
Volition on Red Faction sequel: “maybe we could keep the dream alive at some point”

Saints Row dev Volition may no longer own the rights to the Red Faction franchise, but Volition’s associate producer Kate Nelson dreams of doing a sequel one day.

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Snookies124078d ago (Edited 4078d ago )

Armageddon was ruined the moment they decided to put the game underground.... -_- Such a bad idea...

If they were going to do that, they NEEDED terrain Geomod back, like in Red Faction 1.

Murad4077d ago

Whoever disagreed with Snookies has never played Red Faction before. Personally, I agree, I feel like they should have made it like Red Faction Guerilla and have more breakable stuff than ever before because that's what made the game enjoyable.

Derekvinyard134077d ago

Hands down the best destructible environments in gaming, it's so fun to destroy a whole wall with that sledgehammer

Kurt Russell4077d ago

Armageddon wasn't great, but it was still a lot of fun. The co-op was hilariously insane.

mep694077d ago

It was worth playing just for the physics and the guns.

CaptainYesterday4078d ago

Oh come let's make this happen, I would really love a new Red Faction :)

ironfist924077d ago

You killed the dream when you didnt make Armageddon like Guerrilla.

I want Guerrilla 2

snipab8t4077d ago

Yes. That game was amazing!

Kurt Russell4077d ago

I loved Guerillas MP with all the jet packs.

snipab8t4077d ago

I would also settle for SR 4 with fully destructible environments.

teraflops4077d ago

Make an FPS Red Faction (like RF1 and RF2) in an open world (like RF3)and you would be standing on the best Red Faction game ever made.


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Saints Row & Red Faction IPs Will Be Kept Alive Despite Volition's Closure

Today publisher Deep Silver took to X (formerly Twitter) to follow up on the announcement of the closure of Saints Row developer Volition.

Terry_B385d ago

Who knows...maybe we see a remastered SR2 after all and a new studio that makes good SR games again. Still..thanks a ton Volition for the excellent Punisher Video game

Christopher385d ago

We will keep making money off of these by giving them to new teams with zero experience with them.

DarXyde384d ago (Edited 384d ago )

Not necessarily a bad thing having zero experience. Insomniac took a crack at Spider-Man and did it very well. Sucker Punch also made Ghost of Tsushima. Heck, some would say Ninja Theory did a great job with DmC.

jambola383d ago

None of those are new teams

DarXyde383d ago


Perhaps we're looking at "new teams" differently. I mean handing it off to a different team (one with no experience in these franchises or types of games). I don't mean a newly formed team.

But even then...a new team doesn't mean they're new to game development.

I'd also like your input on where The Initiative stands. They're new in the sense they've yet to produce any games and formed relatively recently, but comprised of industry veterans.

chicken_in_the_corn384d ago

I'd love another Saints Row game but I can't see it happening after the response to the reboot.

Battlestar23384d ago

I enjoyed the Saints Row reboot and i hope we see more titles in the franchise.

cammers1995384d ago

Reboot was trash and killed the developer.

ChiefofLoliPolice384d ago

I'm very happy to know the SR and RF franchises won't die. RF was a revolutionly fps at the time and loved the 4 og SR games.

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Christopher386d ago

Kind of sucks, but to be understood. I feel bad for the talent there who fall due to the decisions of the few and not because they aren't good at what they do.Hope those who deserve it land safely with other teams.

darthv72386d ago

...and as a parting hooray, they are letting Sony give their game away on PS+.

Christopher386d ago

They also made them port it to Steam (was Epic only) so Embracer can rake in money from that over the years.

Lionsguard385d ago

I would pay extra to not have it in my library.

dumahim386d ago

Quite the shame. I really enjoyed the Saints Row games prior to Agent of Mayhem.

386d ago Replies(7)
HankHill386d ago

It was a shell since most of the original developers left years ago. They haven't made a good game in 10 years imo.

It still sucks though. R.I.P.

seaboy1200386d ago

I agree. New people screwed it up, shame to lose this franchise. Well for now at least. I wonder if anybody else will take the series on

DarXyde385d ago

Scary thought when you consider R* is not really R* anymore either.

StrangeDerp384d ago

@DarXyde Let's face reality and accept the facts, because it's irrelevant that Leslie Benzies and Dan Houser left rockstar games, because Leslie Benzies left rockstar games in (2016) and it made no difference to GTA Online updates or GTA Online gameplay and Dan Houser left rockstar games in (2020), and Dan Houser ONLY wrote the GTA Story for GTA Single Player, and Dan Houser wasn't a programmer or gameplay designer lol.

Leslie Benzies (Producer) leaving rockstar games in (2016) and Dan Houser (GTA Single Player Story Writer) leaving rockstar games in (2020) isn't going to affect GTA 6 gameplay or GTA 6 Online Multiplayer, because they aren't programmers and they don't create the gameplay design, the GTA world, GTA Online, etc.

if GTA 6 Single Player Story Mode is worse than GTA 5's, who cares ?, because most people will only be playing GTA 6 Online Multiplayer after they have finished GTA 6 Single Player Story Mode anyway, because GTA Single Player Story Mode / Free Roam can only entertain most people for so long, until it becomes boring and repetitive.

There are still millions of people playing GTA Online to this day, and there is probably a lot more people playing GTA Online than GTA 5 Single Player.

Have you seen the trash games that Leslie Benzies and Dan Houser are working on ?, Leslie Benzies is working on a trash game called "Everywhere", and Dan Houser invested in a blockchain games company called "Revolving Games", Leslie Benzies and Dan Houser have seriously embarrassed themselves lol.

Here's the video trailer for Leslie Benzies boring and uninteresting looking game called "Everywhere", and here's the article link about Dan Houser investing in a blockchain games company called "Revolving Games", this is beyond embarrassing for Leslie Benzies and Dan Houser lol.

Everywhere Gamescom Teaser 2022

Rockstar co-founder Dan Houser invests in blockchain games studio, joins its advisory board

-Foxtrot386d ago

It's a shame for people to loose their jobs but these guys did make fun of gamers for pointing out how bad this looked rather than taking criticism on board.

What the hell were these guys thinking

They didn't just ruin their studio they literally tanked a franchise.

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Red Faction Needs To Make A Comeback

TheGamer Writes "No more nerdy or serious games set on the Red Planet, send me back to that destructive sandbox."

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isarai593d ago

It would be a perfect time with the huge leap in cpu power these consoles have over previous generations

porkChop593d ago

Yes please. Guerilla was a great game. The destruction in that game is still better than most. Maybe Volition can go back to it and let Saints Row rest for a while.

Vengeance1138592d ago (Edited 592d ago )

Yes! More players young and old need to play and respect the franchise that literally invented destructible environments!

BlaqMagiq1592d ago

Would love a REAL Red Faction 4 (the one Volition REALLY wanted to make and not Armageddon) or a Red Faction 1 remake.