
PS4 Sales Accelerate Towards Christmas, Beating The Xbox One By Almost 2-to-1

It has now been six weeks since Sony’s PS4 exploded onto the scene, kicking off the eighth generation of game consoles, and just over a month since Microsoft’s plucky Xbox One joined the fray. It’s now high time to take a look at which console is faring better.

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Bigpappy3791d ago

Why not just add "on Ebay". I know a lot of you would say it is not just Ebay it is everywhere, I get the fan mentality behind that. But this is based solely on Ebay.

It makes perfect since to me, that if there are shortages of PS4 and Xbox is in constant supply, that people will go on ebay and pay more for PS4 than the shelf price. There is no good reason to buy X1 on ebay when you could almost always get one on amazon.

B1663r3790d ago ShowReplies(14)
Godmars2903790d ago

"Why not just add "on Ebay"."

Which makes me wonder how many times you've come charging into a "XB1 outsells PS4" article ignoring the qualifier that its just Walmart or Target.

Biggest3790d ago

How many times? All of them.

GameNameFame3790d ago

Funny how you purely defend Xbox One.

I've seen you compare sales on a store that has PS4 sold out for a week and Xbox one in constant supply.

Never mentioning the fact that PS4 was sold out while comparing sales.

All I see you do is desperately trying to defend. whether it comes to graphical gap and what not.

HelpfulGamer3789d ago

PS4 is probably beating Xbox One 4-to-1 !!!

Giul_Xainx3785d ago (Edited 3785d ago )

Seriously looking at the number of chips that AMD put out for both units.... the PS4 chips are leading by about 3 to 1. For every Xbox one shipped, about 3 for the PS4 were sent out.

Also the attachment rates of video games bought per console are higher on the PS4 which means more "gamers" are buying the PS4 with attachment rates of 3.7 games purchased with the PS4 versus the Xbox one with its attachment rate at just barely 2.3.

Can't pull up the link for these details. I know it is digital and physical copies of games sold for both attachment rates.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3785d ago
3790d ago Replies(1)
Clunkyd3790d ago (Edited 3790d ago )

Look at all these Xbox Ones in my Bestbuy the day before Christmas Eve!

BTW. No ps4's were in stock

2paclives3790d ago

Xbones were at every store I went to today. Not exactly flying off the shelf.

rainslacker3790d ago (Edited 3790d ago )

I actually saw a single PS4 in stock at Target yesterday. Hiding in the back of the cabinet apparently. Wasn't really looking for it, just noticed it as I walked towards it on the isle.

The next cabinet had 3-4 X1's in it. Wasn't looking for that either, just thought I'd glance since it's a topic on here at times. :) Then they had a display behind the counter with about 10. Pretty easy to see those since I was checking out at the counter.

GameStop had some X1's in stock, but didn't ask how many, just saw three behind the counter. Did hear them telling the guy in front of me they didn't have any PS4's though.

Walmart also had a display in the isle with a bunch of X1's on it when I went yesterday. Was funny watching some kid drive a cart into it at full running speed. Then kind of sad, because the parent didn't punish the kid at all. Just took the cart and walked away.

MS either has an amazing supply chain, or it's just not that much in demand. I'm personally putting my money on the former, since there were talks about MS not being able to manufacture as many as Sony could, and possibly starting manufacturing later than Sony did.

Charybdis3789d ago

Xb1 is available in 13 countries Sony in 32 don't think this fully explains the abundance of xb1 available. Guess sony will have a good christmas.

Deadpoolio3789d ago

Yep that's how my best buy looked yesterday also...I know the managers at the gamestop near me and they have about 30 of them and have sold 1 in the last 2 weeks, but get the do you have PS4 question constantly

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3789d ago
TheXgamerLive3790d ago

Wow, ok heres why you will see some Xbox One units on shelves... ready....bc MS is making units and shipping them to stores. Remember sony is in double the markets and is spread pretty thin. No units being shipped so yes no ps4 on shelves in the US.
Sales #s dont lie.

insomnium23790d ago

What numbers? Please give us a link.

I think PS4 is being manufactured at a faster pace and have been in production longer than X1 and STILL is out of stock everywhere. Wait for the financial statements and see.

Pain3790d ago (Edited 3790d ago )

At my Walmart my job I work at we just sold out on this weeks XboxOne (never got any ps4's this week) shipment the past 2 PS4 shipments sold out in less then the day. In fact last Friday we sold 38 PS4's in 5 hours the X1 took all week to sell 40.

just saying.

Chevalier3790d ago

My bestbuy near my work got 40 PS4's and they disappeared in half an hour.

