
Twitch archiving planned for PS4, being considered for Xbox One

Sony has reaffirmed to Joystiq it's "planning to add [Twitch] livestream archiving in the future" to PlayStation 4. The company couldn't detail an estimated time it would unlock the feature or what the quality level would be set at. PS4 Twitch streams are not currently in high definition.

Mr Pumblechook3823d ago (Edited 3823d ago )

Bad journalism. No where does it say that archiving is being considered for Xbox with Twitch (although I'm sure it's coming). All it has is the quote from Microsoft saying they will add Twitch support next year.

It is wrong for a 'journalist' to make stuff up just because it will get hits.

Godmars2903823d ago

Still surprised that XB1 is going to be late to Twitch despite announcing it first. MS making it sound like they had it exclusively

KingDadXVI3823d ago

In the Francis Vs. Major Nelson interview they talk about the delay and MS did not feel that the app was working well enough to provide a good experience so they held back on it to allow time to make it work well for everyone.

I would rather see a company be responsible and take the time to give me fully functional software than give me some half baked crap that leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

Godmars2903823d ago (Edited 3823d ago )

"I would rather see a company be responsible and take the time to give me fully functional software than give me some half baked crap that leaves a bad taste in my mouth."

Um, by all counts that's the whole console for some people. That such is likely going to be the norm for this gen given then examples of COD: Ghosts and GTA5.

Also, Sony announced it late, after announcing another streaming service, and they've managed to launch with both running rather decently. While, again, said that they were going to have it well in advance, yet failed to deliver. Now have to live down what was a minor announcement.

GirlOnFire3823d ago

Well they should of held back the Xbox One instead of releasing the half baked 720p machine by your meaning of words.

5eriously3823d ago

Worked perfectly for this guy using PS4, Playroom and google voice. Was actually a viral hit for the day!



cell9893823d ago

but Microsoft is a "software" company, how is it that a "hardware" company is beating them to the punch? Sony was able to launch the feature day 1, meanwhile at Microsoft TV seemed like it was more important to gamers.

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KingDadXVI3823d ago

@Godmars290 Yes Sony got it first but they only have 480p.

@Quiet I personally would have preferred them to wait a few months until they had their drivers and API working better and for the developers to have had more time with the console so that they could make proper use of it. From most accounts many developers are not even using the Esram yet.

Unfortunately after the E3 fiasco I don't think that it would have benefitted them to wait so we have to put up with upscaled games for now. I can live with it.

KingDadXVI3823d ago

Yes, that will be a nice feature to have.

sigfredod3823d ago

When many sites yesterday were stating this like a killer app for the PS4, i was thinking by myself it's not, today i encounter this: http://www.twitch.tv/sparta... with a total so far of +207.00 views and a lot of clones already and i think they were right about the prediction

forcefullpower3823d ago

This is going to be huge got a mad feeling about it.

Thehyph3823d ago


Twitch archiving is going to turn "Live from PlayStation" into a pretty popular media outlet on the console I think.

pwnsause_returns3823d ago (Edited 3823d ago )

its crazy how Shuei Yoshida and Adam Boyes were watching this livestream with the thought of how genius that idea was..

i can see them advocating to create an app dedicated for livestreaming shows that allows for AR use.

that was strangely entertaining to watch.

saber000053823d ago

If you have a twitch account and you're running streams from the PS4, it won't save the video after the stream. It would delete it right then and there, with no chance of reviewing it :/

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