
Microsoft Tries to Downplay PS4’s Spec Advantage, Draws Attention to it

As the week comes to a close, Daily Reaction wouldn’t be complete without discussing a baffling comment made by an exec. Today, Seb and Dan discuss whether the PS4 and Xbox One’s specs are “meaningless” in what will surely be a pointless argument. - PSLS

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Foolsjoker3962d ago

Yeah, Specs don't mean anything, so we should just keep playing our 360s, right Microsoft?

TrendyGamers3962d ago

360? I'm still playing my Xbox 1 with Halo 1!

fenome3961d ago Show
Boody-Bandit3961d ago (Edited 3961d ago )

If you are gaming on an Xbox 1 shouldn't it be Halo 5 you're playing? /s

Redrum0593961d ago


you guys are all making me laugh

+bubbles for everyone with the xbox classic references. but yes xbox classic is cool

thechosenone3961d ago

Already debunked.

So did Microsoft just spin a downclocked esram based on pure bs?

zebramocha3961d ago

Xbox just wants to have fun.

dalibor3961d ago (Edited 3961d ago )

Or you could just color code them
Green/Phat Xbox(even though it wasn't green just the logo) = the original
White/Matte Xbox = 360
Black/Glossy Xbox = Xbox 1

Grey PS = the original
Black PS = PS2
Glossy/Phat PS = PS3
Bi color PS = PS4
Yes there is discrepancies between each model but just put together the biggest differences between the first systems released, not the later revisions.

I_am_Batman3961d ago

@dalibor: Why would you need a colorcode for PS?

Sharingan_no_Kakashi3961d ago


Stop it's too early for this level of hilarity to ensue...

plaZeHD3961d ago

See it makes everything so complicated. Out of everything why would they call it 'Xbox One'? Just retarded.

pixelsword3961d ago (Edited 3961d ago )

@ plaZeHD:

So they could market it with Dog armor.




All the things the modern war-dog needs.

Ezz20133961d ago

lol at those comments

anyway i post this in other topic
let's destroy MS claim once and for all:

********"So this article at the top of /r/games sounds pretty rosy. They're claiming the esram on the XBO can actually push 192.0 GB/s. That sounds really great...

Except if we read the actual statement, it is this.

However, with near-final production silicon, Microsoft techs have found that the hardware is capable of reading and writing simultaneously. Apparently, there are spare processing cycle "holes" that can be utilised for additional operations.

No, they didn't wake up one morning and realize there was an extra data line in their memory module, so lets drill down to what that actually means.

Apparently, there are spare processing cycle "holes" that can be utilised for additional operations.

In other words, no, it isn't capable of bidirectional data transfer. Their trying to push through a few extra memory operations, but the it's still strictly read or write.
Now, look at the actual numbers. I have to give credit to R_K_M and Boreras for pointing this out. I'm just aggregating, so I'm going to direct quote.

If I am not mistaken, that just means that they lowered the clock from 800 to 750 and are using the bi-directonal bandwith number for marketing when everyone else is using the bandwith number in one direction. - R_K_M

you're right the numbers do match up perfectly for that (750 (GPU clock) * 128 (bus width)*2(read&write during same cycle) = 192.0 GB/s --- if it were 800 MHz you would get 204.8 GB/s) - Boreras

So we can basically confirm that cboat was correct. The numbers tell the truth. The esram has been downclocked, and Microsoft's PR department is trying to spin it as an increase in total bandwidth based on some cycle tricks that are probably being exaggerated."*********

keep the DC going MS ...keep it going

x5exotic3961d ago

"X-box it doesn't matter because they all sucked"

+ Show (20) more repliesLast reply 3961d ago
chrismichaels043962d ago

Its amazing...the more Microsoft tries to defend themselves, the more they just come off looking clueless and confused.

Godmars2903961d ago

Maybe because they are clueless and confused.

Maybe they've been believing their own hype all this time no matter what other sources told them.

