
Octodad Dev on PS4's 5.5 GB RAM Rumor: "Nothing for Anyone Besides a Dev to Worry About"

"Moments ago, EuroGamer has reported that the PlayStation 4 will have 4.5 GB of RAM allocated to games with an additional 1 GB for flexibility. So that's potentially 5.5 GB of RAM allocated to games, contrary to earlier reports of 7 GB. This has created some sort of storm across PlayStation community as many are questioning the need of 3.5 GB of RAM for system OS."

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dedicatedtogamers4074d ago (Edited 4074d ago )

Not sure this is exactly "confirmation", only that he's telling the people getting their panties in a bunch about RAM that they're worrying about nothing.

And still, the only source for this is Leadbetter at Digital Foundry, not exactly a reliable source. Sony used between 512 mb to 1 GB of RAM for the OS when PS4 had 4 GB, but then they add 4 more GB of RAM...only for pretty much all of it to be used up by the OS? Yeah, seems legit.

I see only two scenarios:

a) In just a few months (a year, at most) Sony has ballooned their OS from using 1 GB to using 3.5 GB of RAM which is more than the XBox One uses, despite the fact that GDDR5 is roughly 30% faster than the Xbox One's DDR3.


b) The only source for this groundbreaking news is Leadbetter and an unnamed "insider" with mysterious "development documents". Leadbetter has a dubious track record over the last few months ("magic holes" in the eSRAM give Xbox One 196/GB per second of bandwidth LOLOLOL!) and therefore this rumor is probably not true, especially considering how developers have constantly been talking about the huge pool of GDDR5 RAM and how great it is for gaming.

I think after months and months of non-stop negative news about a certain console, loyalists to that certain console are desperate to latch on to ANY negative news about the competitor. Believe what you want, kids.

gameseveryday4074d ago

I think Digital Foundry are a valid source and I really think this rumor will indeed turned out to be true.

But honestly, no one should be worried since 1st party Sony Studios will be making use of that 5.5 GB RAM to the max.

majiebeast4074d ago


Just like the 7 minutes of recording right or the magic special sauce they reported for the Xbone. Eurogamer and digital foundry has been a joke since the console reveals and spreading a bunch of fud.

NewMonday4074d ago

from NeoGaf:

"Originally Posted by zomgbbqftw

So here is a theory that I have heard. Note, this is not insider information. A friend who is a developer, not on consoles or PlayStation mind, thinks that the new devkits probably ship with 8GB GDDR5 but the developer tools probably take up 2-3GB on there, leaving addressable RAM at just 5GB. He said the problem is that the APU bus is 256bit which won't allow for more than 8GB RAM until 8Gbit chips are available.

He thinks that the current SDK probably does have 3.5GB reserved for for the OS functions and development tools, but when the next set of kits ship they will have 12GB of RAM and the full 7GB will be addressable."

Thatguy-3104074d ago

All we can do is wait and see if Sony releases a statement.

Zuperman4074d ago Show
bicfitness4074d ago

The rumor is already being dismissed on Neogaf. I read this twitter response like an hour ago on there too. N4G is not the fastest place for information. Its looking more and more likely that A.) the Digital Foundry "insider" was not using a FINAL dev kit - as none have been given out yet. B.) The amount of excess RAM that Sony has reserved for FUTURE OS functions is not nearly as much as Leadbetter claims. Either way the original rumor is incorrect.

Blachek4074d ago

**whiny voice*

But they want to see who has more power to validate which is the better purchasing decision!!!

lol, soo much convoluted junk to keep track of. I'm gonna stick with my Xbox 360 for another year and see how this conversation plays out until then.

iamnsuperman4074d ago (Edited 4074d ago )

Either way (true or not) Sony needs to confirm or deny this rumour so the dust will settle. I say bull as Eurogamers hasn't been good of late with either the One or PS4 rumours (actually been pretty terrible).

