
Mark Cerny on PS4: GDDR5 Latency Not "Much of a Factor"

There have been voices of concern around the internet about the 8 Gigabyte of GDRR5 of the PS4 suffering from latency compared to to DDR3, but the console's Lead Architect Mark Cerny isn't particularly worried about that.

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Need4Game3947d ago

GTA5 looks great on PS3, thus PS4 memory Latency is not much of a factor.

Abriael3947d ago

I think the connection you made there kind of escapes me...

Crazyglues3947d ago (Edited 3947d ago )

@ Abriael

I think he was just saying that if PS3 which i known to have memory problem, and somehow GTA5 was still made on that system, then the PS4 will be fine as some clever developers will find a way around any small latency issues that may or may not be a problem, and still make amazing games...

Now to go more in depth- I think we have to understand what Latency is first- and how it is being talked about here in the PS4

Latency -latency is the time (either in clocks or nano-seconds) taken to transfer a block of data either from main memory or GPU caches. We want the data as quickly as possible, thus the lower the time the better. The size of the data block we request is usually the size of a native pointer (4 bytes in 32-bit, 8 in 64-bit).

As a GPU (or APU) executes instructions, both the instructions themselves and the data they operate on must be brought into registers; until the instruction/data is available, the GPU cannot proceed and must wait; even advanced designs that can execute out-of-order eventually need data.

Latency is generally measured in core "clocks" (1/frequency) for caches (as they usually run at GPU speed) and nano-seconds (10^-9) for the main memory.

- TO MAKE IT SIMPLE - The latency of the main memory directly influences the efficiency of the GPU and from what I seen of the PS4, this will not be an issue in the PS4.

||.........___||............ ||

nukeitall3947d ago (Edited 3947d ago )


Memory latency was never an issue with the GPU, as GDDR5 is what graphics card use by standard pretty much. So it doesn't get worse than it.

The key here is that it affects CPU and you might get frequent CPU cycles stall. Cerny cleverly deflects that, by only talking about the GPU and most journalist don't have the tech knowledge (for good reason) to ask the proper question.

In fact on PC, the graphics memory has to fetch the data from main memory first, so that indicates latency isn't a issue. However, on PC the CPU deals with DDR3 which has significantly lower latency than GDDR5 thus, but on PS4 that latency on GDDR5 carries over to GPU.

Cerny himself said:

"Latency in GDDR5 isn’t particularly higher than the latency in DDR3. On the GPU side… Of course, GPUs are designed to be extraordinarily latency tolerant so I can’t imagine that being much of a factor."

So it is a small factor on GPU, and likely much bigger on CPU!

Gimmemorebubblez3947d ago

The reason latency is not an issue for the CPU is because the CPU is clocked at half the frequency of a normal CPU, 1.6 ghz instead of 3.2 ghz. If the CPU was faster than I could foresee latency issues. There is a reason the CPU is clocked at 1.6 ghz and not 2.4 or 3.2 ghz.

WhittO3947d ago (Edited 3947d ago )

Maybe that is why Cerny was saying the other day how their GPU can actually be used as a CPU for a number of tasks.

Probably one of the enhancements they made to the chip.

blackmagic3947d ago

Latency isn't the time taken to transfer a block of data, it's the time it takes to START transferring the data.

For the GPU this tends to not be much of an issue, it makes far fewer requests for data but those requests tend to be for large chunks of data so the time it takes to start transferring data isn't as important as how fast that data can actually be moved. That's why you use GDDR5 memory for graphics, it's slow to start moving the data but it can move a lot of data quickly. Yes the GPU has to wait for the data to start coming but after that it isn't starved for data.

For the CPU it is the opposite, it makes far more requests for small pieces of data. It's more important that the data starts transferring sooner than how much data can be moved. That's why you use DDR3 for the CPU, it matters how long it has to wait for many small chunks of data.

Here's an analogy. Two painters are each contracted to paint a picket fence.

Painter 1, GPU, is asked to paint the picket fence white. He needs a 5 gallon tub of paint to do it. His assistant, GDDR5, goes to the back of the garage to get the tub of paint then he proceeds with painting the fence. It wouldn't have made much difference if the 5 gallon tub was handy at the front of the garage. It would have only made the job go a little quicker. It was more important that GDDR5 was strong enough to carry the 5 gallon tub.

