
The Xbox One And PlayStation 4 Face-Off On The Comic-Con Show Floor

In this corner, we have Microsoft's Xbox One, with games like Ryse: Son of Rome and Killer Instinct. In the same corner, we've got the PlayStation 4 with Driveclub, Knack and Octodad: Dadliest Catch. The first public hands-on for both upcoming consoles is underway.

allformats3945d ago (Edited 3945d ago )

"In this corner, we have Microsoft's Xbox One, with games like Ryse: Son of Rome and Killer Instinct. In the same corner, we've got the PlayStation 4 with Driveclub, Knack and Octodad: Dadliest Catch."


s8anicslayer3945d ago (Edited 3945d ago )

Wait until Gamescon and then try this comparison. It's called "Diversity" and that's what Sony has been doing. Plus what makes you think any one of those games have an edge over another? Ryse has been called linear by some sites who previewed the game and then we have Double Helix who make crappy games and yet you mock Sony's lineup?

Colzer013945d ago

I don't see any games in Sony that look like MS 'Project Spark'. Hell, MS even got their own fighting game now, not a smash bro rip-off, if you know what I mean

Baka-akaB3945d ago (Edited 3945d ago )

How would you know ? Project spark isnt at launch , and sony already did that kind of stuff , albeit different with Little big planet and two karting games ...

Killer instinct ? Sure you can brag about it . It's a cool addition for those who still likes the franchise and newcomers alike , and the more fighting games the better ... i'm just not in frenzy over it , and want more stuff like the next guilty gear to be announced already on any of the two platforms

Kanzes3945d ago

Project Spark and Little Big Planet is a two different game.

Project Spark is an open-world digital canvas that enables anyone to build, play, and share whatever they can imagine and create their own worlds an stories

That's what I heard though, I'm not saying which is the best. I'm just saying it's totally different

nukeitall3945d ago


The feedback has been very positive with regards to Killer Instinct. Why would you judge the developer and not the game?

Keep in mind that good developers make crappy games every now and then too.

It swings both ways. Judge the game, not the developer.

That said, why is Sony showing Knack and Octodad? Knack looks awefully generic, and Octodad, well what can you say.

Sony has better titles like KZ and Infamous. They should have demoed that.

MS should have demoed a Kinect experience, and Titanfalls, but Ryse and KI are both good choices.

Baka-akaB3945d ago

Wich is why i said it's different . But they arent new at games with creating tools that's all

solidt123945d ago

From what we know so far Project Spark is not coming out anytime soon so there is no point in anyone arguing about it. We can only speculate since we have not played the game if it will be great are not. Let's wait until we play the games then see who has the better games. If you are going to comic-con i'm jealous.

Gildarts3945d ago

Both have very diverse titles. both have their shooters and adventure games.

Microsoft does have its own fighter now. but Sony has their own MMO. Until fable 4 at least.

s8anicslayer3945d ago

@nukeitall Because history has shown us that crappy studios make crappy games! Can KI be a great game? Of course it can I never said it was going to be bad, I was replying to the guy above me who seems very sure based on just opinion that Ryse and KI were killer apps! I myself will have both consoles and I will let the gameplay speak for itself rather then trolling nonsense about who's got the bigger endowment!

WrAiTh Sp3cTr33945d ago (Edited 3945d ago )

Naughty Dogs game few of their fans know about, lol...


Edit: People were flocking more so to Sony's booth by what the article is saying. Lol, why? Only thing I could imagine is brand loyalty...dang.

blackmanone3945d ago (Edited 3945d ago )

Really, wraith, that's the only reason you can imagine? /blind.

SuperLupe3945d ago (Edited 3945d ago )

I wouldn't mind standing in line to play Ryse at least just to see true next gen graphics and KI ... just to hear the ULTRAAAAA COMMBOOOOOOOOO live lol.

Maybe I would had the patience to try Driveclub, not too sure though.

S2Killinit3945d ago (Edited 3945d ago )

Just so everyone knows, project spark was not a game. It was a tech demo. I don't know why people bring it up in game discussions.
PS: I think the past generations have clearly demonstrated that Playstation had the best and most varied game library with the longest support for each console generation. Its just fact no point arguing about that. Now if there is a particular game that you MUST have, you can buy whatever console you please. Or if non gaming capabilities are your thing then again, you are free to spend your money however you please. But to argue that somehow project spark, or games like Ryse demonstrate gaming superiority on Xbox then you are sadly mistaken. Each console has its own benefits, PS4's strength is games and to not acknowledge this is betraying the hobby to which most of us on this site claim membership. Sony has delivered the games all the way to the end and beyond each console generation and we must give credit where credit is due.

