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Sony Studios Need Tough Love

Sony have a good selection of studios but not all of them are constantly good like ND,MM and PD, they should do better quality control and improve on the shortcoming that some of their studios have, for example..

Guerrilla Games: need better stories/writing in their games, they never got this right, I did some checking on the credits of Killzone game and didn't find a "creative director", this position is responsible for the overall writing/ characters/ embedded storytelling/ world feel/immersion/ pacing.

SSM: they need to take GOW to the next step in both game play and story, after 6 games, gamers want to move on, they must find a way to recapture that sense of amazement we felt with the early games, they should have done what Jeff planed to do and evolve it into a non-liner inter connected game world like Zelda/ Batman Arkham.

Japan Studio: they should be more ambitious, they have been making small scale games for a while and they have the talent to do better and bigger, now lets look at how the studio can improve..

- Gravity rush is a great fun game with originality, the challenge mission were well done and made me come back for more, but the limited budget for the game held it back, they did try to compensate using creativity by implementing comic book style story panels, but the experience would have been much better with voiced and animated cut scenes and more interaction with in the world.

- Soul Sacrifice: the game is great on both SP/MP, the dark story is fantastic, but like Gravity Rush it is held back by presentation, this time only using narration and some illustrations, also the game has huge franchise potential and should not be tied to only the Vita, Sony should seriously bring this to the PS4 and recreate the wold using next gen graphics, this game has the potential to replace GOW.

Evolution Studios: with PD already making the worlds biggest driving franchise Evolution have a crises of relevancy, they should just be restructured to assist on GT development or try making another genre, maybe take a crack at a Twisted Metal reboot.

Quantic Dream: yes I know they are an independent 2nd party, but it wouldn't hurt to give them constructive advice and a bit of needed hindsight, Beyond was a very well acted and presented game that kept me intrigued throughout, BUT! the game design that was intended to make the game simpler actually made it cumbersome, walking from one place to the next ended up being a chore and ended up breaking immersion many times, Telltale Games do these adventure games better and ironically they were influenced by Heavy Rain, no shame in QD taking inspiration in return.

now lets talk about the man in charge, I think Shuhei Yoshida is a great guy and good at developer relations but I have to say he misses many things when it comes to actual game production and supervision, sometimes being very hands off with games like StarHawk and Twisted Metal, they were good but could have been great. SASBR could have done with better presentation and less self indulgence, filing it with b-list 3rd party characters didn't help, the MP for GOW:A was out of place, a co-op titan hunting game like Monster Hunter would have been more fitting IMOO.

So sometimes Sony 1st party games end up great and sometimes they are a miss, they are not as consistent as Nintendo because they don't have a legendary game designer like Miyamoto supervising overall. I think Sony should put together a production supervision team selected from ND and MM and also bring in Keiji Inafune full time, he did a great job producing Soul Sacrifice.

Also Yoshida infamously passed on publishing Daemon Souls because he thought it was "crap", he also has a bad "hands off" policy when it comes to matters of publishing exclusive 3rd party Japan games like Tales, Yakuza, Suikoden, Valkuria Chronicls3 and left gamers alone begging publishers without doing things to help on PS gamers behalf, I know it can be done because MS(in the good old days) worked with Namco to publish Tales of Visparia in the west only months after the Japan release. now Sony have a "3rd party production" team so I hope addressing this issue is part of their mandate.

one last wish I have is for Sony to make a SP expansions for DCUO, people want to play as Superman/Batman/GL/Flash, make them based on Classic DC events like Crisis/ Blackest night, this would really be awesome and will very likely bring new players to the online game.

ABizzel13939d ago

I agree about Guriella Games.

SSM; however, I disagree with. THEY DO EVERYTHING. They've worked on Uncharted, StarHawk, Killzone, Journey, inFAMOUS 2, basically anything exclusive they work on. Now it seems they've turned into 3 teams with 3 different directors supposedly working on 3 different games (I think they may be a 2 team game developer and 1 team assist). They are right at the top with ND, PD, and MM.

