
Microsoft’s Albert Penello Explains Why Kinect is “Integral” to the Xbox One Experience and More

Microsoft's messages on whether Kinect is necessary or not to enjoy the upcoming Xbox One has been slightly confusing. To add even more confusion Popular Mechanics named the console within “The 10 Breakthrough Products of 2013″ mentioning the controversial camera as “integral” to the operation of the console. This, of course, sparked further debate on whether that means that it’s needed or not.

Microsoft Albert Penello came to the Rescue to explain what that really means and more.

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ArchangelMike3864d ago (Edited 3864d ago )

To collect marketing data isn't it? Why else is it mandatory? Oh wait for all the 'TV stuff' you can do with it?

Yeah sure. Microsoft discovered a Trojan Horse, and have been harping on about it since. Once it's in your living room, and you click the "agree" button to the EULA, there will be no going back then.

As for it being any kind of breakthrough, where are the 'breackthrough' games that utilise Kinect 2.0. Heck what are the breakthrough applications that utilise Kinect 2.0 beyond "Xbox On".

Microsoft have been playing the "Semantic" game since they announced the XbOne. Every single announcement that has followed has had to be clarified, and clarified again. Now the same thing "semantics".

If you guys can't smell the BS by now, then you only have yourselves to blame when all your data and personal habits gets sold to Walmart.

Sitdown3864d ago

Tin foil man....once you get to the Wizard,maybe he will remind you that 1) Kinect is no longer mandatory 2)Some people don't really care about the random data that could be collected 3)I hope you sent this post as an anonymous letter to a friend who posted it, because if not....you are just as vulnerable being on the internet where viruses exist from people who will collect way more than what Microsoft ever will.

Abriael3864d ago

It may be no longer mandatory, but it's "integral", and from what Penello says, it seems to be quite necessary to enjoy the console. Hell, he compares playing the Xbox One without kinect to playing the 360 without the controller.

Hellsvacancy3864d ago

"Tin foil man" lol, its' not conspiracy theory anymore buddy its conspiracy fact

The NSA has you

DragonKnight3864d ago

@Sitdown: Dude, mandatory Kinect features for every Xbox One game is going to happen. It's just a matter of time. Then what's next is making sure that Kinect is connected and on to use games with Kinect features and boom, every Xbox One will have targeted ads regardless of "opting in" or not. It's going to happen. Microsoft do not care about screwing people over and acting shady, as evidenced by the reveal of the Xbox One.

And that weak excuse of "you're just as vulnerable on the internet" not only A)Shows that you're agreeing that you're vulnerable with the Kinect which contradicts your original point, and B)is just trying to skirt the issue, but also isn't any kind of justification for what Microsoft is trying to do. These are gaming consoles, not ad boxes. Microsoft is trying to destroy gaming more and more with their B.S.

Mike134nl3864d ago

Not worried about kinect camera gathering private information.
Though people should worry about which information Microsoft and for that any other company collects of consumers. If people wouldn't push back on these issues companies will collect and store as much information even private of consumers.

Selling consumer information is a rather profitable business but is also regulated (well not for the NSA).

Sitdown3864d ago

Dude, all you are doing is speculating.....which media often does to cause mass hysteria. Could Kinect features become mandatory? Possibly....is it now? No. Should that day comes, all I need to do is point the camera at the wall....and rarely do I talk while playing games. At this time I do not really have a problem receiving customize ads for the little amount of gaming I actually do.

Please tell me what was my original point was that I contradicted. I never denied or agreed about vulnerability....but what I did say, is that if ArchangelMike feels that xbox has all these vulnerabilities....then he might want to be concerned that he is "just as vulnerable" in using the internet. So again, show my contradiction...as I showed no lean to either side. Microsoft is not trying to destroy gaming....Extreme Much? How does a camera Kinect stop you from playing games? As much as this site waves the victory flag of gaming....how is it that now that Microsoft the Minority can destroy gaming when Sony is King.

nukeitall3864d ago (Edited 3864d ago )


Out spreading FUD again?

Kinect can be turned off, or even disconnected. Problem solved if you don't want it.

Still don't want Xbox One? Then get a PS4.

I'm pretty sure you had no intention of getting the Xbox One anyhow.

By the way, do you have a facebook or google account?

andrewsqual3864d ago

@DragonKnight Will fix that for you
"as evidenced by" the Xbox 360 itself.

Sniff I thought Microsoft were money grubbing bastards long before you all did ;(

Freedomland3864d ago


The question is this, if Kinect is not integral part then why do you have to buy it with console.
Microsoft didn't able to justify this and everybody is thinking that they are spending only 100$ more but what if kinect is 150$ or more and console is 350$ or less so it means you are paying a lot more cash for peripheral which maybe you are not going to use. Everybody is comparing the bundle with Ps4 price but what about console vs console price.
You think X1 is a 400$ console just because Ps4 is 400$. I don't think so.

JokesOnYou3864d ago (Edited 3864d ago )

We've seen these scare tactics before with the original kinect:

Oct 10 2010
"In an interview with Gamespot, Phil Spencer boss of Microsoft Game Studios alleviates privacy concerns regarding the Kinect camera. "

Oct 25th 2010
"Kinect Long Term Privacy Issues Daunting?"

Nov 15, 2010
"Kinect Camera Data Could Be Sold for Ad Targeting"

Nov 2, 2010
"Kinect IS Spying on you."

Nov 6, 2012
"Microsoft’s new Kinect patent goes Big Brother, will spy on you for the MPAA"

-Theres alot more speculation from many sites and tons of blogs saying the original kinect would spy on us.

-Yet Kinect is in millions of homes and guess what we're all still alive, amazingly our sensational naked pictures arent all over youtube and my good name and identity is intact.

-The conspiracy theorists will never answer why their claims of the original kinect invading our privacy never beared fruit, lawsuits, victims of hacked kinect vids exposed on the internet, and epidemic of unintentional uploads of kinect vids, the NSA breaking doors down because of illegal activity recorded by kinect, nope nothing as I have shown they will speculate alot but offer nothing of significance to prove their claims, yet kinects history so far ONLY PROOVES THEM WRONG, but yet we are to believe we are in grave danger with X1's kinect.

DragonKnight3864d ago

@Sitdown: I'm not the media so I don't know why you'd bring that up, and do you honestly think that Microsoft wouldn't put in a "point Kinect camera at your face" message and prevent the games from working unless the camera could see you? Come on now. Microsoft are experts at screwing with gamer rights and don't care about privacy. You think they're stupid enough to not think "gee, people will just turn the camera away or put a towel over it?" Come on.

You called ArchAngelMike "Tin Foil Man" for his completely plausible and, in point of fact actually occurring, point and then said "yeah, data is being collected, so what?" That's the contradiction. It can't be a conspiracy and fact at the same time. Microsoft is not actively trying to destroy gaming, but they are anyway. They've turned what should be a gaming console into an ad box and aren't shy about showing that that box is more about everything else BUT gaming. They are setting precedents for invasive advertising and anti-consumer tendencies that could easily trickle down into the future. You may enjoy a future filled with ads and ceaseless pay walls just to play a game, but I don't and many others don't either.

@nukeitall: And when Microsoft mandates that Kinect features are mandatory for all games and forces you to have Kinect on because a game has Kinect features? Then what? This is the company that tried to come out with the most anti-consumer, controlling, restrictive DRM in the console industry. Do you think they are above such things? This is the company that lied to your face about the Kinect collecting data, the company that is 100% committed to the original DRM ridden vision and you don't think they could do that? Of course YOU don't because you're wearing green tinted glasses. No coincidence that MS' colour scheme is green and everything about the Xbox One centers around how much money MS can gouge out of you.

Yep, not getting an Xbox One and I don't want Microsoft's policies to succeed and possibly give anyone else ideas that they can do the same thing. MS fanboys may love to be apathetic about being guinea pigs for anti-consumerism and privacy violations, but that doesn't mean anyone else is.

Oh yay, the weak facebook argument again. Tired of shooting that one down.

@JokesOnYou: The greatest threats are always hiding in plain site. Just because your business isn't made public for the world to see, doesn't mean it's not made public for businesses, private investigators, and the government to see.

Complacency will always lead to a situation in which your outrage will have come too late.

4Sh0w3864d ago (Edited 3864d ago )

DragonKnight really? You are trying to hard, jokes proved with links all this kinect spying on you conspiracy stuff was said before I bet those same news was posted with comments like yours on n4g before the 1st kinect came out and yep nothing came of it so its funny how quickly you guys forgot about those lies spread back then because it all turned out to be BS.

Millions of kinects have been sold. Where are all these people who were supposed to be harmed by the 1st kinect invading our privacy?

Now you still have no proof of anything only accusations, so you take the easy cop out of of saying its going on behind closed doors lmfao really? So now that all the 1st doomsday kinect predictions didnt come true now you resort to micro is collecting and hiding millions of consumers private moments behind closed doors, what the hell are they doing with it?

Gozer3864d ago (Edited 3864d ago )

You sony fanboys are sickos, you seriously need help.DragonKnight how you got so many bubbles as much as you troll is a testament to how sony biased this website is.

Either way I want the Kinect because it makes the X1 better than the ps4. Voice recognition, in game video chat, IR Blaster, easier UI, etc,etc All while playing COD Ghosts on dedicated servers. Count me in.

nix3864d ago

i know google reads words from your mail and tailor makes ad for us. xbox one also will do the same except it'll be doing via camera and microphone.

that part i find it creepy. it's like having a short circuit camera looking at you.