3790d ago
showtimefolks3790d ago

i know i haven't seen any ps4's anywhere in stores, while just visiting different stores it seems each had plenty of xbox one's in stock. I think that $100 price difference was something MS thought it could beat by advertisement

but word to mouth advertisement is all with sony along with most stores advising their consumers to buy a ps4, because its more powerful than xbox one but the biggest thing is that $100

if MS had offered a xbox one without kinect for $399 than it would have been very interesting. I still believe ps4 would have sold more but i don't think the gap would be as much

2muchw1nn1ng3790d ago

*Reads b1663r's comment*

"this guy can't be seri..."

*clicks on his activity*

*sees PS4 bashing, Xbox worshipping comments*


BallsEye3790d ago (Edited 3790d ago )

Because people on n4g jerk to any news about ps4 sales. I still see plenty of ps4 in stores in my place. XO resupplies are every 2 weeks and everything gone always on the same day it's available.

Ezz20133789d ago

you keep telling your self that
i'm sure you will find someone who believe you

Hitman07693790d ago

big fappy keep fappin lil bruh. maybe eventually ur fantasy will become reality.

3789d ago
TBONEJF3789d ago (Edited 3789d ago )

Y not buy a 400$ xb1 pic like that poor guy did. Plus eBay don't count as a sale poor Lil man. PS4 had a two week head start not to mention a 100$ cheaper

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 3785d ago
jackanderson19853790d ago

that is a very misleading title... he's speaking just about the ebay sales.... not saying that it's neck and neck (i'm 100% sure the PS4 ahead) but doubt it's 2 to 1

Ju3790d ago (Edited 3790d ago )

It sure is 2:1 or more in Europe (and everywhere else), and probably 1.5:1 in the US - and the main reason why it's not 2:1 there is because both run into production/distribution capacity limits which favors the XBo.

PS4 is just the better box. Get over it. It is faster...not only in pure benchmarks. The UI is leaner, quicker to navigate, less convoluted and it's just the better over all gaming console. Sony nailed it in this generation. MS tried to make a game console into something it isn't meant to be. Simple. And has a price advantage.

n4rc3790d ago

No at this point it's almost all benchmarks.. and a resolution difference that nobody seems to notice anymore..

And ui is a preference... Xbox is 2 button presses for every single feature.. at most.. most is right on the dash or a voice command away.

Everyo e cried it was 6:1 now are struggling to make a case for 2:1..

thereapersson3790d ago

The denial is strong with this one...

FITgamer3790d ago

@Narc When in the hell did anyone say the PS4 was outselling the Xbox One 6:1? You are just being ridiculous now.

scott1823790d ago (Edited 3790d ago )

Sony could sell out of 5 million consoles in a week if they had them in stock. Look how fast these things sell!

Ju3790d ago (Edited 3790d ago )

n4rc, you've never worked a PS4, have you?

Nothing works with one button press on the XBO. You need to "snap" your games if you want to have access to them on the "front page" - and than this page isn't active by default - otherwise it only has a history of two. The games are hidden in a "sub" group. Switching between games is seamless, and yet if you do so it will kick you out from your current game without question, not even give you a warning or let you save your current progress. The UI is sluggish at best, slower than PS4s. The "marketplace" get's more front page space than the games. It's convoluted with tiles for no reason. It's a desktop interface forced into a console environment. Typically MS. Snap is a gimmick and quite useless (for me). Even if it allows you doing thing in parallel, why would you want to do those in 10% screen real estate? Kinect is there to actually there to fix the "access issues". A short cut, so to speak, otherwise you can't find anything in the mess of an UI.

rainslacker3790d ago

I think all these predictions and assumptions are pointless. It's fun to discuss supply vs. demand and all that, but until the companies themselves release actual numbers that aren't spun in some way, all they will be are predictions and assumptions.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3790d ago
Funantic13790d ago

Yeah how can something "almost" outsell something else 2 to 1. It's either 2 or 1.something. More people will always buy the cheapest. The Xbox One is hanging in there at a higher price. That's amazing.

Hicken3790d ago

... well, it could be 1.9:1. That's ALMOST 2:1.

adorie3790d ago (Edited 3790d ago )

dat denial

jackanderson19853790d ago

If you are replying to me then not sure how it's denial. Both consoles official numbers have them past 2 million. At best Sony are at 3.5 million not through demand but through supply.