The way he talks says he can't talk about it. Now there must be a reason for this. Something must be happening at gamescom he can't talk about but will impact games

(edit) An interesting point on neogaf:

"The article sounds like nonsense. There is no way that the OS is going to reserve that much memory for itself. They added the RAM at the behest of a developer making a comment about needing more RAM, so they aren't going to essentially give the developers that same amount of RAM, but maybe a gig or a gig and a half more to play with and take up the rest with the OS. Sony has never had an elaborate OS and their OS has been in development for a long-time with 4 GB in mind... so how is it over the course of a few months that they magically reimagined their OS to triple in size if it was originally using 1 GB? That doesn't sound feasible in any manner." by Kevm3

Thomper4074d ago

Hmmm...but isn't DDR3 much more efficient at those sort of tasks than GDDR5?

Arai4074d ago

Sony insider (confirmed KH3, FFXV prior to E3 and the lot), this whole thing is getting out of hand haha.


S-T-F-U4074d ago (Edited 4074d ago )


You sir are getting a 'Well Said' Bubble from me. Keep up the good work.

dedicatedtogamers4074d ago

I think something else people need to realize is that these numbers can change, and I mean that in a good way (and for those on the Green side of the fence, this applies to you too).

Last gen, the memory footprint for the PS3 and the 360 decreased dramatically over time, especially the 360 which went from 128 MB reserved for the Dash and chat down to 50 MB. PS3 saw a similar, though not as drastic, reduction as well.

Wii-U used/uses 1 GB out of its 2 GB of RAM for streaming, Miiverse, and other OS features, but I believe that number is now down to 512 MB.

Point is, I seriously doubt this rumor is true, but even if it is, Sony (and Microsoft) will likely decrease the footprint over time. There are other rumors that the PS4 OS only uses 1.5 GB right now but another 1 GB of RAM is being set aside "just in case" there are future needs to expand the functionality of the OS.

MysticStrummer4074d ago (Edited 4074d ago )

@newmonday - "So here is a theory that I have heard. Note, this is not insider information. A friend who is a developer, not on consoles or PlayStation mind, thinks that the new devkits probably ship with 8GB GDDR5 but the developer tools probably take up 2-3GB on there, leaving addressable RAM at just 5GB. He said the problem is that the APU bus is 256bit which won't allow for more than 8GB RAM until 8Gbit chips are available.

He thinks that the current SDK probably does have 3.5GB reserved for for the OS functions and development tools, but when the next set of kits ship they will have 12GB of RAM and the full 7GB will be addressable."

That sounds a lot more reasonable than assuming PS4's 1 OS requires nearly as much RAM as One's 3 OS system.

4074d ago
4074d ago
nukeitall4074d ago


"Last gen, the memory footprint for the PS3 and the 360 decreased dramatically over time, especially the 360 which went from 128 MB reserved for the Dash and chat down to 50 MB. PS3 saw a similar, though not as drastic, reduction as well."

You got it wrong!

The Xbox 360 amazingly has *AWAYS* used 32MB RAM footprint for their OS. The PS3 is the one that was bloated at almost 150MB RAM and then slimmed down to about 50MB RAM.

To get similar functionality as MS, the numbers for 3.5GB RAM needed for OS jives well historically.

There might be some mis-information, but development source with documentation from Sony is quite telling, and almost confirmed in my opinion.

This is pretty ironic though!

4074d ago
XboxFun4074d ago

I agree Edonus, I think it has more to do with the reactions of fanboys than Sony.

People were quick to point out the huge differences in RAM even though a few respected developers went on the record and said the differences were miniscule.

Now that there's a rumor that both systems will use the same/close amount of RAM for games now it's "we don't care". I think certain loyalists are trying desperately hard to downplay reality especially when their console of choice is losing all of its advantages it previously had.

Saigon4074d ago

I re-read the original post or article on Eurogamer.com website and noticed they are referring to the SDK. So this is a rumor. Until Sony confirms this is nothing but a rumor. Also it looks like the the post on neogaf applies the reality of the situation.

dedicatedtogamers4074d ago (Edited 4074d ago )

@ Nukeitall

Thanks for the clarification. I wasn't sure if it was PS3 or 360 that reduced the OS footprint.