DragonKnight3864d ago

@4Sh0w: How do you know nothing came of it? And let's assume that the Kinect 1 wasn't good enough to do the data collection like the Kinect 2 is, does the fact that the Kinect 1 couldn't do it negate that the Kinect 2 WILL do it? By Microsoft's own admission, the Kinect 2 can and will be used for data collection. By Microsoft's own admission, and the work of others who found out, Microsoft hand over personal information to either the highest bidder or the government and have built systems to do so easier. And you're saying that a company like that, whose done nothing but lie and flip flop around like a pancake for the last 5 months isn't capable of continuing to do so?

I would love to see this world that Xbox fanboys live in where Microsoft have never, and will never, do any wrong. Where spying on you is ok because nothing happens (that you know of) and that if something like Google can get away with it (which if you paid attention, people are pissed off about as well) then it's ok for everyone to do it. That kind of fantasy world must be interesting indeed. In the real world though people fought for these basic rights, including the right to privacy, for decades because they knew it was right and here you all are just willing and ready to give those rights up just so you can use a flashy, substanceless camera that you're paying $100 for. Same mentality that causes the American Constitution to degrade unopposed every Presidential terms, same mentality that allows Obama to say right to your faces that you can't have 100% security and 100% privacy and you take it with a smile on your face.

See, if this DOESN'T happen, then cool no one loses anything. If it DOES (and believe me, when it comes to Microsoft they give less of a sh*t about you then Nintendo or Sony) then you'll have no right to b*tch about it later, although it won't stop you from doing so.

@Gozer: Xbox fanboys are always whining about bubbles because they don't have more, even though JokesOnYou has 7 proving this site isn't filled with your enemies trying to silence you. Bubbles don't mean anything. You need to get over bubble counts. Especially since they will be leaving soon enough.

"Either way I want the Kinect because it makes the X1 better than the ps4. Voice recognition, in game video chat, IR Blaster, easier UI, etc,etc"

No it doesn't. All those features you mentioned are possible on the PS4. Easier UI? Yeah ok.

"All while playing COD Ghosts on dedicated servers."

Which will have dedicated servers on the PS4 as well. Your point?

Listen to you Xbox fanboys. You spend most of your time talking about features that A)Most of you won't use and you know it, and B)Have nothing to do with games. Are you gamers or feature players? Yeah, features can enhance the overall experience, but why are you talking as though they take precedence over a gaming console being about games first? It's to the point where you may as well beg Microsoft to record you because that's what you sound like you love about the Xbox One.

DeadManIV3864d ago

We have protection against viruses man, we don't let that shit into our homes

tuglu_pati3864d ago

@DragonKnight going off hard... lol. Dude you really are trying to hard. Just enjoy your PS4.

Sitdown3864d ago

So you think Microsoft is stupid enough to mandate that developers include code to make you put the camera on you just so that you can play their games. Hahah...are you serious? Lets say Microsoft took your absurd thought process, just like there were work arounds for Android's face to unlock, there would be work arounds here.

"yeah, data is being collected, so what?" Yeah, not sure who you are quoting.... cause that is no where in my original post. Like others have said, you are trying to hard... and it shows when you start making up stuff that I never said. No where did I even say data was being to collected. Regardless of what you think Microsoft's box should be doing, everybody who knows anything, knew that from the original Xbox that it had always been more than about gaming... but being the center of the living room. So far I have not been bothered by the ads, and loading straight from the disc will most likely continue this trend.

JokesOnYou3864d ago (Edited 3864d ago )

"Where spying on you is ok because nothing happens (that you know of)"

-So your whole case is built on this? lol You make wild claims and all you got as evidence is "bu bu but you dont know if it its NOT true", thats weak what happen to if you say something then you offer something creditable to give weight to your statements. I've already shown past speculation like your BS claims now have been preached before regarding kinect spying yet we have nothing tangible that came out of those claims. Again you got nothing but hot air.

johndoe112113864d ago


And yet we have proof that they have been feeding NSA info for years.

johndoe112113864d ago (Edited 3864d ago )


I specifically remember an xbox one first or second party dev saying in an interview that the kinect cost almost as much as the system itself to build. Am I wrong about this?

Edit: http://www.gamesindustry.bi...

johndoe112113864d ago


"All while playing COD Ghosts on dedicated servers. Count me in."

What the hell does that have to do in a discussion about kinect? And yet you have the audacity to call others fanboys.

Biggest3864d ago

You mention scare tactics since the original Kinect, JokesOnYou. Do you care to highlight the usage tactics of the original Kinect?

I'll go with you on the scare tactics if you're willing to go with me on the fact that the original Kinect was a fabricated promise that failed to deliver on almost every highlighted function.

Lost in all of this talk about privacy is the fact that the Kinect has yet to prove itself as a gaming staple. It sucked the first time. It doesn't seem to be doing much better this go 'round.

nypifisel3864d ago

Actually it wouldn't even been on peoples radar if it wasn't for MS themselves talking about it, not to us the consumer, but to advertisers...

JokesOnYou3864d ago

Biggest I have said many times that for me Kinect never had a meaningful impact on the kinds of games I like. I acknowledge therevwer notabl3 games like Dance Central and Kinect Sports that I thought Kinect did well for and a few games like ME3 to me showed the potential of exploring Kinect however for the mist part it didnt live up to the hype. Consequently just as devs have released subpar games and rebounded with great ones past flaws is no reawon to quit and thats exactly why I'm glad micro went back to the drawing board instead of giving up. I always said the hybrid route has more to offer core games and it seems this is the new direction. Now if you want to say Kinect sucks for gaming and it always will then fine I disagree so just move along and let us who are interested see what happens.

OT so nothing is lost on me about the merits of kinects gaming capability however due to the misinformation above we were discussing specfically in this case Kinect being a spy cam to which Ive never seen any tangible proof that kinect has harmed anyone by releasing private info, data, or vids of gamers publicly. I know, I know keep talking do anything to avoid the fact that the naysayers never show proof.

RyuCloudStrife3863d ago (Edited 3863d ago )

No tin foil hat needed when it is fact. You hit agree blindly not knowing that you are accepting god knows what.

Example if you have the latest youtube update you agreed to allow the youtube app to have control over your camera to take pictures and videos AT ANY TIME.... read the permissions you've given it. Why does youtube or GOOGLE need to take over my camera and take videos if it wants to from my phone?

Kinect is indeed a trojan horse and it is all pushed by the government at the end of the day, to know your every move.

JokesOnYou3863d ago

Biggest I have said many times that for me Kinect never had a meaningful impact on the kinds of games I like. I acknowledge therevwer notabl3 games like Dance Central and Kinect Sports that I thought Kinect did well for and a few games like ME3 to me showed the potential of exploring Kinect however for the mist part it didnt live up to the hype. Consequently just as devs have released subpar games and rebounded with great ones past flaws is no reawon to quit and thats exactly why I'm glad micro went back to the drawing board instead of giving up. I always said the hybrid route has more to offer core games and it seems this is the new direction. Now if you want to say Kinect sucks for gaming and it always will then fine I disagree so just move along and let us who are interested see what happens.

OT so nothing is lost on me about the merits of kinects gaming capability however due to the misinformation above we were discussing specifically in this case Kinect being a spy cam to which Ive never seen any tangible proof that kinect has harmed anyone by releasing private info, data, or vids of gamers publicly. I know, I know keep talking do anything to avoid the fact that the naysayers never show proof.

Sitdown3863d ago

I infrequently visit the YouTube website from my computer and not once had to agree to any updates. Pretty sure there is no camera to takeover on my older desktop or work laptop. Yeah....a camera in my family room will some how keep track of my every move while I am in my car driving. Take off your tin foil jumpsuit.

+ Show (24) more repliesLast reply 3863d ago
amiga-man3864d ago (Edited 3864d ago )


Couldnt' agree more this is about M$ selling data and little to do with gaming M$ just want to create another cash cow and hide it behind the pretence of it being a gaming device.

Kinect is not needed by anyone except M$ to fund their greed!!!

come_bom3864d ago (Edited 3864d ago )

One small advice to Microsoft, release a cheaper Kinectless X1, otherwise they already lost next gen... unless they don't mind coming behind Sony next gen just as long they make a profit on the console.

Most gamers don't want nor care for Kinect (or PS Move for that matter). I'm ugly, don't want cameras filming me (Kinect nor PS Eye).

gameonbro3864d ago (Edited 3864d ago )

considering they werent going to "win" the generation anyway kinectless sku or not so they shouldn't get rid of kinect to please fickle people.

nukeitall3864d ago (Edited 3864d ago )

I think what you are seeing now is the niche hardcore. They tend to be early adopters that pre-order and are very vocal about their gaming habit.

However, once you cross over to the mainstream consumers that are more interrested in a family device. They don't pre-order, don't care about the latest specced games, only what junior, sis, daddy and mommy can do together and alone. That is the market MS trying to widen their net to.

So don't be surprised when MS sales are strong moving forward. The real battle start next year, when more games are released, current console are in peoples home and more is known about the different selling features.

nix3864d ago

i think it's too late for that. kinect is so embedded into their eco system and xbox one, they can't totally split it. they can probably turn it off but i'm sure kinect will still be listening or doing something... we really don't know how they screwed it up badly.

ICECREAM3864d ago

I think i have to agree.

rainslacker3863d ago (Edited 3863d ago )

nuke, that also isn't the market that buys $500 consoles. Nintendo is a family focused name and is half the price. Sony is cheaper, and has quite a few well known and popular family titles.

3-4 years from now, with price drops, maybe it'll mean more, but if it takes 3-4 years for MS to surge forward in sales, it'll likely be too late in terms of development support, and it'll end up being like the Wii with a crap ton of shovelware, and hardware at a discount bin price. Is that something to look forward to being a core gamer?

