
The Xbox One is actually more powerful than the PS4

You’d be forgiven for looking at the raw hardware specs of both consoles - which on paper - Sony’s upcoming PlayStation 4 looks to have the upper.

Whilst we won’t see the full potential of the physical hardware until late in the cycle – with golden late releases such as The Last of Us – the Xbox, this time, has an unmatchable advantage out the gate which is miles up from raw hardware...

... It’s the Xbox Live Cloud.

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Pintheshadows3917d ago

Not this nonsense again. Yes, the cloud is a good service for doing minimal processes. No, it won't exponentially increase the power of a piece of hardware.

Intel are still in a prototyping stage with regards to Cloud based hardware performance augmentation.

xHeavYx3917d ago (Edited 3917d ago )

Please, here we go again. The magic cloud will save the day.
This website logic is "Da Cloudz = dedicated servers = most powerful console evah!"

Skips3917d ago (Edited 3917d ago )

Apparently "tEh CloUUDS" have more to do with the power of the hardware than the ACTUAL HARDWARE ITSELF...


Enemy3917d ago (Edited 3917d ago )

I saw cloud, laughed, and clicked out. Poor idiots thinking "server power" is going to make better looking games.

The specs are out and it's said and done. Xbox One is the weaker platform.

aaron58293917d ago

Please.. dont underestimate the

wait for it..

Da Powerz Of Da CloudszzzzZZZzz... !!


devwan3917d ago

There would be no need to upgrade from 360 to Xbox One if the cloud could perform such magic.

abzdine3917d ago

Da Pawaaah af Da Clawwwwd makes X1 more powerful than 10 X1.
seriously, i can do nothing but facepalm

DragonKnight3917d ago

*A gamer, a journalist, and two Microsoft executives are laying out on the grass looking up at the sky on a warm summer day*

Gamer: Hey, that one looks like Mario jumping on a Goomba.

Journalist: No it doesn't, it looks like a woman being objectified by the patriarchy by being scantily clad and needing rescue.

Microsoft Exec A: You're both wrong.

Gamer: Well what do you see?

Microsoft Exec B: Power.

Microsoft Exec A: And we can market that.

Journalist: Hey can I quote you on that and spin it in my article by using a sensationalist title?

And thus we arrive at this moment in time.

sinjonezp3917d ago

Im tired. Tired of the back and forward non sense about which console is more powerful. Its like hey my john is bigger than yours. No wait. When its warm outside mines is bigger than yours. Who cares. The only thing that matter is she satisfied. Just like gamers. If you want an x1 and you want to spend 500 bucks plus year gold, plus play and charge kit for both sticks, plus games, etc. That is on you. If you want to spend 400 bucks plus PS+ get a bunch of free to play games,that is on you. Both systems will have the cloud so this topic is irrelevant. The only thing that matters is what games matter for you.

tokugawa3917d ago

what amazes me is that these nonsense articles ALWAYS seem to be found by and posted by the worst sony trolls on n4g..

which always sets the alarm bells ringing.

without sounding like a butthurt xbox fanboy, but i honestly believe that they are part of their fabrication to continue the "idiot war" in the trenches

mp12893917d ago

Sony has a cloud too, its just that they decided to invest more on the hardware to begin with. I mean if the cloud is so powerful, why even have next gen consoles?

devwan3917d ago

@sinjonezp But the cloud is like the One's Viagra, when your hardware just doesn't cut it m$'s has their little blue magic fluffy pills.

Satisfaction guaranteed*

*Actual satisfaction may vary.

thechosenone3917d ago

Oh f**k not this sh*t again. I can't believe this dude is trying to argue this BS again...the cloud. :lol

tokugawa3917d ago

leave it out.

look at that site and when that "article" was wrote.


it was wrote 1hr ago!!!! and just happened to be found by natureoflogic???

read the about us section.

ANYONE can write on that site.

100% certain, that rubbish was wrote by the poster

ProjectVulcan3917d ago (Edited 3917d ago )

All I'll say is that if the cloud were such an enormous performance advantage, why would Microsoft even bother to increase their GPU clocks by a measely 6 percent. Seems a whole lot of potential bother if you are confident your cloud will destroy the competition.

Or that the very fact Xbox one has a bluray drive says that Microsoft are not quite confident and ready enough to give up physical copy distribution.

Ask yourself why? Maybe because a large proportion of their markets internet connections are horribly insufficient to just download 20+GB games?