Honestly, when always online was just a beginning of rumor and reaction to it was obvious, even before Orth, plans should have been changed then. Instead they let the second strike saying worse than nothing pre-E3, then compounded on things post. And now they show no real signs of getting any balance. Are only making more smaller mistakes.

Automatic793961d ago


"as long as they do it honestly and without bias"

This is coming from a bitter troll who goes on Microsoft articles and post comments like the one below

"Its amazing...the more Microsoft tries to defend themselves, the more they just come off looking clueless and confused."

Gamers beware of fanboys who try to come off as respectful toward the competition when in fact they are trolling articles and can't stand all the good competition has done.

nosferatuzodd3961d ago (Edited 3961d ago )

Microsoft have a gun point at their feet and how many times they pull the trigger now 10 maybe 20times wow give these guys some crutches cuz i don't think there ever going to walk straight after this generation

chrismichaels043961d ago

@MichaelLito - my fellow gamers, don't mind MichaelLito. Hes a bitter and biased fanboy that spreads lies and misinformation all over these forums. He's mad at me for catching him in a lie and calling him out on it. Now he's lowered himself to personal attacks. Just look up his last few comments. Many of his biased comments have racked up disagrees in the 40's and 50's and one of his recent comments passed 105 disagrees and was blocked for "trolling" and he lost a bubble as a result. Don't waste your time with this troll, he's not worth it.

medman3961d ago (Edited 3961d ago )

Right....and horsepower doesn't matter in automobiles either. I'm sure that Nasa's Jet Propulsion Lab can now rest easy because this gentleman has let us all know that performance is irrelevant. No need to push the boundaries at all. These sorts of things don't matter when you're on the short end of the stick. I bet this guy doesn't think penis size is important either, most likely because he's hung like a common shrew. That's what happens when someone else has what you desire, you make excuses. And excuses are tools of the incompetent. There are very few industries or performance metrics where the phrase "more is better" does not apply. Somebody better wake the dopes at Microsoft up, they are getting slaughtered, and every other word from their mouths is gibberish.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3961d ago
kevnb3962d ago

Well it's all theoretical performance given so far, but I guess Microsoft is confirming its beaten in real world performance too... Good job guys.

PSjesus3962d ago

So if Xbone is inferior to PS4 why it's 100$ more expensive .... oh yes you force Kinect in every box so you can spy on us while eating chicken wings

IBleedXbox3962d ago

does it matter. people have laptops with build in cameras, who knows if it is recording them or talking pictures. same with phones. most phones come with a front camera and we don't know if it is recording But people still use it. at least with the xbox one you can turn it around facing the wall. if you are concerned about it recording you then buy sound proof foam and wrap it up in it and that fixes your problem

nosferatuzodd3961d ago

lol And who like to watch porn micro have a fetish, they want to see what gamers are doing..

They get their kicks from that, and to the ppl who say I'm paranoid just remember this Microsoft turn all you're data keys to the nsa remember that what makes you thing they wont do the same with the ONE

grimmweisse3961d ago

Don't be stupid iBleed, with a laptop camera you have direct control over the PCs OS, you can disable the camera completely it's not mandatory. Same with my android based phone, nothing with those hardware features are mandatory, big difference!

If you can't notice your phone or PC camera recording or snapping photos of you then more fool you. The big flashing light is a dead give away that its recording.

titletownrelo3961d ago

Google already knows we all watch porn, M$ just wants video confirmation, XD

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3961d ago
greenpowerz3962d ago ShowReplies(8)
3961d ago
BallsEye3961d ago

isn't it funny how suddenly every person on n4g is expert in console architecture, knows exactly the way software works and so on? Maybe all of you should get hired at Sony! I'm sure they would take such experts right away!

