
Sony: "It's not the decline of consoles, it's the decline of a generation"

"Cloud gaming services are launching next year in the US so PlayStation 4 and Vita users will be able to play PlayStation 3 catalogue games even though there's no native compatibility on the system itself. That's just one example of how we can improve the system.

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sherimae24133967d ago

i really hope it works! this will be another good feature to ps4 and vita ^_^

Need4Game3967d ago ShowReplies(4)
xxPillsxx3967d ago

It's funny because most PS3 owners hate or ignore PS Vita, it's a Sony system too, I just don't get why people hate on it everytimes it gets a news that gets in the way.

MasterCornholio3967d ago

Now thats just stupid because the Vita is a fantastic handheld.

BTW i own one plus a PS3 and soon a PS4.

stuntman_mike3967d ago

the vita is awesome, i think people need to actually play one to get a feel for it and that's the problem.
for myself I've got the vita bug and want vita versions of most of the games i have seen lately.

Aceman183967d ago

I own one with a PS3. Will also have PS4 later this year.

elmaton983967d ago (Edited 3967d ago )

I hadn't used a vita until recently when I decided to pay a visit to my local gamestop to buy the last of us and, I gotta be honest with you, it's awesome and right now I'm saving some money to buy me one to take full advantage of the ps4 once it comes out.

sackboyhappy3967d ago

i dont hate or ignore the vita, i just wouldn't use one if i had one, just like my psp that is never used.

pixelsword3967d ago

Yeah, never got into the handheld thing myself; I must admit I was interested in the PSP when they said you could download your PS3 games and play them on it, but since basically one game I heard of did it, and the PSP didn't have sixaxis, it was a no-go.

Killzoner993967d ago

Ummm I don't think so troll. True Playstation fans embrace everything Sony puts out. The only people you see hating on it are jealous trolls.

hellzsupernova3966d ago

I think you are misinformed I have a vita and a ps3 and a per ordered ps4 I love the vita cannot wait for the ps4 vita combo

tarbis3966d ago (Edited 3966d ago )

Some of my personal and psn friends who have a PS3 and PSP bought a PS Vita at launch or within the launch year. And many more are interested in getting a PS Vita.
I don't know where you get that "most PS3 owners hate or ignore PS Vita". Care to share your basis?

jujubee883966d ago

Huh? Every PS3 owner I know has or wants a VITA and are totally digging the handheld.

Online, I think the people who do that just flat-out have never gotten their hands on a VITA. Which is a shame, because vita is by far my favorite handheld in existence.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 3966d ago
Hicken3967d ago

Your first time seeing one in the wild?

zippycup3967d ago

nah its a pic he found online its not a girl

imXify3966d ago

I don't think so. She talks about the Vita everytime here and all her avatars were taken directly from a Vita. I can easily detect this simply by the picture quality.

Freedomland3967d ago

Next generation is close at hand with PS4 to entertain us for coming 10 years with their great games.

lucidity3967d ago

I think what he's saying is more true than pundits are willing to believe. The current gen feels like it's long overstayed its welcome. We'll see soon enough just what that means for the sales of new boxes.

Minato-Namikaze3967d ago

I didnt actually feel that way until the PS4 reveal, mainly because sony has so many games coming out this year and i have so many games left to finish and buy. But after seeing the PS4 and its social features (which i am starting to do now on the PS3) i definitely can't wait until next gen gets here.

Larry L3967d ago

I'm glad so many people plan to support PS4 right from launch. Because if everyone was against them again, as a loyal Sony gamer I'd be forced to spend what little money I had on getting the PS4 at launch to help support the system right off the bat. Because I know they're going to be selling PS4 I can put off buying one for a while.

Don't get me wrong, I really want a PS4, but 3 things mean I have to, or at least would REALLY like to put of the PS4 purchase as long as I can (about a year or so).

1. I'm poor and can't find steady work, so I need to be as thrifty of a gamer as I can. To have a fun and happy holiday season I can't spend $500 on a PS4 and a game or 2. Unless something changes in my situation this is the major thing that's holding me back......MONEY.

