
Xbox One is designed to be always-on for 10 years

Inside sources at Microsoft have spoken to Digital Foundry about why the Xbox One hardware is so large, and what the tangible benefits of the larger footprint are for the user.

Our information suggests the Xbox One design is based on an ambitious brief, essentially impossible to test in anything resembling real-life conditions, and so the company played it safe, putting unit reliability first. A highly placed source says that the console has been designed with a ten-year lifecycle in mind and that it is designed to be switched on for that entire period.

What's more, during that time it needs to operate almost silently in order to earn its place in the living room. It's a unique hardware challenge, and so the company opted for a large design where heat dissipation comes first. Microsoft's engineers are also aware that the company's reputation for quality hardware is still in the balance after the Red Ring of Death Xbox 360 build quality fiasco, which cost the company over a bill...

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GreenRanger3939d ago ShowReplies(3)
WeaseL3939d ago

"almost entirely silent in standby "
How many thing make a noise when in standby

NewMonday3939d ago

the PS4 is also designed to be always on (but not always on-line), manages to put much stronger hardware in a smaller box with no need for an external power brick like the XB1.

from tech reports the ESRAM source of heat in the X1.

HammadTheBeast3939d ago

Another classic Digital Foundry article based on "inside sources".

redwin3939d ago

Some people just live to disagree, but I wonder how long was the PS3 design to stay on for, 10 yrs? I should try it. Uh wait, it will brick and shut off if I don't update in that time..... Mmmmm, well, now we will never know. I'm gonna go and turn on my ps3 and leave it for 10 yrs in that corner where it's been for the last 7.

The_Con-Sept3939d ago

The PS3 and 360 waste enough power just being in standby. Now kinect is always on..... It might be miniscule amounts of kilowatts used but Dammit... The fucking kinect has to be always on. Next thing you know the controller will have to use nickel cadmium batteries only.

dedicatedtogamers3939d ago (Edited 3939d ago )

How many more "inside source" articles does Digital Foundry have? And how many more times are we going to believe them? It seems like all the negative Sony "inside sources" as well as all the positive Microsoft "inside sources" both flock to Digital Foundry, and neither end up being true.

Keep in mind, folks, that Digital Foundry was the site that claimed that a 4 Gig PS4 (before news hit that PS4 had 8 Gigs of RAM) was more powerful than an 8 Gig Xbox One.

Whatever side of the "console warzz" you're on, consider that.

Kydawg3939d ago

Sucks when you get a bad storm and the power surges! Bye bye red rings, hello lightning surge. That's not Mircosoft's fault though, it's an act of god.

Ritsujun3939d ago

Kinect2.0 down? No Xbone180 gaming for ya.

FlunkinMonkey3939d ago

@ redwin

"Some people just live to disagree, but I wonder how long was the PS3 design to stay on for, 10 yrs? I should try it. Uh wait, it will brick and shut off if I don't update in that time..... Mmmmm, well, now we will never know. I'm gonna go and turn on my ps3 and leave it for 10 yrs in that corner where it's been for the last 7."

I don't think it would be very wise to start comparing failure rates of the PS3 and the 360 there now would it buddy? ha.. I think you would be most displeased with the results.

Kydawg3939d ago (Edited 3939d ago )

Always on, always watching, always listening. Sounds lovely. Cough "sarcasm"

mark134uk3939d ago

@redwin i went through 3 xbox 360 in 2 years because of rrod ive had th fat ps3 for 5-6 years and still going

Death3939d ago

My tv is always on and always watching and listening. It's incredible that some of you are so afraid of technology.

Silly Mammo3938d ago (Edited 3938d ago )

"Xbox One is designed to be always-on for 10 years"

But Microsoft like usual will give up on the console half way through it's life cycle.

