
Best Thing About Next-Gen: Stunning List of Open World Games

Next-gen consoles have allow developers to create massive open world games and we have the best 10 so far.

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Bigpappy4100d ago

Let's see how opened they really are first. What you can do with-in that world is even bigger of a concern. A big opened world with nothing to do is not worth the effort.

Need4Game4100d ago

Metal Gear Solid V wants to proof to People that it is not just an Interactive Movie, but also can make Gameplay as Good or Better than Battlefield 3.

I hope Battlefield 4 get better with their Story.
Bad Company 1 & 2 have Enjoyable Story.

Player-Generated-Content is what makes Open-World game better. Skyrim proves that. It fills and expand Player experience.

RobAlmighty4100d ago

Skyrim is not the first to prove that. Elder Scrolls games have had generated content forever. I still have mods for Morrowind. Also, look at all of the mods for GTA 4.

TheFirstClassic4100d ago

Whats with the mgs v to bf3 comparison? Strange to compare those two games, plus mgs always had exceptional gameplay even if it was heavy on cutscenes.

truthteller4100d ago

Did you seriously compare MGS to Battlefield. They are nothing alike. I have nothing against BF but you're such an annoying fanboy. MGS does not need proving it's not an interactive movie! Dafaq? Have you even played it? Anyway I'm looking forward to open world games. I want the return of open world platformers like Sly, Ratchet and Jak.

zeee4100d ago (Edited 4100d ago )

The best open world game I have so far has to be Fallout 3 and New Vegas. I am not into GTA so I have no idea how open they are but I loved FALLOUT 3 for its massive scale!

It's about time we get a new Fallout game!

MizTv4099d ago

I wonder if mgs5 will have some lvl system for snake

irepbtown4099d ago

A list for the lazy folks:

Metal Gear Solid V
Tom Clancy's Division
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
Mirror's Edge 2
Watchdogs (my favourite)
Dead Rising 3
Infamous: Second Son
The Crewe
Dragon Age: Inquisition

Dragon Age Origins was magnificent (the 2nd not so much). Hopefully this one will be as good if not better than the first.

ThanatosDMC4099d ago

Comparing MGS to BF3? BF3 is better compared with COD.

I wish BF4 would be more tactical as BF2 instead of the twitch gameplay they copied from COD.

famoussasjohn4099d ago

Metal Gear Solid V should not even be considered to relate to BF3 in terms of gameplay.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 4099d ago
Mr Tretton4100d ago

I really question how 'open world' MGSV will really be. I think the term 'open world' gets used at times when the term 'sandbox' should be used instead.

Open world is when I can go anywhere on a single map through the entire game. Sandbox is still stage based.

4100d ago
anticlimax4100d ago

Just free roam isn't always better than linear. Open world isn't always better than linear. I'll take a compelling storyline over 'just open world' anyday.

braydox214099d ago

yeah i belive that the missons in MGS 5 will be sandbox, and hopefully we'll get similer gameplay like in peace walker. some people are saying that you will be able to customise snake. im hoping that you can design your own personal msf/diamond dog/ outer heaven soldier.

MysticStrummer4100d ago


I want to know what can be done within the world and what kind of AI populates it.

An open world that's simply bigger and prettier than Red Dead Redemption, without any other sort of advancement, won't be very "next gen" to me.

A true open world gives a wide variety of gameplay and every one of those options needs to be well done, instead of what usually happens... the jack of all trades/master of none syndrome.

Rockstar and Bethesda are the best at it so far, but even they don't deliver every detail perfectly.

4100d ago
Lionsguard4100d ago

So true, the first Assassin's Creed game was victim to this, open world but absolutely nothing to do in it.

zeee4100d ago

Assassin's Creed games were sandbox games. I have no idea who and how someone started calling them OPEN WORLD games.

linkenski4099d ago

By "build bigger worlds" i think most devs are referring to the fact that you could make a game like The Last of Us and have several maps be part of one big map, so it doesn't have to load in between areas. Same goes for MGS.

