
Xbox One May Not Be Able To Be Sold Used

Even more bad news for the Xbox One. Microsoft isn’t commenting on whether the system can be sold used right now. This is an odd thing because if it was able to be sold into the second hand market then they would come out and say it.

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JoGam3984d ago

Damn if true that's crazy. Things getting worse and worse.

wishingW3L3984d ago (Edited 3984d ago )

when you think something can't get any worse just remember, it can!

shivvy243984d ago

when you think something cant get any worse just remember someone in africa is being chased by a tiger

Skips3984d ago (Edited 3984d ago )

Almost every announcement or leak for the Xbox One just points to doom for the console. Meanwhile, practically every announcement for the PS4 get better and better. lol. Either to the benefit of PS or a jab at Xbox.

What's next?

Sony announces that the PS4 can play used Xbox One games!?

DARK WITNESS3984d ago (Edited 3984d ago )

That would be a Lion dude, Lion... lolol

Just remember, when things can't get any worse... There is a poor kid in Africa with NO internet connection. He is going to be stuck with the xbox 360 for the rest of his life.

Serg3984d ago


Now that the hardware is so damn similar, you actually may be on to something here haha. The hardware wouldn't need to be emulated, which is the most performance taxing thing, just the OS backend...

Blachek3984d ago

Lol that would be funny.

Same hardware, developers, publishers, disc drives, inter connectivity... if MS ever decides that they are in the wrong industry it wouldn't take much to do an update and enable everything

abzdine3984d ago

i never thought it could get any worse than the few countries where the live will work!
this is clearly the best thing i have ever heard!!
good job guys

xHeavYx3984d ago

What's next? Xbox beating up little kids?

nix3984d ago

if you think something can't get worse just remember that someone is pushing the door instead of pulling it.

kneon3984d ago


Actually hippos kill more people than any other animal in Africa. But they don't do a lot of chasing, they just drag you into the water.

360degrees3984d ago Show
xHeavYx3984d ago

You seem like a mix between a fanboy and an used cars salesman, the funniest thing is that your profile says "I am in no way, shape, or form a so called "Fanboy". Right, that's what I thought after seeing your user ID.
I can give you plenty of reasons why someone would want to sell "their Xbox One console when it provides all aspects of ones gaming and entertainment needs"
1) Something happened to this person's internet and was offline for over 24 hours, then realized that he was stuck with a $500 brick.
2) Someone finally realized how much of a rip-off it is to pay for Xbox Gold.
3) This one using my crystal ball that lets me see the future, M$' fee for used games ends up being true and higher than normal.
4) People realize that the Xbox is not as powerful as the PS4 and decide to switch.
5) People also realize that true exclusives are better than time exclusive DLC.
Should I keep going?

mewhy323984d ago

Wow. I'm so glad that I'm going with PS4!!!!! Micro$oft is cutting it's own throat with this stuff.

Army_of_Darkness3984d ago

After replacing your xbone controller, your gonna have to pay an insertion fee in order for it to operate on your xbone console.

ABizzel13984d ago

If this is true I'm not buying one at all. This was the only way X1 was going to itself into my home, because I refuse to let MS make hundreds from me off of this console (I'll buy it used when it gets a price drop of at least $100).

JoySticksFTW3984d ago

I just saw an xbone push an old lady down a flight of stairs!!!

travelguy2k3984d ago

It really wouldn't make sense the M$ to block the sale of the system for 2 reasons.

1. If you want to sell it, you probably are not purchasing games for it. Since game sales are where they make their money they should want you to sell it on to another person who may in fact purchase games.

2. M$ might be losing money on the system for awhile, if you sell it forward to someone that will buy games, they did not lose money on the system sold a second time.

The second reason is a bit of a stretch though.

blackbeld3984d ago

True things getting very ugly for M$oft.

"I’m not sure why a major retailer like GameStop would even stock this console if it makes so many hoops for gamers looking for second hand content to jump through."

Gigaguy7773984d ago

1. There's no such thing as a "true exclusive" it's one way or the other. Exclusive or not.
2. The value of XBL Gold is the same as PS+ now, with the exception of being $10 more I think. So that's just flat out wrong.

Enemy3984d ago

Lmao! Another day, another perfect opportunity to sh*t all over Xbox Ones' never-ending flaws.

DragonKnight3984d ago

@Gigaguy: When Gold provides BRAND NEW games for free, or early beta invites, or basically everything PS+ offers for the same price, then you can say they are equal. As of now, they aren't PS+ is a MUCH better service.