FlunkinMonkey3961d ago

And i'm sure MS would take you as their resident 'fluffer' (look it up).

loulou3961d ago

lol i know what a fluffer is without googling..

but the guy does have a point. listening to the cretins on here, you could almost believe that they are all in the business, and have been for years..

or definately fluffing for sony.. lol

BallsEye3961d ago


Aw, did I hurt your feelings? Just because I got all the disagrees it proves my point! Thanks N4g you are the best!

FlunkinMonkey3961d ago

Ha yea, i'm crying inside, so deep man.. You're a bit special aren't you? You proved that point man! Well done bro! You are a legend!

Not even a single MS fan agreed with you ignorant buffoon.. Rare to see that many disagrees to agrees wow, way to prove a point man.. Glad you completed your special mission..


ShwankyShpanky3961d ago

Or maybe people are just reading what developers and industry people are actually saying about the architecture. And one doesn't even need to be an "expert" to form a valid opinion; there's plenty of information on the web regarding computer technology for people to do their own research.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3961d ago
stage883961d ago

Classic Microsoft.

"Our technology isn't as good as our competitors so we'll say to everyone that its the same".

greenlantern28143961d ago (Edited 3961d ago )

Ms says specs don't matter then try to say their specs are better than first thought. They say it is about games which sony has that advantage to. Look at the history of the systems sony keeps the games coming year after year. This year Xbox 360 gears4; ps3 = God of war4, TLOU, beyond,puppeteer, tales of xillia.
But I want to point out when they said it was about the games they also said our games will be just as good as our competitors.
4= greatness
1= ms bs

solar3961d ago

it's really funny, console gamers say til they are blue in the face they dont care about specs or graphics.

RevXM3961d ago (Edited 3961d ago )

SPECS matter to me, and I see myself as a console gamer primarily.

People have different views and opinions. yeah Ive seen "TEH SPECZ NO MATTRZ!", but they do not know any better I guess. Specs do matter.
Ive been playing pc games since I were shittin in pampers and I found out with the years as I started to buy games myself that games like AVP2 doesnt run very well on an OLD pentium 3 based Pc with some crappy Matrox videocard. lol.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 3961d ago
Mr_Nuts3962d ago (Edited 3962d ago )

They said it's all about games but they made it out like that's what they've been giving us for years...all they've really done has been giving us timed DLC. I mean look at the most recent Sony game, have MS gave us their version of "The Last of Us" this year.....nope. The only thing we've had so far is Gears of War Judgement

I mean I'd understand if Sony were the same but they arn't. MS had the most games at their E3 then they've had for years but lets face it, it was only to try and make us see past their horrible anti consumer polices and high price point. Once they get an install base and those games come out shown at E3 you'll never see an E3 like that again I'll tell you that now.

In a way since Sony does have games, more then MS, Sony has games AND better specs

SheenuTheLegend3961d ago

thats the point. next e3 will be all about kinect

ThatCanadianGuy5143961d ago (Edited 3961d ago )

Exactly.If you liked MS's E3, i hope you REALLY liked it because that was %90 of the games you're going to get from them for the next 3 years.

MS always do this.Blow their load at one time and and just chug along with trailers or games already shown for the next few years.They have no skill at pacing themselves.

Jaqen_Hghar3961d ago

A man thinks they did it more so at this E3 because they were trying to drown out their own bad press. It obviously didn't work so now the biggest story is getting their policies to not be as bad as they were. Now they've shown most of their games but didn't get any positive buzz because they're timed or just were looked over because of the hate after that Sony conference. Sony meanwhile showed SOME stuff but knew they could get the hype train going with policy and price alone. They now have many more of their 20 first year exclusives to show at Gamescom and TGS while MS has little left for those shows leading up to launch.

crazyboom3961d ago

True since I think they have only showed like 5 of the 20 exclusive game coming in the first year to ps4.


what about "state of decay"? (sarcasm)

3962d ago Replies(1)
Belking3962d ago

of course a playstation site would downplay anything from MS....lol

NihonjinChick3962d ago (Edited 3962d ago )

Wait, so a PlayStation site tried to downplay Microsoft down playing the PS4's specs?