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fattyuk4100d ago

Massive open worlds to explore really do get my balls tingling :0)

Fireseed4100d ago

While massively scaled worlds are important, it's those intimate and dynamic details that make them come alive. To paint on the canvas of an open world is to utilize the contrast between populated areas and emptiness to get a good thematic feel for the world. And to this date I feel only Red Dead Redemption has achieved this. But with Hideo Kojima giving his hand at it, I'm very excited to see how the japenese game design philosophy of "the power in ones self" effects how they design an open world.

telekineticmantis4100d ago

open world games, so I'll wait to see how they handle open world before I get excited.

bjmartynhak4100d ago

I think open world can break the pace of the game. You are like saving the world, rescuing someone that has been kidnapped and then go around getting collectables, hunting dragons or getting drunk in the night club. It is just weird.

torchic4100d ago

that's true, but a lot of open-world games give the player the ability to play the game as if it were through a corridor, like you're able to complete missions sequentially with no break in between.

imho Final Fantasy always excelled in this area. apart from when you have to grind, you could complete the story without veering off.

wishingW3L4099d ago (Edited 4099d ago )

Final Fantasy has never been open-world, it always been linear. The difference is that its linearity wasn't as obvious as the stupidly tight corridors on FFX or FF13.

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Silent Hill 2 Will Be a PS5 Exclusive Until Oct. 8, 2025, So Don't Expect an Xbox Version Until Then

Silent Hill 2 remake will be exclusive to the PS5 until October 8, 2025, so don't expect an Xbox port or announcement it expires.

darthv729h ago

why does it feel like we are living in the early 00's again? Sony paying for either full exclusivity or timed was the thing back in the day... and its been 'remastered' for this generation.

raWfodog1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

The original SH2 was PS2-exclusive for only a few months. Remastered version is exclusive for over a year lol.

But both companies played the timed exclusives game for so long so it’s no surprise.

rlow154m ago

Sony is the king of paying for exclusives. Anytime Xbox does it Sony fans go berserk. But when the shoes on the other foot they flop like a fish out of water.

Profchaos26m ago

Two fold publishers look at the loss in sales due to exclusivity and given how little Xbox sells in general Sony's generally able to get a greenlight for this behaviour if they fund it.

Microsoft think buying punishers is acceptable but they dug a huge financial hole as a result

Nintendo is just Nintendo and don't care

Chevalier13m ago

Yeah it's not like Xbox paid for exclusivity for games like Ark 2, Stalker 2, Warhammer Darktide or anything like that right? Oh wait.....

Einhander19721h ago

Just because that's the announced end doesn't guarantee it will be coming to xbox at that point or ever to be honest.

And even if it does it'll be an inferior version without the haptics and the Tempest audio which I expect will be a huge part in setting the mood in a game like this.

shadowT4h ago

enough time to optimize for Xbox Series S

P_Bomb2h ago

Hmm. Just a bit more than the 9 months The Medium was console exclusive.

TheNamelessOne2h ago

No wait on the PC end, so I'm happy.

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The first-person survival/adventure game “Serum” just dropped its biggest update yet via Steam EA

"Game Island, in partnership with Toplitz Productions are pleased to announce that the latest update for their single-player immersive story-driven survival adventure game "SERUM" is now available and formulates the game’s biggest content update so far." - Game Island and Toplitz Productions


Dragon Age: The Veilguard Preview BioWare's Back, Baby | CGM

CGM got a very extended hands-on look at Dragon Age: The Veilguard, and it looks like BioWare has made good use of the last ten years.

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Juvia4h ago

It looks awful. RIP Bioware.

jznrpg4h ago(Edited 4h ago)

Graphically it could look better as I’m not a big fan of the WoW color palette but the gameplay and rpg elements look good. The graphics are decent enough that I can look past them if the gameplay makes up for it. In no way do I think it looks awful just not my kind of art style

SimpleSlave3h ago

Looks fine to me. Not super Current Gen graphically, but that's fine. Well, except for that hair physics. That's actually pretty current gen. But as long as it has a good main story, plenty of choices for the player to make and it's not bloated with crappy fetch quests like the third one, this should be good to go.

SimpleSlave3h ago(Edited 2h ago)

The reality is that aside from MAYBE Dragon's Age Origins, this series has never been that good. Fun, sure, but great? Far from it. So they certainly have their work cut out for them. And I get it. This is certainly not the old OLD - pre Knights even- Bioware we're talking about here and they sure are hell ain't Larian Studios. But if they can get close enough to Baldur's Gate 3 or at the very least Origins, then that's a win right there.

At least, when it comes to the Art Direction, this is certainly the most appealing Dragon's Age. With the second one coming a close second, character wise at least, but falling WAY short on account of being a half baked game in every respect. The first one being an abhorrent looking abomination, even when it came out, and the Third one being Good Looking but generic as fuck.

So we'll see.

Zombieburger6381h ago

Can’t wait for all the game “journalists” to start singing praises for this game only for gamers to find it sucks.