Syntax-Error3938d ago (Edited 3938d ago )

RITSUJUN <--- Is still calling it XBOX 180? How old are you? That is sooooooo old. You're calling it 180 because they changed their policies before a system launch, bow many companies have done the same thing? Let's see, Sony did the same thing in 2006 with the PS3, but they did it AFTER launch you hipster. How quickly people forget. That $600 price tag was dropped to $450 after two price reductions and SKU eliminations because the system wasn't selling. Another company that CHANGED IT'S INITIAL PLAN AFTER PUBLIC OUTCRY. Grow up

mewhy323937d ago

That will be a lot of information for the NSA. I mean ten years worth of spy camera and mic kinect right in your living room for ten years is a wealth of information for the GOV. Yeah xbone.

ThanatosDMC3937d ago

They must really need to cool down the thing on standby mode too?

Gekko363937d ago

@mewhy32 Jesus H Christ, you have to Be kidding with the Kinect and the NSA story still. This is getting old.

If you buy the PSEye with the PS4 you get the same issue in America. If you have an iPhone, iPad, Surface, Linux / Windows / OSX machine with a camera, YOU GET THE SAME PROBLEM.

There is a word for people opposed to connectivity...HERMIT!

Get a grip and get laid for christ's sake!

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 3937d ago
QuanManChu3939d ago

To go with the new camera and the standby mode as well as wake on motion system, you can opt to install the heavy breathing app. It will make the console sound like a asthmatic stalker whenever you walk by it when it is in standby mode...enjoy... XD

Peppino73938d ago

I have a feeling it'll red ring die waaaaaay before that 10 year mark.

Mike134nl3939d ago (Edited 3939d ago )

"What's more, during that time it needs to operate almost silently in order to earn its place in the living room." end quote

3939d ago
gaffyh3939d ago

@Got_Banned - He's quoting it because it's just stupid if it wasn't silent in standby, and they fact they have to mention it is just ridiculous.

IcicleTrepan3939d ago

It's silly because 'standby' is being taken out of context here. When they say standby they mean the system is still on, communicating to Xbox Live and downloading updates etc. it's a special low power mode that their hardware can do. PS4 doesn't have this ability, but they are taking a different route with the more powerful hardware, while MS has less powerful hardware but extra features with lower power modes.

3939d ago
gaffyh3939d ago (Edited 3939d ago )

@Icicle - PS4 has this ability as well, because you can buy games on your phone, and they will be downloaded on your PS4 when you get home. So it does have a low power state, which means it can download updates whenever as long as it is connected to the internet.

badz1493939d ago

@Icicle Trepan

lol how clueless can you be? 'standby' is 'standby' while 'ON' is 'ON'! there's nothing in between! while in 'standby', the system is OFF, ready to be turned ON!

"When they say standby they mean the system is still on, communicating to Xbox Live and downloading updates etc."

err...you do know that the PS3 with PS+ accounts can already do THAT, since like 3 year ago, right?

"it's a special low power mode that their hardware can do. PS4 doesn't have this ability,"

WHAT?? seriously dude, you don't know what you're talking about!

3939d ago
Ausbo3939d ago


so what if playstation has been doing it for 3 years. Live has been doing it this entire generation

Cable2kx3938d ago


Since when does the Xbox 360 turns itself on and download patches and games you have in your download Que? I must have missed that update

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3938d ago
BitbyDeath3939d ago

All you'll hear is the quiet hum of Kinect as it records you

opinska3938d ago

Moron... Your mom records you lol

buynit3939d ago

Well to be fair..

How many things can do what it does and have a lot of power? What can we compare it to? A cell phone?

HammadTheBeast3939d ago

Any laptop out there which make 0 noise when on standby.

GrumpyOla3939d ago

At this day and age these features should be a given. It would be a disaster if they had the same problems as the current gen did.

Insomnia_843939d ago

My PS3 doesn't make a sound while on stand-by mode.

Microsoft trying to wow the their fanboys with meaningless words that, to those who don't know much about these stuff, sound like something big.