@ XboxFun

"People were quick to point out the huge differences in RAM even though a few respected developers went on the record and said the differences were miniscule."

Um, then why are devs across the board touting their PS4 versions, praising the PS4 hardware, and showing off their PS4 builds of multiplat games? GDDR5 RAM is going to make a much bigger difference than people think, which is precisely why people are, you know, talking about the big difference in RAM.

MysticStrummer4074d ago

"I think after months and months of non-stop negative news about a certain console, loyalists to that certain console are desperate to latch on to ANY negative news about the competitor."

Ding Ding Ding

I'm positive newmonday's quoted explanation will turn out to be true, and even if it doesn't, Eurogamer had an article back when PS4 supposedly had 4GB of GDDR5 and they said it was still better than One's 8GB of DDR3/32MB ESRAM combo.

tuglu_pati4074d ago (Edited 4074d ago )

lol they removed the original story. hehe!


DoesUs4074d ago

No, just ...no. That is not how it all worksin the XB1. Good lord man, theres enough out there to get the real figure, and more importantly how they get to that figure!

The misinformation on this site truly staggers me.

Flyingdog6704074d ago

Mark Cenry confirmed back in Feburary that a custom secondary chip will be used to handle uploading videos and other back ground task. So does this Debunk the rumor? I don't think so, but something is odd about this.

"Cerny later added that the PS4 will feature a secondary custom chip that manages uploads and downloads of shared content and that "digital titles are available to play even as they download."


imt5584074d ago


No! X1 eSRAM can't read/write at the same time and eSRAM + DDR3 they do not have peak bandwith of 192 GB/s. It's Microsoft's PR bulshit. Go to NeoGAF and inform yourself.

XboxFun4074d ago

"Um, then why are devs across the board touting their PS4 versions, praising the PS4 hardware, and showing off their PS4 builds of multiplat games?"

UUUm, because that is what devs do Dedicated. They are showing off their games and the PS4 revealed early so this gives devs a chance to show off what they are doing with the system.

And yes they are talking about the hardware, after coming off of the hard architecture of the Cell of course they have nothing but good things to say about the new PS4.

Even you have to understand this dedicated.

"GDDR5 RAM is going to make a much bigger difference than people think,"

No it won't, I fully disagree with you. The differences will not be huge and mind blowing as a lot of people here are thinking. People are talking about RAM because all they see are numbers and that is all. One is higher than another so it must mean it's 100x more powerful.

starchild4074d ago (Edited 4074d ago )

@ DedicatedtoPlaystationGamers

Jeeze, you truly are clueless. Digital Foundry's track record is very reliable.

They were the ones that really broke the story on the PS4 and XB1 specs long before they were officially revealed. You know, the same ones fanboys like you toss back in forth in your childish schoolyard spats with other console fanboys.

I have been reading them for years and their track record for accuracy is extremely good.

People like you are going to look like fools when further confirmation of this comes to light.

Yes, the OS footprint can be decreased over time, but I am willing to bet that for right now this is accurate.

Dee_914074d ago (Edited 4074d ago )

I know right, I could give a crap about this because even if it was 1gb ram it would be miles better than current gen.
What exactly is wrong with allowing 5.5 gb of ram ?
Is it bad because people thought the PS4 would allow more ram than the XB1? Thats sad if thats the case.Or is it that it genuinely is a false rumor and its stated to have allow more ram?

starchild4074d ago

Exactly. I don't know why people are freaking out about this. I am getting a PS4 and this info hasn't changed my decision one bit.

4.5 to 5.5 GB is A LOT of memory to have strictly for games. And having more RAM dedicated to the OS is a good thing because it allows them to give us new features that we never had before. Instant resume of gameplay sessions, gameplay recording and streaming, being able to browse the web to search for guides without having to close out of our games... all of these things are very good things, and they require a lot more memory in order to be possible.