2. PS3 still has ALOT to offer me for well over a year, perhaps even 2 strong years. I still play GT5 daily, GT6 has far more depth of content/customisation, and will have alot of track DLC/ So I could be quite happy with just GT6 for over a year. But there are also 2 other long term play games for me coming to PS3, Diablo 3 and FF14. Not to mention GTA5 and the rest of my 2013 back catalogue of PS3 game I havn't been able to afford this year like Last of Us, Injustice and GoW:A.

And 3. I'm not a "social gamer". Oh, I love playing online with people, I mean I really don't care about things like Facebook, and sharing with people hourly updates on what I'm doing all the time. I didn't use cross-game chat when I had a Xbox, and I still don't want it now. If I'm using my headset I talk to the people I'm actually gaming with......I could go on and on about not caring about social gaming features. I just care about the games I like. And luckily for my wallet this year, the games I REALLY want, are all coming out on PS3.

I'll be getting a PS4 as soon as I can, I'm just glad I have the freedom to not rush it because PS3 is still rocking and rolling. It's truly amazing to me how long this console generation lasted with really both systems being so short on RAM, but especially PS3 with only 256 Mb of RAM and 256 Virtual RAM.

jukins3967d ago

I cant wait for this feature, but im also wondering how its going to be handled. will games be free via playstation+ or will an additional fee be required or even a higher tier subscription fee.

NihonjinChick3967d ago

I'm think a fee. It will probably be something like OnLive.

BitbyDeath3967d ago

I don't see them giving away the entire PS3 catalogue for a small fee. I'd think it'll just be indivudal games you buy.

jukins3966d ago

That's the thing though it won't be the entire catalog. Just like they did with ps1 games I can see a few ps3 titles every week added. Because getting permission for the entire catalog is next to impossible. But at the same time if its priced like Netflix streaming is def sign up as long as titles I want to play are available and game streamih actually works.

mickaelmc3967d ago

What I need to know is, will they expect me to pay for the ps3 games that I already own... Again??

JoySticksFTW3967d ago

You know that's coming unfortunately

Rumor has it Sony was actually building a pool of PS2 disc-based games to actually run on non-bc PS3's before they found out that they could double-dip with HD remasters.

I'm guilty of loving HD remasters though :D

Minato-Namikaze3967d ago

Do you have to sell your ps3? Cause i'm not and I'm going to continue to play games on it while i have my ps4.

devwan3967d ago

You can still use your ps3 for that. This is a streaming service, it's nothing to do with what games you have on your shelf.

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I Miss When Games Came In Full Package Rather Than Broken Mess Filled With Microtransactions

The gaming industry has drifted away from offering full-fledged games to putting unfinished titles that are jam-packed with microtransactions on the market.

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Christopher1d 3h ago

It's not the fault of the gaming industry. Gamers were told what was happening, were warned about where this would lead, did nothing, and now are acting like it's the fault of publishers that they kept buying these games and investing in MTX. If only those gamers at that time felt as strongly about these things as they do Helldivers 2.

Hugodastrevas1d 3h ago

I don't think MTX target the common gamer but instead predate on the so called "whales". It's gambling pure and simple.

Christopher1d 1h ago

Oh, so it's okay to buy MTX-laden games as long as you don't spend money on MTX, which has led to even more MTX-laden games with even more predatory practices where content that used to be unlocked is now behind paywalls?

C'mon now people. You gave the corporations and inch, and they kept taking and taking. Community members told people that investing in these things alone would only lead to more and more MTX and putting more and more behind paywalls. But it's only the fault of the corporations, not the people who kept supporting it with purchases as more and more was taken away?

Hugodastrevas1d 1h ago

@Christopher that's a straw man, I didn't say any of that I just added context.

-Foxtrot22h ago

Well exactly

People stand up for something which seems small to them and they get called whiners or negative. Then years later the shit hits the fan and they all go “why is this happening?” Like they are innocent.

The issue aswell is younger gamers who grew up with all this thinking it’s normal and we all just look like old farts yelling at clouds when we’re trying to help us all, even them.

Crows904h ago

Who woulda thought that listening to your elders could be a good idea...too late now

Hofstaderman3h ago

It all started with that damn horse armour. Back then I thought nobody was stupid to buy into that crap. How wrong I was....

