
The Riddler and Zatanna Teased as Next Injustice Characters

It’s time to suit up heroes, more characters are coming your way for Injustice: Gods Among Us. Though many of you may have been worried that Martian Manhunter was the last DLC character for this game, it’s been confirmed that he most certainly is not.

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_QQ_4074d ago

Why Riddler when you can add different batman villian like Freeze and IVY.

Robotronfiend4074d ago

No more Batman anything in Injustice.

MasterChief36244074d ago

But The Riddler is Batman.

So.. yeah, I'm in agreement with lopez_josue. The Riddler is redundant, if I'm thinking of the right guy (how could I not be?). How would his fighting be anything different than a slightly less eccentric Joker? How would incorporate riddles and mindbenders into his move set?

I prefer if he would just stay as an Easter egg in the level transition in that Arkham Asylum level.

Poison Ivy would be preferred over The Riddler, but even she is a little close to Catwoman when I'm thinking of translating her into a fighting game, you know?

admiralvic4074d ago

@ MasterChief3624

They said the SAME thing about Zod being a Superman clone, yet he worked out fairly well. Not saying The Riddler would be amazing, but I am saying to have some faith in their ability to add a character.

BLAKHOODe4074d ago

Enough with the microtransaction abuse!!!

Majin-vegeta4074d ago

Glad i still havent bought this game.Gonna wait for the complete edition.

MasterChief36244074d ago

Microtransactions =/= DLC.

Play a freemium game on iOS, then come back and complain.

XboxFun4074d ago (Edited 4074d ago )

More Batman characters!?


The DLC is ridiculous in this game!

MasterChief36244074d ago

Yeah, 4 characters so far, one coming next week, and the announcement of a couple more on the way... totally going off-the-rails with regards to DLC.

XboxFun4074d ago



That is 7 batman characters. They should just call this game Batman and friends.

admiralvic4074d ago

What do you expect? Batman is extremely well known and has a huge fan base. Plus it's better than getting more Superman. Either or, I am still pulling for Black Manta to make it.

Maddens Raiders4074d ago (Edited 4074d ago )

It's a shame. They are bleeding us to death with this game, but damn is it fun! I don't like DC comics that much at all (I think they rip a lot from Marvel), and maybe it's because Capcom is asleep at the wheel right not, but for the life of me I cannot stop playing this silly little game. I'm a beast with Aries.

InTheLab4074d ago (Edited 4074d ago )

Rip what from Marvel? Zombies and Namor?

Marvel stole...

Thanos is based on Darkseid
Deadpool/Wade Wilson is Deathstroke/Slade Wilson
Avengers/FF was a reaction to Justice League
Xmen is based on Doom Patrol
Dr Strange is based on Dr Fate...another embarrassing clone from Marvel.

Don't get me started on MS Marvel/Capt Marvel. Screw it....let's go. Carol Danvers is MS Marvel. Linda Danvers is Supergirl. Supergirl was created in the 50's. Capt Marvel IS Shazam. Capt Marvel Mar Vell is a joke and a clone. All of them are clones of Superman.

If you don't know the story of Capt Marvel, google it. It's pretty interesting, and kinda sad on Marvel's part.

There's at least 8 Superman clones ranging from Sentry to Wonderman. The most blatant is Hyperion. Really, google Hyperion's back story.

Hawkeye is a Green Arrow ripoff- So bad is the ripping off, they even had hawkeye dating a blonde fighter named Mockingbird, who is a ripoff of Black Canary. They even dress the same...google it.

Marvel Now is a reaction to New 52.

The Incredible Hulk is based off Solomon Grundy.

To be fair...

Blackest Night is a ripoff of Marvel Zombies.
Namor came before Aquaman
Winter Soldier came before Red Hood...but Bucky is a Robin clone to begin with.

Seriously, google some of this stuff. They both have borrowed ideas but Marvel...and Stan Lee have ripped off just about every other publisher to the point where it should be criminal.

SquareEnixFan4074d ago

I hope this is true. I have begged for Zatanna since this game was announced.

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