RumbleFish4074d ago

Will we see 64 bit applikations on PS4? ocherwise it will habe absolutely no impact on games, since allmost all games on PC are still 32 bit applikations and are limited to 4BG Ram usage.

u got owned4074d ago

In all seriousness guys. Im pretty sure Sony will clarify this, remember Gamescom is very close. I wouldn't worry about it too much, this is just for fun.

showtimefolks4074d ago

lets wait for sony/mark cerny to confirm this

5.5 is still a lot for GDDR5

also we are going from 512MB to 5.5GB so what's all the fuss about anyway, both sony and MS have made sure that Ram won't be an issue

justastranger104074d ago

Sony: PS3 can do cross game chat. Nothing to worry about.

6 years later

Sony: PS3 can't do cross game chat. It's impossible.

Ju4074d ago


I almost agreed to what you said until you finished that way.

Those numbers (simply put x > 176) is just for people to jerk off. Those numbers are hardly practical. And even if, what you could do with it is probably fill some small chunks with some burst transfers, what you sure can't do is, turning this into a subsystem which can transfer sustained at that bandwidth.

Of you finish with "lies" I gotta tell you that we yet again observe some fabricated truth which is more than welcome picked up by the marketing department than engineers.

There is simply no way the XOne can fill texture buffers with that bandwidth. It needs to be a very well thought out cached texture layout to come even close to that bandwidth - and probably won't see any effect until "mega" textures are the rule.

Anyway, it the simple argument all over again: mine is bigger than yours.

And speaking off, even if true, this rumor still gives the PS4 a 1GB benefit over the X1. Sony might just cut that down to have some headroom down the road. And what gives, as long as devs will make games for the X1, it sure will fit for the PS4 as well.

joefrost004074d ago

they have to use more cause even though ddr5 is faster its not made for multitasking where the ddr3 is
Ddr5 is mainly graphics ram
Ddr 3 is more efficient at multitasking
It makes sense now why the ps4 games have a hard time getting to 1080p 60fps

4074d ago
4074d ago
JohnnyBadfinger4074d ago (Edited 4074d ago )

Hahahahahaha! Lolol your precious ps4 and 7gb dedicated RAM is gone!!!
Lololol sorry but its too much for one person to bare.
Did you idiots really think they would fit all the non related gaming features plus DVR in 1gb of RAM!?

It ain't a rumour it's a reality. You guys said it yourselves "the ps4 can only do everything the xboxone does and better" that right there means more ram!


Im telling you all should wait until both the Xbox and ps4 launch before purchasing
Both consoles still have a lot of information to come out!

miDnIghtEr20C_SfF4074d ago

I love that the Sony fans have made the original story "failed" on N4G. Boy they sure don't want that rumor up... yet somebodies rumor from GAF, every marks as interesting.


4074d ago
adventureghost1244074d ago

dedicatedtogamers, You are incredible, Bubble for you

Ju4074d ago (Edited 4074d ago )

edonus, you're really getting out of your way here.

You must be a math genius. All you need in live is addition, right? I mean, why not, let's just add the eSRAM and make it 8.032GB (btw, you forgot a zero and let's just round the 1024 to plain 1k, shall we? - 1024MB = 1GB, FYI).

Anyhow, what you call "real world" are benchmark use cases. I might even believe that you could read and write a couple of useless bytes, extrapolate it over some time frame and sell it as "oh, look, I can do 201GB/s". And then you go and sell it to the marketing department. Because that's all that's worth. It might take you another 7 years to actually do something useful with it - if at all.

And even if you do, you still miss a couple of CUs which could do something with those now lightning fast NOPs.

BTW: I don't really give a crap about 5.5GB, 4.5 or 7. Next gen can't come early enough. That's all that matters. Whatever it takes to make those games. It isn't really unexpected Sony is keeping more reserved for the system - and probably apps besides games. This thing sure will multitask just fine.

StanSmith4073d ago

Sony have issued a statement to DF!

We would like to clear up a misunderstanding regarding our "direct" and "flexible" memory systems. The article states that "flexible" memory is borrowed from the OS, and must be returned when requested - that's not actually the case.

The actual true distinction is that:

"Direct Memory" is memory allocated under the traditional video game model, so the game controls all aspects of its allocation
"Flexible Memory" is memory managed by the PS4 OS on the game's behalf, and allows games to use some very nice FreeBSD virtual memory functionality. However this memory is 100 per cent the game's memory, and is never used by the OS, and as it is the game's memory it should be easy for every developer to use it.
We have no comment to make on the amount of memory reserved by the system or what it is used for.