In regards the article it's entirely about eBay if you bothered to read it

showtimefolks3790d ago

2-1 isn't so far fetched when ps4 sells out within hours each time its available to xbox one which most stores have sitting on their shelf

BallsEye3790d ago (Edited 3790d ago )

lol disagrees ....n4g!! so sad

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3790d ago
urwifeminder3790d ago (Edited 3790d ago )

Yeah more popular than food right now so hot.Lol I was being sarcastic

Sm00thNinja3790d ago (Edited 3790d ago )

One is $400 the other is $500. I'm surprised Microsoft is keeping it close but maybe they believe they can pull off what the PS3 did retailing at $600? Why the disagrees? It's not an opinion I don't know what Microsoft was thinking by retailing at $500? Gotta make some sense of it and I LOVE MY Xbox ONE as much as my PS4! Both fantastic pieces of hardware

MsmackyM3790d ago (Edited 3790d ago )

l really doubt it's as close as you may think and I have a strong suspicion the Xbox One sales are going to take an enormous nosedive after the holiday launch season. No one outside of hardcore fanboys and enthusiast are going to be willing to shell out 500.00 for a subpar system. Unless Microsoft is willing to take a loss and sell the console for 400.00, your average consumer won't be interested.

first1NFANTRY3790d ago

Your comment makes no sense. The ps3 was substantially more expensive than the 360 and still managed to sell better year on year. It even surpassed it at the end of last gen. Face it, the PS brand is more popular worldwide for a reason.

Sm00thNinja3790d ago

You didn't read my comment then I said Microsoft was hoping to emulate the Ps3's success at a higher pricepoint face palm yourself

rainslacker3790d ago (Edited 3790d ago )

The PS4 and 360 were two different systems, that offered two different experiences on launch. From a game play perspective, they were roughly equal for the most part.

However, for Sony's part, their $500-600 price tag offered pretty good value given the hardware included in it, particularly with it's Blu-Ray player, and all the extra features you had to pay extra for on the 360 to get, if they were even available. To get an equivalent machine on the 360 to match the feature already included in the PS3, it would have actually cost you more. Although in some ways MS route was more a-la-carte.

This time around, the media features that MS is offering aren't really that exciting overall. It's stuff that's been done for a while now. With the exception of TV integration, and I guess voice commands, all the features that the X1 offers are available on current gen machines, or many similar lower priced devices.

What I feel is that MS saw how well Sony has done with their media inclusion in the past. CD, DVD, Blu-Ray and decided to take the next mainstream step. In this case that is streaming and DVR(which is a hugely competitive market. However, those technologies aren't in their infancy and just beginning to be adopted. They are widespread, and available on multiple devices that most people already own.

When you throw in the fact that the X1's game playing capabilities aren't on the same level as the PS4 graphics/computation wise, which is not the same as the PS3/360 scenario, it makes the higher price tag much less palpable to the end customer.

I said before the reveals that streaming was going to be the next thing that Sony was going to push the way they did those previous technologies, however, this time around they just included it, and since they've been doing it a while, they decided to push something different. In this case, the social media aspect of the system. It may be a smart move, as social media is so pervasive today, and it seems that many believe they have to be connected at all times. Which is ironic, since the connectivity is one of the things that MS got flack about, although that was more the lack of choice.

I think the price of the X1 isn't because they were hoping to pull off a "Sony" as you say. I believe it is because the hardware in the box just costs them more to make. The Kinect, and the fact that MS does not have it's own manufacturing/supply facilities, just means it costs them more to make. I'm 100% sure that MS would have loved to be able to price the machine cheaper, but investors want to see a profit.

Retroman3790d ago (Edited 3790d ago )

from :smoothninja

"maybe they can pull off what Sony did with ps3 at 600.00"

lol, nope that's not going to remotely happen.

MS still new kid on the block, they cant do what Nintendy and Sony able to do they establish solid foundation with RELIABLE hardware MS??? not so much. first xbox abandonment 2nd try RROD fiasco 3rd try 100.00 to much with features no one want that cant do with remote control in homes already. how is MS establishing loyal fans is beyond me.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3790d ago
khyu77773790d ago

Good job SONY!!! Proud to be on a winners side

whoyouwit043790d ago (Edited 3790d ago )

and what are you getting for that? It seems sony fans are desperately trying to make the PS4 look like it is doing so much better then xboxone when it's not. When the numbers are released it will be another close month. The PS4 will be ahead slightly, and sony fans will jump all over it like it isn't the cheapest console with all the hype and not being torn apart by fan boys of the other console with negative and false reports.

MRMagoo1233790d ago

ahead without stock.....think about that for a bit, the PS4 is selling better than the xbone yet they are always out of stock but the xbone is pretty much always in stock. I dont want to point out the problem here for you but i will, the PS4 is selling better than the xbone EVEN when the ps4 cant be found anywhere at the same time the xbone can be found in pretty much every shop you walk in to that sells consoles.

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