All for the sake of Kinect I might add. If MS is trying to replicate what Nintendo did with the Wii, they have done it completely backwards, and only show they have no idea why the Wii was popular with the casual family market in the first place.

I want to believe that MS can succeed in the family oriented market, but their initial offering is not for this market. It is for the hardcore and moderate gamer. Either way, the motion control fad has dwindled. It may still be useful to a family, but it doesn't have the wow factor it once did, and both Sony and Nintendo offer similar offerings at a cheaper price.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3863d ago
badkolo3864d ago

so then poeople that buy the ps eye for ps4 which does the same, what about them, are they screwed too, or only when ms does it, go fys

amiga-man3864d ago (Edited 3864d ago )

badkolo there is a huge difference between a device that is optional and a device that has been built with the aim of collecting data and selling that information to advertisers.

One was designed with gaming in mind one for collecting data from as many people as possible, gaming is the mask they hide it behind, it is so obvious I'm surprised you don't see it.

badkolo3864d ago

the kinect 2.0 is now also optional, so your point is moot, you must buy it with the system but dont need to use it. they specifically said its not collecting datat and you can cotnrol the options, stop your lying

amiga-man3864d ago (Edited 3864d ago )

Badkolo do you really need it spelling out for you? having a Kinect in as many homes is what M$ wants which is why there is no option to buy an xbox without one,

it is doing that not for the good of gaming but to collect data which despite your protestations they have all but admitted to by saying saying it will monitor heartbeat and facial expressions, the only ones lying are Microsoft in what the real purpose of kinect is, stop kidding yourself otherwise

Sitdown3864d ago

When the Wii was released and Microsoft brought out the original Kinect it was said that Microsoft was trying to mimic the success of the Wii... now that Microsoft is bundling the Kinect justv like the Wii did with its sensors.... now it's because they want to use it for collecting data. Why could Microsoft not just be trying to be the Wii 2?

MysticStrummer3864d ago

"the kinect 2.0 is now also optional"

Oh you can choose not to buy it? That's great news!


If you have to buy it, it's not optional, it's "integral".

ShwankyShpanky3864d ago

"ps eye for ps4 which does the same"


+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3864d ago
Nocando3864d ago

Wish we could down vote for "stupid".

TechMech23864d ago

Kinect is important for Xbox one. It sets it apart from other systems, and developers know that everybody who purchased an Xbox one received Kinect in the box. Some people don't like it, but if they hate it so much, they shouldn't be buying an Xbox one and shouldn't be complaining about a system their not buying.

Mrgolden793864d ago

I'm complaining cuz I wanted to buy an xbone. I have both a 360 and a ps3 this gen and was looking forward to it. Then ms pulls this shit. Its not even about games anymore, its about raping their customers in the ass. And then people like you buy it. The folly of the whole "if you dont like it dont buy it and dont complain" is that if people said nothing, they will continue their ass backwards policies. You know why they dropped DRM?? Its because people complained about it. The people who are okay with this shit and buys it are against the common good of gamers. It sends a message to ms that they can get away with it and gives them no incentive to give us what we really want, a pure gaming device, no mandatory cameras or ads,no tv, no locking everything behind a paywall, just games.

stiggs3864d ago (Edited 3864d ago )

@ Mrgolden79

If you use terms like "raping their customers in the ass" when referring to a company that makes a video game console then you automatically lose all credibility. I literally stopped reading your comment after you uttered that phrase.

Does "79" refers to the year you were born? It's time for you to grow up.

SIGNALS3864d ago

We're not complaining but trying to find the truth under the rug of lies of Microsoft.
Buy it what you like it but if someone is trying to make fool out of you, what would you do...............
The answer is up to you.

kabala3864d ago

Idk why we as gamers harp on this. The solution is easy for me. All I hear is choice, so why don't some of you exercise the greatest choice we as consumers have. To buy or not to buy. It's really that simple. I want Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo to make whatever system they want then I as a consumer will exercise my rights to choose what system fits my needs.

UnHoly_One3864d ago

You guys have no idea how insane you sound to a rational person. lol

It's gotten to the point where it is just hilarious.

stiggs3864d ago

@ Unholy_One

I completely agree with you. I don't know whether to laugh or pity them.

UnHoly_One3864d ago

I've been going with a mix of both.

kickerz3864d ago

I think a few of these guys need to put a mirror next to their bed so they can wake up to them self

jessupj3862d ago

What hilarious, and by hilarious I mean pathetic, is the number of MS apologists like you that think this isn't a possibility. And than you have the audacity to call other people insane and refer to yourself as a ration person.

The irony probably escapes you.

I'm not saying MS are or they aren't, but the possibility is very very real. It's already been proven they've done very shady things in the past, including spewing complete lies to the public and they're also in bed with the NSA.

I should be used to MS apologists disregarding rationality and logic, but I'm not.

You're very ignorant if you really believe MS wouldn't do this, but I suspect you aren't actually this stupid and instead are fully aware of how the real world works and are just blindly defending MS because of your preferred console.

UnHoly_One3862d ago

You missed the whole point, jessupj.

It's not about whether this is a "possibility".

It's about "who gives a damn?"

Microsoft can collect all the info they want on me to use it to show me ads that are tailored to my preferences.

Where is the negative in that?

jessupj3862d ago

Wow... just wow.

If you seriously don't know what's wrong with secretively taking someone's personally information and selling it... I just... wow. You obviously can't be reasoned with so I'm not even going to bother.

You mustn't have a problem with getting bent over and violated either.

UnHoly_One3862d ago

You can't go anywhere or do anything without somebody collecting information on you. That's the world we live in.

There is nothing my Xbox can collect that can possibly concern me.

What kind of games I like? Movies? Music? And if Kinect is "spying" on me, it can see what, exactly? My favorite brand of beer? What kind of clothes I wear?

What exactly are you afraid of?

Unless you are holding an Al Queda meeting in your living room, please tell me what you are doing that you are so worried someone is going to find out about.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3862d ago
3864d ago Replies(1)
BallsEye3864d ago

Child. It's mandatory because when developers know it's in every box, they can add features to the games without risking no one will ever try it. It was a smart move. Almost every game coming out got some kind of kinect functionality, even bf4.

UncleGermrod3863d ago

Data collected is only for use by the console and sensor itself, Sensor does not need to bee connected at all times, to share any type of info with anyone is up to you and must be confirmed by the user (I think each app/game would have its own agreement for this). Plus the whole prizm government thing, while very scary, really was only aimed at certain select people who for some reason the government thought they should spy on. This set a terrible precedent i agree, but what i'm saying is chaances are no one wants to watch you game. Even the government does not have the resources to just start watching all gamers. You guys are too paranoid. Plus...I don't think MS would even risk having something like spy-kinect go public as it would ruin them for good in the eyes of all gamers.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 3862d ago
Kayant3864d ago

For once I agree with hime because looking at kinect & XB1 they seem to have be designed hand in hand. The OS features & IR work well to provide a natural user interface with voice and gesture controls if you like that kind of thing.

Kinect for gaming however will probably never really take off until maybe when indie devs start to experiment with it. For now there's nothing *breakthrough* about the kinect for gaming it's just improved over it's predecessor.

ArchangelMike makes a good point initially am sure the other primary use of kinect was for advertising as the data kinect would give advertisers would be huge and MS doesn't look like they are going to stop doing ads anytime soon looking at the X360 and some things they have said recently. However, they can't do it to the extend as they could before as the supposed *required* kinect is now optional so even if you agree to it in the EULA they wouldn't really get any data from you since you don't need kinect plugged in anymore.

DragonKnight3864d ago

Until forced Kinect features are a requirement, and Kinect being necessary to play games becomes a reality.

vigilante_man3864d ago

Good points, well made. Is this really N4G?

Ohlmay3864d ago

I give props for Microsoft not caving and making a Kinect-less SKU. I want to see Kinect becoming an integral part of controller based gaming because there's a lot of potential for innovation in gaming. I would loved at $400 price tag more, but if what PC gamers did with the original Kinect is any indication of what Kinect 2.0 will be on the Xbox One, I think we can expect some very interesting new mechanics introduced with the new Kinect 2.0 for gaming.

ArchangelMike3864d ago

But this is my argument. Microsoft have not shown anything revolutionary with the Kinect 2.0. They are harping on about how it is integral, and how much of a 'breakthrough' it is. But name me one game, or one application that demonstrates this 'Breakthrough'?
Which of their launch games, or launch line up demonstrates the why Kinect needs to be integral?

Ohlmay3864d ago (Edited 3864d ago )

Kinect isn't something developers are going to fully know how to implement into gaming day one, give the tool available to developers and eventually it will happen. We saw PC gamers utilize Kinect 1.0 in fascinating ways and with self publishing being available for the Xbox One, we can definitely expect Indie developers to figure out some very interesting new mechanics, even the developer of "Journey" has stated his next game will utilize Kinect. But I fully understand why you aren't sold.

Nicaragua3864d ago

"Kinect isn't something developers are going to fully know how to implement into gaming day one"

Errr....why not? Developers have had its predecessor for the past couple of years to try ideas out on (they all sucked btw) and they would have had Kinect 2.0 dev kits to develop next gen kinect applications on - so where are they ?