Painter 2, CPU, is asked to paint each picket a different colour. He needs many quarts of different colour paints to do it. His assistant, DDR3, goes to the garage and picks a quart of paint off the shelf at the front of the garage. Then cpu sends his assistant for the next quart of paint and this continues until the job is done. It wouldn't have made much difference if DDR3 was strong, it was more important that he was quicker.

fr0sty3947d ago (Edited 3947d ago )

Video games are far more GPU dependent than they are CPU dependent. This is why better bandwidth>better latency (and also why both consoles have a relatively weak CPU when compared against their GPUs). GPUs need lots and lots of bandwidth, as they have to constantly access VRAM to perform different operations, many of which take place at the same time and therefore require a lot of bandwidth so none of those operations starve each other of data when waiting to draw the next frame.

For those not technically knowledgeable, imagine it like this. GDDR5 is like having a 4 lane highway, with each car on that highway being a big van holding a bunch of passengers. DDR3 is more like a two lane highway with each car being a 2 seater sports car.

For tasks that require a lot of people to complete (like gaming), the 4 lane highway packed with vans full of people is going to give you better results. For smaller jobs that only require a couple people to complete, but need to be completed very quickly, the 2 lane road with sports cars on it will be the better approach. The faster sports car will get those 2 people where they are going faster.

Gaming happens to be one of those tasks that requires a lot of "people" working at the same time, so the 4 lane highway with vans on it is the better option. Xbox One will be shipping 2 people at a time to the job site, but they'll get there really fast due to their sports car. Thing is, once they realize they are doing a task that requires 4, 6, or 8 people, those 2 people will be stuck waiting on the other guys needed to complete the job to arrive as well. The PS4 will be unloading vans full of people each stop to complete the tasks, even though those vans will not be arriving as often as the sports cars will.

OS functions may run a bit slower on PS4 due to latency, or other general purpose computing tasks, but gaming most definitely reaps the benefits of the higher bandwidth approach. This machine was built from the ground up to be a gaming console, so that was the logical choice to make.

Edit: If you're going to disagree, at least leave a comment showing why. If you can't even detail why you don't agree, it shows you don't know enough about the topic to give your opinion in the first place.

extermin8or3947d ago

Can I point out AMD are going to start selling APU's based on PS4's structure (with 4 instead of 8 core cpu's running at a slightly higher clock rate apparently)at the end of this year, and they have unified memory apparently. I'm assuming as they are based on PS4 this unified memory will be 4gb of GDDR5. So clearly somehow they've offset the issues as they plan to use some of this architecture for conventional pc's/budget gaming pc's.

fr0sty3947d ago (Edited 3947d ago )

@blackmagic, I actually like your analogy better, as it better clarifies RAM latency vs. mine, which makes the latency sound more like internet latency. Though in the end, it still equals how long the chip has to wait to get it's data.

The GPU is definitely the work horse in these new consoles. This is why we're seeing games rely on GPGPU functions more and more these days, offloading tasks that the CPU normally would do, like physics, onto the compute units of the GPU.

There are actually 2 things going for PS4 that make up for the added CPU latency of GDDR5. First, PS4's GPU has 6 more compute units, with 4 of them being specialized for performing GPGPU tasks and all of them having a direct bus to the CPU to aid it with calculations. Then you have the fact that PS4's CPU can be devoted entirely to gaming. It has it's own sub-processor to run it's OS, whereas the Xbox One has to use one of it's 8 CPU cores to run it's OS (I hear 2 of them are reserved for the system, I imagine kinect takes the other one?). PS4 has all 8 CPU cores to use for gaming, plus the additional 4 compute units on the GPU that can aid the CPU. As such, PS4's CPU will not be as much of a performance bottleneck as Xbox One's will, despite the higher RAM latency. The additional 2GBs of RAM available to games to use factors in there as well.

ABizzel13947d ago

The latency complaints are getting out of hand. The fact of the matter is that GDDR5 is significantly better for powering games than normal DDR3. Latency has little to do with that.

The biggest complaint about latency you'll have would be OS features where simple things take a couple of seconds to load up, due to the high latency. But when it comes to games the bandwidth of the memory significantly outweighs any negatives latency could have on short calculation task.

Metfanant3947d ago

@exterminator...no they are DDR3

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 3947d ago
Dunpeal3947d ago

up until the system is released we're only left with the option to take his word for it

BlackKnight3947d ago

Well, no. He isn't the only person in the world who understands computer technology...