So they know that the internet connections of a lot of people are pretty mediocre. Yet the cloud will be the greatest thing since sliced bread apparently.

Hmmm. Yea. Ok.

PONTIAC08G8GT3917d ago

I'll wait to pass judgement on the cloud once it's actually put to use. Maybe it will be useful and awesome, maybe it will be a flop like HD-DVD.

AngryTypingGuy3917d ago

Has Microsoft demonstrated the "power of the cloud"? I have yet to see any visuals that the PS4 shouldn't be able to beat or at least match. If the cloud can make visuals that beat the hell out of PS4 you would think that MS would at least give a demonstration to wow everybody even if it wasn't quite ready for the public yet.

cell9893917d ago

DA.....CLOUDZZZZZZZZZ!!!! pure POWARZ for your xbone

3917d ago
Kryptix3917d ago

lol Did anyone else laugh when they read; "... It’s the Xbox Live Cloud."? lol

According to Xbox Magazine, teh cloud is equalz to three Xbox Onez!!!1!

Link below. lol


strifeblade3917d ago

Both consoles have their pros and cons and sony may have powerful hardware but xbox really does have cloud or an 11 billion dollar mitlifunctional cloud service which at the very least is offering dedicated servers for call of duty and numerous other 3rd party multiplat games which in contrast sony do not have.

You may not care but the 12 million yearly call of duty buyers on ps4 do and i have seen a number of them consider jumping board to xbox one judging by the message boards.

The cloud will not make xbox more powerful but it will open the door to new experiences as well as the kinect and the slew of features that come along with it.

PS4 besides the slightly stronger specs has nothing else going for it. No servers from sony can offer dedicated servers for 3rd party- they do not have kinect/eye system included to open new experiences- the controller runs on old bluetooth tech compared to msoft wifidirect. 100$ more and this is what i am paying for.

Gamingcapacity3917d ago

MS is setting up a pretty big cloud network but it wasn't made for the X1. There is a lot of money in cloud services and MS have built the cloud service to make money not soley for the X1.

If Sony can't make a huge Cloud based network, it doesn't mean they can't get access to one... at a cost of course. Use of the cloud from other providers isn't out of the question is Sony need to. The question is will they need to?

mewhy323917d ago

well lookie here. another cloud article. LOL. micro$oft really blew it this time. I mean they were going to make everyone be connected all the time and that would have let them use the cloud. But not now. that 180 left developers with the fact that they may or may not be selling to someone that is connected to the "cloud" and as a result have to develop without that requirement. LOL. :> another micro$oft fail.

pixelsword3917d ago

Then why didn't any game in E3 specifically show the power of the cloud?

user55757083917d ago

so if developers build games for xbox one based on the use of these cloud data centers to improve processing...then wouldn't there be a problem when playing offline?

nveenio3916d ago

The only cloud that will help gaming is Gaikai, because it is built to stream games live with low latency. Azure is not. It is built to handle things like player positions (allowing more players) and things like that. It doesn't do the graphical work.

PS4 has Gaikai.

Xbox One does not.

Whose cloud is better for gaming?

+ Show (21) more repliesLast reply 3916d ago
Skips3917d ago (Edited 3917d ago )

I know right!!! XD

rdgneoz33917d ago

First story from this site and its such a winner...

Here's a good read,

Gives an idea what the cloud can be used for. One of the main things is what we're seeing currently, "dedicated servers." Though the PS3 has had dedicated servers for pretty much all its 1st part games, and PC players have been enjoying them as well in things like MMos...

Kleptic3917d ago


So, by the logic of this article...the PSN has had equal 'cloud services' since it launched in 2006 with resistance fall of man...this is just marketing, and nothing more...

MS takes dedicated servers...something thats been around for decades...calls it 'The Cloud'...and i love the part where it says 'MS realized that player hosted servers was holding everything back'...yeah, it was, and it was ONLY ms that made devs/publishers jump through huge hoops to get dedicated servers on XBL...Sony, since day 1 with PSN...has simply said... 'sure'...

strifeblade3917d ago

LOL grasping at straws are we? any company can rent dedicated servers if they need them. Sony rented them and paid the price as well as mantaining them.

The difference this time around is that msoft owns all the dedicated servers and their infrastructure is large enough to offer it to 3rd party for dirt cheap to give them an incentive to using it. LOOK AT CALL OF DUTY- perfect expample of third party using microsoft's servers to their advantage while sony cannot offer servers for the same price since sony do not own an 11 billion dollar infrastructure. So yeah it makes a difference. The cool thing about azure is that it can change and grow with its user base and msoft can adjust how many servers support xbox live.