CrimsonWing692h ago(Edited 2h ago)

I like how people move the goal-post. First it’s, f*ck any game with MTX’s, f*ck GaaS games, f*ck this game with “optional” MTX’s (Dragon’s Dogma 2), Helldivers 2 is ok because it’s fun and even though it has Battle Passes or Season Passes and MTX’s it’s ok because… you don’t need to buy them? 🤷‍♂️

HellDivers 2 is the best selling game this year. Just think about that, games like FF7 Rebirth sold poorly, but a continuous game that lives off recurring revenue sells extraordinarily well. Then we’ll hear everyone b*tch about a GaaS future.

I really wonder what this industry would’ve been like if we never gave into this crap, and yes I’m saying “WE” since I’m guilty of it, but man it’s literally no closing the door once it’s been opened.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2h ago
Hugodastrevas1d 3h ago

This is what amazed me the most when playing hours upon hours of stellar Blade version 1.00.00 no bugs, no crashes, no sudden drops in frames, no screen tear, no falling from the world, just a complete package on a game under 50GB.
I think Korea will play a major role in gaming in the long run , because they're releasing banger after banger.

isarai1d 2h ago

Still pretty common to find if you stay away from the AAA publishers, in the last 10yrs ive probably only bought like 3 games combined from EA/ACTIVISION/UBISOFT. Even now i still buy games that work right out the box perfectly fine. Just recently got like 6hrs into Alone in the Dark, and not a single sign of any of that bs, really enjoying my time with it.

shinoff218319h ago

There's such a misconception about every game needing a patch,this and that when in reality it's not even close. You nailed it isarai

Crows904h ago

It's really only AAA devs and publishers that seem to have these constant problems

z2g5h ago(Edited 5h ago)

And we as gamers have to accept our role in that. Constantly never being satisfied. Constantly demanding more while paying less. Constantly demanding better frame rates, better graphics, more modes and faster faster faster…. Then review bombing the product when a demand isn’t met. Meanwhile those same demands are making games more difficult, complex and more expensive to create than ever before, on shrinking timelines that burn out employees and make their lives miserable.

You wanna know why so many games get delayed? Cuz the original release dates weren’t realistic to begin with, but you can’t tell a gamer their game is further away than they want to hear. Some dev or game designer will be threatened physically. That builds even more pressure and rushing. We are officially squeezing water out of rocks and still complaining about that how hard you have to squeeze the rock be just waiting for rain. Most of the time we take it out on the developing studio, when it’s the publisher making the calls.

All you need to do is read the comments on most websites and social media to see how toxic, entitled and petty the gaming community at large is, and realize how that transforms into impossible expectations on the parts of game makers.

Crows904h ago

Nope. Some gamers are to blame. Never demanded anything you mentioned.

A fully finished and functioning product is a standard. It's not demanded. If someone sells you a tv that only works 60% of the time are you going to recommend it OR write a review calling out the obvious problem...it's not a demand...it's a standard.

A standard triple A publishers can't seem to hit consistently.

thorstein2h ago

You've never heard of planned obsolescence.

Kinza550125h ago(Edited 5h ago)

This is one battle that gamers have never won, hahaha. They were parading recently for their "win" against Sony. Where's the energy for this one, guys? LMAO!

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Playstation Country - Wrath: Aeon of Ruin – PS4 Review

Michael Kitchin writes, "I simply cannot trust Wrath: Aeon of Ruin, at present. For as tense as combat can feel, it can't match the fear of a game seconds from breaking. At the time of writing nobody has finished this game. My save is broken to the point where there are two levels I can't even finish due to scripting errors. If you have to check it out, PC seems to be where the support and community is. Out on Playstation consoles, it's toast."

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Friendlygamer2h ago

Shame, I love modern boomer shooters. I've been burned a few times by poor ports of popular pc focused games to consoles, pathologic 2 for example is unplayable on ps4, a lot of times these ports are made by third party companies and receive poor support


Broken Sword – Shadow Of The Templars: Reforged Suffers A Small Delay

Charles Cecil has revealed that the the team at Revolution need a couple more months to finish work on the project.

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