Caffo013945d ago

again with "smash bro rip-off"?Did you even read the reviews?
from IGN:

"I know it'll be hard for some skeptics to believe, but PlayStation All-Stars is its own game, and it even happens to do some things better than what inspired it."

SegaSaturn6693945d ago


As a technical fighter, PS All Stars was strengthened by tighter controls, and more technical combat.

Brawl felt like a novelty, and while I like Melee best, All Stars really felt better than Brawl. I hope the new Smash Brothers is a step forward.

dantesparda3945d ago (Edited 3945d ago )

I cant believe people think KI is going to be good!? First of all its made by a C, D, F team and second of all, its a free to play game! it only comes with Jago, then you have to pick and choice whatever else you'd like. That's bullsh!t, how would MS fanboy feels if Halo or Gears was a la carte? (free to play). If it was all chopped up into stages and everytime you wanted the next stage you had to pay? And how much would the whole game be worth?

Look I don't mind if they make new franchises f2p, but not our old tried and true franchises

Oh, who am I kidding, MS fanboys would argue that Halo being f2p is even better,... pathetic!

strifeblade3945d ago

whats wrong with linear? we have been making linear games through out videogame history. Some of the best games out there are linear lol. Have you seen the recent killer instinct trailers? the game is looking better and better and will be huge when it comes out. 1080p @60fps is awesome as well as people who have played the game praised it and saw graphical effects never before seen in a fighter. Go hate somewhere else- i am surprised how sony fanboys think they can criticize killer instinct when knack looks like a ps3 game lol.

HateFanboys3945d ago (Edited 3945d ago )

So what if its 1080p/60 fps, all fighting games are 60 fps these days, tekken on ps3 is 1080/60fps, and i agree with dantesparda, f2p games blow. And KI looks like a XBLA/PSN game to me, not a triple AAA game. But fanboys will be fanboys, and blindly and stupidly say otherwise. So fan on, fannies. And dont X1 fanboys always b1tch about quicktime events? and isnt Ryse full of them? hmm, i love the hypocrisy, it is strong with the fanboys

Jaces3945d ago


You just described LBP....the only difference is that LBP is a side scroller and Spark is open world/sandbox.

The_Con-Sept3945d ago

@nukeitall: Why judge a double helix game so absurdly you ask? Instead of writing a novel about this publisher I'd much rather sum it up in a nut shell.

What LJN from the SNES era meant to gamers is what Double Helix means to me today.

If you like Killer Instinct then GOOD FOR YOU. The rest of n4g don't really care for it. Neither did the people at EVO 2013. And neither do I.

Keep Killer Instinct XboxOne only as long as Double Helix doesn't touch the PS4.

I saw the demo and it looks good so far, but it is not enough for me to say yes too. Sorry but they got xboned.

3944d ago
ma1asiah3944d ago

@ S8anicslayer ummmm I thought he (allformats) was placing more praise on SONY wasn't he or did I just miss something with his PS4 wins, Ultra, Ultra, Ultra!!!!

YNWA963944d ago

Great games coming on both systems and you guys can only bitch about mine is better than yours crap...???? Children...

+ Show (19) more repliesLast reply 3944d ago
iamnsuperman3945d ago

To be fair none of the games are part of the A list stuff (which is weird) but I am starting to like the look of this Octodad thing

LaChance3945d ago (Edited 3945d ago )

Talk for Sony.

People mad looking forward to KI and say what you want for the gameplay but Ryse is some serious eye candy and has the AAA feel.

Dont try to put games like Knack and Octodad in the same bag as KI and Ryse please.

malokevi3945d ago (Edited 3945d ago )


Was that really necessary? He was stating an opinion, not favoring any one game over another...

So what if he likes the look of Octodad?

I'm more excited for XB1 games myself, but its that sort of childish, confrontational approach that plagues this site.

Angeljuice3945d ago


Ryse and Killer Instinct are so awesome that more people are interested in Knack and Octodad?

If they are so poor, why are Sony's games pulling the crowds?