It is simple, GDDR helps the GPU and hurts the CPU in certain areas of performance, DDR helps the CPU and hurts the GPU in certain areas of performance.

Metfanant3947d ago

BlackKnight...the thing is all this "latency hurts the CPU" talk is just talk...how many PC's have you seen running a unified pool of GDDR5?...yup, none...we can speculate on how latency might be an issue...but Cerny is one of the few that has actually experienced the performance...so his word has to be given more credibility then any arm chair engineers on N4G that think they are all knowing...

pixelsword3946d ago

@ Metfanant:

Not exactly; there's an inherent bias there because of this affiliation with the subject matter.

He could either be correct or putting out propaganda, we'll have to basically wait and see.

GameCents3947d ago

I lack the mental dexterity to figure out how those two statements correlate.

Sayai jin3947d ago

IMHO the memory won't latency issues. Should run super smooth. I'll play devil's advocate, even if there were latency issues Cerny would not admit it.

Sayai jin3947d ago

Hmmm really. He either lied or misquoted recently about 700 devs working on Destiny...Bungie said debunked this.


Anyways, my point remains Cerny or any other person will not most likely admit to a flaw in their product if there was.

Gimmemorebubblez3947d ago

@sayai What does Cerny gain by "lying" about the number of staff at Bungie.

WhittO3947d ago (Edited 3947d ago )

^^ Actually I don't think he lied or was misquoted.

I just think Bungie don't want people to know that many people are developing for their game, raising higher standards/expectations etc for the game itself.

It's like when developers don't really want people to know their REAL budgets for their games, people use it as ammo as to why their game is good or bad etc and may have an effect on the critics/gamers perception, saying it's only good because of that budget, or should have been much better due to that etc etc

Sayai jin3947d ago

@gimmemorebubblez- I also said he could of misquoted. We do know his info was incorrect. No?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3947d ago
wishingW3L3947d ago (Edited 3947d ago )

Cerny did his research, he didn't build the PS4 in a month, he has been working on it since 2008. If the latency were such a huge issue he would know better than anybody on this website because he is both: a game designer and hardware engineer.

jlo3947d ago

These articles are pointless. He designed it, so of course he's going to say it's not much of a factor.

3947d ago Replies(3)
Thegamer413947d ago

How about all the developers that have said nothing but good things about the hardware? Don't pick the articles that appeal to your 'of course he's going to say that' remark.

gamertk4213947d ago

Of course you're gonna say that, lol

SpideySpeakz3947d ago

Yep, just take look at the Xbone. So much bad, not enough good.

DarkHeroZX3947d ago

Its decent. Not worth the tag but no slacker either. I've come to just respect the X1 and while they aren't doing everything right they are making an attempt to please there fans.

medman3947d ago

jlo probably believes the engineers behind the power bricks and red rings. Case closed.

jlo3947d ago

'Probably believes'

Nope. I don't own a 360. In fact I've already pre-ordered a PS4.

I'm just not a blind fanboy like most the people on here.

3947d ago
Cuzzo633947d ago

Kinda of makes ya think M $ would do tha same for Xb1 *coughcloud*

extermin8or3947d ago

Latency over the internet between the cloud and latency difference between GDDR5 and DDR3 is much greater in the 1st instance. Therefore a hell of alot harder to get around not to mention the bandwidth which can be used to offset some of the latency issues i believe?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3946d ago
The Meerkat3947d ago

Mark Cerny is the best thing that has happened to Sony.

Dunpeal3947d ago

idk bout that. what about Yosp? you know the guy that basically masterminded Cerny's involvement? :)

Jaqen_Hghar3947d ago

As much as people don't like Kutaragi for PS3 design he did pretty much CREATE the Playstation so a man has to give him the edge. Kutaragi had to convince the Sony execs to even consider a gaming system then designed the first ever 100m on his first try (people thought the NES's 60m was the ceiling before Sony changed the game). Then he followed up with the 160m selling PS2. PS3 got off to a rocky start and Ken didn't help with his complex expensive architecture but it will still most likely be the highest selling console of the gen by the time they stop selling.

PSN_ZeroOnyx3947d ago

Actually the original playstation was designed by Sony for nintendo as a CD add on for the super NES. But nintendo backed out the day they were supposed to go public about the nintendo playstation. Sony was going to scrap everything and kutaragi who was designing it convinced Sony to make it a stand alone CD based console. Then came the Sony Playstation era which still dominates.

