't have any exclusives right now doesn't mean that both are weak.

If the ps4 had DR3, Ryse, Killer Instinct, and Killzone, as exclusives, would you guys be saying the same thing, or would you just say the xb1 has no games?

JetsFool35003788d ago

@melman nope because all those launch titles are garbage


I am willing to put money on the fact that you don't own all of those games. If you did, you wouldn't have made that comment. I have owned them, and I can tell you that they are not "shit" even killzone is a decent game, although the story is boring.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3788d ago
Mister_Dawg3788d ago

Well that's your opinion indeed. One I don't agree with, but that's what should be good about this site. Differing opinions, not just school yard mud slinging.

TrueJerseyDevil3788d ago

Don't get me wrong i love and intend to play all the playstation exclusives because i got the ps4 first but Xbox has some good games as well

SLUG3788d ago

just wow i cant say it any better then this best console is xbox one its a win for me

LeCreuset3788d ago

I hope you can say it better than that, because his argument in a nutshell is, "Sony did a great job realizing the potential of their last console, so I'm going to trade in their new console and get an Xbox."

MethCupcakes3788d ago

Oh my god! Two in one article!! What a coincidence. You managed to use "then" incorrectly and the guy about you used "than" incorrectly. Thank you guys.

Heisenburger3788d ago

I'm the agree for your two comments thus far, as they gave me a giggle. However I must inform you that, in the context in which you used the word, God should be capitalized.

I never thought I'd live to see a troll on the internet that was pointing out people's mistakes, make a mistake. What sorcery is this?

I feel like I've just experienced true love for the first time, or was visited by an angel.

Thank you for this gift you've given me.

LeCreuset3788d ago

You should proofread your comment.

MysticStrummer3788d ago

@Heisenburger - You don't know which god is his, so "God" isn't necessarily correct.

; )

TruthInsider 3788d ago (Edited 3788d ago )

OMG! @MethCupcakes You have used "about" instead of "above"!

Calling people out on their spelling and you do the same thing! lol

MethCupcakes3788d ago

@Phil I pointed out errors in grammar.. Lmfao #CounterTrollFail next time don't be a hero.
@Hisen "god" That's Almost laughable. You don't know what I believe in or if I even believe at all.. GTFO. I'm all out of Bubs. LoL

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3788d ago
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All Hopes I Had For A Prey Sequel Have Been Crushed — Well Done, Microsoft

The magnificent Prey was once again abandoned as Microsoft disregarded Arkane Austin's achievements and crucified it just for Redfall.

RaidenBlack22h ago

well, not entirely ... the main Arkane studio i.e Arkane Lyon's still there ...
Its only that, the sequel will take more time now ... after Blade & Dishonored 3

MrBaskerville2h ago

But who knows, Dishonored 3 could have been Austins next project, so might be cancelled.

-Foxtrot21h ago(Edited 21h ago)

Not even this Prey

Still longing for a sequel to the original Prey with Tommy

The studio didn't even want to call this Prey, it was just Bethesda being dicks to them for some reason.

RaidenBlack16h ago

MS closed Roundhouse Studios (ex-Human Head Studios) as well

Yui_Suzumiya5h ago

Yeah, that's who was going to do the original sequel.

isarai12h ago

Came here to say this, my hooes for a Prey sequel died when this "Prey" came out

Profchaos3h ago

Prey 2017 still hurts to play because what could have been looked so incredible

Profchaos3h ago

Same Bethesda basically screwed over the original developer team human head back around 2011 so it was really never going to come despite a honestly amazing trailer. I liked prey 2017 but it always held a stink of disappointment due to what we never got

LostPotato21h ago(Edited 21h ago)

Keep dreaming then as Prey and Dishonored 2 did not sell well enough to get sequels.

Hence we got Deathloop and Redfall instead.

RaidenBlack16h ago

lol, Deathloop came from Prey: Mooncrash idea

Unknown_Gamer57945h ago

To everyone who cheered MS’s acquisitions, we told you so…

Inverno3h ago

Those people will just argue that Arkane Austin and Tango would've been shut down either way.

MrBaskerville2h ago

Zenimax allready put them in a tight spot by demanding them to do a multiplayer title. So it's not unlikely, considering how bad the game performed. They didn't stand a chance. MS had the money to save them and to correct Zenimax' mistakes.


Persona 5 Royal Review - Gamerhub UK

Atlus wins over gamers yet again.

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Rutaprkl21h ago(Edited 21h ago)

Persona 5 Royal is my top 10 game of all time. A true masterpiece.

Barlos12h ago

Same here. Not only is it one of my favourite RPGs, it's also one of my favourite ever games. I keep coming back to it time and time again.

CrimsonWing698h ago

4.8? This game is literally one of the best modern JRPGs. I’d give it the perfect score.


Top Spin 2K25 Review - TheGamer

TheGamer Writes "The tennis sim is as good as ever, but is lacking basic features that make this worthwhile at this stage."

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smolinsk21h ago

The gameplay is fantastic. Not sure what can be more important then that?

HankHill13h ago

I like how one of the cons is that it's the only tennis game on the market. What does that have to do with the game?