So basically both Consoles have 5GB available. Now all you fanboys can crawl back under the bridges you came from and stop bickering over which is better!

+ Show (40) more repliesLast reply 4073d ago
Skips4074d ago (Edited 4074d ago )

Do people really believe Killzone SF and The Dark Sorcerer ALREADY used nearly all of PS4's available RAM???



starchild4074d ago

Yes, it actually fits together perfectly.

Why would developers that like to push visuals as far as possible simply not use a bunch of the available memory?

If the PS4 has 4.5 GB of available RAM it explains perfectly why those games and tech demos were just under that amount.

AngelicIceDiamond4074d ago

More like "Nothing for Anyone Besides a indie Dev to Worry About"

How much RAM does indie devs need? They have access to plenty.

SnotyTheRocket4074d ago

Why does anyone care? It's 5 GIGS, even if its true. NO games use more than 4, at least in my experience. Calm down people. Why is this an issue?

4074d ago
no_more_heroes4074d ago

Because it was supposed to be a slight against the x1 only.

Now that there's a slight (unconfirmed) possibility for it being true for the other side, it no longer matters.

Fanboys *smh*

Raven7224074d ago


Considering that we've been getting games like Halo 4 and The Last of Us on consoles with only half a gig of RAM, I don't think we need to worry about that. Watered down versions of games will come mostly, if not entirely, from the CPU and GPU of the two consoles being weak by comparison. That will happen long before developers can complain about lacking RAM.

DiRtY4074d ago

Ahhh that is what we needed. Another indie developer working on $10 games clarifying everything for us...

JackVagina4074d ago

i bet he still knows more then you do kid

ALLWRONG4074d ago

Funny how fast these are getting buried by N4G. Suddenly this kind of thing isn't allowed on here? N4G is so biased might as well add the official Sony seal of approval.

The PS4 has a bottleneck just like the PS3.

Blaze9294074d ago

i love how that sony rumor was hated so much on this site that it got yanked down. oh the reports, gotta love the hypocrisy on this site.


and that's exactly what happened...

lgn154074d ago

I always wondered why the powerful ps4 just didn't have any games to show it beside killzone.

nosferatuzodd4074d ago

ill only believe this when sony said it

THEDON82z14074d ago (Edited 4074d ago )

I truly believe that certain people what to hurt Sony anyway possible and that this whole RAM debacle is simply from non-finalized Dev-kits..Right now the OS is still being finalized... but the biggest Problem I see from some dumb-ass people is they keep looking at the numbers only...PEOPLE REMEMBER THE PS4 IS USING GDDR5..GET THAT... THIS IS A TRUE ADVANTAGE BY ITSELF AND ALSO SONY MUST FUTURE PROOF THE CONSOLE ASS-WELL!! My personal belief is that once everything is finalized and streamlined the ps4 will most likely use about 6 gigs of ram for games and 2 for the OS!!!!

Ausbo4074d ago

WHY is everyone making such a fuss?? 5.5 gigs is plenty for games. Remember how much this gen has??? like 256mb.

I never understood why the ps fanboys ripped on the xbox for only being able to use 5-6 gigs of ram for games. This is plenty for both systems.

thetruthx14073d ago

As I suspected it will come down to games. Now there really isn't a big difference in the two systems

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 4073d ago
KillrateOmega4074d ago (Edited 4074d ago )

So...what? That was pretty unclear.

Should players not be worried, because the rumor is false? Or is the rumor true and he's saying that players won't have to worry, because they won't be the ones making the games and dealing with this 4.5GB - 5.5GB of RAM?

Lovable4074d ago

He's not saying that the rumor is fake or true. It's just that whatever the outcome of the rumor is, we as a gamer shouldn't worry.