Jaqen_Hghar3947d ago

A man knows this story. His point was that Kutaragi is more responsible than anyone for the creation of the Sony Playstation. Well other than Nintendo.

3947d ago
3947d ago
TurboGamer3947d ago

The CPU is too slow for the latency to be an issue.

Kleptic3947d ago

No joke...the cpu section of the jaguar is the biggest bottle neck...but that will never be a factor because the ps4 isn't running a heavy OS, console development is never heavy on generic instruction sets...for calc intensive processing, the stronger gpu and high bandwidth ram (and plenty of it) will be very happy together...

people keep saying how crappy the ps4 cpu was originally made for budget laptops...remember though, the ps4 doesn't have to run windows AND a game...comparisons with PC hardware aren't exactly relevant...

Gimmemorebubblez3947d ago

You are right, the CPU in the Ps4 isn't crap and is very efficient and is clocked at 1.6ghz to avoid latency issues with the unified GDDR5 RAM.

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Mark Cerny talks Dolby Atmos support for PlayStation 5

Mark Cerny talks to Digital Foundry about how Dolby Atmos support made its way to PlayStation 5.

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crazyCoconuts264d ago

Cerny points out the advantage that DF keeps referring to as a disadvantage. Developers don't need to do anything special to have overhead sounds mapped to height speakers. It's all built in and processed lag free on existing and future PS5 games. This is obviously a superior approach imo as it works with virtually any speaker configuration.

264d ago Replies(2)
neutralgamer1992263d ago

DF have been very negative when it comes to PlayStation. Very nit-picky

ABizzel1263d ago

I like DF, but they’re starting to let personal bias seep into their talking points especially John, and the others are being occasional followers just to be non-confrontational.

just_looken262d ago

Its just like the ps3 or any receiver over 8yrs old

2015 ps3 had support then got updated

Man the ps5 is digging up the past to reveal its new hey are they going to have a menu next with native 7.1 audio support like my 2006 motor storm edtion ps3?.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 262d ago
Azfargh263d ago

I see what you did there. Clever

kythlyn263d ago

I have an Atmos setup and in my case it definitely introduces some audio lag... probably around 10-20ms. The game I always use to test this sort of thing is Stray because of the dedicated meow button triggering the sound out of the Dual Sense. Makes it really easy to perceive a lack of audio sync. There's only one setting on PS5 that doesn't produce audio lag (at least with my setup), and that is Linear PCM.

fr0sty263d ago

So you are able to tell 1 frame of latency at 60fps, you're saying...

kythlyn263d ago (Edited 263d ago )

To fr0sty... yes? Not everyone will notice it, but people with trained ears such as musicians definitely will.

Reaper22_263d ago

The truth is that Atmos is superior. Plain and simple. The devil prefer it over what sony is providing. It's the standard for games, movies and music.

DarthZoolu263d ago

It’s definitely the leader of the industry right now

crazyCoconuts263d ago

And what about the PS5 implementation being discussed is NOT Atmos?

Reaper22_263d ago

Only DTS:X is on on par with atmos. I understand Sony wanting to use their own but Atmos is superior which is why is used throughout the entertainment industry.

crazyCoconuts263d ago

I'm trying to point out to you: PS5 is using Atmos. That's the whole point of this firmware update

fr0sty263d ago (Edited 263d ago )

From a hardware perspective, Atmos' 7.1.4 setup is indeed superior, but the software side of Atmos is far from superior. Dolby Atmos games (ISF) supports 32 objects and this is used in a 7.1.4 basebed + 20 dynamic object configuration most of the time. PS5's Tempest audio supports 100 dynamic objects, so it actually has to downmix the audio, dropping 68 objects in the process, to make it work properly over Atmos.

jwillj2k4263d ago (Edited 263d ago )

The truth is marketing is superior. Cant support something that kicks in after the scenes already ended lol

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 263d ago
gold_drake263d ago

i like how calmy and detailed he explained it to the fools at DF.

mastershredder263d ago (Edited 263d ago )

Ah yes Mark, becuase less channels on a watered down feature is something to geek out about. You do realize you are getting atmos light right? Not for audiophiles. Totally designed for craptastic sound systems. It's all about tagging that name for a selling point.

jwillj2k4263d ago

At least it works, what good is a feature that introduces latency to the point it’s potentially “3x as bad” with a certain setup? You can’t even use it and it’s supposed to be a partnership between the two companies….

