
The PS4 open world games that’ll change everything. ‘Big’ is just the start

OPM: With the age of PlayStation 4 almost upon us, things are going to be changing. We round up the open world PS4 games that are going to redefine free roaming action forever. Incredible scale, new ideas or just really pretty – this lot are going to blow your tiny little minds.

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TheLyonKing3921d ago

Big is good but I also want:

Every house explorable
A lot more misc stuff destroyable or able to use
More variation if the ai and npc
More freedom of the character

Gimmemorebubblez3921d ago

Thats my problem with games like Just Cause 2, a beautiful big wonderful game, where you are able to do so many crazy things, but the NPC's are wooden, interiors are non-explorable and destructibility is on a minor scale.

Need4Game3921d ago

Filling the World takes a lots of People, Time, Energy, Money.

But there's another way,
Player Created Contents in Open World Games, similar to Skyrim mod-community, with it such detail world is highly possible.

minimur123921d ago

Isn't this just a list of all of the open world games coming to PS4 now?

And is destiny even an open world game??

Thehyph3921d ago

Completely agree. A few of these touches would have made Just Cause 2 a far better game. That said, I still loved it, and to this day it's my only platinum trophy.

nveenio3921d ago

Yes, procedural generation of interiors (like apartment buildings and such) would push games like GTA to the next level. Imagine escaping the cops and being able to kick open doors and run through any apartment you want, with people inside screaming, passing through the front room to the bedroom, out the window, down/up the fire escape.

That would truly be next gen.

Plus, we could experiment with breaking into a random apartment and killing people in their sleep. *evil grin*

malokevi3921d ago

I hate these articles. Eight separate pages for boring, rehashed information that PSMO has published a million times already.

WrAiTh Sp3cTr33919d ago

"Big is good but I also want:

Every house explorable
A lot more misc stuff destroyable or able to use
More variation if the ai and npc
More freedom of the character"

Dead Rising 3 says hello.

Gimmemorebubblez3919d ago


I'll see it when I believe it.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3919d ago
thehitman3921d ago (Edited 3921d ago )

What your asking for requires a shit ton of work with the every house explorable and I dont think its even necessary just sounds good. I rather developers focus on story and gameplay than making every house being able to walk-in and out. Even in GTA that is really unnecessary. Everything else though you said I would like more of.

kneon3921d ago

It's not really as hard as you'd think. They would only need a couple of dozen different pieces of furniture plus a few dozen other household items. The furniture layout and item placement can be randomly generated when you open a door for the first time and saved to your hard drive.

They already have to design each building, laying out internal walls and designating rooms types isn't that much more work.

This approach would result in less diversity in the look of interiors than we get today but I'm ok with that if it means I can climb in any accessible window and open unlocked doors.

Bigpappy3921d ago (Edited 3921d ago )

have you ever heard of Elder scrolls? Ever home sewer and cave is explorable.

thehitman3921d ago

@bighappy I am talking about cities not caves and dungeons.

GameSpawn3920d ago

Making everything explorable does take a lot of work when the scale of the game begins to hit a certain size. Plus if everything was explorable in games the size of JC2 or others you run the risk of glitchy behavior (something not remotely foreign to Skyrim and other Bethesda games) or lots of interiors that look the same because of set pieces being reused over and over and over again (something that occurred with a lot of areas in the Fallout games from Bethesda).

I only bring up Bethesda as Elder Scrolls was mentioned, but other open world games fall prey to these two problems in varying degrees as well.

I don't mind the "cookie cutter-ness" of Elder Scrolls and Fallout's interiors because the rest of the games' fun factors make up for it.

On a side-note I'm really pumped for Watch Dogs and Assassins Creed 4. I'm happy with AC4 that they are going back to the simpler notoriety system of pre-AC3 games; with AC3 at times you had no option but to fight and stealthing was much more cumbersome and difficult in comparison to previous titles. I'll admit the original you could hold down blend and stealth your way through 90% of the game and guards were none the wiser - AC2 was close enough to being balanced so that you could whore the blend to aid in stealth all the time.

Let's just hope at the last minute Ubi doesn't screw the pooch and turn Assassins Creed into Ubi's version of Call of Duty.

GameSpawn3920d ago (Edited 3920d ago )

*couldn't whore the blend

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3920d ago
JunioRS1013921d ago

I completely agree,

but imagine how difficult it must be to program all of that into enjoyable, playable interactions lol

Like, damn... I'm glad I'm a gamer and not a game developer.

blueberry3920d ago


What good is a big world with lots of options, when none of the achievemnets feels worth it, or important, or even earned?

My main issue with the Assassins creed series.

STILL- I´ve never had such high hopes for a game - EVER.

Come on, Witcher 3, don´t let me down.