Kleptic3916d ago (Edited 3916d ago )

grasping at straws?...I think you're being pretty mislead...

XBL by no means is offering this for 'cheap'...and Sony has NEVER 'rented' dedicated servers for themselves...Apparently you never saw the server banks for very early PS3 games...Warhawk's consisted of thousands of networked PS3's...in 2007...Killzone 2 and Resistance 2 even more...nearly all first party PS3 games with dedicated servers used higher spec dev kits for hosting...New reports say it'll be similar with the PS4...so, is sony renting their own hardware...from...themselves?

While its true that these servers would need to be rented by third party publishers...the PSN allowed publishers to integrate their own hosting systems into the PSN...where XBL charged for this...Confirmed by Midway/Epic with UT3, and a primary reason the game was delayed on 360...

MS is just doing typical MS control with its 'cloud services'...they'd rather do it themselves, and charge more for it...Titanfall is being published by EA...you think EA had any trouble before running their own dedicated server networks? Battlefield has been doing it on consoles for years...now XBL rents these to publishers instead...same shit, different pile...

don't fall for the PR...that is all it is...Sony still allows publishers to seamlessly integrate and handle multiplayer in to the PSN without much trouble, but it is their own burden...MS still would prefer publishers just hand everything over and let them do it...at a substantial cost...the end result will be the same...and I promise, this has NOTHING to do with Titanfall's timed exclusivity...

colonel1793917d ago

Whoever wrote this article doesn't know how "the Cloud" works! Also, how can they not realize that whatever they are thinking the Cloud is, Sony could do the exact same thing...

aaron58293917d ago

well.. some people are in denial..

Death3917d ago

Sony could do the same thing. If they had money to do it. Sony is not in a good place financially for quite some time now. So yeah, in theory Sony could use the cloud, but financially it isn't happening anytime soon.

Ryto3917d ago

Sony is reporting profits of 7.9 trillion yen (£52.7 billion) for the year.
Read more at http://www.trustedreviews.c...

Simple google and you'll see that Sony are now doing very well indeed.

tuglu_pati3917d ago

Oh boy its about to rain.... :/

RememberThe3573917d ago

In Seattle we have lots of clouds. Thats why MS is giving them out "virtually free."

Recently it's been hot as f*ck! I was wondering where all the clouds went, Amazon and MS took em all!

Thegamer413917d ago

You cant say Xbox is more powerful than the PS4, then say its an opinion, its either more powerful or its not.
How could an article like this be under opinion piece.

JunioRS1013917d ago

Mark Cerny reads articles like this, laughs to himself, closes his laptop...

Pushes himself back away from his desk, walks out onto his marble balcony, lights a cigarette...

Looks over to Shuhei, who is eating Fruity Pebbles with a Siamese cat on his lap, and says, "Fuckin' fanboys."

dcj05243917d ago

Jack tretton holding a tommy gun with andrew house next to him. Both in tuxedos then walk into the room both saying:It's time to make it rain.

jjb19813917d ago

That's funny stuff, made me laugh out loud

JunioRS1013917d ago

@ dcj0524

LOL!! That is fucking priceless lol

I could make truly epic comedies if I could record my ideas into a movie I swear lol

I looove over the top comedy. Best kind

ABeastNamedTariq3917d ago

I lost it at Fruity Pebbles, lmao. I can actually imagine him sitting there, chillin, eating that.

McScroggz3917d ago

Cerny doesn't strike me as a man who cusses.

IcicleTrepan3917d ago

most retarded thing I've ever seen posted anywhere. Get a life.

tokugawa3917d ago

agreed icicle

but what is sadder is the fact people thought that it was funny

Kryptix3917d ago (Edited 3917d ago )

lol That made me laugh. See how icicle and tokugawa reacted cause the word "fanboys" was mentioned. Can't say they don't have a sense of humor, they're just butthurt to be a part of those delusional Microsoft fanboys.

tarbis3917d ago

@IcicleTrepan & tokugawa
And yet both of you are here. Congratulations on your new found life. :D

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3917d ago
No FanS Land3917d ago

It is more powerful really...

so long as you have an internet connection DUH! (could be part of the reason why the console is releasing in not many territories.