AmUnRa262d ago (Edited 262d ago )

So you know more then Mark Cerny..the man who made PS5 what it is now...the man who invented with his team the Tempest engine..., if you can read take a lot of tasks over from Atmos...

Woooow...you must be a genius in this field time to get a job In this expertise.

OptimusDK257d ago

I think one might be somewhat biased you can do your own guessing who that is

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PlayStation 5 Lead Architect Mark Cerny Talks Sega, Michael Jackson And Yuji Naka

Mark Cerny is a true veteran of the games industry. His name might be familiar to modern gamers due to the fact that he's worked as lead architect on several of Sony's consoles – and has even had input into some of the company's major software releases, such as Knack, The Last Guardian, Marvel's Spider-Man and Death Stranding – but his career stretches back to the very early years of the games industry.

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deleted463d ago

Lol, love this image...


Look at the balls on Cerny! He really does though. One of the greatest minds in the industry and knows how to get things done!

Aloymetal463d ago

I bet he's already working on the PS6, safe bet.

ModsDoBetter463d ago

I can’t recall which leaker it was but there was a rumour floating about that we may not see a mid-gen refresh (PS5 Pro) and they’re focusing on PS6 development.

Could listen to Cerny talk for hours. Incredibly intelligent individual.

deleted463d ago

he really has a knack for being ahead of the curve!

UltimateRacer462d ago

@olMyerslo Tom Henderson is the insider who stated PS6 is being worked on over a PS5 Pro.

darkrider463d ago

The career of Cerny is really impressive.

purple101463d ago

Is this available in video format? It's a damn long interview to read.. but I will, if no video

Aloymetal463d ago

I haven't checked yet but try YT, maybe they do have it there.

Phoenix76462d ago

Could try using a "text to voice" app. Just copy and paste from the article then sit back and listen. I do that sometimes if don't want to read and am tired.

purple101462d ago

Thanks that's so nice of you but I don't need it that much! Il just read it. Just if there was himself on video I'd like that version. But have a great day my friend.x

Retroman463d ago

Wish Mark Cerny Develope Knack 3 Knack was a Fantastic game.

darkrider463d ago (Edited 463d ago )

I didn't like it very much, but cerny is truly a triple A Men. The ps4 and the ps5 are amazing consoles. What will he try with to achieve with the ps6!

Starman69462d ago

PS4 was good for it's time and for the price. It felt outdated after 2 years. Ps5 on the other hand... Future proof. Excellent 😊👌.

SullysCigar463d ago

I never played the first game, but the second one was great

gold_drake463d ago

i love his breakdowns of the consoles, he explains things very well with that soothing voice ha

Bathyj463d ago

I watched that ps5 reveal about 5 times. A lot of people complainwd about it when it came out for being too clinical and developer centric but I thought it was very informative. I guess they just wanted some flashy CGI trailers of games that won't come out for 4 years.

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Jade Raymond’s studio is making a ‘persistent, scalable online game’ for PS5 and PC

Jade Raymond’s new studio is reportedly set to work closely with PlayStation 5 lead system architect Mark Cerny on its debut game.

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senorfartcushion815d ago

One of the ten games as a service games PlayStation mentioned?

I’m bored of how much online is playing into games now. Offline games still should exist in equal measure.

SeTTriP815d ago

I agree 👍 but they don't make money in equal measure.

SullysCigar815d ago

PlayStation has plenty of offline single player IPs out and in the pipeline, they're not dissappearing.

It seems likely to me that some those online games they speak of will be split among PS5, PC and mobile. People seem to forget how much money those phone games make.

Anything with Mark Cerny's technical eye cast over it has my attention though, so I look forward to finding out more about this one from him and Haven Studios.

Eonjay815d ago

Thank you. People act like they can have online games as a law or somehow it prevents them from making single player games which it clearly doesn't. Just in the pipeline we have Horizen FW, God of War, Spiderman 2 and Wolverine. They already released Reternal, Demon Soluls, Spideman MM, Rachet and Clank and probably more that I'm missing. These things exist, we don't have to speculate or let ourselves be trapped into some group thought. The idea that they ababdoned SP games suddenly is a fantasy from a blog that is trying to generate drama.

darthv72815d ago

... the guy does have a certain 'knack' for things.

gamer7804815d ago (Edited 815d ago )

Third party studios would be best served if they made multiplayer games open to all platforms for the sake of the longevity of the game. I understand first party doing pc + one console because they own the studio. Still interested in what they are making but it’s going to be a looong while.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 815d ago
moriarty1889815d ago

I agree. Offline games or offline modes should always be available. This online only obsession with every dev lately is going to ruin gaming as a whole imo.