Mounce3984d ago

It's like Microsoft wants to shoot themselves not even in the foot, but the face. They don't want to survive and want to be obliterated from the console scene - They just don't want to do it silently, they want to cause a huge commotion so people won't constantly whine at them about when the next console is coming out. No one will even want to ask now.

dredgewalker3983d ago

This is actually not an issue....who in their right mind would ever buy a second hand xbox one?

ThanatosDMC3983d ago

Just imagine if the console ends up having some sort of RROD... you cant have your own console back after the reset or maybe you even lose all your games.

loulou3983d ago

look at the voting... lol

this is getting ridiculous. i really cannot imagine this happening. anyway, i have no intention of reselling my xbox one once i have it

SecondSon3983d ago

I heard Xbox One stole a sandwich from a starving child in Hungary!

+ Show (22) more repliesLast reply 3983d ago
komp3984d ago

It will get worse when the product is in the shops... kids all walking around saying 'xbox off' etc...

Then when in party chat if someone says it (sound from speakers) 'xbox off' over the mic and peoples xbox go off...

Is the xbox off or on darling? said the wife.

Xbox off course, said the kid when asked what console he was playing on.

My xbox OFF ers better value then your XYZ.

Is the internet down or is the XBOX off? Was the question to parents when the game would not play.

Man this is going to be fun for a while....

eclectified3984d ago

Crazy thing is, you're right. Whenever I'm on xbl with my friend talking about random stuff, he has to occasionally start yelling "cancel" at his kinect.

Last night was the best though because he said, " damn it man, I didn't even say xbox... sh!t, cancel!"

mediate-this3984d ago

I think shivvy needs to go back to school, Tigers are not in Africa, that's india, and lions are in Africa...but you already knew that/

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torchic3984d ago

don't people get tired of all these Microsoft news articles? it's all too much.

I'm jaded.

DiRtY3984d ago

If there is one website that knwos these things, it is gimmegimmegames.com!

solar3984d ago

if MS doesnt explain you can sell a used Xbox 1, then might as well start getting the shoves and finish the grave MS already started digging themselves. because it's game over.

ceballos77mx3984d ago

Next to E.T. Atari cartridges.

marinelife93984d ago

Xbone wants til death do you part?

Even if you're strapped for cash and need to sell your console?

ravenl0rd3984d ago

Well, you can keep your xbox one until your death, but your games will not work because no doubt the servers will be shut down sometime after the system is old.

SecondSon3983d ago

Scenario: 2015 Triple dip recession hits.

I lost my job and had problems paying the rent. One of the first things to go was my landline , my cable subscription and my internet connection.

Soon my savings were all gone so I began selling off my appliances and my furniture to pay my rent and buy food for Jimmy my son.

After 3 months we could no longer afford the gas and electricity bills but luckily the fireplace kept us warm during the cold nights. Until I could no longer afford the rent and with just $50 in my pocket we were forced to seek a homeless shelter.

Jimmy had a cough for 2 months and I couldn't afford to buy him any medicine. The recession has hit everyone badly and no one looks twice at children in need anymore. The cold had reached down to his bones and it only got worse when I had to sell out blankets to the homeless guy with a guitar in exchange for some food.

Spring 2016
Jimmy passed away. His cough got progressively worse till he started coughing blood. I couldn't afford the $60 visit to the doctor so I never found out exactly what he had. All I have left is the Xbox One which I had been using as a pillow since my real pillow was stolen by some thugs.

I know its only a box but when I stare into its Kinect eyes I feel like it knows who I am and I know what I have been though, buying an Xbox is a bond stronger than marriage because you can't get a divorce, my Xbox will always be with me.

Till death do us apart,
Michael Taylor
Loving Father,
and Delusional Xbox Fanboy.

Sevir3984d ago

Great, a license product that plays licensed games that arent yours even though you purchase it!!!

Keep it up MS your fans are looking to make sure they get their fix on the PS4.

jmc88883984d ago

...and you have to prove that you bought it by having it check in...even if you purchased it from them digitally.

...and meanwhile Kinect2 is beaming this info back to your local friendly NSA/CIA moron.

iceman063983d ago

It's like a you're licensed to have a console...with NO option to buy and own ANYTHING!

GameSpawn3983d ago (Edited 3983d ago )

Are you surprised that this would come from the same company that wanted to license use to your PC by having Windows 8 be subscription based?