Elit3Nick3939d ago

two different types of "standby", on PS3 essentially just the power is on and it turns on when you press a button, with the Xbox One it is still on, downloading updates so you won't have to

gaffyh3939d ago (Edited 3939d ago )

PS3 has two different standby modes. One is just standard "waiting for controller connection" which is completely silent. The second is the remote play/scheduled update mode, which runs the PSU in a low power state, but you can hear a slight hum if you go near the PS3.

PS4 and Xbone both have additional low power chips on board, unlike PS3/360, so might be able to do a similar thing more silently.

Mkai283938d ago (Edited 3938d ago )

Yet the standby mode in the PS3 is pointless, you can't download anything in this mode so what's the point? It gives you an vain option to shut off after it downloads fully on..I could do the same and say the 360 downloads anything while on standby, but instead of staying on low power mode it just cuts off..

Major_Glitch3939d ago

"Xbox One is designed to be always-on for for 10 years." And on midnight of the last day of the tenth year, that Xbox One will explode killing everyone in a 10-mile radius.

In all seriousness though, that's pretty cool. It's good to know overheating won't be an issue with the x1.

JokesOnYou3939d ago Show
RavageX3939d ago

You don't. Words are words. They always say that(they being console makers) yet the only one I know of that hasn't had an heating issue is Nintendo.

evercast3939d ago

Time warner cable boxes. That's about it.

Tatsuya 3939d ago

well another great news about the Xbone or not,. Consider this a trend in the coming gen with this pos. I'll never support you Microsoft.

3939d ago Replies(2)
S2Killinit3939d ago

when it spies on you, it makes a lol sound. Its laughing at you for being a sucker

THEDON82z13938d ago

Now that was funny...LMAO!!!!

S2Killinit3937d ago (Edited 3937d ago )

LOL and then when it finds something really juicy about you it goes "...mmmmmmmmm" followed by a Mr. Burns "Excellent"

-Superman-3939d ago

If i had more money, i would bought both consoles but because its limited, then i take PS4
I don´t trust Microsoft. They rip off too many time...

Mounce3939d ago

I'd not know if X1 is silent or quiet unlike a 360-Launch....

But I would certainly laugh my ass off if it were the same launch noise-problem wise.

Jyndal3939d ago

Makes you wonder if Sony took the 'silent aspect' into consideration with the PS4. It may end up sounding like a B52 when it's turned on.

braydox213938d ago

remember the ps2 starting up sound? had to turn the tv down every time.

T23938d ago

It makes you wonder ? No it doesnt , Sony always makes good hardware and they already stated you can stop a game then resume exactly where you left off and plus already auto updates so yeah , nothing to see here

rela82me3938d ago

Oh boy, this is a positive xbox article, let's bring up everything we hate about this console in order to make us feel better guys!

3938d ago
1Victor3938d ago (Edited 3938d ago )

@ weaseL my lawn mower does as well as my muffler less motorcycle. OT I hope this is true and not just PR babble
@ death I wonder how old are you because my father tv is always watching him sleep and he's 69

MazzingerZ3938d ago

Hahahahaha...that must be a typo

TheXgamerLive3938d ago

Wheezy. You do realize why your an idiot, dont you?

killcole3938d ago

"developers working with the hardware tell us that in its idle and low-activity states, the unit is entirely silent" Erm...

BallsEye3937d ago

My 360 slim doesn't make any sound at all when it's on. Only if disc is spinning but I got all my games installed.

Thepcz3937d ago

it probably sounds like a vacuum cleaner when its in standby

+ Show (19) more repliesLast reply 3937d ago
KillrateOmega3939d ago (Edited 3939d ago )

"A highly placed source says that the console has been designed with a ten-year lifecycle in mind and that it is designed to be switched on for that entire period."

This seems a little ridiculous, but then again, I have seen people who just leave their Xbox 360s on for days on end, so...

slimeybrainboy3939d ago

Well if you're using you're Kinect for TV, poeple will be using it pretty much all the time.

kreate3939d ago

What happens after 10 years?