Can't believe everyone is hyping the cloud service so much. if it really proves to be this useful then why isn't it applied to the 360?

KonsoruMasuta3917d ago (Edited 3917d ago )

Bien! It's ze powah of ze clouds. It's so magnifique!

princejb1343917d ago

What if the online service goes down
Then what

3917d ago Replies(3)
twinspectre3917d ago

so the Author think with the power of Cloud Xbox can compete even against PC Power seems Legit -_-
PS4 > Xbox One even AMD said that
but CloudPOWAH will work only with a Internet Connection

Ryto3917d ago

haha youre right! Next they'll be saying the cloud could out perform a gaming Pc with x4 titans!

When will it end!

PFFT3917d ago

AMD said that when???

JsonHenry3917d ago

Distributed computing is powerful. Really powerful. But I think the internet broadband service across much of the world is just too slow to see the potential that "the cloud" has to offer.

I'll place my bet on who has what under the hood of the actual console myself for now. But I would love to be proved wrong.

jerethdagryphon3917d ago

Distributed computeing is imensly powerful its also immensly fiddly if I wanted a book report dont on I dont know war and peace I could read it myself or tear out each page and have you each readone and give me a synopsis then put them together to make my report. Thats disributed computing cloud computing is needing a bookreport on war and peace and going to bookreports whileu wait.com and having there lot of readers read and synpois it sending me the final thing.

Cloud computing or another term for it an older prenetwork one mainframe and terminals
Is that
Work is done off site and handed back to you. Ready for display
Yes in theroy each machine becomes infinitly more powerful as all the work is done on massivly powerful servers and sent to you.

But the problem lies in the whole sent to you part lag latency timeouts high pings dropped packets all this clogs up the speed cauong effectivly buffering and load errors ... please waite physics .ddl is being streamed ... lighint .dll was interupted please wait...

Thats an exageration but a possibility of the type of issues . Then when that occurels the terminal machine has to quickly do the work itself to keep things moving.

Yea all sorts of compression and streaming tech exists but its still far from amiricle

2cents3917d ago

The proof is in the pudding,

Let's just wait and see what MS cloud is capable of before we start claiming its the best thing since sliced bread. There is a long way to go before there is any actual evidence this.

The potential is exciting but there is nothing to show as of now.

Cueil3917d ago

it's not nearly as non-sense as you think... Nvidia just showcast it's ability to cloud source real time lighting... in 5-7 years we will be much further along on outsourcing computational data

Pintheshadows3917d ago

Indeed they did but read the interviews surrounding that demonstration and you will see that it is a very long way off.

Ryto3917d ago

It's not practical with realistic variables. Internet speed, latency, bandwith. What's more likely is having Gaikai games totally in the cloud which are rendered graphically superior, that could happen in a couple of years. but interaction between software computed on the xbone/ps4 and information in the cloud... no.

I'm not technically minded but common sense just screams no.

Cueil3917d ago

remember when the Xbox 360 launched... I think that the difference in broadband quality and penetration is huge... I expect in 5-7 years when these consoles really start to hit their limits we'll see cloud computational data being used more and more

Deadpoolio3917d ago

Idiots really need to STOP misinforming people about the power of the damn cloud.....Especially the morons who think it's going to have anything to do graphically with the Xbox One80...Azure has nothing to to with the GPU or graphics period....The only thing it's gonna do is help matchmaking slightly

3917d ago
DonFreezer3917d ago

Well I have a feeling if Sony was talking about the cloud you would all scream to it's name.

Tito083917d ago (Edited 3917d ago )

There's have being early posts of Sony working with cloud computing, as is evidenced with their Gaikai acquisition, but we not going crazy and over-hyped about it like MS and their fanboys are, and in a lot of ways, MS is very known for over exaggerating and making things sound bigger than it actually is.

You don't see Sony over hyping things like the greatest invention since the creation of the wheel like MS usually does, like Peter Moore said before launching 360, "It'll have the greatest game launch lineup in videogame history" when it was in fact the worst.