Furi173961d ago

Well, it doesn't have logic but, but... did you see Titanfall?

ElitaStorm3961d ago

its called downplayception, they need to go deeper

Parapraxis3962d ago

I'd love to see how you'd go about boasting about this information Belking.
Care to give it a whirl?

Hicken3961d ago

Isn't he doing so already?

Seriously, though, what else would you call this? Before, they would have been shouting their technical superiority from the rooftops. But now, for some reason, it doesn't matter?

Now, it supposedly all about the games, but when has Microsoft proven they can best either Sony OR Nintendo in that category?

SCW19823961d ago

I think Belking understands this is Rocket Science Level Stuff guys.

grimmweisse3961d ago

They didn't downplay anything , the moron that is Albert Penello should of just kept quite if he can't even be honest about a simple question. His comments made a mess, saying spec means nothing. If you can't find fault with that then you might as well never upgrade and just keep chugging along with an Atari2600, because guess what, spec doesn't matter according to Albert!!

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3961d ago
younglj013962d ago

if specs means nothing then why are we getting PS4 and Xbox One later this year? I understand tying too downplay your rival but atleast do it in a better way then these.

HALOisKING3962d ago

im geting x1 for halo 5 not specs

fenome3962d ago (Edited 3962d ago )

You do know that bungie's not makin it right? They've got a new DESTINY. lol.
Might as well be a new IP, they just know you love the original 5 exclusives and will buy into their BS because of a name on a game. They're just pumping out more breast-milk for you little trolls to eat up. Buying a box for the name of one game.. pathetic..

SCW19823961d ago

I get a butt rape from Microsoft but not for the specs is what I translated from your statement.

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Games That Were Bad on Release, But Are Now Great

BLG writes, "Some of the most popular games have had a rough start, with some of them being downright unplayable.

Despite that, developers have managed to turn it around for them and make their game worth playing. Here are some games that had a rough start but were pretty great."

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Terry_B2h ago

Good list..hoped to see Street Fighter 5 there..and it is.

Vits1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

Sea of Thieves... I'm not disagreeing that the game has improved in terms of content. But I feel that the most significant change between now and its release is actually the public perception. Nowadays, most people are aware that the game is a multiplayer PvP-focused experience first and foremost, and not "Black Flag made by Rare". Consequently, people dismissing the whole experience because the single-player aspect is lacking or the story is plain are much less common.

Kaii1h ago

They consider FO 76 & ME Andromeda to be great now 🤭


Rumored Gears of War Collection tops my Xbox Games Showcase wishlist

The long-rumored Gears of War collection is looking ripe for a 2024 release, and a possible Xbox showcase reveal alongside Gears 6 could not be more perfect.

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Vits24m ago(Edited 23m ago)

Even though the games are easily available on Game Pass, a remaster of the original titles would be cool. I believe only the first got that treatment back in the Xbox One's days. As for Gears 6, honestly, it's not that Gears 4 and 5 are bad, far from it. But at this point, I feel just like Halo, it could really take its time, 4 years is already a lot but I feel a couple more would do well for this series.

Inverno22m ago

Maybe if they're given the same treatment as the MCC. I wouldn't buy it cause I've never liked the series, but I do really like collections when they have all games, and touch up the old ones.


WRATH: Aeon of Ruin review - Games Asylum

Games Asylum: "It seems reasonable to suggest most people have a preferred takeaway establishment. The one that you always find yourself coming back to, much to your waistline’s despair. Should that takeaway temporarily close, you’ll doubtlessly have to expand horizons and go elsewhere. Sure, the food from a second choice might be palatable, but it’s never the same, lacking in zest. This analogy can be applied to the 3D Realms published WRATH. It’s powered by a modified version of the Quake engine, and even plays like ID’s masterful shooter at times, but it’s lacking that all important crunchiness. It isn’t completely soggy, but there’s not much bite either."

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