FanboysKiller815d ago (Edited 815d ago )

I agree %110 , but Destiny changed my perspective on seamless online gameplay , but it's still considered one of its kind , nothings like it and that's far from enough to prove itself as a solid argument.

senorfartcushion815d ago (Edited 815d ago )

I have my online games, but the never ending progress in them means that you can’t really swap between games as often as we would like.

I would cite influence advertising as part of the problem. With even single player games being affected by the way gaming “engagement” is perceived.

I’m playing Sifu at the moment on PS5 and Max Payne 3 on Series X. Even the quality of how the games are produced is lessening because of how much studios are trying to appeal to influencers more than customers. Max Payne 3 is a game. It can be hard, it can be easy. Regardless, it’s polished to a mirror shine.

Sifu has great combat and is satisfying to play, but the roguelite stuff within (solely designed to appeal to Twitch players, like the genre as a whole) is a major bummer. People are currently arguing vision. Whether or not the game should be made easier due to how the difficulty doesn’t mesh with some people. Difficult games are fine, but they’ve got to be designed well. Sifu isn’t really. It’s a victim of the roguelite dragon the studio has been chasing. This is a game that deserves to be easier to play, something tells me that they’ve only kept the difficulty high to advertise it on the fact that people will be repeating levels a lot in their time spent playing the game.

The ironic thing about difficulty is the sense of identity people both feel for themselves and feel of the devs, when the devs are arguably going against their own identities by chasing trends.

The issues I have with Sifu starts with multiplayer games. The game itself is arguable an MP game due to how many people watch it on Twitch.

GhostofHorizon815d ago

Just because people watch a game on Twitch doesn't mean it's a multi-player game. This whole post is just some projected nonsense.

Roguelites created for streamers? What?

Sounds like you just don't understand what roguelike and roguelite games are all about.

FanboysKiller815d ago (Edited 815d ago )

Budget is king , the sad truth about generational leap is being overrated and easily overshadowed by its budget, a triple a game from the last decade or two still holds itself and get liked the way it looked more than its technicality behind it.

ABizzel1815d ago

Offline is the core of the significant majority of PS exclusives on the PS4. It's time for them to build online communities that fans can play and enjoy in-between the waits for these big AAA releases.

I'm all for all 10 of them.

1. Bungies New IP
2. Faction 2 (The Last of Us)
3. Twisted Metal Online (rumored)
4. Guerrilla Games other IP (rumored SOCOM)
5. Deviant Games New IP (former Black Ops COD devs)
6. Haven Studios New IP (Jade Raymond and former Ubisoft devs)
7. Firewalk Studios New IP (former Bungie, Take-2, Activision, EA devs)

So by all means bring them on.

senorfartcushion815d ago

Obviously that’s good. But can you not follow the patterns that literally every other company has been making these last few years? Games as a service multiplayer games are made mostly to rid ones catalogue of any single player only games

ABizzel1815d ago (Edited 815d ago )


That's a baseless point. There are significantly more companies that continue to produce single-player experiences, than there are companies that have dropped single-player completely to rid their catalogue of any single player only games. This is fear mongering.

Someone said this best a while ago in a PS Group. Sony is the AAA Blockbuster Film / HBO of gaming. They create premium high quality content. That has allowed them to make a huge comeback during the PS360Wii era, dominate the home console market during the PS4XBOWiiU era, and is what will continue to carry them into the PS5 generation and beyond. How many single player games have they released for the PS5 compared to Live Service games. How many single player games got cancelled for a live service game?

4 of the 7 known Live Service games are from 2nd party developers, so where is this concern from single player games coming from. Naughty Dog is making Factions.....And they've made several multiplayers before without it affecting their single player narrative driven games. Firesprite is a brand new developer under PlayStation, so there shouldn't be any AAA single player expectation on them to begin with, people were just talking about how this is a VR studio and okay with it, but have a potential issue with them working on service games. Guerrilla is releasing Forbidden West this month A single player game, with a Horizon VR exclusive later this year (also likely single player), so why is it a problem that they have a team working on something else multiplayer / GaaS based.