Yeah! That happened. The community shot Microsoft down on Windows 8 before it even hit the market.

Soooo...what does Microsoft do? They apply the f-ing subscription model to Office and the damn Xbox One to coerce people into thinking this s@#& is OK so they can introduce Windows 9 with the same subscription model.

Imagine if you will, a future where you need to pay $50 a year to use your Xbox, another $50 a year to use your PC, and another $200 a year to use Office Professional on said PC, and say $20 a year to use Windows 9 RT on that lovely Windows tablet.

DO NOT SUPPORT THIS KIND OF BACKWARDS CRAP!!! Voice your opinion! Refuse to buy into this subscription based crap because all it is doing is telling Microsoft "Hey I'm OK with this, but let me grab my ankles first before you do anything else."

Gamer-Z3984d ago

Holy crap, that means if somebody buys the thing they are pretty much stuck with it. I feel bad for all those uninformed casuals who will run out and by the X1 without even knowing what they are getting themselves into.

Narutone663983d ago

Don't underestimate the general population now, a lot of people who MS is selling this console to have internet. Right now, in social medias, these so called "casuals" are being informed of the restrictions in this console. Ironically, MS is betting on these casuals for the success of their console. It's a double-edged swords.

buynit3983d ago

From an article i read here yesterday, it seems as if that is the plan.. To take advantage of the ones that dont look for details.. I just hope there isnt enough idiots to fall for it.

lucaskeller13984d ago

Whats fishy is its almost as if it was built for the NSA surveillance. Every feature sounds like it was custom for it, always camera listening and always online, or it won't function. But also no selling it so the NSA don't get confused with who they are saving data about.

sAVAge_bEaST3983d ago

NSA is opening the Utah Data Center,.. this fall /release of xbone. Yotta bytes of info- thats over a trillion dvds of data.

ajax173984d ago

The first thing I thought of was: Say Whaaat?

Jazz41083983d ago

Why do people hope this rumor is true as its at hopefully. Is it you really dont care or is it allegiange to sony?

Narutone663983d ago

MS could easily debunk this rumor if they comes out and say that you could sell it used. But they chose to stay silent. Didn't you know, silence means "yes", that means the rumor is true.

RedHawkX3983d ago

so why again do some people want to get an xbox one? seems like the only reason to is if you want to torture yourself.

nosferatuzodd3983d ago

damn xbox is going down hill well its bin on a down hill clime since kinect

maximaz3983d ago

As it stands, it cant be sold brand new either, if you catch my drift.

MYSTERIO3603983d ago

I think the only worse situation MS could find themselves in right now is if its officially confirmed that Kinect 2.0 actually does spy on you.

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ArchangelMike3984d ago

It figures that this may well be the case. More anti-consumer bs from M$. I bet retailers are going to love the this gen. /s

Sharius3984d ago

if this is true then i belive the PS2 era will be all over again, except this time we have indie devs join into party, that will be one of the crazy gen ever

sAVAge_bEaST3983d ago

can't wait, with all of gaming's brothers and sisters under one tent,, with a company that currently cares.

Astargatis3984d ago

The next info about Xbox one will be that we will have to go to Mount Doom to destroy the ONE...

Lou-Cipher3984d ago

RROD is also an easy way to destroy your Xbox.

Turn on your launch Xbox, and you have a 90% chance of an explosion. (at least that is how the launch 360's were)

komp3984d ago

You know what info I have either missed or just not been stated yet?

Where is the physical ON/OFF button on the thing?

I would really like to know. Thanks.

unknownhero11233984d ago

there's no button. in order to turn on the xbone you have to kill a kitten in front of the kinect. Then the xbone will turn on. Don't get me started on turning it off. It involves justin beiber, a strap-on, and mayo.

T23983d ago

@unknown - wow if you thought of that in less than a minute, you should be a standup comic cuz that was genius LMAO

TheDarpaChief3984d ago

Nah. Just all shipments will be handled by FedEx

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Mikelarry3984d ago

lol come on did we expect less. i mean if they were blocking used games it only makes sense in ms little bubble to want to stop you from selling the item used. so even if you regret purchasing one you are stuck with it for life like AIDS

Why o why3984d ago

Aids is a bit extreme..... maybe herpes

TheDarpaChief3984d ago

Id say its like having james woods as a friend

3984d ago Replies(6)
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