Where is even the MS equivalent of Sony's playroom tech demo ?

gameonbro3864d ago

they don't have to show anything revolutionary. thats an ignorant position. if you are looking for this breakthrough game what percentage of people buy any the best game? halo and gran turismo for instance sold to between 12-15% of the entire user base. in other words a "breakthrough" game at luanch especially would only please a small percentage of the fanbase. game preference is wide. voice, auto-sign in, auto-configurations, should be good enough to make it integral for them. btw kinect fitness is a pretty kick ass app. for anyone that wanted to try those programs its definitely worth plugging in

Nocando3864d ago

What about zombies being able to "hear" you in DR3? Or it being able to detect your heart rate? What does it need to do to please you? Oh, that's right, it would need to have "Sony" stamped on it to be revolutionary and ground breaking. Just buy your PS4 and stfu.

TechMech23864d ago

Why does Microsoft need launch titles to take advantage of Kinect? They have the option whenever they want, and it can be subtle instead of gimmicks.

nix3864d ago

devs can make game less hard when kinect detects heart rates going up.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3864d ago
christocolus3864d ago

same here dude...the tech seems really impressive and im glad its packaged in the box..d4 ,kinect sports rivals and deadrising are just a taste of better things to come..even some aa devs like shinji and hideo kojima are amazed by the tech and plan to use it in revolutionary ways ..ms research is also working with 1st party devs on new concepts for the device to be integrated into future titles...heard blacktusks game uses it in a very cool way too.so by this time next year we will actually start seeing more amazing stuff from both 1st and 3rd party devs.

hulk_bash19873864d ago (Edited 3864d ago )

Its integral becuase microsoft says so. I would personally give up the kinect if it meant lowering the price tag. But since it isnt gonna happen I'll just deal with it when I pick up an xbox one and Titanfall next year.

Ittoryu3864d ago

You could get on PC Tiatnfall isn't and xbone exclusive

Nocando3864d ago

I'm sure everyone knows by now that Titanfall is also on PC, but I'm sure he appreciates you reminding him. Message I am getting from many of you idiots is "omg don't buy the xbone"!!

vigilante_man3864d ago

I am not getting XB1 any time soon. Was not impressed at the reveal and was put off by their dodgy 180s. I do like the PS4 and Sony have a great record on exclusives and seem very gamer/developer friendly right now.

If I do get XB1 in the future it will depend on great exclusives and also whether they re-introduce DRM and also how they implement Kinnect 2.

It is an amazing piece of kit. I just think gamers and developers do not like it. They have gone for the casual market and their up-coming advertising will show that.

Drewidian3864d ago

I hear people on their reasons for not wanting to buy an Xbox One at launch, but to me it has the most potential of the next generation consoles. I'll tell you why I want one at launch and it probably won't matter to most people for the launch, but it does to me.

I have a family who is spread across the world. We use Skype to communicate and while I was hoping Skype would come to the Xbox 360's Kinect, i understand why it didn't. Everyone in my family is getting an Xbox One so we can talk frequently to each other in the livingroom where it is just much easier to communicate. MS said that group Skype was going to be available at launch for up to 25 participants which will work out for us. My wife exercises alot and wants to do it with her sister and nieces, so they are looking at Zumba fitness and even the P90 programs which will cost a lot less and they plan on Skyping to each other while they work out for motivation. I know of people who go to the same gym and are talking about doing the same thing with the convenience of doing it at home. They'll just unroll their mats in the living room and work out. There's a ton of potential here that will not be available to the PS4. The Xbox One will appeal to a lot more people than the PS4.

We are cable subscribers through Comcast and personally I like what MS is doing with the TV integration. It has tons of potential there for interactive live content, but again we may Skype with friends and family and just watch TV together. I did watch the Halo world championships a few weeks ago and have even watched the presidential debates and thought that this capability to take polled questions, respond, and see instant results was really powerful and compelling. There's also a possibility that MS will partner with cable and satellite companies around the world and offer subsidized Xbox Ones on a 2 year contract for $99 - $199 which will push the Xbox One past the hard core gamers to a much broader audience and with more consoles out there selling services and software developers will find it appealing. MS my even throw in Xbox Live for people on these contracts as part of the deal with the cable companies. Yes MS said they intend to roll out ALL of their Live services world wide so we may see this deal in countries besides the US.

Games... yes all of what I said had little to do with games, but I like the Forza series, Rise looks mildly interesting, and while I'm not a Dead Rising fan, I think I will get it. I was a big Killer Instinct player when it first came out so that's on my list as well. To be honest, yeah its a light launch with nothing spectacular, but to me over the years it has much greater potential than the PS4 simply because it has more usability for the entire family in my household and not just the gamers. I may get a PS4, but to me other than a few of the games, there's just nothing interesting about it and is a modest upgrade over the PS3.

DragonKnight3864d ago

First Paragraph: Microsoft wants Skype on PS4. And even without Skype, you can do pretty much what Skype can do on the PS4 if you have a camera anyway.

I won't comment on the rest of your reasons because I could do little more than tell you that cable tv isn't potential and games are subjective. Enjoy your device.

Drewidian3864d ago

Even if Skype shows up on PS4 it won't be integrated as the default messaging/call/video chat system, and since most PS4 owners don't ever intend on getting the PS Eye, it doesn't look likely to matter much. If I was MS I wouldn't see it as being worth the development time.

Its about the future potential. There's just no reason for any dev to work on the integrating the PS Eye into their software. There will be little to no return on the investment.

As far as cable goes, there are still many more times cable and satellite users over just hard core gamers. If MS plays its cards right (and that's debatable considering how poorly they've done so in the past) and make the right partnerships, they could see a significant sales in the way the Wii sold to the casual gaming market, except that the Xbox One is more useful. We'll have to see how it all turns out and what MS's long term plans are, but for the broader market the Xbox One has more features and appeal and that may be the difference in the long run.

DragonKnight3864d ago

"Even if Skype shows up on PS4 it won't be integrated as the default messaging/call/video chat system, and since most PS4 owners don't ever intend on getting the PS Eye, it doesn't look likely to matter much. If I was MS I wouldn't see it as being worth the development time."

How many Xbox One users do you think want to use Kinect especially when it's yet to prove actual usefulness?

"Its about the future potential. There's just no reason for any dev to work on the integrating the PS Eye into their software. There will be little to no return on the investment."

And there's no guarantee that devs will integrate Kinect either, until MS forces them to.

"As far as cable goes, there are still many more times cable and satellite users over just hard core gamers. If MS plays its cards right (and that's debatable considering how poorly they've done so in the past) and make the right partnerships, they could see a significant sales in the way the Wii sold to the casual gaming market, except that the Xbox One is more useful."

Nope, sorry but that's not practical. People already have cable boxes. They don't need an Xbox One, or to pay $500, for what they can already do. Cable boxes can integrate any non-Kinect related features that the Xbox One will have such as that aforementioned public polling you spoke of. Don't underestimate how cheap people are.

"We'll have to see how it all turns out and what MS's long term plans are, but for the broader market the Xbox One has more features and appeal and that may be the difference in the long run."

Appeal is subjective.

ArchangelMike3864d ago (Edited 3864d ago )

To each his own. But you have to face certain facts when making your decision. Of all that you have said, you have not shown anything about the XbOne that warrants it's price tag for you and yours. The functionality that you are looking for you can get for free on a host of other devices.

Skype, and group Skype are free on a PC, Laptop, Tablet, Mobile phone etc etc. Netflix, Hulu, 4OD, Film4, ESN, etc etc etc are again all free on a host of other platforms. Especially if your focus is not on gaming. Cable TV and game shows are nothing revolutionary to warrant such a price tag.

You do know that your statement that, "The Xbox One will appeal to a lot more people than the PS4," is completely proved to be wrong by the hardware pre-order numbers, and software pre-order numbers for both consoles. It is common knowledge that the PS4 is out-selling the XbOne in terms of pre-orders. You know this right?!

But yeah, the XbOne has potential, and more potential. Probably. But I think the informed consumer can see that Microsoft have another agenda up their sleeve, and it has very little to do with gaming.

Nocando3864d ago

Good luck with your campaign to prevent people from buying an Xbox One, I am sure Sony has a brand new Ps4 on its way to you.

Freedomland3864d ago

Yeah you have some valid points.

BLAKHOODe3864d ago

Great points, particularly with the exercise and Skype integration. I never even thought of that! I already have my Xbox One paid for (and a PS4), but your post got me even more excited for the possibilities to come. Thanks! Bubble up!

McScroggz3864d ago

For what you want, the Xbox One seems to be a good choice. Sure, the PS4 will most likely have Skype (PSVita does) and I'm not sure how the whole "Xbox One was built with Skype in mind" will change anything other than having a voice command - but I'm willing to accept that the idea of doing something like exercise with family while on a Skype call would be important. Personally that is something that seems odd to me, but for you it might be awesome.

Other than that, I'd be a lot more skeptical of the console. You seem absolutely positive the Xbox One will get subsidized, but A) it might not happen and B) You seem like you are getting at least one Xbox One around launch so if in a year or two it is subsidized it wouldn't affect you.

As for TV integration, I'm just not really buying it. For every program to have anything meaningful Microsoft will have to spend time and money adding interesting content. Call me cynical, but I think for most things it will be pretty uninspired or possibly even veiled advertising. Sure, there are cool possibilities, and I'm sure Microsoft will have some programs with interesting TV intergration, I just think that won't be the norm.

Plus, when I'm watching a TV show I care about like Breaking Bad I don't want anything distracting for the program.

Games are subjective. If you like Microsoft's exclusives and don't like Sony's then cool. For me, when I look at everything Sony was able to put out this generation and compare it to Microsoft, it's not even close. Of course if Microsoft buys enough 3rd party exclusives it might make it closer. Regardless, everyones preferences are different.

So for you I understand that what the Xbox One offers outside of gaming makes it more appealing. There's nothing wrong with that.

For me, everything about what the PS4 offers for gaming is more compelling.