This fear mongering needs to stop.

PS Gamers praise Sony for their first party and the amazing narratives they play and create with their IPs. Why are they so fixated on holding them back from attempting to do the same in a multiplayer space. If you don't like playing online then don't. Destiny is an example of one you don't really have to, and that's a 5 year old experience now. Let them learn and grow in the Online space, just like they did in the Single Player Space.

People say all the time, I want Bloodborne for PS5 or Bloodborne 2. Well in a Ongoing world, they could still be getting new content from Bloodborne to this day, have new content launch each year, have an option where you and friends can take on a Raid Boss, and so much more. What is the fear in this?

Stop the fear mongering and just say you don't like multiplayer / online games, and these games aren't for you and move on. But there are millions of PS gamers who want to enjoy games like these and want to see Sony's first party blend narrative and world building into AAA online experiences. The PS3 had significantly more multiplayer experiences than the PS4 from Sony studios and the PS4 was a significantly more successful and online focused console. That has to change, because gamers are going online more.

northpaws815d ago

I welcome both, for single players, just from from first party alone we have Horizon Forbidden West, God of War Ragnarok, Spidermen 2, Wolverine, I am sure naughty dog is working on a single player game on top of the fiction MP game too.

If some good online games can help keep PlayStation's cash flow more healthy, then so be it, whatever keeps the ship afloat for my single player experiences.

Tapani815d ago

Agreed! The only way I see online is okay for me is something like Dark Souls where it's a part of the gameplay and lore system. I'm an offline games person.

Example: I was playing the other day Shadow Hearts 2 on PS3 Phat (using bilinear filtering and upscaled image + TVs black insertion frame and upscaler + sharpening etc.) and me and my wife were blown away by the writing, animation, graphics, and music. Can't believe some games on PS1-PS2 era are better than the ones today when you have all the technology in the world, and everything is online and connected. We are rapidly collecting old games to play, particularly the gems we didn't have time or a chance to play. These games take our weekends away more so than the modern ones. Maybe we are old, but they just suck us right in vs the new games which feel like a polished turd of a product.

KingofBandits814d ago

could not agree more. I'm sick of online games, MMOBA and anything in that vein. gaming is getting way too big and as a result is making way too much trend chasing trash

frostypants814d ago (Edited 814d ago )

Offline games DO still exist in more than equal measure. I don't think that is going away.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 814d ago
Father__Merrin815d ago

I agree with everyone who wants a slew of offline traditional games...

But.... Online games persistent ones and those with dreaded micro transactions battle passes etc make more money it as simple as that

It's a shame but those days of of purchasing a game with all content on her etc are now gone. Ironicly Nintendo are closest to old school style games

SullysCigar815d ago

What about Demon's Souls? Returnal? Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart? Horizon Zero Dawn? God of War?

And up next Horizon Forbidden West?

moriarty1889815d ago

Those are the rare exceptions made only by Sony. Let’s hope they continue to make those unique experiences for much longer and not change to these online only type games.

Atticus_finch815d ago

His point is that Sony studios are also keeping the hope alive not only Nintendo.

gamer7804815d ago (Edited 815d ago )

They might sell more copies but they don’t always make as much profit. But I agree that they need multiple ways to fill the funnel. Live service games and single player type games

ABizzel1815d ago


Mario, Zelda, Doom, Ori, Resident Evil, Souls Games, Devil may Cry, Far Cry, Doom, and hundreds of others.

DOMination-815d ago

What about Starfield, Avowed, Hellblade II, ES6, Fable, As Dusk Falls, Everwild...

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 815d ago
Nyxus815d ago

Many Switch games have paid DLC, like Breath of the Wild, Super Smash Bros Ultimate and Animal Crossing New Horizons.

Atticus_finch815d ago

Not only that but certain Nintendo Digital only games get limited releases on purpose to inflate the price.

purple101815d ago

Mark Cerny touches it

Game : "instantly turns to gold"

Has my attention too.

GhostofHorizon815d ago

Surely you have something to share by now, concept art at the very least.

I find it really hard to get excited about a game where all I know is that it will be an online game which is not even a great selling point to me, actually makes me less excited.

815d ago
gamer7804815d ago

This game is likely 2026 or beyond.

815d ago
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