1Victor3945d ago

@ laChance right again K.I is a sad time for fighting game fans seeing a beloved franchise reduced to a pay to play money grab. congratulations to Microsoft you improved on Capcom greed and money grab on fighting games. :'("""" ;"

Jaces3945d ago


Eyecandy doesn't sell games, gameplay does. Unless you enjoy polished garbage, then go for it.

dantesparda3945d ago

Hey maloveki, I give you respect for your response.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3945d ago
Colzer013945d ago (Edited 3945d ago )

LOL Octodad is a really weird game, Knack's gameplay looks awful and bland, Driveclub is the only decent title in there

Garbanjo0013945d ago (Edited 3945d ago )

"LOL Octodad is a really weird game, Knack's gameplay looks awful and bland, Driveclub is the only decent title in there"

I don't think you have an original bone in your body. Octodad looks fun, and different. It's just random. The whole line up of indie games looks the same way, Secret Ponchos looks cool too. Galak-Z looks awesome.

The point is I haven't seen a single indie label game come out from XBox. . . Period, not at E3, nada. Their "Arcade" games like Geometry Wars are fun, but Sony has them beat on originality, diversity and price. There is a slew of games that I want from Sony and like 3 from XBox that I want.

How can you say that Knack doesn't look cool? You must be 12 and don't remember where video games come from. I think that Knack looks awesome, it might be a little childish but that's why grown men play video games . . . NOT TO BE AN ADULT.

Drive Club looks good, the graphics are awesome and all that but that's not even what I am interested in. I am interested in all of it. And above you argued MS "Project Spark." The only reason that game looks cool is because you can do what you want with it. It ripped off little big planet, and the only way that you would have content in that game is because of the people creating it. You are still limited by that fact.

Kanzes3945d ago (Edited 3945d ago )

Below is an arcade. And I'm pretty sure MS will take care of this self-publish thing. One of the Lionhead's top guy already said it will happen very soon too.

In Knack's case I agree with with him, it doesn't resemble what 'next-gen' really are. The gameplay is old-school, I like old-school, but I just doesn't see this game is worth a full $60, while I can get a more rich game with the same genre than this game. (especially Indie games)

Well, Gamers grow up with their games too, even Naughty Dogs are making games more and more 'adult' now.

Minato-Namikaze3945d ago

I live on weird games, the more the better. Also go check Mark Cerny's record before you talk about knack.

majiebeast3945d ago

Kanzes you sound like a microsoft mouth piece go be a gamer.

Kanzes3945d ago (Edited 3945d ago )

^I'm just stating the fact good sir. I love Sony and MS. I'm planning to buy both console. But it seems a lot of people really doesn't really give MS a break. I know they really bad at giving a message, but that doesn't mean the console will be a total failure like many said

GoodnessGreatness3939d ago

Ryse looks like a God of War rip off, Project Spark is inspired by Little Big Planet, Killer Instinct is a rip off. One character available? Do you really think Microsoft can produce better games after what happened with the PS3 and 360.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3939d ago
Geezus3945d ago (Edited 3945d ago )

@pimpschitz you must have missed MS announcing exclusive indie games like Below , Super Time Force, Max and the Curse of Brotherhood, D4, Lococycle, Project Spark for 360/ X1

Thatguy-3103945d ago

No point of arguing at this point. The xbox one light is slowly dwindling so making fun of the ps4 wont light that spark back and it definitely wont stop the hype surrounding the system. Can't wait for Gamescon !!!

Rockstar_53945d ago

Actually your 57 disagrees win lol

3-4-53945d ago

XB1 games like Sunset Overdrive, Spark, Forza 5 & Titanfall look like really good games.

Outside of that it's a bit iffy.

FamilyGuy3945d ago

The PS3 lineup at ComicCon looks the best actually.
Hands on with Puppeteer, Beyond two souls, Gran Turismo 6 and Diablo 3. Not to mention the vita lineup with Dragon's Crown, Teraway and Killzone Mercenary.

I'm interested in DriveClub but the PS4 lineup isn't the ComicCon highlight for me. A public hands on with the console itself, that new controller an seeing the user interface in person is more interesting to me than the PS4 games they're showing.

noctis_lumia3945d ago

ryse is a gow clone
killer instinct got booed badly
titanfall is coming to pc and later it will come to ps4

like the other guy said wait for gamescom sony will reveal lots of games and hey...dont forget naughty dog,santa monica,lvl 5,media molicule and quantic dreams games...they didnt announced anything yet....

jrbeerman113945d ago

Did killer instinct get booed or did xbox one?