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CaptainHenry9161514d ago (Edited 1514d ago )

Price to performance, reputation, and if the Last of us 2 and Ghost of Tuishima reviews well Sony will have the advantage at launch. Not to mention all they need is one big exclusive at launch. Spider-Man 2 or Horizon would be a perfect launch title just saying. If they can sell this thing at $399 or $450 it's a win.

CaptainCook1514d ago (Edited 1514d ago )

Meanwhile, Gears of War 5 Multiplayer will be running at 120fps on Xbox Series X. Confirmed by Digital Foundry.

I'd choose Framerate over loading times anyday

dantesparda1514d ago

Yuck, GoW5.
And of course Gow5 can run on sX at 120 frames it was design to run on xb1, a 1.3TF machine. Unimpressed!

CaptainHenry9161514d ago (Edited 1514d ago )

Have not been interested in Gears since the early and mid 2000s. It feels stale and old to me now. Good game back in the day though. I could have played Gears 5 in that framerate with my PC so what is your point?

PS. What makes you think the PS5 can't run games in 120fps?

neutralgamer19921514d ago (Edited 1514d ago )


i can say for certain both console will be able to do 4k/60FPS or a bit lower res at 120FPS

I just don't want anymore 30FPS games


price will be a huge factor especially if one console is $499 and the other is $399. It's about initial momentum and market share. Demon souls remake will launch with ps5

1514d ago
TOTSUKO1514d ago

SSD is not just for loading times. It is tied to the gpu and has 2 cores (Almost equivalent to Zen 2 cores) in its controller to act as an extra pool of bandwidth. Confirmed by Digital Foundry.

Not to mention developers are more excited about the SSD tech they wanted for decades compared to extra power.

BTW Gears 5 is the worst Gears in the series. Can't believe people using that game as an argument when its even review bombed on the Xbox store itself.

BehindTheRows1514d ago

And I can run it, right now, at 144HZ on a device far better. So, you made absolutely no point at all. This is on top of the fact that, given the chance, the PS5 would be able to run Gears 5 under those same conditions I know some of you see some major "gap" here, but it doesn't exist.

Is the Series X more powerful? Yes. Is it big (like Pro → X big)? No. Not even close.

SyntheticForm1514d ago

I can't fully agree with this just because I personally don't care about Gears 5 at 120. I do agree about load time vs frame rate though.

I'd rather have better frame rates than faster load times, but, that's me.

Hungryalpaca1514d ago

If you’re choosing framerate over load times you should be playing on PC then.

Elda1514d ago

That is no way to sway me to buy an XBSX because of an old game that runs 120fps. Show off some new original must play AAA exclusives running at 120fps that will be impressive.

Exvalos1514d ago

You really going to be impressed at a last gen game, which was built to run on xbox vanilla, running 120 frames on next gen hardware? Must be nice to be an xbox dude as your expectations are so incredibly low.

REALAS1514d ago

And old games over new games, apparently.

S2Killinit1514d ago

Well if you like Gears of War 5 in smooth frames go for it. Im more excited for what Sony delivers generation after generation.

JesusBuiltmyHotrod1514d ago

I'll choose better games of the average gears of war thanks, Gears is exactly whats wrong with Xbox, mediocre and boring.

tay87011514d ago

Great so you get to play an enhanced mediocre game. While we get game of the year contenders with t.l.o.u.2 and g.o.t.

leejohnson2221514d ago

Oh really like all games on the X were said to be 4k and they simply were not?
Or high fidelity vr ? Best to wait and see as execs tend to lie

outsider16241514d ago

Happy for you man. But ill take Spiderman 2, Hzd, gow2 anytime anyday over 250fps gears of war.

Infact ill take GofTsushima and Tlou2 over it anyday.

1514d ago
TheKingKratos1514d ago

""Meanwhile, Gears of War 5 Multiplayer will be running at 120fps on Xbox Series X. Confirmed by Digital Foundry.""

Wow... that's soo awesome , i am sure people will run like bats from hell to buy xbox now
/s 😒

It's like you guys live in another world.. how is gears 5 sales btw ?

MrVux0001513d ago

That's not much of a braging point considering GOW5 is a current gen game...

dekke1513d ago

im glad u have 120hz TV :P

morganfell1513d ago (Edited 1513d ago )

One remark I read quite often on this site is the comment that technical specifications matter to people that visit sites like this because they are of more importance to knowledgeable people with insight as when compared to the average gamer. Then they turn around and make a remark that undercuts their entire claim by blindly focusing on one number.

A Teraflop is a contrived number. It is a technical estimation computed by examining the design of the chip. It is not a guarantee you will get that same number of teraflops on the screen because that silicon can be bottlenecked and/or hamstrung at any point along the way.

There is a reason developers are excited by memory throughput on the new consoles. Comments about this new feature dominate the remarks made by developers since word of this feature was announced by both Microsoft and Sony. Developers were not beaming over the new silicon graphics possibilities, it was the SSD offerings. Not even the possibility of raytracing excited developers as much as the SSD throughput. And in that matter the throughput of the PS5 is twice that of the Xbox series X. Laymen, of which there are more on this site than some think, do not understand how the SSD pipeline affects graphics including frame rate. With a custom flash controller to manage the flow insuring no bottleneck, and CUs operating at a higher clock speed no one downplaying the PS5 should be counting their triangles yet.

moriarty18891513d ago

the same gears 5 that has been abysmal online since the initial surge of players after it debuted?

bouzebbal1513d ago

Haha this clown is still around?let's look at the game and compare what's really appealing. X1x is a proof that games mean everything.

TKCMuzzer1513d ago

Whats your point? It runs at 60FPS on the X, we would be more surprised if it didn't run better on the new console.
But you do back others peoples comments, they are talking about playing games designed with the PS5 in mind, you are talking about an Xbox One game.

Atticus_finch1513d ago (Edited 1513d ago )

Not even Xbox fans care about GeoW5. Lol

gravedigger1513d ago

Yeah, but where is Gears 5 now on most play list on Xbox Store US? Even with Game Pass? Yeah, you don't wanna know? But actually, at 39th place.

Edito1513d ago

Who want's to play Gears? lol

Now seriously Xbox as we speak has no games.

RedDevils1513d ago

You mean that turd 5 just get more shiny? Well, good luck with that.

Baza1513d ago

Enjoy your 13 second load times on previous gen games 😂

SpinalRemains1381513d ago

Frames are absolutely important, however not on inferior games.

I'd play Bloodborne over Gears any day, hands down....not even debatable without laughing.

Quality of game is paramount.

C-H-E-F1513d ago

You are also choosing an inferior system architecture, and mediocre exclusive titles that are shared on the PC platform. From the Xbox all the way to the Series X, you've been playing the same AAA exclusive literally beating a dead horse. I don't think people really realize how HUGE of a leap Sony has taken to the architecture of the PS5. Maybe next gen (ps6 / xbox series one X) when Microsoft steals the design for themselves you will see why it is being praised.

For those that don't understand, Sony just did what tesla is doing to the electric car industry. it's truely revolutionary and I just can't wait to see what is going to happen in the 1st and 2nd party market. I don't care for the 3rd party market because I will be buying those on the ps5 & pc so I will have the best of all worlds regardless. This generation is really astounding.

Thundercat771513d ago

You seem to forget that people have chose Playstation and Nintendo over Xbox any day a d it will be the same next gen.

+ Show (30) more repliesLast reply 1513d ago
Christopher1514d ago

***and if the Last of us 2 and Ghost of Tuishima reviews well Sony will have the advantage at launch***

Eh, only if they have games coming for just the PS5 and not games that people already played on the PS4 or are held back by PS4 hardware.

oasdada1514d ago

if this is an excuse u have for lack of xbox one exclusives then it is a really sad one. while you enjoy your wait ps4 owners will be enjoying 2 huge exclusives

CaptainHenry9161514d ago (Edited 1514d ago )

It still gives Sony momentum. Most Sony fan expects most of Playstation exclusives to be great and that will make them upgrade and purchase a PS5

Cmv381514d ago

That's not true. Having bc with those games makes gamers more confident in upgrading.

Christopher1514d ago

***if this is an excuse u have for lack of xbox one exclusives then it is a really sad one. while you enjoy your wait ps4 owners will be enjoying 2 huge exclusives***

Let me get this straight:

1. I make a comment about Sony needing games on PS5.

2. You make it about XBO not having games, which has been the reason many people have used for explaining why XBO lost this generation.

3. You don't understand the irony in your statement about Xbox is the one I'm making about PS5 when people make it about PS4 games being on PS5.

4. You think I only own an Xbox, let alone don't realize I owned a PS4 way before an XBO.

SyntheticForm1514d ago

Man, people are really trying to twist you up here.

sampsonon1514d ago (Edited 1514d ago )

To me it means Sony is finishing off this gen masterfully. It shows potential ps5 owners that it's a good investment knowing AAA games are their focus. Even in a consoles last yr.

bouzebbal1513d ago

Are you saying that ps5 will be the first console ever to have last gen games only at launch? Lol...

Christopher1513d ago

***Are you saying that ps5 will be the first console ever to have last gen games only at launch? Lol...***

I'm saying the same thing many others have said here, if there are no exclusive games, there's not much reason to pick up new hardware if it only plays current-gen/crossover games. Does this rule not exist for PS5, just XSX?


bouzebbal1513d ago

Yes lol, your post makes no sense..
A console never released without an exclusive.. I'm sure even ouya did.

S2Killinit1513d ago

I think Christopher means a console needs its own exclusive games. Which is very true. The PS5 will have exclusive games like every console before it of course but since Xbox SX does not have exclusives, what he says is not a moot point.