OC_MurphysLaw4074d ago

I agree that is the message he is delivering. Games will still look/Play great.

wishingW3L4074d ago

I love how he says that when we are the ones paying $60 for the games. I mean, why we shouldn't worry about the fact that we are paying $400 for a console with half of its specs devoted to APPs and other garbage we don't care about when all we care is about having the best games we can get for $60. If I wanted a console with tons of APPs and crap I would buy a freaking gaming PC instead but consoles are for freaking game and the rest is only secondary but games should always come first!

Thatguy-3104074d ago

We had less than 1GB this Gen and did you care? Of course not no one did.

HiddenMission4074d ago

Yes we did...Skyrim says high. RAM for open world games is beyond important and less is very bad. For things like particle effects it makes a huge difference.

I can't tell you how many games I love but because of RAM restrictions the titles suffered greatly.

MajorLazer4074d ago

I do not care for the multimedia aspect! I buy a console for the gaming and, if true, which I pray is not the case, then nearly half the RAM is going to be used for thing that are not related to gaming. This feels like such a slap in the face because people have been crucifying MS for its focus on the non gaming aspect and to see Sony do the same just makes me worry for the future of gaming as a whole.

Redempteur4074d ago (Edited 4074d ago )


There are plenty of openworld games that worked perfectly ...and some that are still planned for current consoles.

Skyrim would have been an issue if the engine wasn't an horrible mess and bethesda was actually spending money for it to work smootly on more PC setups and consoles
If skyrim was managing his data properly, they wouldn't need such an insane amount of ram to work.
Bethesda should learn how to code before wanting more.

AznGaara4074d ago (Edited 4074d ago )

You know... They're plenty of amazing games that DONT have über amazing graphics or use 4gbs of RAM...

HiddenMission4074d ago

true but I'm buying my 2 PS4's for two reasons 1st the major graphical jump and 2nd because of the advanced connected gaming culture infrastructure.

strifeblade4074d ago

@hidden missions
Really you are buying two ps4s for 2 reasons? lemme guess well you need one ps4 to play games and ANOTHER one to... develop games? LMAO JOKES

Yeah i am buyin 1 xbox one for one reason ands ill give you a hint its not because i want to develop games (eventhough i can).LMAO JOKES!

MajorLazer4074d ago

Agreed. What really feels like a punch in the stomach is that, if the rumour is true, nearly half the ram is reserved for features not gaming related at all. I do not want the entertainment I love so much to be destroyed by social media and other non gaming related features :( the day that happens is the day I hang up my controller

xReDeMpTiOnx4074d ago (Edited 4074d ago )

Why are people worrying?

Look at ps3, they squeezed every bit of juice out of that system for years and it had tons less ram. The games got progressively better and better. I think people tend to forget the talent of Sony first party studios.

Look at the last of us right at the end of the ps3 lifecycle and look how great it looks, the same will be done with the ps4

Campy da Camper4074d ago

Agreed. The Last of Us used half a GB. Can you imagine if they made a sequel with 9 times the power? Jesus!

Majin-vegeta4074d ago

Why no over 9000 times the power??:(

slampunk4074d ago

I totally agree mate and actually think this is a smart move by Sony if true....They need to make sure their OS isn't slow and awkward in comparison to XB1...

TLOU as you mention was developed with 512MB....that is simply astonishing!!! and was an amazing game....

I'm not sure how much of the pS3 ram is reserved for OS but lets say it's 50-100MB, that around 400-450mb for the game....

that's still about a 10-12x difference.....

lets just say that Sony knows better than us.....

strifeblade4074d ago

last of us had small and confined environments with not very man enemies on screen at once... Yeah it seems inline with what 512mb of ram can do- or what any game can do this gen for that matter lol

jobboy4074d ago

i preordered my ps4 just to play games...and i am really disappointed that half of that supposed super-fast ram will be wasted for applications and social networking. Now it starts to be clear why we can forget detailed 1080@60fps.
Disappointed...really disappointed

GraveLord4074d ago

Consoles can't just have barebones multimedia functions these days. Apps and multitasking are standard on smartphones. Would you really want a PS4 that only plays games and has a slow unreponsive OS like the PS3?

