
‘Dark Souls 2’ server shut down, potential PS4 and Xbox One ports discussed

Yui Tanimura has added more comments in regards to a future sever shut down possibility and the potential of a PS4/Xbox One port of “Dark Souls 2.”

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stuna13929d ago (Edited 3929d ago )

Pretty please!

The thought of it being in Full HD 1080p 60FPS just makes my mouth water.

DoctorJones3928d ago

'The thought of it being in Full HD 1080p 60FPS just makes my mouth water.'

Well I'll be doing just that when it hits pc, good luck for the ps4 and xbox1 versions.

frostypants3928d ago (Edited 3928d ago )

Read the article...it pretty much flat out says it's not happening. Which sucks. Also, the headline is misleading...saying "discussions for ports never happened" is kind of the opposite of ports being discussed.

Jubez1873928d ago


Yea because Dark Souls I on PC was such a gem....

MEsoJD3928d ago

It's coming out on PC so....

DoctorJones3928d ago


After the mod to change resolution it certainly was. I have 228 hours of play on Steam out of it, although I also had over 100 hours on the ps3 before I bought it for pc, so over 300 hours between the two platforms.

Can't wait for the sequel.

maddskull3928d ago

dont forget 720p on xbox one /s

Ares84HU3927d ago (Edited 3927d ago )


Every PC elitist like you deserves to get such a virus that it burns down your rig to knock you off your high horse.

Seriously, why the fuck do you PC guys need to provoke console gamers constantly?? Yeah, we know that PC is the most powerful out there but maybe less than 10% of you can actually afford PCs that can run games on full 1080p with 60fps let alone what you guys started bragging now about, 4K gaming.

PC is all powerful yet it's missing a lot of the biggest games ever released because they are console exclusive.

So how about you PC elitists shut the fuck up once and for all and stop provoking everyone you see. You are no better than an 8 year old with a nintendo ds.

DoctorJones3927d ago


I'll post what I like, don't tell me what to do. And I was replying to stuna1 saying Dark Souls 2 in 1080p 60fps made his mouth water, I'm looking forward to playing it like that as well. I know I'm going to be able to, but I hope console gamers get that chance as well.

I was stating facts Ares.

And can you not swear so much please, 8 year old children with ds's may be reading. Thank you.

MoonConquistador3927d ago

Well said Doctor Jones, you put him back in his place without coming across as infantile or derogatory.

Ares, you could learn a thing or two from an 8 year old with a Nintendo by the sounds of, chill out.

Ares84HU3927d ago (Edited 3927d ago )

Now you really told me DoctorJones. You were stating facts yet you wish good luck to consoles with 1080p 60fps when you know all to well that they can do that. You were mocking consoles and you know it so don't act so innocent. Read your comment again, it comes down as PC can easily do 1080p with 60fps but consoles probably will not is what you are saying.

Does my two curse words bother you that much?? I'm sorry, maybe it's because I'm sick and tired of PC elitists constantly mocking console gamers every chance they get.


Thank you, I did learn something. How not to be an arrogant PC elitist.

Oh and I feel the need to explain this because I think you two are not getting it;

An 8 year old with a nintendo ds is just as much a gamer as a 20+ year old with a $10000 rig. PC gamers aren't better than the rest of us is what I meant with this. Too bad I had to explain this but apparently you guys didn't get the point.

LAWSON723927d ago

After DSFix it is amazing.
I would not be surprised if DS2 sold just as well if not better than the xbox or ps3 version

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 3927d ago
joab7773928d ago (Edited 3928d ago )

Damn, Damn, Damn...worst news ever! I want to play this so bad and can't wait! I knew they would do this right before. Now I have to either wait til infinity or play on ps3 or 360. I wish they had waited. Dont get me wrong...I don't mind playing on ps3 (though I'd love new dualshock) but I don't wanna shell out $60 more. Wish they had just done both!

Shoulda read first...no actual news! Good to go!

Bob Dole3927d ago

The PC version of Dark Souls was superior in almost every aspect AFTER you modded it. Being able to run that game at 1080p/60fps (well more like 55) with high res texture mods, AND being able to connect with my friends easily thanks to another mod made the game a major step up from the console versions. Only gripe to be had was the shitty GFWL nonsense.

make723927d ago

pc is for cheaters.Origianal games are origianals not the raped moded games.

Bob Dole3927d ago

pc is for cheaters? top lel. Your lack of bubbles isn't surprising.

twdll3929d ago (Edited 3929d ago )

Hard to choose.... This or Deep Down? Oh we'll... Both will do.

frostypants3928d ago

If Dark Souls 2 came to the new consoles there'd be no need for Deep Down, for me at least.

Transporter473928d ago

Deep Down is F2P so why not buy one but play both ;)

frostypants3928d ago (Edited 3928d ago )

Because truthfully, with Capcom's record and F2P trends in general, it would actually cost more to play Deep Down in a way that wasn't intentionally tedious. Hope I am wrong.

Transporter473928d ago

Well you can still play Deep Down regardless of micro-transactions, you don't need to buy anything. I never spent money on F2P games only on some LoL skins and that was 14.99 with the collectors pack.

maddskull3928d ago

deep is free so i will go with both

KiLLUMiNATi_893927d ago (Edited 3927d ago )

Should be easy dark souls is a proven franchise while deep down is another hype Sony exclusive....

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3927d ago
mydyingparadiselost3927d ago

That's the best thing I'll see all day! All teh bubblez fer u!

MrSwankSinatra3929d ago (Edited 3929d ago )

nvm they never even discussed ports, guess thats what i get for getting too excited before reading the article lolol.

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Hidetaka Miyazaki claims Dark Souls 2 “carried” the series forward

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anast207d ago

The game isn't good though.

Rols207d ago

DS2 was fine. While there was a bit of recycling assets or ideas for bosses, it was a bigger more open Dark Souls. The Fume knight boss is one of the hardest bosses in the series until Sekiro and Elden Ring were released.

CrimsonWing69207d ago

The problem with Dark Souls 2 was the same problem when a different director takes over for a sequel to an outstanding movie. It typically (there are exceptions) doesn’t have the feel and vision of the previous movie.

I wouldn’t say Dark Souls 2 is terrible. Had Dark Souls 1 never been a thing and we got this, I think it would have been praised more. The problem is it didn’t have the Miyazaki touch to it and felt pretty derivative. The soundtrack is a banger though.

Aussiesummer207d ago

And it will happen in the future when he doesn’t touch them as he is planning on.

MrBaskerville207d ago

I like DS 2, might even be my favorite of the 3. But it's a hard sell, there's so many obscure things you need to do to make it an enjoyable experience. So always find it hard to recommend, but it is worth the trouble.


Dark Souls: 10 Best Weapons In The Series

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Father__Merrin211d ago

bastard sword and claymore do the job when grinded up


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phoenixwing294d ago

I beat them all with my fists and no hits were taken. What do you mean you don't believe me? I used a guitar hero controller!!!

qalpha294d ago

I used the Jungle Beat Bongos from my Gamecube

The_Hooligan294d ago

I just made my character look like Chuck Norris.

qalpha294d ago

All the bosses are only from Dark Souls. No Bloodborne, Sekiro, Elden Ring, or Demon Souls