So yes, PS5’s PS4 heavyhitters like TLOU2 will be big drivers imo, but PS5’s own exclusives should be the focus going forward.

RedDevils1513d ago

Don't worry about Ps5 exclusives games in it firs 6 months. It will be available alright. But don't get your hope up of PS5 having no exclusive on launch day.

DarXyde1513d ago

I'm actually not against holding off on playing either game until I procure a PS5. I have a base PS4, so the enhancements would be our of this world for me.

Christopher1513d ago (Edited 1513d ago )

***A console never released without an exclusive.. I'm sure even ouya did.***

The XSX will release with no exclusives. Their games will be available on Xbox One as well.

The Ouya didn't release with any exclusives, just FYI.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 1513d ago
darthv721514d ago (Edited 1514d ago )

So you are saying everything hinges on LoU2 and GoT reviewing well...?

And about the only thing that disappointed me about the PS5 was the bc. I was under the impression they would (at least) have digital PS1 support like the PS3, PSP, PSV has. Not having PS3 I can understand but even PS2 games have been given PS4 support (games like jedi knight 2 and racers revenge for example).

Otherwise I was very impressed with the PS5 and look forward to having one in my home.

CaptainHenry9161514d ago (Edited 1514d ago )

No but it does help and keep that reputation going. Sony has already prove themselves with great first party exclusives year after year and I expect them to continue that trend. It's the reason why I bought a PS4

1514d ago
SyntheticForm1514d ago (Edited 1514d ago )

No, but they help promote the brand overall.

Sony's IPs (TLOU2 and Ghost) reviewing well would be a boon and give them momentum and you could therefore make the case for a PS5 saying "Well check this out, if you get a PS5 you'll get even more games like these!"

I hope that's what people are trying to say because I have to agree.

Kumakai1514d ago (Edited 1514d ago )

yeah... complacency breeds a lack of innovation. ms is hungry and bringing it to the table. and they're going to have a lot more exclusives than just gears and halo. they've only slipped one right now: hellblade 2. they have 16 highly rated (now) first party studios all cranking at capacity for gen 9. don't expect xbox to be lacking quality exclusives this time. Couple that with superior hardware, better services like gamepass and xcloud. better support like software returns, free series x enhanced upgrades without the need to re-purchase a game, backwards compatibility across all generations - sorry. xbox actually has something to offer now - and its legit.

xX-oldboy-Xx1513d ago

But Sony has the better games, PS5 will be twice as fast at getting stuff on the screen - that surely makes up for any arbitrary difference in a tflop count.

Most of the decent studios ms acquired had already been making exclusively for xbox. The other are AA at best.

PS5 will have exclusives day 1 from 1st larty studios without it's baby brother screaming me to, me to. ms has crippled any performance gain of xsx by lugging the inferior xone/x into the dev cycle.

The SSD is where the big difference is coming from. Try and think a little outside the box. They're are both going at the same problem a different way.

TheTony3161513d ago

16 highly rated studios? That remains to be seen. Most of them haven't even released a game yet. Sony on the other hand has a proven track record.

RosweeSon1513d ago

You’ll be more likely to get a ridge racer, wipeout or Tekken for launch the real good stuff will be minimum 6 months after just so they can start getting the best out of the console.
Might even get a new Killzone or resistance

1513d ago
glennhkboy1513d ago

The issue, up to this point, is the absence of a hardware. Show us the look of the hardware, show us some technical demo, show us the technical of that revolutionary sound design. It is strange because by now, the hardware design should be set in stone, and production should be already underway. Not showing any hardware, does this mean that the hardware design is still not ready at this moment?

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1513d ago
CaptainHenry9161514d ago (Edited 1514d ago )

So now it's tf vs SSD. Will be a wild battle.

Went from a big smile on the SSD part to huh on the cu, gpu, tf part. Sony always do unique and weird $hit but it always works lmao😁😂

VER1ON1514d ago

It will be an interesting 'battle' indeed. Sony's installed base will play a large part in it.

darthv721514d ago

'secret sauce' argument incoming in 3... 2... oh they already started.

BehindTheRows1514d ago

Being part of the crowd who invented the 'secret sauce', I'm sure you know plenty about it. :)


The interesting thing is those who argue in favor of the SSD actually have a stronger point. It's an actual part inside the machine and can give you real world results. Floating point operations/second are, yes, a computational potential, but that's the extent. It's only a buzzword now because console gamers latch on to stuff like that without fully understanding what it is (it's the 'BitS" argument all over again).

snoopgg1513d ago

Sony will use the cloud to make ps5 more powerful. Lol!!!!

Atticus_finch1513d ago

Darth is still waiting for the cloud to make Xboxone x4 more powerful.

darthv721514d ago (Edited 1514d ago )

@rows and the SX SSD is no slouch and already confirmed it can be utilized in much the same way that Sony is saying. Both are directly connected to the main cpu/gpu. Both have dedicated processors to help move that data along. sony just has an extra one to increase that speed but neither one is riding in the slow lane on the highway.

Cupid_Viper_31514d ago (Edited 1514d ago )

It's amazing how you can rightfully perceive that SSD is indeed a very important part of the next-gen experience by the fact that both Sony and MS went to great length to integrate it into their respective consoles. And you again rightfully deduce that even with a 120% disadvantage, the Xbox won't be completely left behind in that department. But how come a 120% difference won't matter much, but a mere 14-17% will?

It's like people who see a supped up Corvette with 760 HP can't fathom that a supped up Mazda Miata weighing only half of what the corvette does would only require 500 hp to match the corvette while probably being more agile as well due to better overall weight distribution.

darthv721514d ago (Edited 1514d ago )

@cupid, I prefer to look at them as a cheetah (PS5) vs a lion (SX) one is faster and one is stronger but neither are prey. Both are predators who are very good at what they do.

ElementX1514d ago (Edited 1514d ago )

I doubt any game requires more than 2-3GB/Sec transfer rates. Nobody can answer me when I ask how much data is in one game location. I said in another thread that worlds load as you move, so when it takes you 10 seconds to walk across a city plaza, the game is loading in the background. Those 9GB/Sec max transfer rates won't matter because by the time you get to your destination, both consoles will have loaded the necessary data. If you teleport everywhere, like across every screen, then I can see the PS5 IO being helpful, but games don't work that way. You have to take into consideration travel time. No game will let the player travel at mach speed to use a constant 5+GB/sec data transfer. Level streaming will be seamless on both platforms. That's just open world games, games with actual levels don't need those speeds, either. Will a loading time of 3 seconds actually be any better than 5 or 6 seconds? How often do people fast travel? PS5 will maybe save you a couple minutes over the course of a day of gaming.

The-Matrix-has-you1513d ago


That’s the point. With the additional speed, customizations and optimizations they have implemented in the SSD, I/O controller developers can change the way games are made. Your argument is based on what you know not what you haven’t seen created yet.

ElementX1513d ago (Edited 1513d ago )

Most games will still run on PC so I'm wondering just how many features for velocity processing whatever and 9GB/s IO are going to be utilized.

I don't think games will fundamentally change. It will be an evolution not a huge leap. 9GB is awesome but I'm just wondering the actual benefits when most games will cater to the lowest denominator

Show me what 9gb/s can do that 2.5gb can't as far as level design. You still have to travel and how large are assets? How much data is required for a city in Witcher 3 for instance? I've tried looking online. Nobody can tell me, I've asked in two threads now.

rainslacker1513d ago (Edited 1513d ago )


How much data that is in one location is irrelevant to the speeds by which it can be transferred across storage mediums and the bus. The point is, how much data can be moved within a time frame, and Sony gave a real world example of as quick as you can move the camera. MS dressed it up in PR, and for a group of people saying they want 100fps+, they aren't going to get that with the transfer speeds that MS allows with its design.

As to why no one can answer you, it's probably because you ask the wrong question, and the fact that there is no way to answer the question without knowing the design of the game, because as with many things in programming, the answer is, "it depends".

Toubabo_koomi1513d ago

Oh wow, now I'm imagining a game where you're in a jet travelling at Mach speeds with no texture degradation. It's all just there in perfect clarity no matter how fast you travel...

ElementX1513d ago (Edited 1513d ago )

I was simply trying to get a rough estimate of actual game asset sizes. If you fast travel to a city and the surrounding area is under say, 3GB, both consoles will load in about a second. I guess I want an idea of the amount of data we're talking about here. I'm sure no game will drop you into a location requiring 9GB of data, that just sounds absurdly high, but I dunno so I was asking and looking online.

How much data is streamed during normal travel? Wouldn't it be interesting to know? People are excited about IO but nobody knows what that's actually good for. We just have instant loading PR speak. If game assets don't require all that speed then you're paying more for an add on drive with no benefit other than a few seconds load time. 3rd party games will still run on Series X and PC

rainslacker1513d ago

I'd not look at it from the viewpoint of a full level, but rather, how much data is required to render a frame. That can vary quite a bit, but a 4K scene at 30fps, assuming a modest level of detail and number of objects(might be easier if you pick a few examples of games), would take maybe about 400-500MB of data for textures, and maybe 1/4-1/2 that amount for objects and everything attached to them(like AI or animation routines. There is a lot of shared data, which wouldn't have to keep being pulled in every time it's needed, and it'd make more sense to keep that in resident memory. A full scene in a game, as in keeping everything need that you may encounter between any load sessions will probably run anywhere between 2-4GB, with the rest of memory used for program runtime tasks such as actually running the game loop, or handling the rendering engine.