Right now KI, Forza 5, and dead rising 3 are the three games that I'm disappointed to be missing at the moment.

That being said im excited for Killzone, infamous, and the order.

Right now I do not see a commanding lead for either system as far as exclusives go. All arguments are this game and that game sucks from both sides

aceitman3945d ago

I had to laugh at this part where the article says -
you can fit a lot more people into a booth when you aren't demoing a Kinect game. um they are not demoing Kinect games its fortza5 ki and son of ryse . none use Kinect where u need a lot of room.

3944d ago
CynicalMonkey3944d ago (Edited 3944d ago )

Oh shut the F*%# up, truth is regardless of specs, both consoles are extremely worthy and more than capable of playing any game. They both also have great line ups, enough with the trivial specs and game line up comparisons who really bloody cares get over yourself. You write with a sense of pride but you haven't contributed anything, your opinion isn't worth the time you used to write this and just accept that both consoles are amazing, or are you too up Sony ass to accept this. So do me and the internet a favor and keep your half arsed opinions to yourself, whilst i and many others will enjoy both consoles.

DA_SHREDDER3944d ago

Kratos would make the son of Rome his beotch.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 3939d ago
iamnsuperman3945d ago

What the hell is Octodad: Dadliest Catch. I do like the song in their teaser trailer

slimeybrainboy3945d ago

Octodad is the game that will win console wars.

iamnsuperman3945d ago

It looks ridiculous but strangely I really want to play it

dc13945d ago

The name alone compels me to buy it!

Chaostar3945d ago (Edited 3945d ago )

Lol it sounds ridiculous but it's a game that a LOT of people are talking about and, as far as consoles go, it's only on PS4. Sony's indie focus will start paying off early for them.

solidt123945d ago (Edited 3945d ago )

The popular opinion is that the console war has already been won! We are just waiting on it to be official. I really don't care about the console war crap really though I just want next gen games and hope we have plenty of them.

WrAiTh Sp3cTr33945d ago

Chaostar, lol, that's because you guys hype anything that comes out on the console.

Kanzes3945d ago

Actually, it's not 100% guarantee Octodad is gonna be an PS4 exclusive.

Young Horses has shown demos for the game in the past running on PC with an Xbox 360 controller, and even made a version of the original Octodad using Kinect.


Pope_Kaz_Hirai_II3944d ago

Ryse... meh
KI.. Well lets wait and see its being made by a below average dev

3944d ago
+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3944d ago
Colzer013945d ago

The gameplay and story is freakin' weird. I thought it's a Vita title at first

majiebeast3945d ago

Download the demo version on PC its hillarious. They just did a Octodad race on the ESA 2013 stream on twitch.

Download link: http://www.octodadgame.com/...

iamnsuperman3945d ago

I already did after finding out about this game. It is incredible silly and fun

3945d ago Replies(2)
Cmk01213945d ago

xbox one for sure at comic con, knack really? drive club i could see. but xbox one has more hardcore games there at this specific show at the moment. not to say that has long term impact just this show they should gain more attention that ps4 offerings

Geezus3945d ago (Edited 3945d ago )

exactly for a console saying its all about the hardcore gamers lead off with something that appeases them like killzone and driveclub not knack and octodad which are kiddy as hell from all indications so far. at least ms is drawing blood doesnt get more hardcore than doing a 100 hit combo on KI while the announcer screams "UlllllTRRRAAAAAAA COMBOOOO" in your face the wholetime and gameplay aside ryse does look pretty as hell and gladiators.

Death3945d ago

Two weeks ago the PS4 was better since it was focused on the hardcore only. The XboxOne and it's Kinect sensor was trying to do too much for too many people when all they want is a hardcore game machine. Last week the PS4 was better since it was aggressively going after indie games and the casual market they cater to. This week the PS4 is better because it is more diverse and not focused on one market only. Can't wait to see what next week brings. I'm leaning towards a big PSeye announcement where they found a way to make it watch over you 24 hours a day and report your behavior to the NSA. Maybe seamless integration with the Vita so you can be followed on the go. Fans will cheer it on and say it's the best thing ever.