LoaMcLoa3939d ago

Complete self-destruction

TheGrimReaper3939d ago (Edited 3939d ago )

The first X1 which will reach the 10 years will send a signal to the cloud.
The cloud will distribute this signal to every X1 and in return they will release all the energy accumulated until this time to create a big EMP which will be illuminated in bright red!
This will be a true RRoD for modern society!
And out of the ashes an allmighty MS representative will arise to announce the next Xbox!
Anyone who won't buy this shall live in agony, because MS Azure cloud has infiltrated every connected device. And every device will be without function unless it is connected to a Xbox through the cloud.
Start believing!!!


Seriously: Nothing will happen!
What do YOU expect to happen???

kreate3938d ago (Edited 3938d ago )


i expect .... the next gen consoles wont last 10 years.

at least the fat ones, when slim ones are released, idk about those since there's no news yet.

TheGrimReaper00113938d ago

So you're the reason I couldn't name myself TheGrimReaper! =P
Nice theory though XD

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3937d ago
pacostacos3939d ago

so its big to prevent overheating!? im okay with that

YodaCracker3939d ago

Right. Who buys a console because of its physical appearance?

RadioActiveTwinky3939d ago

As a pc gamer. I personally like to sacrifice looks for better airflow. If it means better airflow awesome. computer hardware number one enemy is Heat.

amiga-man3939d ago (Edited 3939d ago )

Of course it's size is to stop overheating I didn't need M$ to tell me that, the big ass fan and external power supply are all geared towards solving heat issues, but there is no way on earth they have come up with an elegant solution,

in fact they show how poor their hardware design is by using the most obvious solutions to the problem, I wont be getting an xbox so it makes no difference to me, I am no engineer but if you asked me for solutions to keeping heat down I would make it big with a big fan and external power supply so there is no denying as a design it is as basic as it comes


Right. Who buys a console because of its physical appearance?

I work at a primary school the kids were always talking about their xboxes when I asked them what they thought of the new one they said they wern't buying it because it looked $hit lol

ironwolf3939d ago

Primary school children are sooo well known for their sense of aesthetics, their taste and their wisdom.

Clearly though, you go by their judgment.

amiga-man3939d ago

Clearly though, you go by their judgment.

What a strange thing to say, their preference has nothing to do with my judgement, I was just replying to a question from YodaCracker,

primary school children tend to follow the crowd their reasons for owning things are very different to mine, so I have no idea what your on about.

strifeblade3938d ago

i am sure you will have loads of fun playing with primary school children on the ps4 lol

amiga-man3938d ago (Edited 3938d ago )


which part of I work with them did you not understand?

Grow up for gods sake.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3938d ago
ThisIsSolidSnake3939d ago ShowReplies(4)
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Microsoft's Absurd Antics Have Me Scared For Dishonored And Arkane Lyon's Future

With Arkane Austin no more and Lyon living for who knows how long, the superb Dishonored is in serious danger; Microsoft cannot be trusted.

Relientk778h ago

I love the Dishonored series so much and really want Dishonored 3. Microsoft better not screw this up.

JEECE5h ago

I mean, I think the fans will probably kill Arkane Lyon by cooking up reasons to hate whatever they do next without playing it. I've never seen a game so artificially disliked as Deathloop.

thesoftware7305h ago

Lol, why don't we just say, we are worried about all studios owned by MS now. They will keep closing studios until they have none left ...🙄

Skuletor2h ago

Just merge them all into a single studio, have it churn out a single Call of Duty every year and call it a day, lol.

Barlos2h ago

Don't be scared, you'll be fine.

Skuletor2h ago

It's exputer, fine is one word I would not associate with them.

Profchaos1h ago

I think it's becoming clear based on matt bootys comments there's no future for any IP that can't sell above 10 million within the launch window. But is also a small game that gives them prestige

/S it's beyond a joke right now

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PUBG Team Considered Bringing Back OG Bugs for Erangel Classic Event

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Dandizzle10h ago

Just bring back global voice chat in lobby/plane/match Not old bugs.

ActualWhiteMan9h ago

Get rid of the bots, and make it fun again.