The application is going to determine the effect and benefit of this feature, and realistically, it wouldn't make sense to always be streaming data in every time you turn a camera, and chances are, scenes aren't going to require a lot of that. But it opens up the potential to have complex objects and high levels of detail on objects streamed in on the fly, instead of requiring some trick to load it in that would distract the user...like a cutscene or maybe an ominous sound that breaks the action until something jumps out at you.

It can allow for much more complex levels of detail which can allow you to zoom in close to objects, and add detail to them without having to keep that loaded in memory or have some delay when examining them.

As to how much data is streamed within normal travel....probably not much with the way things are designed now. Most games use what's called occlusion culling, which only loads things when you pass through certain areas, such as a tunnel or a room between two other rooms. Open world games use LOD streaming, which can load sections that act as a buffer between areas, but general information about the area you can see, but aren't in yet are streamed in on the fly. It's usually why there are such sharp changes when going from one "zone" to another, as opposed to the gradual change that you would normally see.

In the end though, how much is more of an it depends situation. There is no one answer, because there are numerous solutions. There are people who do nothing but think of ways to do things, and all of them get shared and reused, and improved upon over time.

S2Killinit1513d ago

From what is being said by devs, the SSD in PS5 is very much a secret sauce. A real one in this case based on actual hardware. While xbox is using a SSD, it is half (?) as fast as the PS5.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 1513d ago
1514d ago
Imortus_san1513d ago

You mean like the PS3 fuck up?

Hungryalpaca1513d ago

The thing is TF really doesn’t mean that much. It’s a very poor way of calculating power. Lower TF cards frequently outperform higher TF cards.

SwampthingsSon1513d ago

PS3 didn't work for MANY devs. It doesn't always work for them.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1513d ago
1514d ago Replies(5)
thtruth5741514d ago (Edited 1514d ago )

Sony did drop the ball. They solved a problem where one didn't exist with that audio stuff. They could have had a cheaper dedicated hardware solution then given us a better gpu. All the subscriber to df and there patrons is a clue. People want pixels and frame rates. The sad part is they could have had all Thad ssd stuff too. There is no value in spending money on something that 5 out a 100 people will notice. Mark Cearny should have to answer to the board. I'm a PlayStation guy and admit that the system is very dissapointing. No one ever talks about audio with any sort of sophistication. It's kind of a failure. Honestly. Mark Cearny because of the success of the PS4 was left to his own devices. That was a mistake. Like kojima on death stranding. He made a console he wanted, not one the people paying for it wanted. I mean it's Rdna 2 but not really. That was evident when he said the game with that raytracing with very little compromise at the end. It should've been zero if trully dedicated hardware was on the silicon. It's essentially a PS4 pro pro with better audio. Or a movie player with the best audio. That could have been a beast too. They messed up with that audio crap.

Magog1514d ago

The "audio stuff" is clearly part of their PSVR 2 program and VR is the future of gaming.

thtruth5741514d ago

Like Kinect...we will see. I'm a PlayStation guy and I'm the first to admit that I am.more excited for the Xbox. Someone on the board should have told him no with that audio stuff. Mailing photos of your ear and stuff. That cost them more money in the long run. Its a problem that didn't exist. The money would've been better spent on cpu and gpu stuff. Along with the ssd, that would have been a killer.

Cmv381514d ago

They had dedicated audio on the ps4 and went back to that. Series x also has dedicated audio...so I guess they dropped the ball too. Fanboys are weird.

thtruth5741514d ago (Edited 1514d ago )

I bet they didn't spend a crap ton like Sony. I'm saying Sony went overboard with it.

ShadowWolf7121514d ago

I love how everyone bagged on Sony for not "innovating" with the PS4, then bag on them for innovating with the PS5.

That "audio crap" has the potential to fundamentally transform the level of immersion we have in gaming,

thtruth5741514d ago

But no one cares about that. Df had never mentioned it. It's frame rates and pixel count. They have millions of subscribers and patreon to watch their videos. People care about frame rates and pixel counts. It makes no business sense. Under pure academic scrutiny Sony missed the mark.

RememberThe3571514d ago

DF makes a point of talking about Sony's approach to audio in their spec breakdown. They're clearly impressed.

"Under pure academic scrutiny" Sony did some interesting and innovative things with the PS5 architecture. They didn't sell it well but the system itself is very interesting.

There's no reason why the PS5 needs to be a more powerful Xbox. If they weren't going to chase raw power with MS this is exactly what they should have done. They just should have sold it better.

1514d ago
S2Killinit1513d ago

Pretty sure it will be great for VR.

zeuanimals1513d ago (Edited 1513d ago )


It'll be great for everything, but I can especially see it working well for shooters and horror. Imagine being able to hear the exact position of another player in a shooter based on their footsteps. Not the general area like right now, but where they really are. Or having to realistically figure out where you're being shot at as you can hear bullets fly past. With horror, it's obvious.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1513d ago
CernaML1514d ago (Edited 1514d ago )

"They have millions of subscribers and patreon to watch their videos."

Digital Foundry doesnt even have one million subscribers on YouTube and I'll bet their Patreon subs are significally lower than that. All of their videos only get a few hundred thousand views at most.

Face it, PS5 will win the next generation because of Sony's history of strong game line ups like it always has.

1514d ago
thtruth5741513d ago (Edited 1513d ago )

Audio was an invented problem. No one cared. Sony is making people think they care. They had the ssd. They could have used cheaper custom audio and gotten better CPU and GPU tech with saved time and money. My point was when you do comparisons, sound isn't talked about. I stand by my thought. That sound thing is wasted resources.

CernaML1513d ago

My point is that no one cares about small graphical differences like youre trying to make it out to be.

The Digital Foundry audience is niche and the average consumer will go with the system that is priced better.

You people are making it out to be like the PS5 is a weak POS when its not even that far behind the Series X at all. The PS5 will do things better than the Series X just like how the PS2 was able to do things better than the OG Xbox.

TKCMuzzer1513d ago (Edited 1513d ago )

audio crap? So all you want it better graphics. You don't want advancements in immersion to do with gaming. I'm all for this, currently playing COD, surround sound makes anything up or down hard to tell it's location, if this new audio allows for precise location of sound then thats a winner. Also, I think your underestimating the effect this sound could have on the experience, if you understand the tech, its a serious sound upgrade.
You clearly don't realise the potential this could have. Graphics will reach a ceiling, other advancements need to be made to push gaming.
Also if you watch DF video they are clearly very excited for the sound but hey, you cherry pick the bits you want.

Atticus_finch1513d ago

"Audio stuff"
You don't know enough to make such a confident comment.

Chevalier1513d ago

" But no one cares about that. Df had never mentioned it. It's frame rates and pixel count. They have millions of subscribers and patreon to watch their videos. People care about frame rates and pixel counts. It makes no business sense. Under pure academic scrutiny Sony missed the mark."

They do? Weird I could have sworn the Nintendo Switch which have neither of those advantages just blew by 7 years of Xbox sales in under 3 years? Maybe it was my imagination? Oh right that actually did happen. Turns out the general population just wants the better games. Wow the PS1, PS2 and Wii also won by huge margins even though they were significantly underpowered too. Weird it's almost like the power in almost all the major generations didn't matter as much as we thought.

1513d ago
Lamusiqa1513d ago

I totally understand where you're coming from because I'm a graphics whore (which is why I game on PS4 and PC) but since I play a lot of online multiplayer first person shooters with a surround sound headset, the idea of 3D audio is really exciting to me. It's a much-welcomed innovation particularly for the eSports crowd because it provides another level of immersion where you can tell the location of your enemy vertically as well as compared to right now where it's either left, right, front and back.

And it is indeed RDNA2 GPU. They have confirmed multiple times that the console will have hardware ray-tracing, just like the competition. And if you think having a dedicated RT hardware on the silicon won't have an impact on framerates when RT is turned on, the RTX series graphics card has got some benchmarks for you.

I would be lying to say that the Xbox Series X doesn't seem impressive. It is a beast in its own right but being 15% more powerful is just not enough anymore. PS4 GPU was roughly 50% more powerful than Xbox One when they launched

343_Guilty_Spark1513d ago

There is no dedicated block for ray tracing.

TheTony3161513d ago

Funny how everyone has a PHD in HW engineering as soon as new consoles get revealed. You most likely have no idea what you're talking about. I bet the PS5 will be the more successful console regardless of specs. But let's just wait and see lol.

ABizzel11513d ago

And if they went with a higher priced GPU then it would be a higher priced console. It's practically an RTX 2070s vs an RTX 2080s both of which are great GPUs, but easily $100 apart on the console level.

Hungryalpaca1513d ago

You have 0 idea what you’re talking about.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 1513d ago
MWH1514d ago

Come to think of it, it will be the first generation to move out of the ~30fps curse.

Mr Logic1514d ago

Don't count your chickens yet. Prettier games sell more.

1513d ago Replies(1)
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Albert Penello Leaves Microsoft After 18 Years

Albert Penello was the Senior Director of Marketing for Xbox. He was fairly active during leading to the launch of the Xbox One.

Read Full Story >>
Gazondaily2209d ago

"He was fairly active during leading to the launch of the Xbox One."

Which wasn't a good thing for Xbox 🤣 To the point where they had to the pretty much gag the fellow.

Christopher2209d ago

The man who created the "highest quality pixels" derision by editing out context from the video.

FITgamer2208d ago

Now they just need to get rid of Greenberg.

dirkdady2208d ago

Wasn't this guy known as the troll of Neogaf?

Gazondaily2208d ago (Edited 2208d ago )

Yeah lol. He had been waiting for Scorpio for ages.

You can't fault his passion but the manner in which that translated in his social media and forum posts and how he got thoroughly shut down on the weakness of those points really made the Xbox brand, in core gaming circles, look worse not better.