Japan Studio: Needs to release games more frequently and not 1 - 2 every 4 - 5 years.

Evolution Studios: It was a second hand studio at first, because they're a car racing game studio, and GT is already Sony's flagship racing game. However, I think they'll shine better on the PS4 since they have talent from all the best known racing studios / games under one roof (former Burnout, Need 4 Speed, Gran Turismo, WipeOut, and Project Gotham devs. are all working at Evolution).

Quantic Dream: They need to focus on Gameplay and mastering their presentation. If you have a game that's HEAVY on acting and story then Presentation, Graphics, and Audio need to be top notch. They need some work there (graphics are there), but they need to eliminate those quick awkward pauses when dialog is suppose to come, have perfect voice actors and audio, and get traditional gameplay and controls, back by context sensitive QTE's.

Sucker Punch: They just need that overall boost in quality, everything else is there. inFAMOUS SS seems to be their moment.

Sony's first party is amazing, and they're among the best in the industry. It's just some of their studios need a bit of guidance and training in a couple of areas their weak in. Maybe have those teams with a weak point work with another team that's good at their weakness.


Guerilla Games + Quantic Dream = Amazing graphical masterpiece with a good story, cast, and gameplay. (GG picks up on story and writing, QD picks up on Gameplay and controls)

Japan Studio + SSM = Last Guardian finally gets release date. (SSM settles down to make new games, JS learns about meeting deadlines and working through projects)

NewMonday3939d ago

SSM keep changing heads after every GOW game, don't think it was ever the same guy twice, the ongoing shifts made them loss focus on GOW:A, it felt they were following a formula, they need take the franchise to the next level.

also they are probably the biggest Sony studio based on staff, they assists in developing many games, they are the top candidate to bring Souls Sacrifice to the PS4.

majiebeast3939d ago

Japan studio has 400+
London studios has 300+
Naughty Dog is at 250+(and growing)
Santa Monica is at 200+
Sucker Punch is at 100+
MM is at 50+
GG is at 160+

NewMonday3939d ago (Edited 3939d ago )

"Santa Monica is at 200+"

this is surprising considering they co-develop many many games, their could be more to the studio structure than we know.

"Japan studio has 400+"

and this doesn't include PD, what in the world where they doing over the last 8 years? Allan Becker better clean the mess up

BitbyDeath3939d ago

Most Sony Japan games likely didn't leave Japan.

majiebeast3939d ago

There are no teams in Santa Monica/Naughty Dog devs can choose what game to work or in SSM case help out indie devs/second party studios like RAD.

NewMonday3939d ago

Santa Monica have only one great game on the PS4 and it's GOW3, they really need to get back in focus.

Eyeco3938d ago

"they should have done what Jeff planed to do and evolve it into a non-liner inter connected game world like Zelda/ Batman Arkham. "

Do you have any sources to back that up, I to believe GOW should have gone that route, GOW1 was essentially one great big Zelda dungeon, just more streamlined, without the padding and emphasis on combat.

NewMonday3938d ago

I was referencing from memory, a Google search did bring up the original comments..


Vojkan3937d ago

SSM never worked on Uncharted and Infamous. Check your facts next time

mechlord3939d ago

Dude, Miyamoto only has like 4 franchises to manage,
how many franchises, different people, different cultures has Yoshida to manage? Plus, i think you should really put things in perspective: Yoshida and the gang are making an amazing work of putting a quality standard over what WWS produces.

He didnt think DS was crap as SONY did publish it in Japan.
He thought the west wouldnt adopt it much.

Man, youre wrong is all sort of you think that, because Keiji did a good work on a single game he should then be fit to oversee a dozen studios?

one last wish I have is for Sony to make a SP expansions for DCUO, people want to play as Superman/Batman/GL/Flash, make them based on Classic DC events like Crisis/ Blackest night, this would really be awesome and will very likely bring new players to the online game.

Think about it for a second: if they made it SP and based off those events, it would be gigantically unbalanced in the MP.

NewMonday3939d ago (Edited 3939d ago )

Miyamoto supervises quality on all 1st party games, some games he is very hands with, others he overseas as adviser.