Silly gameAr3945d ago (Edited 3945d ago )

It's funny how exclusives matter to xbox fans now.

majiebeast3945d ago

Yeah i thought it was all about the multiplatform games. All dat spinning must make you guys dizzy.

noctis_lumia3945d ago

ofc...naughty dog,media molicule,santa monica,quantic dreams,japan studio,well...every single sony 1st party studios except suckerpunch and guerilla games didnt announced anything

strigoi8143945d ago

If you have heard of octomom in the news before..octodad is pretty much different just saying coz octodad is a real octopus..lmao

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Elden Ring Killed Gaming For Me & It's About To Do It Again

Saad from eXputer: "Utilizing its myriad strengths and masterful design, Elden Ring ruined gaming for me in a way I'll always be thankful for."

GhostScholar48m ago

It sounds like you’re just an eldenring fan and not so much a fan of games by and large. Which theres nothing wrong with.


Let's Be Real, There Is Nothing "Micro" About Microtransactions Anymore

Microtransactions have gotten ridiculously overpriced in recent years, with titles now offering cosmetic skins worth more than some games.

Terry_B22h ago

Yup..this is 100% the sad truth

z2g1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

The elephant in the room tho is personal accountability. It’s easy (albeit basic) to blame the big, bad corpo, but microtransactions wouldn’t be where they are if gamers didn’t spend money on them. As it stands the MTs usually make more than the game. Publishers know raising game prices will cause backlash, so they do MTs to compensate. But the adult conversation is consumers determine the success of products with their wallets. So if MTs are a huge thing, it’s because we as consumers told them we like them by giving them a lot of money for them. So if you don’t want them to be a thing, convince your fellow gamers to stop buying them and expect that games will be decently more expensive. You all can disagree all you want, but reality is a bitch, and eventually you have to live in it.

isarai14h ago

I mean except for the amount of content you're paying for.

Hugodastrevas3h ago

There never was, the only time I paid for a microtransaction was on Blacklight Retribution (PS4) and it was because I enjoyed the game a lot so I felt the devs should get something for all that entertainment (€5 "membership")

-Foxtrot2h ago

The devs wouldn’t get that though, that shit goes straight to the higher ups who do f*** all let’s be honest.

Hugodastrevas1h ago

Probably, but I wasn't as cynical back then and €5 wasn't a big ask to get the guns with grinding instead of renting them, and the game was good (still is on the PS5/4)

CrimsonWing691h ago(Edited 1h ago)

I couldn’t believe what Blizzard charged for horse armor and cosmetics in Diablo 4…

I remember back in the day when a season pass was $15 and you got everything included in it. Now, I see them at $60 and you still don’t get everything.

Shane Kim1h ago

As soon as gaming wasn't deemed nerdy anymore, and reached the casuals this happened. We're smart, but casuals play mobile games and other stuff, and don't really have anything to compare. They think gaming is supposed to be like this and pay for in game purchases.

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No Man's Sky Is Easily One Of Gaming's Greatest Comeback Stories

Despite No Man Sky's rocky launch, Hello Games managed to turn it into one of the best space exploration RPGs out there.

darksky3h ago

HG could have stopped after making 3-4 updates and the debt would have been paid to those why are crying about paying full price. However, they have continously provided free updates for the last 6-7 years. No other developer in hostory has ever done this and probably never will.
There are many AAA games that disappointed but the devs normally move on or close the studio rather than fix the game.

-Foxtrot22h ago

I hate the whole concept of "comeback story" because at the end of the day it doesn't remove the core issue we had in the first place, that we were lied to, it was disappointing and it launched with bare content to what was promised for years.

Any bad game can have a comeback story if it's supported enough after launch but for me if you launch in a terrible state then you had your chance. I can applaud you for what you've done after but at the end of the day there's not much of a choice since most gamers would blank your next product if you ditched your last game so fast, it's not about repairing the game but spending your time repairing gamers trust before you launch your next product otherwise it would be dead on arrival.

With these stories and the games being updated, the only way is up most of the time so of course it's going to improve the game and feel better over all, getting better and better as time passes. No Mans Sky, Sea of Thieves, Fallout 76 etc but then you have games like Anthem, Suicide Squad, Redfall and The Avengers where the devs just clearly moved on, now if they have another product people won't be as exited for it, I mean hell Guardians of the Galaxy was a great game but because of the Avengers it didn't help its sales since people were obviously still sour at that point.

I still think despite the improvements to games like No Mans Sky and Cyberpunk along with being better now overall the games are still not up there to what was promised and hyped as for years.

If we keep celebrating these “comeback stories” then unfortunately it only strongly supports the concept that these studios / publishers can continue to push half arsed broken products out for the sake of quick sales instead of waiting until they are fully finished. We need to condemn this awful behaviour or sadly we lose all voice and power as consumers.