Admiral-Saudi3917d ago

I want believe that it's true but it's too hard to believe it.

harrisk9543917d ago (Edited 3917d ago )

You are so right... MS is once again passing out Kool-Aid and topping it off with overblown exaggerations... (and, yes, the PS4 can also use the "Power of the Cloud" ( http://gamingbolt.com/umbra... )





"What's obvious at this point is that the concept of cloud computing looks uncertain and unlikely, and Microsoft needs to prove its claims with actual software. Yet based on what we've been told, the firm itself isn't sure of what uses to put it to, while the limitations of latency and bandwidth severely impede the benefits of all that computing power. Frequent references to Live and multiplayer gaming suggest a less exciting, though certainly valuable, use for Microsoft's new servers in providing better, conventional, multiplayer experiences. More players, adaptive achievements and intelligent worlds all sound great in theory, but we're certainly not seeing the notional results of a four-fold increase in Xbox One's processing power."

r1sh123917d ago

cloud based performance is a real thing.
AMD have a graphics server which can encode/ decode locally then send the decoded images to the workstation.
It does work well (I use it as part of my consulting job).
Now - The real question is, will it work with the average internet speeds in the world?
THe bandwidth required is just not high enough, so yes theory is there.
Practically the speeds required to achieve this will just not support it for the majority of consumers.

tiffac0083917d ago

Well I guess its only for people with fast internet connection, in countries with good internet infrastructure.

r1sh123917d ago

@tiffac008 - Its hard to say whether internet connection will be the only factor.
I can see graphics being decoded elsewhere and then being piped to a console, actual computing and calculations are another thing due to the size of the calculations and the speed at which they are made is less likely (At least for now).

JackStraw3917d ago

thanks captain obvious.

tarbis3917d ago

CPU to GPU then back to CPU data transfer already has latency what more transferring to an offsite then back. Facebook who has 180k+ servers while still adding daily is still shitty.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3917d ago
Godchild10203917d ago

Say the cloud is as good as they say, how many gamers will it benefit? You need an internet connection to utilize the cloud, but not all of us game online or will pay for an online subscription to play games online.

JoGam3917d ago

Thats why its called an Opinion Piece. This dude is just talking shit theories.

ZeroX98763917d ago

ok so, if I understand correctly, If I'm not connected online, my games will look like crap compared to others who are connected online.... they should add this feature to the list of Xbox live goodies:

Enhance graphics : Xbox live exclusive

Hell, why not just scrap the Xbox one and just give us an onlive console instead?

NextGen24Gamer3917d ago

Console architecture plays a HUGE part in how games will look & play. How about we wait until the games release, there are sure to be comparisons. Until then, I'll take the word from developer after developer who has stated that there is either NO difference or a slight difference. If there is a slight difference, it will ultimately come down to developers and how they optimize their games and utilize the consoles unique resources. But with that said, it will most likely be a difference you can't see. It will come down to devs making the best games.

Right now the best game I have seen...In regards to excited to actually PLAY since that's what Gamers do...Is TitanFall! It's not even releasing until spring but it looks more polished than any game I've seen launching for either console. That's INSANE!

JackStraw3917d ago

titanfall doesn't look "polished" at all. many games didn't which is why so little gameplay has been shown for most games.

3917d ago Replies(2)
dlocsta3917d ago

The most amazing thing about all of this cloud talk is the people building the games for the cloud taunt it as a viable enhancement but all of you people that don't work for, on, in, around, or with it are correcting them and letting them know how wrong they are. Tell you what, come back here in 18 months and tell us how it works; until then shut the hell up because you don't know just like I don't know.

nosferatuzodd3917d ago

in a couple of years I'd be laughing so bad about all this cloud nonsense.
its like Microsoft paying ppl to talk rubbish has soon has the huma thing went out Ive seen article after article trying to justify xbox one wow first they beg amd to take back what they say then they pay some developer to say oh we have something similar now back to putting their heads in the cloud again poor microsoft

NarcolepZZZZZZ3917d ago

Well, pick your console and go for it. Do we all need to be so petty and negative? HAVE YOU NOT SEEN GHOSTBUSTERS 2? There are consequences people! This whole site will be covered in pink slime.

gcolley3916d ago

You have know clue, you are not even involved. How can you know the impact this will have?

Blachek3916d ago

Microsoft has more invested in their online servers than Sony. That being said, Sony could easily develop a system that reduces latency for offloading computations and streamlines the systems to boost performance.

Microsoft has been more committed to the "cloud" than Sony however, look at their Annual Reports to verify. It's what they believe is the future of hardware and they are acting on it.

Both consoles can utilize the service, Microsoft has a larger infrastructure in place... whoever can overcome the latency issues associated with offloading massive amounts of computations first can take advantage of the performance boosts it will allow.

I do believe Microsoft will get there first, and I do think that this "cloud" buzz word they keep tossing around has a substantial amount of validity behind it.