"how many franchises, different people, different cultures has Yoshida to manage?"

all the more reason he gets experienced help, Sony WW studios are just to big, some studios like ND and MM have good self regulation but others need more hands on supervision.

- the DCUO SP character progression and maybe even story would be separate from MP, it would basically be 2 games in one, the art assets are mostly already done Gotham and Metropolis are big and vast, many stories can be done.

NewMonday3939d ago

"do you think that, because Keiji did a good work on a single game he should then be fit to oversee a dozen studios?"

this what he did at Capcom for many years, I'm not saying he should run the whole show, just be one of the producers, same thing big movie studios do.

Eyeco3939d ago

I'm gonna say I agree with you're article, this was the kind of read I was looking for.

One problem that Sony had in the 7th generation is the prevalence of shooters, now while I do like Uncharted, there was huge increase in shooters among the, now this all fine and dandy but I kind of saw that as a neglect to the identity Sony had prior.

Historically PS has never been renowned for Shooters, RPG's, Racers fighters, action adventures were always synonymous with the brand. Where were they this generation ? Not saying there weren't any but they definitely were less of a focus. Where was the big AAA RPG's and fighters ? Sony needs to go back to what defined them in the PS1/PS2 era and just leave shooters for the PC/XB nothing they makes is ever going to eclipse the popularity BF/COD we're not in early 2000's anymore when they needed shooters, theres enough of them on the market already.

Sony also has strong ties to developers such Level-5, Atlus that they may have well be exclusive, so the question is why haven't they pursued in buying them, especially Level-5 that way they could give the talented dev more funding a big AAA exclusive RPG, Atlus was a missed opportunity.

Sony also needs to start pushing there exclusives more, a game like LBP should have sold 10 million copies, yeah it sold moderately well, but it could have been a system seller it should have sold more, the 40 million that went into developing Killzone 2, if that money was put into marketing LBP it would have far more beneficial.

ape0073939d ago

super awesome read, agreed 100%

I was a bit disappointed with KZ SF, sure it's a decent game and looks stunning but feels uneven and lack the awesome aura, intensity, soundtrack and atmosphere of KZ2

hell even the death animation/shooting feel is better in KZ2/Kz3 and both from last gen

i don't understand how last gen KZ2/KZ3 have better death animation/bullet physics, these aspects are dependent on technology and the PS4 is a damn beast compared to ps3, definitely rushed, i hope they do KZ4

g5bay3939d ago

Stop hating on killzone sf its better than any launch game.

NewMonday3939d ago

it could have been great instead of just good, that's why we discuss what is missing from these studios.

BitbyDeath3939d ago

I agree that God of War needs a shakeup.
GoW3 was brilliant but likely because of the story.
Ascension on the other hand just felt repetitive and didn't have a great story to fall back on.

Japan Studio need to make another Tokyo Jungle, maybe give it a much larger budget. That was one of the best new IP's to come out of lastgen... IMO

Evolution Studios need to make a new Motorstorm, it was unfortunate that the last title about apocalypse came out when Japan had their very own apocalypse, nobody could have predicted that.

Quantic Dream had a masterpiece with Heavy Rain but Beyond unfortunately did not live up. They do need to go back to the drawing board with almost every mechanic but the genre itself should definitely continue.

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Silent Hill 2 Will Be a PS5 Exclusive Until Oct. 8, 2025, So Don't Expect an Xbox Version Until Then

Silent Hill 2 remake will be exclusive to the PS5 until October 8, 2025, so don't expect an Xbox port or announcement it expires.

darthv729h ago

why does it feel like we are living in the early 00's again? Sony paying for either full exclusivity or timed was the thing back in the day... and its been 'remastered' for this generation.

raWfodog2h ago(Edited 2h ago)

The original SH2 was PS2-exclusive for only a few months. Remastered version is exclusive for over a year lol.

But both companies played the timed exclusives game for so long so it’s no surprise.

rlow11h ago

Sony is the king of paying for exclusives. Anytime Xbox does it Sony fans go berserk. But when the shoes on the other foot they flop like a fish out of water.