I don't. I want both proper games and multimedia support. PS4 offers this. I am not a "hardcorez gamer". I watch TV. I watch movies. I use Netflix.

jobboy4074d ago

ps3 mediaserver works flawless on my "old" and unresponsive ps3...Come on 3.5gb is totally exaggerated considering sony was planning for 0,5 to 1gb max

admiralvic4074d ago

While you might not care for the "pointless" applications, they're a huge selling point for the system. To buy a simply wifi Bluray player will cost you roughly $100 dollars (assuming you don't find a killer deal and buy someone with well known brand name) and even then I've seen those prove to be quite slow / clunky in actual practice. To get a good steaming unit you're probably going to be paying $50+ dollars and up to $100 (minus the BD uses) just to get a steaming experience on par with the 360 / PS3 now. Since next gen won't support last gen and many people use these functions now, it just makes sense to include them. Plus it's good to know my system can do more than simply play games. If the cost of that is an absurd sum like 3 gb of ram, then so be it.

"Now it starts to be clear why we can forget detailed 1080@60fps."

As far as this goes, a lot of it has to do with the cost / money involved to make it happen. This gen a LOT of companies take a hit with the increase in cost to make a game and looked to DLC / other unpopular stances to fix it (true or not, this is what they're claiming). The simple fact is, not every company can afford to make games at that level of power, so even if it was possible, a lot of companies shy away because of the investment involved.

devwan4074d ago

This is a rumour from a highly iffy source, don't get too upset just yet.

strifeblade4074d ago

Iffy source? LOL... WELL MR.- where have we been getting all of our nexgen information from this whole time?

I'll give you a clue- it starts with "digital" and ends with "foundry".

colt-of-tipton4074d ago

Forza 5 is 1080p at 60fps and looks stunning so I think ps4 will be just fine.

PFFT4074d ago

It will be fine. The thing is that fanboys love to throw thing out of proportion. Ps4 and MS fanboys alike.

ginsunuva4074d ago

1080@60fps is gpu/cpu. Ram, not so much, just some vram from the gpu.

JackVagina4074d ago

Right cause ram is the major factor in resolution and frame rate


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Dragon Age: The Veilguard Preview BioWare's Back, Baby | CGM

CGM got a very extended hands-on look at Dragon Age: The Veilguard, and it looks like BioWare has made good use of the last ten years.

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Juvia4h ago

It looks awful. RIP Bioware.

jznrpg4h ago(Edited 4h ago)

Graphically it could look better as I’m not a big fan of the WoW color palette but the gameplay and rpg elements look good. The graphics are decent enough that I can look past them if the gameplay makes up for it. In no way do I think it looks awful just not my kind of art style

SimpleSlave3h ago

Looks fine to me. Not super Current Gen graphically, but that's fine. Well, except for that hair physics. That's actually pretty current gen. But as long as it has a good main story, plenty of choices for the player to make and it's not bloated with crappy fetch quests like the third one, this should be good to go.

SimpleSlave3h ago(Edited 3h ago)

The reality is that aside from MAYBE Dragon's Age Origins, this series has never been that good. Fun, sure, but great? Far from it. So they certainly have their work cut out for them. And I get it. This is certainly not the old OLD - pre Knights even- Bioware we're talking about here and they sure are hell ain't Larian Studios. But if they can get close enough to Baldur's Gate 3 or at the very least Origins, then that's a win right there.

At least, when it comes to the Art Direction, this is certainly the most appealing Dragon's Age. With the second one coming a close second, character wise at least, but falling WAY short on account of being a half baked game in every respect. The first one being an abhorrent looking abomination, even when it came out, and the Third one being Good Looking but generic as fuck.

So we'll see.

Zombieburger6381h ago

Can’t wait for all the game “journalists” to start singing praises for this game only for gamers to find it sucks.


Fortnite is getting another game-changing mode very soon

Epic Games is working on another game-changing Fortnite mode, and according to a leaker, it will come out within two weeks.

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Epic Games has important announcement regarding Fortnite servers

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LightofDarkness6h ago

They’re taking them all offline and replacing them with UT99 servers for the foreseeable future.