Amsterdamsters3916d ago

What about the amazing Sony hype machine that makes it sound like the PS4 is the new super computer when it's not even as powerful as my 18 month old desktop that can do far more than just play slightly enhanced PS3 games.

+ Show (33) more repliesLast reply 3916d ago
Anon19743917d ago

I use Microsoft Azure currently and it's turned my computer into...A SUPER COMPUTER!

Because that's how it works, right?

Death3917d ago

Isn't that what Folding@home was all about? When Sony promoted cloud computing, they actually said they could replicate a super computer by doing it. Why is it when Microsoft offers the same technology for dedicated console use, it's a joke?

Honestly, it's not the passion that many Playstation fans have that keeps them from being looked at seriously, it's the double standards. Sony changes policies like charging for online play and it is listening to gamers. Microsoft changes policies due to gamer feedback and they are doing 180's with no direction.

devwan3917d ago


Similar terms for different things.

iceman063917d ago

@Death...come on now really. There is a HUGE difference between what Sony did with using hundreds of connected PS3's to replicate a number crunching machine and what MS is attempting. There was no need for instant output with the "supercomputer" it was just an aggregate of data collected to provide insight into protein folding. With MS, they are not only trying to process (which isn't the problem) but send and receive in less or equal time than what the on board processors can do themselves. I'm sure it could be part of a future. But, that future includes a much more efficient internet infrastructure than what we have currently.

Thehyph3917d ago

They are not the same.
They are the reverse, actually.

Folding@home was using your ps3 to assist in protein folding research by connecting it to the "cloud." The ps3 basically taking load away from the cloud.

Azure is touted as taking the load off your console and putting it on the cloud.

As I've said before, the problem with cloud computing for real time simulations is latency. Not bandwidth.

Anyone who doesn't know what I mean, try this: open a command prompt (cmd in "Run") on a Windows PC and type: tracert n4g.com
See all of those IP addresses and DNS'? That's the routing between you and this website. Notice the times; these add up to give you your lag. Your bandwidth does not really affect these numbers. If you have 5MBPS internet or 500MBPS internet, these numbers aren't really going to change much. The architecture of how you connect to things on the internet has to be changed or streamlined to do real time calculations.

Forget the idea of fanboys. Do some research on how fast things are done internally on any computing device, and then compare it to network latency.

I'm not saying it can't be done in theory, but in the real world we have a long ways to go.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3917d ago
shadow18spirit3917d ago

The xbox fans are trying really hard to convince themselves that xbox is the best

negative3917d ago

You just can't handle the fact that your employer Sony has some competition. I mean you do work for Sony, right???

godofboobees3917d ago

You had one bubble to say something smart yet you blew it. I so disappoint

joeorc3917d ago


At least we have a sense of Huma!

AMD's Senior Product Marketing Manager Marc Diana said that the PS4 had shipped with a sense of Huma [Heterogeneous Uniform Memory Access] from AMD.


PFFT3917d ago (Edited 3917d ago )

Its highly doubtful AMD would stoop so low and actually make a stupid fanboy remark. There is no doubt these words are from a Sony fanboy rather than a profession working for AMD.


Nevermind i guess they did. BUT still that shit was a bit too unprofessional since LIKE Sony MS is too paying AMD for their GPU and CPU. Microsoft should have gone with NVIDIA.
By the way i dont know if you have read the article BUT it seems the Xbox One too can pull off hUMA in one form or the other.

Tito083917d ago (Edited 3917d ago )

@Negative-Your username & 1 bubble says a lot about you.

@PFFT-How you want MS to go with Nvidia, it likely make the machine more expensive and btw Nvidia has being talking crap about both consoles, and hyping up PC, btw, there's nothing wrong with what AMD said, likely Nvidia would have done the same thing, it's all politics in the business world.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3917d ago
H0RSE3917d ago (Edited 3917d ago )

But they already are convinced it is "the best" same with Sony fans with PS4. Each side see's their respective system as the better alternative. Now based on data sheets and specs on paper, PS4 seems more powerful, and therefore, Sony fans use this to fuel their "PS4 is the best console" argument, but it really proves nothing. A good example is the m/kb vs controller argument.