Obscure_Observer2208d ago


"Now they just need to get rid of Greenberg."

Tottaly agreed.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2208d ago
letsa_go2208d ago Show
Obscure_Observer2208d ago

Phil Spencer´s restructure of the Xbox brand is still goin! Since he got promoted we got Booty in his place, Darrell Gallagher is now part of the Xbox Team and now Penello is out!

Future seems exciting! :)

chaos-emeralds2209d ago

Good. Xbox marketing has been awful and probably cost them. Games like sunset overdrive, recore etc should've had a better public perception.

2209d ago Replies(2)
Wikkid6662209d ago

He had NOTHING to do with game marketing.

maybelovehate2209d ago

Recore was just not a good game. As for Sunset Overdrive, definitely agree. Still one of the best games of this generation.

Concertoine2209d ago

Recore is actually pretty good after a year of patches + some content. Weirdly middle market game that reminds me of the 6th gen.

Its evident that MS rushed the game after throwing a pc port on top, a lot for a small team to handle.

darthv722208d ago

the definitive edition of Recore is a much better game than the initial release.

Lenrulesdaworld2209d ago

good guy, glad to have met and interviewed him

masterfox2209d ago

This is actually a good news for xbox.

SuperSaiyanGod412208d ago

I'm surprised Greenberg is still there. I think he needs to go then we will see Microsoft start fresh.

Obscure_Observer2208d ago


"Shannon Loftis??"

Will probably be replaced by Darrell Gallagher

PhoenixUp2209d ago

He was in for the long haul

The Xbox brand hasn’t even been around for 18 years yet

yellowgerbil2209d ago

Do you think the released the system the same day Bill gates said "sure let's get into the gaming business"? It takes years to make a console and was probably started in early 1999

Yohshida2209d ago

First XBOX launched in 2001, they started development before that... so yes he was their

No Way2208d ago

Their "Senior Director of Marketing for Xbox," it's in the article.

2208d ago
Christopher2209d ago

He was hired because of the work he did at EA before that as well.

2pacalypsenow2209d ago

The Xbox project started in 1998.

PhoenixUp2208d ago

I know Xbox planning started in the late 90s, but the brand itself still hasn’t been around for 18 years

darthv722208d ago (Edited 2208d ago )

The initial reveal of the xbox was in 2000 the release was in 2001 so yes... it has been around for 18 years.

PhoenixUp2208d ago (Edited 2208d ago )

And the Play Station add-on was unveiled in 1991 with planning starting in 1988, that doesn’t mean that the PlayStation brand has been around for 27 years or 30 years respectively.

I count a brand’s existence as the time since it first released, not when it was first unveiled or its planning stages.

darthv722208d ago (Edited 2208d ago )

A brand does not become live when it releases... there has to be a reveal that sets the stage for the marketing and promotional material and release information for stores.

the release date is just that, when you (as a consumer) can buy it. Prior to that is setting up everything else (including the brand). Xbox has existed longer than 18 years (if you add in the planning stage) but it is the public reveal that is when it becomes live. Xbox was revealed at GDC in March of 2000. That is the date the brand was made public.

you really cant use release dates because back then they were usually staggered. PS released in JP in 94 so do you consider that the year the brand started or do you consider it 95 when it released in the RotW? Or perhaps earlier when they first revealed they were going to make their own game console after the break up with Nintendo (which was spelled differently by the way)?

PhoenixUp2208d ago (Edited 2208d ago )

Look at the documentation for any entertainment product or brand and you’ll easily see that the day it gets released is the day it starts actually existing. Everything prior to that is just conceptual that could very well even turn out to be vaporware.

- PSP for example was unveiled at E3 2003, but nobody adds on that year for the time Sony spent in the handheld market.

- Look at the character of Superman for example. He was conceptuallly created in 1933 but he didn’t actually get his publication until 1938 which makes him 80 years old in 2018, not 85 years.

- Deep Down was unveiled to the public five years ago. If that game were to ever come out, those five or more years wouldn’t be counted to the time the brand has been active.

Of course 1994 is the year the PlayStation brand started. Sony themselves recognize this as they started the first PlayStation Experience conference in 2014 to commemorate such a milestone. They even announced the 20th anniversary PS4 special edition the exact day PS1 first released.


Nintendo themselves recognize that 1983 was the year Famicom, ie the NES, released as 30 years later they had their own promotion for the anniversary.


+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2208d ago
+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2208d ago
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Microsoft: More Xbox One X Enhanced Backwards Compatibility Games Are Coming Soon

More Xbox One X enhanced games for the Xbox 360 backwards compatibility are coming soon.

Cyborgg2272d ago

At first I thought they meant new exclusives

Obscure_Observer2272d ago

Call it, better support and fan service. ;)

Kingthrash3602271d ago

So resale old games a 3rd time....man. this is just lazy, cheap support.

darthv722271d ago

Is that what you think of SotC then thrash? It's an old game that has been sold 3 times now.

dcbronco2271d ago Show
Wasabi2270d ago


How is it lazy, cheap support when MS is improving games I already bought on my original Xbox and 360 and updating them for My new console, some with 4K Visuals?

I pay nothing more for it ...I'm just able to use my discs or digital on my new console , improved at no extra cost...

Meanwhile Sony are offering backwards compatibility via a streaming service which means to play them on my PS4 I have to purchase them again ?

Or Worse ... Re releasing games over again , every generation .. ie Shadow of the Colossus and Sony fans are singing their praises ?

You've literally bought the same game three times lol !!

Sony removed hardware backwards compatibility from the PS3 , replaced it with software and then removed it completely ..

Now Sony wants to sell you the same games you already bought to play in an inferior manner via PS Now.

Oh yeah "For the Players" ....lol

Obscure_Observer2270d ago (Edited 2270d ago )


We getting better versions of enhanced games on the X than Sony´s remasters on PS4 Pro for FREE! Sony will make us pay for old remastered games every single generation.

Sony is making big money out remasters and that´s why i don´t belive the PS5 to be backwards compatible! Doesn´t matter what you say about old games since is the real gamers that are out there spending their money on them.

According to the latest sales reports, PS4 fans love old games! All i see is games like Crash and SoT on the spootlight making to the Top 20 UK chartz! No signal of new games like Horizon, Uncharted Lost Legacy or Gran Turismo Sport. Facts.

Christopher2270d ago (Edited 2270d ago )

***So resale old games a 3rd time....man. this is just lazy, cheap support.***

Or play old games you already own at better performance and HiRes graphic simulation. At least there's the option to play those games. Or are we going to go with the argument that nobody wants old games likes Shadow of the Colossus?

They're not selling me anything new unless I don't already own the game from my time with my 360. And even then, I can get these games for $5-10, not $40.

Edito2270d ago

@darthv72 can you name a huge hit for Xbox that deserves the shadow of the colossus treatment?

Paid_Vacation2270d ago (Edited 2270d ago )

Who is reselling old games for a 3rd time?

Too funny, let's bang on MS for proving enhancements for older games you might already own.

Meanwhile let's celebrate other companies putting fresh paint over a tired and beaten down Datsun.

PeaSFor2270d ago (Edited 2270d ago )

Call it a blatant crutch because MS obviously has nothing new to offer, they HAVE to rely on BC .

Army_of_Darkness2270d ago

Lots of emphasis and support for backwards compatibility to distract xbox gamers from realizing that they have nothing going forward...

KillBill2270d ago

@Kingthrash360 - BC means you can play the game on Xbox One if you already own it for OG or Xbox 360. Enhancements are free. Maybe knowing just a little bit about what you are talking about before you post might help? You think?

mark_parch2270d ago

all I know is that one of my favourite games of all time kotor looks great on back compat so I'm all for it

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 2270d ago
TheCommentator2271d ago

Mind sharing how reading the title led you to that conclusion?

Anyways, it is pretty cool that BC can get upgraded this much though. Seems like devs are able to basically remaster them on 1X if they want:

Kumakai2271d ago Show
TheCommentator2270d ago (Edited 2270d ago )

Oh well. I tried. I guess he doesn't want to answer.

343_Guilty_Spark2271d ago ShowReplies(1)
paintedgamer19842271d ago

While this is an amazing feature i wish even sony would adopt, id rather info on new releases in 2018/19. Other game makers choose to remake or remaster older titles instead of the backwards compat route which isnt a big deal to me either as i rent my games through gf or redbox.

mcstorm2271d ago

I get what your saying but I'm there other way. Ide rather know what I'm getting in the next few months rather than what maybe out late on this year maybe next to then find out its been dropped.

343_Guilty_Spark2271d ago ShowReplies(2)
2270d ago Replies(1)
Kingthrash3602271d ago

Free renasters? The upgrades are for Xbox one x....people paid 500 for this

Yohshida2271d ago

yep, they also paid money for the TV, couch they sit on, House they live in etc. do you wanna add all up?

kayoss2270d ago Show
2270d ago
Kiwi662270d ago (Edited 2270d ago )

No, people paid $500 for the ability to play older games to go with the newer ones just like how people brought the PS4 Pro to play a better looking version of a game compared to the base PS4 , but some people have this illusion that the only games on xbox are the BC games

KillBill2270d ago

Guess what... the Xbox One and Xbox One S versions are improved play over originals too... just the Xbox One X will add even more enhancements for FREE. Too bad PS4 you have to wait for a complete remade game to come and then pay for it again.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 2270d ago
ErogeMaster2270d ago ShowReplies(2)
Gaming4Life19812271d ago

Please add and enhance ninja gaiden 2 and dantes inferno please. Also the mass effect trilogy remaster would be insanely great.

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