Sonic188120h ago(Edited 20h ago)

I feel the same way about Cyberpunk 2077. I'm glad you mentioned that. I'm not a fan of comeback stories as well. But No man sky developer was a small indie team compared to CDPR. It's worse when it's coming from a AAA developer

Nacho_Z20h ago

"Any bad game can have a comeback story if it's supported enough after launch"

You make it sound so simple and easy. It's not. After release Hello Games poured countless hours into getting their game closer to what they originally wanted, without charging a penny to anyone. That's not normal.

The reason NMS and HG are held in such high esteem and calling them liars is a weak stance is the amount of work they've put into it, for free. They're not chasing a quick buck, they've dedicated their lives over the last few years to giving their fans the game everyone wanted.

-Foxtrot19h ago(Edited 19h ago)

They are liars though...

We are not revising history here, I'm sorry but we're not

They built this game up for years and they launched it knowing full well it wasn't up to scratch to what they originally showed off or hyped it up to be.

"They're not chasing a quick buck, they've dedicated their lives over the last few years to giving their fans the game everyone wanted"

And like I said above most of that comes from the fact that if they had just moved on straight away nobody would have supported their next game. They've washed most of that sour taste away after supporting No Mans Sky so now they are doing a new game which more people feel like they can support and get excited for.

Anyway how can you say "You make it sound so simple and easy. It's not" and then make the point that "Hello Games poured countless hours into getting their game closer to what they originally wanted, without charging a penny to anyone"

This means that if a small team like this can turn a game around then big AAA games like Suicide Squad, Redfall, Anthem and the like should have been able to do it no problem, oh but that's right they didn't want to put the time or effort into it. They can do it but some people just decide not to.

Blad3runner007h ago(Edited 7h ago)

"You make it sound so simple and easy. It's not. After release Hello Games poured countless hours into getting their game closer to what they originally wanted, without charging a penny to anyone. That's not normal."

People paid for the game at launch and got lied to. Now the game is what it SHOULD have been from the start (what people paid for) and we should be happy they aren't charging EXTRA? Its free because people ALREADY paid for the game at launch.

People PAID for what the game is in its current state (what it should have been at launch), not what it was when it released. Charging people AGAIN would result in even more backlash.

anast7h ago

"You make it sound so simple and easy. It's not. After release Hello Games poured countless hours into getting their game closer to what they originally wanted, without charging a penny to anyone. That's not normal."

They already charged for the full price game. All of that work is owed because it was already paid for.

JackBNimble1h ago

Fox ... sure HG made a huge mistake, but they have also done more then any development team that I have seen to fix the problem and go way beyond in supporting the game. And every update has been free, so I don't really get why you are holding on to this grudge.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1h ago
milohighclub10h ago(Edited 10h ago)

Whatever happened at launch is in the past. By your logic they could have supported it for a year got it to the project they promised then stopped but they didn't. They're still supporting it to this they, they've released more content post than pretty much any game I can think off. More than most MMOs. They didn't have to go this far but they have and don't have any plans of stopping. All for free too.
Yeah they had a shit launch and they've apologised, learned and more than made up for it. I was pissed off at them at launch, but not petty enough to keep slandering them 7 years later.
You have much bigger studios releasing half assed games and fixing it later or even worse not even bothering.

anast6h ago

The DLC costs money. But yeah, people are hanging on to this one longer because of their previous reputation.

TheCaptainKuchiki9h ago

And it doesn't change the fact that the game is a boring procedurally generated environment in which your repeat the same actions over and over again with no real purpose. I hate when they say that the game became good.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1h ago
thorstein21h ago

I really enjoyed it at launch and had every trophy by August 2016.

The experience I had is no longer in the game: It was just me and my ship. It was a survival game and the feeling of loneliness in the universe was pervasive. There was no way to ruin too far from your ship and, in an emergency, you grenaded a hole in the ground to survive.

I miss that aspect, but since then, I love what they've done.

Hugodastrevas19h ago

I'd say it's THE definitive comeback story

TheGamingHounds18h ago

Final Fantasy 14 takes that one imho

CrimsonWing697h ago(Edited 7h ago)

Yep and the way they actually did it where Bahamut destroyed the original FF14 and the realm was “reborn” seals it as the best way to do something like this, lol.

jwillj2k419h ago

Oh great another story about the cleanest shirt in a bin of dirty laundry.

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