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kneon3921d ago

She was talking about your beer belly ;)

thehitman3921d ago

I am hoping more mmo experience make their way to consoles. I hope they are not done like how blizzard is doing diablo with dividing the console and PC communities but more like how SE does FF and cross platform plays them.

showtimefolks3921d ago

I want getaway 3 reboot

I want eight days

Give me Sony give me

mic_cala3921d ago

getaway 3 would be awesome !!!

webeblazing3921d ago

i second sinba said up top but doing all that stuff will definitely take time. i truthfully dont care as long as the game is fun so more power to them and i cant wait to play them. i feel like imma miss out on division and destiny, yall definitely got some gems there.

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The Crew is Being Removed from Your Ubisoft Connect Account Right Now

The Outerhaven writes: With the closure of The Crew's online servers, Ubisoft has started removing access to the game from anyone who owns it on Ubisoft Connect.

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shadowhaxor22d ago (Edited 22d ago )

Wait. I don't get it. I reported on something that I recently noticed. I did mention in my article that I wouldn't have noticed if I hadn't gone to play The Division 2. That said, if this was nearly a week ago, I wouldn't know, as NO ONE REPORTED ON IT! Not IGN. Not Gamespot. Not Kotaku. No one.

You got people here complaining that there are any real gaming journalists and game journalism sucks, but when someone is acting, doing something to make something known to the public about what a company is doing. What do you do? You poke fun at it. What is it that people want? Do you want to complain for the sake of it? Or do you actually want people to do something to make those who aren't in the know aware of the shady stuff that's happening and to sound the alarm?

ravens5221d ago

It's the "oh well" setting in on digital users. They don't care they don't own their stuff for some odd reason. 🤷🏽.

FullmetalRoyale21d ago

Good for you! People sometimes just feel the need to show how little they actually have to say. Very respectful dressing down, btw, which is another thing we need more of.

fan_of_gaming21d ago

I appreciate your article,
- "If this isn’t considered both a “WTF” moment and setting a dangerous precedent, I don’t know what else it would be"
- "it could also signal other publishers that removing games from our accounts would be okay"
- "Maybe those firmly against this digital future have a point after all"
- "This. Is. Fucked. Up."

As someone against an only-digital/streaming future for entertainment content (movies/TV shows/games/books), it feels like talking into a void about the points above on this website, or on Twitter, or with my friends, etc. People don't get it. I'm strongly contemplating whether this will be my last generation of PlayStation & Xbox consoles (I'm confident enough that Nintendo's next system will still support physical media and that their 1st-party games won't have online-required installation or usage restrictions).

Chocoburger21d ago

He is one of the long running trolls of this site, he never says anything positive. Every single one of his posts are either incorrect or flat out stupid. Pay him no mind.

OtterX21d ago

Thank you @shadowhaxor, we appreciate you.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 21d ago
KyRo21d ago

Yet people will sit here and still say that digital is better 🙃

TheSenorCheese21d ago

Welcome to the era where you no longer own your games.

gvrd001921d ago (Edited 21d ago )

I'm so done with Ubisoft, removing games one paid for is a new low...
Bye Ubisoft,
You've done f#c*ed it up !

Chocoburger21d ago

This was me 9 years ago, when I realized all they wanted to make were filler boring games that are packed with micro-trash-actions.

Snooze! Moving on from Ubi-junk!

vTuro2421d ago

I see they're trying their best to surpass Activision Blizzard for being the most hated gaming company. Keep at it, Ubisoft, I believe!

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Leaked Early Prototype Footage Reveals Development Stages Of Several Assassin's Creed Games

Prototype footage from several of Ubisoft's Assassin's Creed titles has leaked, revealing early stages of their development.

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The 7 Best Western RPGs: Immersive Adventures

RPGs are often huge, sprawling endeavours. With limited playtime, we have to choose wisely, so here's the best western RPGs available today.

SimpleSlave28d ago

"I started playing games yesterday" the List... Meh!

How about a few RPGs that deserve some love instead?
1 - Alpha Protocol - Now on GOG
2 - else Heart.Break()
3 - Shadowrun Trilogy
4 - Wasteland 2
5 - UnderRail
6 - Tyranny
7 - Torment: Tides of Numenera

And for a bonus game that flew under the radar:
8 - Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden

DustMan28d ago

Loved Alpha Protocol in all it's glorious jank. Great game.

SimpleSlave28d ago (Edited 28d ago )

Not only glorious jank, but the idea that the story can completely change depending on what you do, or say, or side with, makes it one of the most forward thinking games ever. The amount of story permutation is the equivalent of a Hitman level but in Story Form. And it wasn't just that the story changed, no, it was that you met completely new characters, or missed them, depending on your choices. Made Mass Effect feel static in comparison.

Alpha Protocol was absolutely glorious, indeed. And it was, and still is, more Next Gen than most anything out there these days. In this regard at least.