Profchaos33m ago

Two fold publishers look at the loss in sales due to exclusivity and given how little Xbox sells in general Sony's generally able to get a greenlight for this behaviour if they fund it.

Microsoft think buying punishers is acceptable but they dug a huge financial hole as a result

Nintendo is just Nintendo and don't care

Chevalier21m ago

Yeah it's not like Xbox paid for exclusivity for games like Ark 2, Stalker 2, Warhammer Darktide or anything like that right? Oh wait.....

Einhander19721h ago

Just because that's the announced end doesn't guarantee it will be coming to xbox at that point or ever to be honest.

And even if it does it'll be an inferior version without the haptics and the Tempest audio which I expect will be a huge part in setting the mood in a game like this.

shadowT4h ago

enough time to optimize for Xbox Series S

P_Bomb2h ago

Hmm. Just a bit more than the 9 months The Medium was console exclusive.

TheNamelessOne2h ago

No wait on the PC end, so I'm happy.

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Microsoft Reportedly Spends $1 Billion Annually To Get Third-Party Games On Game Pass

Uncover the spending behind Xbox's Game Pass subscription. Discover how Microsoft invests a billion dollars annually in securing third-party games for the service.

Read Full Story >>
Obscure_Observer7h ago


Now that you´re releasing games and making big money from every gaming platform, you should double that amount and give us even more day one third party games!

Jin_Sakai6h ago(Edited 5h ago)

You’re delusional beyond belief. Businesses wise it doesn’t make sense and sooner or later they’ll be raising prices again to cover that billion they’re blowing every year.

purple1015h ago(Edited 5h ago)

As someone else said earlier today, they are past the growth stage, it’s been stagnent for last 3 years, they are now in the money making stage, prepare to be goosed for as many dollars as possible for the least amount of content. It may not be bad now, (actually it is) but it will be soon (even worse) this year you got hellblade and starfirld and a load of other games that could be bought in bargain bins for about $5-30 and for that you pay them monthly

To add I honestly don’t know how you put up with the barrage of Xbox negativity (which is deserved). I put it down to:

A) you are being paid
B) you may have a problem thinking clearly
C) prefer rooting for the underdog, that’s a legit thing too. English people do it by default

Profchaos44m ago(Edited 43m ago)

Yeah Aussies also love an underdog as long as that underdog isn't Xbox as they were too of the game with the 360 then lost their minds

Chevalier23m ago

3 straight years of missing Gamepass targets. Some people are just blinded by their own idiocy. Will be interesting to see if COD does anything this fall

CosmicTurtle2h ago(Edited 2h ago)

He is a troll. Designed to stoke people up on here. We know this.

It’s quite funny.

Sonic18811h ago(Edited 1h ago)

Are you insane? You want them to double the amount when the Xbox is already struggling and losing money 🤔

Hofstaderman45m ago

Correction....XBOX is already dead.

fr0sty1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

They'll do that, after creating 4 more higher-priced tiers and making the one that currently includes everything only contain games that have been on the market for 4 years.

"Gamepass Ultra to the MAX: Now only $299 per year!"

Profchaos45m ago(Edited 44m ago)

They are trying to get a return on abk and Bethesda they won't double day one we're lucky we are still getting them now that day one has been removed from base tiers

They want to make money not give it away

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 23m ago
MrDead6h ago(Edited 6h ago)

I like how they twist cannibalising game sales into "invests".

No lifetime sales with MS, they'll F-up gaming the same as streaming services have done to the movie industry and it's workforce.

Fishy Fingers3h ago(Edited 3h ago)

Out of interest do you think those 3rd parties signing the deal are unhappy with the severence and have a gun to their head?

Bro probably has a PS+ sub and has library full of Epic launcher free games.

shadowT4h agoShowReplies(2)
CrimsonGuardVII2h ago

@badz148 its not, it just straight lied.

gold_drake1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

we know this, we have known this since last year.

this is not new or news.

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The gripping narrative thriller "The Suicide of Rachel Foster" is now available for the PS5

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