In the m/kb vs controller argument, m/kb technically outperform a controller in virtually every aspect - they are more responsive, faster, more accurate, etc. and this can all be verified through tests. The analog sticks of a game controller can only do so much, and simply cannot compete with the performance that comes from an optical/laser device, yet when you present these facts to console players, it has little effect on their opinion and they still choose controller over mouse. Many will even acknowledge that the mouse is better at those things, yet they still prefer to use a controller.

So regardless if PS4 is more powerful and "better" from a technical standpoint (which hasn't actually been proven other than on paper) it means little in the grand scheme, since the whole "console war" is largely based around personal preference.

Besides, how many people go out to buy a console with hardware specs being the determining factor? If hardware specs were such an important factor, you'd just choose PC. The majoirty of players choose consoles based off which games and features/services they offer. Those touting the "superior specs" argument, are largely just using it to gain points for their side, even though it is essentially a non-issue.

PSVita3917d ago

This is a matter of facts not opinions.

H0RSE3917d ago (Edited 3917d ago )

You completely missed the point...

As I showed in the m/kb vs controller part of my post, regardless of facts, people are going to choose what they want, because other than facts there are preferences. Sony fans can post system specs all day long, and although it may be a fact that PS4 has stronger hardware, it does not make it fact that PS4 is the overall better console, and even if it did, there are still going to be people that choose the other alternative.

Does the PS4 allow me access to XBL? Can I play games like Titanfall and Ryse? Does it come packaged with an Xbox controller? Can I use Kinect? See, these are things where all your spec sheets and hardware numbers don't amount to anything. PS4 may be a more powerful console, but a better console just because of that? Not quite...

Kingdom Come3917d ago

Being a multi-platform gamer, I can look at the comments on this site in a more openly subjective manner, and actually, Sony fans are persistently the least mature, down voting all pro-Xbox comments, trolling Xbox related articles etc. Microsoft and Sony are releasing fantastic consoles, each with their own advantages and disadvantages, neither is perfect. This site would be so more appealing if fanboys stuck to their own part of the site, it feels almost impossible to have a civilised, unbiased discussion regarding gaming...

twinspectre3917d ago

yes, but Microsoft is trying to fuck their own fanbase with Ryse Microtransaction and Forza 5 DLC

Lazarus693917d ago (Edited 3917d ago )

Being a multi-platform gamer i can look at the comments on this site in a more openly subjective manner.Both sets of fanboys are as bad as each other really.However the Xbox fanboy side appear to whine and troll alot more

ThatCanadianGuy5143917d ago

Mod sure was quick to single handedly approve this dupe.Good job nineball.

A paragraph quoting respawn about discounted servers makes xbox more powerful.

Just LOL! The things these guys pull out are just hilarious at this point.

AAWELLS093917d ago

Who cares man? If you guys disagree, why cant you all just overlook it? Instead of posting "LOL" and "Dem Clouds". It just makes you all look like immature kids. Some of you guys are just ridiculous. Grow up guys.

KonsoruMasuta3917d ago (Edited 3917d ago )

I know man. These guys are so immature.

The clouds really works. I'm used azure on my computer and it transformed into a robot with artificial intelligence and human like emotions.

AAWELLS093917d ago

@Konsoru I never said that i agree with the article.

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Microsoft's Absurd Antics Have Me Scared For Dishonored And Arkane Lyon's Future

With Arkane Austin no more and Lyon living for who knows how long, the superb Dishonored is in serious danger; Microsoft cannot be trusted.

Relientk776h ago

I love the Dishonored series so much and really want Dishonored 3. Microsoft better not screw this up.

JEECE3h ago

I mean, I think the fans will probably kill Arkane Lyon by cooking up reasons to hate whatever they do next without playing it. I've never seen a game so artificially disliked as Deathloop.

thesoftware7302h ago

Lol, why don't we just say, we are worried about all studios owned by MS now. They will keep closing studios until they have none left ...🙄


MultiVersus Joker Trailer With Mark Hamill

Here is a look at the new Joker Trailer. Warner Bros. Games today released a new MultiVersus trailer revealing the first look at gameplay for The Joker, who will join the roster as a playable character when the upcoming free-to-play platform fighter videogame launches on May 28th.


PUBG Team Considered Bringing Back OG Bugs for Erangel Classic Event

In a Game Rant interview, PUBG's Taehyun Kim explains how the team considered bringing back old lovable bugs in the Erangel Classic event.

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Dandizzle8h ago

Just bring back global voice chat in lobby/plane/match Not old bugs.

ActualWhiteMan7h ago

Get rid of the bots, and make it fun again.